Christian Bible: Revelation


Jul 28, 2018
If there is a better place to put this, please let me know. Didn't see a previous posting similar.

Ok, many of you know something about the Christian bible because I have read your comments.
I am using this post to specifically gather items in current events that seem to match what is stated in the book of Revelations in the Christian bible.
Please post the picture/news article/internet or other proof, along with the scripture reference.
(putting that last part in because so many claim "it's in the Bible" but only in that person's imagination)

This isn't as much of a "christian" post, or a post geared to Christians, but the fact most of here are only on this forum because we have seen enough weird stuff in culture to indicate folks are trying to change culture in an adverse, and often very specifically BAD way. Revelation is one of the books that specifically addresses this trend.
What have you seen in culture to match?

This is what sparked this thread: (if the picture doesn't appear, look at attachment)
why i follow literal historical plenary.PNG

Revelation 13: 16-17 (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name

Picture is using left hand, but right now it is also not mandatory.
Saw an email advertisement for this May 8 2024, and several days before.

There is also that older news report of the first adopters of this technology somewhere in Northern Europe, and at specific job sites.
You're welcome to post that too if you can find it again.


Mar 18, 2017
The Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 has generated alarm on the Left and in some Christian circles. Here are some videos, including one where the president accepted the invitation and went to this year's WEF meeting and railed against "the elite".







Mar 18, 2017
Israel's current finance minister, the hard-right winger Smotrich, made an interesting statement early last year, before the war. I'll leave it here for consideration down the line because there are breadcrumbs in MSM about theocracies developing in Israel & America simultaneously.
"Israel's incoming finance minister has said his economic strategy will be infused with religious beliefs laid out in the Torah, predicting that this would help the country prosper
"They tried many economic theories, right? They tried capitalism, they tried socialism. There is one thing they didn't try: 'if you obey'," Smotrich said, referring to Jewish scripture that calls on people to follow God's will.
The hosts asked Wolfe about the area where the rubber meets the road for Christian nationalism: government. If Christians were in charge of the government, Thorpe asked Wolfe, are they not then “bound to use [their] religious doctrine in order to shape the laws that [they’re] going to put in front of people? Source



Mar 18, 2017
Oct 20, 2021
Maybe Allie Beth Stuckey has the answer unfortunately like all the Evangelicals she is programmed to believe that somehow we should sacrifice our lives and money for the Synagogue of Satan.


Apr 26, 2024
If you believe what you read in the bible then you understand that these events HAVE to happen.
It's depressing as fuck, but to gain your place in heaven. You got to turn your back on this earth.


Jun 28, 2020
If there is a better place to put this, please let me know. Didn't see a previous posting similar.

Ok, many of you know something about the Christian bible because I have read your comments.
I am using this post to specifically gather items in current events that seem to match what is stated in the book of Revelations in the Christian bible.
Please post the picture/news article/internet or other proof, along with the scripture reference.
(putting that last part in because so many claim "it's in the Bible" but only in that person's imagination)

This isn't as much of a "christian" post, or a post geared to Christians, but the fact most of here are only on this forum because we have seen enough weird stuff in culture to indicate folks are trying to change culture in an adverse, and often very specifically BAD way. Revelation is one of the books that specifically addresses this trend.
What have you seen in culture to match?

This is what sparked this thread: (if the picture doesn't appear, look at attachment)
View attachment 104858

Revelation 13: 16-17 (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name

Picture is using left hand, but right now it is also not mandatory.
Saw an email advertisement for this May 8 2024, and several days before.

There is also that older news report of the first adopters of this technology somewhere in Northern Europe, and at specific job sites.
You're welcome to post that too if you can find it again.
Rev 2:9 and 3:9 seem relevant today.

As far as "the mark" (which most likely is the bar code, as it is on every product and nothing can be bought without it)... The Amazon scan itself was a scam. They claimed it was Ai, but it was 1000s of camera with Indians watching your every move and recording everything you took, ultimately charging you for each item.

I have many problems with Amazon, a real scumbag company that won't even give their employees bathroom breaks but wastes money as if it was water at the top. Like giving Dolly Pardon 100 million in "charity". Because the rich giving money to the rich is charity.

But many people support these demons because they offer cheap products, just like Walmart. Billions at the top with government subsidies and tax incentives, but give a slave wage for those who serve them.


