The CCM thread - unexpected Christian artists

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
The fact that you have to ask is Alice Cooper a Christian is your answer. If he was one you wouldn't need to ask. What's next you guys start listening to Marilyn Manson LOL.
You ask a very interesting question and I have been thinking about it all morning!

Let me ask you something…

Imagine one of the well known opponents of the Gospel here, perhaps Daze, who has something of a Christian background but has many quotable examples of taking an oppositional stance. You can imagine that they may have adopted the full Islamic style of dress and conduct, perhaps something like this:


Now, imagine if you will that Daze has an encounter with Jesus like Paul had on the road to Damascus. All of a sudden everything changes on the inside. At the same time, they realise that Jesus loves all the other Muslims in just the same way. Now he has a dilemma.

Known as an opponent of the Gospel, many Christians on this forum might have deep suspicions as to their true faith. Old posts might be brought up by Daze’s detractors.

Perhaps in his private life, instead of abandoning traditional Islamic dress, eating bacon and sausage and allowing himself an occasional lite beer, out of a desire to reach fellow Muslims, he stuck with the same look and diet restrictions in order to reach out to “his people”. Doing so could cause many to conclude that nothing had changed. New Daze may continue to be a controversial figure but ultimately he would be responsible to the Lord, whose judgement is the only one that counts.

Perhaps you get the picture?

Alice Cooper’s “people” who he has a heart for are rebels - he understands them because he was once on himself. Now he stands at the edge of the cliff he nearly fell down directing people away from rebellion against God using irony and sarcasm with the caricature he created, which was his once rebellious and disobedient self (as songs like “Dead Drunk Friends” illustrate).

“Alice Cooper” could have cut his hair, bought some chinos and dropped his rock sound in order to blend in with a certain Christian subculture, but perhaps (and I am guessing now) he kept the persona he had built so he could share his faith with those on the edge.

Not everyone will understand him, enjoy his music, approve of those he chooses to continue to associate with etc. He may be wanting to have his cake of fame and enjoy the approval of Christians who were once scandalised by his antics.

“Man looks on the outer appearance, God looks on the heart”.
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Oct 20, 2021
You ask a very interesting question and I have been thinking about it all morning!

Let me ask you something…

Imagine one of the well known opponents of the Gospel here, perhaps Daze, who has something of a Christian background but has many quotable examples of taking an oppositional stance. You can imagine that they may have adopted the full Islamic style of dress and conduct, perhaps something like this:

View attachment 108640

Now, imagine if you will that Daze has an encounter with Jesus like Paul had on the road to Damascus. All of a sudden everything changes on the inside. At the same time, they realise that Jesus loves all the other Muslims in just the same way. Now he has a dilemma.

Known as an opponent of the Gospel, many Christians on this forum might have deep suspicions as to their true faith. Old posts might be brought up by Daze’s detractors.

Perhaps in his private life, instead of abandoning traditional Islamic dress, eating bacon and sausage and allowing himself an occasional lite beer, out of a desire to reach fellow Muslims, he stuck with the same look and diet restrictions in order to reach out to “his people”. Doing so could cause many to conclude that nothing had changed. New Daze may continue to be a controversial figure but ultimately he would be responsible to the Lord, whose judgement is the only one that counts.

Perhaps you get the picture?

Alice Cooper’s “people” who he has a heart for are rebels - he understands them because he was once on himself. Now he stands at the edge of the cliff he nearly fell down directing people away from rebellion against God using irony and sarcasm with the caricature he created, which was his once rebellious and disobedient self (as songs like “Dead Drunk Friends” illustrate).

“Alice Cooper” could have cut his hair, bought some chinos and dropped his rock sound in order to blend in with a certain Christian subculture, but perhaps (and I am guessing now) he kept the persona he had built so he could share his faith with those on the edge.

Not everyone will understand him, enjoy his music, approve of those he chooses to continue to associate with etc. He may be wanting to have his cake of fame and enjoy the approval of Christians who were once scandalised by his antics.

“Man looks on the outer appearance, God looks on the heart”.
I couldn't tell if the bells were getting louder. The songs they ring I finally recognize. I only know Hell is getting hotter. Devil is getting smarter all the time. And it would be nice to walk upon the water. To talk again to Angels on my side. Time is getting closer I read it on a poster. Fanatical exposers on corners prophesied. It would be nice to walk upon the water and talk again to Angels on my side. I just came back to show you. All my words are Golden. So have no gods before me. I am the Light.