Jun 28, 2020
If you believe what you read in the bible then you understand that these events HAVE to happen.
It's depressing as fuck, but to gain your place in heaven. You got to turn your back on this earth.
I see, Christian.

Since you mock Allahs name in another thread, what are your thoughts on millions of Christians who speak Arabic, calling upon God by Allah?

Nice language btw "Christian".



Apr 26, 2024
I see, Christian.

Since you mock Allahs name in another thread, what are your thoughts on millions of Christians who speak Arabic, calling upon God by Allah?

Nice language btw "Christian".

View attachment 105491
No mate, I ain't no Christian. Those fucking retards just do the same shit over and over again, they are the MOST hypocritical of people.

My faith lies with Jesus and Jesus only he is the door, the truth and the light.

My language is English, a dirty Freemasonic tongue. I have no pride in my land or of it's people.

What about all those Christians in the middle east who get bashed to fuck for their beliefs?

ALL religion is false, when will any Christian, Muslim, Jew......... Realise that?

But it's not my problem, I'm only here to give my two cents.

For all I know, I'm totally wrong.


Jun 28, 2020
No mate, I ain't no Christian. Those fucking retards just do the same shit over and over again, they are the MOST hypocritical of people.

My faith lies with Jesus and Jesus only he is the door, the truth and the light.

My language is English, a dirty Freemasonic tongue. I have no pride in my land or of it's people.

What about all those Christians in the middle east who get bashed to fuck for their beliefs?

ALL religion is false, when will any Christian, Muslim, Jew......... Realise that?

But it's not my problem, I'm only here to give my two cents.

For all I know, I'm totally wrong.
Interesting perspective. You remind me of Artful. He's a gnostic here but comes off as a Christian. Idk how to explain it. Disillusioned with the church so he has taken his own path, but still holds to the Bible.

I've always argued that if God didn't expect to be obeyed, he never would have sent down instructions.

Christianity is persecuted in the Middle East, but it's not by the Muslims. It is a sign of the hour. As it foreshadows a prophesied alliance against Zion.


Apr 26, 2024
Interesting perspective. You remind me of Artful. He's a gnostic here but comes off as a Christian. Idk how to explain it. Disillusioned with the church so he has taken his own path, but still holds to the Bible.

I've always argued that if God didn't expect to be obeyed, he never would have sent down instructions.

Christianity is persecuted in the Middle East, but it's not by the Muslims. It is a sign of the hour. As it foreshadows a prophesied alliance against Zion.
Mate, I'm just worn down and tired of sifting through the shit the world throws my way.
For the most part I can literally deny most, but then there's aspects of life that you are just forced into taking part.

Gnostics are a dangerous folk, a you can tell I'm not a fan of Masonry and those are gnostics deep down.

Gnostics just seem to be fence sitters, they will chose the path that suits their agendas.

I feel more welcome in a mosque than a church, at the end of the day IM the church, a building cannot and will not be a substitute for the lord, if I think he knows.
Why do I need a building and a following of souls to worship him?

Seems suspicious to me plus dont get me started on the catholics, now that's a religion I DO hate.


Jun 28, 2020
Mate, I'm just worn down and tired of sifting through the shit the world throws my way.
For the most part I can literally deny most, but then there's aspects of life that you are just forced into taking part.

Gnostics are a dangerous folk, a you can tell I'm not a fan of Masonry and those are gnostics deep down.

Gnostics just seem to be fence sitters, they will chose the path that suits their agendas.

I feel more welcome in a mosque than a church, at the end of the day IM the church, a building cannot and will not be a substitute for the lord, if I think he knows.
Why do I need a building and a following of souls to worship him?

Seems suspicious to me plus dont get me started on the catholics, now that's a religion I DO hate.
Idk about masons being Gnostic. Gnosticism is essentially belief in the Divine, but not following any set path to him.

From what I can see 80, if not 90% of Masons are everyday average people. It is the other 10-20% that are running society and have special powers due to contracts with the devil. Which ultimately makes them satan worshipers. Not Gnostics.

I went to my old hometown in 2019 to bury my mother. Small town, maybe 3000 people. I remember seeing a sign saying something like the local PD was masonic. These guys are not devil worshipers. They're backwoods, detached from global society. But masonry is engrained amongst the armed services today. Even down to the local police departments.

Why do I need a building and a following of souls to worship him?
As I said, I think if God didn't expect to be obeyed, he never would have sent down instructions. Which is essentially the Torah, Injeel (Bible) and Quran.

While I can't say the same for Christianity, it is highly encouraged to pray in congregation in Islam. The prayer prayed at the mosque is 27x in reward compared to the prayer prayed at home.

There is a well known hadith where the prophet (saw) said he wished to burn down all the homes of the men who stayed home and didn't attend congregational prayers.

There is another hadith that says the man who prays has 2 angels who pray with him. The one who gives the athan (call to prayer) before "solo" prayer has an army of angels who pray with him. Because this is what God prefers. Gatherings, large masses in worship.

There is reason for this if thought is put into it. So one can learn his religion from men who have made it into a lifetime career. So he is connected, so he can see what issues the community is dealing with and so on.

Look at what the West has done on its attack of Islam. For starters, they took out the Caliphate. Divided the Muslim nation with imaginary lines on a map and stocked the fires of nationalism.

From this..
To a map cut up with imaginary lines drawn by the occupiers. What was 1 nation is now 50 or more.

As you said, division thier tool. It is why Palestine is bleeding today. Because Muslims are not one united force.


Apr 26, 2024
Idk about masons being Gnostic. Gnosticism is essentially belief in the Divine, but not following any set path to him.

From what I can see 80, if not 90% of Masons are everyday average people. It is the other 10-20% that are running society and have special powers due to contracts with the devil. Which ultimately makes them satan worshipers. Not Gnostics.

I went to my old hometown in 2019 to bury my mother. Small town, maybe 3000 people. I remember seeing a sign saying something like the local PD was masonic. These guys are not devil worshipers. They're backwoods, detached from global society. But masonry is engrained amongst the armed services today. Even down to the local police departments.

As I said, I think if God didn't expect to be obeyed, he never would have sent down instructions. Which is essentially the Torah, Injeel (Bible) and Quran.

While I can't say the same for Christianity, it is highly encouraged to pray in congregation in Islam. The prayer prayed at the mosque is 27x in reward compared to the prayer prayed at home.

There is a well known hadith where the prophet (saw) said he wished to burn down all the homes of the men who stayed home and didn't attend congregational prayers.

There is another hadith that says the man who prays has 2 angels who pray with him. The one who gives the athan (call to prayer) before "solo" prayer has an army of angels who pray with him. Because this is what God prefers. Gatherings, large masses in worship.

There is reason for this if thought is put into it. So one can learn his religion from men who have made it into a lifetime career. So he is connected, so he can see what issues the community is dealing with and so on.

Look at what the West has done on its attack of Islam. For starters, they took out the Caliphate. Divided the Muslim nation with imaginary lines on a map and stocked the fires of nationalism.

From this..
View attachment 105493
To a map cut up with imaginary lines drawn by the occupiers. What was 1 nation is now 50 or more.

As you said, division thier tool. It is why Palestine is bleeding today. Because Muslims are not one united force.

Fucking ell mate, I have to reply to all that now hahaha

Freemasonry is based upon you must believe in a deity to enter, doesn't matter which because your gonna be giving up your path to the lord anyway.
Deep down it's satanism which I always saw as gnostic anyway (but I'm always up for learning more) nothing more or less, unfortunately those 80-90% are blind to what the real purpose is.
In the UK the police wear the checkerboard openly, I'd say they are well aware. Look at their oath, it isn't for the common man.
The police (John peel 33°) are nothing but the guardians of the so called "elite".
Same with the armed forces, I mean all it's for is to cut it's way through the world, I'm yet to see any form of "defence" it's just offence, look at the state of the middle east, look at the photos from Iraq, iran etc in the 70s oh man how fucked up it has become.
I'm guessing the Muslim Brotherhood played its part, masons with a shalwar kameez and a fez.
Masonry is a brotherhood and charity, I know many masons all differ in their degrees but I can tell you this, not one of them is up there, just dumb useless idiots who cannot see their errors.
But they do run the show, from top to bottom their influence is in EVERYTHING!

Now , I can only say you have more to teach me on the subject of islam, because I do not know enough to really give a valid opinion.