Feb 8, 2021
Second Coming Alice Cooper 1971
I'm with you Lizard King, Alice Cooper is definitely not a Christian.
When a person repents and believes that Jesus is their Lord and Savior the Holy Spirit indwells in them.. Very clear to me that the Holy Spirit is not indwelling in Alice Cooper. Obviously a demon is.
Oct 20, 2021
I'm with you Lizard King, Alice Cooper is definitely not a Christian.
When a person repents and believes that Jesus is their Lord and Savior the Holy Spirit indwells in them.. Very clear to me that the Holy Spirit is not indwelling in Alice Cooper. Obviously a demon is.
I think it is a marketing gimmick solely to make money. He works for people who worship money. Unfortunately the list is endless, Jim and Tammy Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart etc. They all promise that if you give them money God will bless you. The people who give them money are usually poor while they are living in expensive mansions and flying around in jets just like rock stars.
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Sep 11, 2023
I think it is a marketing gimmick solely to make money. He works for people who worship money. Unfortunately the list is endless, Jim and Tammy Bakker, Joyce Meyer, Jimmy Swaggart etc. They all promise that if you give them money God will bless you. The people who give them money are usually poor while they are living in expensive mansions and flying around in jets just like rock stars.
Alice Cooper (Vincents given stage name) chose an ancient OTO witch, who practice capital crimes for 'religion" is NOT A CHRISTIAN, _ we have pointed out all his recent 2024 mocking antics and he has not changed for the better, Red Sky, as you already know.

I do believe that Joyce Meyer is a real Christian, as she is in her 80s and still works very much full time with live shows, conferences, books, etc. She said she will not retire ever. So, it's not like she is being lazy and enjoying her millions, she is constantly spreading Gods word. She has never been caught in a scandal of any kind. Yes, she does have a mansion, and she is a prosperity preacher, but she works very hard and is the real deal.
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Oct 20, 2021
I believe that Joyce Meyer is a real Christian, as she is in her 80s and still works very much full time with live shows, conferences, books, etc. She said she will not retire ever. So, it's not like she is being lazy and enjoying her millions, she is constantly spreading Gods word. She has never been caught in a scandal of any kind. Yes, she does have a mansion, and she is a prosperity preacher, but she works very hard and is the real deal.
Maybe you right. I kind of like her to be honest. I edited my comment and took her name off it.


Jun 17, 2023
I'll read the whole thread when I will have the time to do it, but as a quick note... there's no such thing as "Christian rock" and there's no such thing as a "Christian Alice Cooper". He was the young lover of the octagenerian Groucho Marx at one point,if you don't know it yet. And Johnny Cash was a known CIA agent, among other things. It surprises me to the core that readers of VC still believe that these clowns have merits and morals. Never trust a celebrity !
Oct 20, 2021
I'll read the whole thread when I will have the time to do it, but as a quick note... there's no such thing as "Christian rock" and there's no such thing as a "Christian Alice Cooper". He was the young lover of the octagenerian Groucho Marx at one point,if you don't know it yet. And Johnny Cash was a known CIA agent, among other things. It surprises me to the core that readers of VC still believe that these clowns have merits and morals. Never trust a celebrity !
Johnny Cash was a known CIA agent?


Sep 11, 2023
I'll read the whole thread when I will have the time to do it, but as a quick note... there's no such thing as "Christian rock" and there's no such thing as a "Christian Alice Cooper". He was the young lover of the octagenerian Groucho Marx at one point,if you don't know it yet. And Johnny Cash was a known CIA agent, among other things. It surprises me to the core that readers of VC still believe that these clowns have merits and morals. Never trust a celebrity !
Is this alice c or dennis dunaway in his band? it was labled as him on pintrest. Interesting about groucho Marx do you have a link or source?ac3.jpg
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Oct 20, 2021
View attachment 108759
Is this alice c or dennis dunaway in his band? it was labled as him on pintrest. Interesting about groucho Marx do you have a link or source?View attachment 108760
That's Dennis Dunaway who wrote a book about Alice Cooper band. One story in the book is when he is talking to Alice who is in the middle of a long freebase binge and one of Alices teeth falls out because they are all rotting. Also they knew Jim Morrison and he claims that he loaned Morrison the sweater he is wearing on the cover of Waiting For The Sun.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Aside from Alice Cooper (but along the same lines) Brian Welch from Korn reached a rock-bottom point in his journey where he claims to have found faith.

On of his better songs….

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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Btw, for those most interested in the Alice Cooper question I have given it its own thread to continue on…


A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The entire world is literally FILLED with sinners (i.e. criminals - those who refuse to keep God's Law - 1 John 3:4). Judging others by their affiliations with a particular brand of religious superstitions and traditions is not only utterly ridiculous, but it is likewise sinful.

There are two sources for every single thought, word and action on this planet. If it's good, it came from God. If it's evil, then it came from the devil/Satan. It's that simple.

What matters is whether the lyrics to the song agree with Scripture and, as far as the singer goes, what the singer's actions are (whether they are in accordance with The Law that God gave us). The same goes for the rest of us.


Jun 17, 2023
Prove it.
Cash was a Christian, and some of his christian songs are very moving..:)
...and he collaborated with Rick Rubin towards the end of his life ! Totally in line with Christian values,lol :) It's unbelievable how most people are attached to their favourite artists and cannot see them for what they really are. Cash (what a name !!) wasn't the only one from the country scene that was a shill. Unless you believe that Willie Nelson is a good man, because he sings against authority,lol. Or Chris Christopherson...or the father of Miley Cyrus,how is he called ? Btw, do you know the backstory of the life of one of the most famous "protest" artists, called Phil Ochs ? Google "John Train",it will help you understand a lot more than you understand now.