I'm not a good "Christian" I was an atheist for a long time, even dabbled with the evil satanic ways as a youth.
Getting older I realised more, so I went down the rabbit hole of religion.
Starting with the Dao De Jing, buddism etc al. Turns out all pagan wishwash, again signs and symbols rule the earth.
That's why I avoid the church same shit different brand.
I've always found the cross ugly and abhorrent, why would I want to wear the murder of the lord around my neck?
My dad was murdered, it would be odd to carry a picture of his corpse around.
Also Jesus doesn't need a donation plate haha

I'm not even a good person, but all I have is Jesus, I cant do anything on earth to right the wrongs im no judge.
All I have is faith that I don't belong to this world and I'm saved for the glory of the heavens.

(Which by the way, I don't personally think I should be saved. But I don't make the rules.)


Jun 28, 2020
why would I want to wear the murder of the lord around my neck?
I've raised the same argument myself. We have more in common than it seems.

Also Jesus doesn't need a donation plate haha
While I do agree with this, God can easily feed and clothe everyone. All he has to do is say "Be" and it is.
But charity is for us. God is not in need of it (he's not in need of anything). He wants to see if we will help those in need.

God will ask a man on judgement day, "why didn't you feed me?".
The man will say, "How can I feed you when you are the provider?"
God will say, "when you met my servant and refused to feed him, you would have found me with him"

Life is a test, day in and day out. Nothing more, nothing less.

I'm not even a good person,
All of us are sinners. The last prophet (saw) has said…


What is key is we seek forgiveness. As there is not a man among us who does not sin. Remember when Jesus (as) said "let the one who has not sinned throw the first stone"

Let me clarify, Jesus is a prophet in Islam. Indeed, an important one. He appears in the Quran more than any other prophet. But Muslims do not worship him. They don't see him any more divine than Noah, Moses, etc.

What I suggest you do is just ask God himself to show you the truth. Ask him to lead you to what pleases him. Those God guides can not go astray.


Apr 26, 2024
I've raised the same argument myself. We have more in common than it seems.

While I do agree with this, God can easily feed and clothe everyone. All he has to do is say "Be" and it is.
But charity is for us. God is not in need of it (he's not in need of anything). He wants to see if we will help those in need.

God will ask a man on judgement day, "why didn't you feed me?".
The man will say, "How can I feed you when you are the provider?"
God will say, "when you met my servant and refused to feed him, you would have found me with him"

Life is a test, day in and day out. Nothing more, nothing less.

All of us are sinners. The last prophet (saw) has said…

View attachment 105500

What is key is we seek forgiveness. As there is not a man among us who does not sin. Remember when Jesus (as) said "let the one who has not sinned throw the first stone"

Let me clarify, Jesus is a prophet in Islam. Indeed, an important one. He appears in the Quran more than any other prophet. But Muslims do not worship him. They don't see him any more divine than Noah, Moses, etc.

What I suggest you do is just ask God himself to show you the truth. Ask him to lead you to what pleases him. Those God guides can not go astray.

See all it took was me being a twat to make peace! Haha

I've always had much in common with Muslims, I grew up in a Pakistani area of Bradford.
Islam has what the west lost, and unfortunately Islam is losing in the west.
All the brothers need audis, gold and money, the women are now westernised to fuck and slutty as.
The one thing I've always admired is the community, if I was in trouble now. There would be no whiteys to help, but I could ring on at least 10 of my Muslim friends and 50 will arrive.

I agree with god gives I know that personally, all you have to do is ask.

I know jesus is in the Koran, I've had many of these discussions before.

I'll never be a revert, there's nothing to go back to. It's been tried before with friends, but they know not to bother.

BUT I will always respect islam (I know earlier we would have to call me an hypocrite for stating that now) but I think you can see past that.
The culture the ways I'm all for that, we only have our divide when it comes to our saviours.

If Christians and Muslims united a front against the evil of the world, I think it would be a very different place. But it's not meant to be that way.. ...


Jun 28, 2020
All the brothers need audis, gold and money, the women are now westernised
While this is true, it is not the majority.

There are some 5 million Muslims in the US. Maybe 10% of them are focused on the dunya.

But if they don't hold to the basics, like they never pray, then they are not Muslim. I've met a few of these people. They say they are Muslim. But they have no connection to the religion.

The culture the ways I'm all for that
It is the religion that has made them this way. The Quran says "the believers are but brothers", so it is essentially all family.

If Christians and Muslims united a front against the evil of the world
This is quite literally coming, as it is prophecy. I can't say if it has started or if it is 1000 years away. But seeing so many westerners supporting Palestine, it looks like it has started and God knows best.