The CCM thread - unexpected Christian artists

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I never knew what “CCM” meant until someone spelled it out for me - turns out it stands for “Contemporary Christian Music”…

Anyway, I grew up in a church that only sang hymns and “contemporary” meant anything after 1900!! For those who like their music a bit more up to date (maybe 1960s onwards?) I thought it might be good to have a thread where we can share and discover some fresh sounds that bring glory to God.

Philippians 4:8
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Alice Cooper talks about his faith in Jesus Christ.

"A lot of people say, I came to Christ because of my love for Jesus. I came to Christ because of my fear of God. I totally understood that hell was not getting high with Jim Morrison. Hell was going to be the worst place ever. In fear, I came back to the Lord. I knew who Jesus was, and I knew that I had been living my life without him. I knew there had to come a point where I either accepted Christ and started living that life, or if I died in this, I was in a lot of trouble. And that's what really motivated me. I just got to a point where I said I'm tired of living this way. I'll tell you one thing, when Jesus opens your eyes, and you finally realize who you are and who he is, it's a whole different world."

~ Alice Cooper



Feb 8, 2021
Alice Cooper talks about his faith in Jesus Christ.
"A lot of people say, I came to Christ because of my love for Jesus. I came to Christ because of my fear of God. I totally understood that hell was not getting high with Jim Morrison. Hell was going to be the worst place ever. In fear, I came back to the Lord. I knew who Jesus was, and I knew that I had been living my life without him. I knew there had to come a point where I either accepted Christ and started living that life, or if I died in this, I was in a lot of trouble. And that's what really motivated me. I just got to a point where I said I'm tired of living this way. I'll tell you one thing, when Jesus opens your eyes, and you finally realize who you are and who he is, it's a whole different world."

~ Alice Cooper

A few years back many of my Christian friends would talk about how wonderful it was that Kanye West was a born again Christian.
I was shocked they actually believed it!
I didn't and
I certainly do not believe Alice Cooper is a born again Christian.
You will know them by their fruits.
Her is a link to his 2024 tour


Sep 21, 2021
Alice Cooper talks about his faith in Jesus Christ.
"A lot of people say, I came to Christ because of my love for Jesus. I came to Christ because of my fear of God. I totally understood that hell was not getting high with Jim Morrison. Hell was going to be the worst place ever. In fear, I came back to the Lord. I knew who Jesus was, and I knew that I had been living my life without him. I knew there had to come a point where I either accepted Christ and started living that life, or if I died in this, I was in a lot of trouble. And that's what really motivated me. I just got to a point where I said I'm tired of living this way. I'll tell you one thing, when Jesus opens your eyes, and you finally realize who you are and who he is, it's a whole different world."

~ Alice Cooper

Proverbs 9:10
New International Version

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Oct 20, 2021
I saw Alice Cooper in 1972 at Berkeley Community Theater. They were promoting the Killer album which had just come out. It was when the original band was still together and it was truly bizarre. Howling Wolf was the opening act. The next album was School's Out and then Billion Dollar Babies. One of those I can't remember featured a pair of women's underwear that covered the vinyl record and you could actually wear. Their first two albums were Pretties For You and Easy Action which are often overlooked. If Alice is considered acceptable to Christians now it doesn't surprise me considering the church down the street from me is always pushing LGQBS and Black Lies Matter. As evidenced by ZioChristians supporting the Synagogue of Satan looting the USA taxpayers to kill people for the beach front property and gas rights. Here is a future preview of what's coming next: the Pier they are building in Gaza has nothing to do with providing food for Gaza but will be used to ship all the Palestinians to the USA. Synagogue of Satan gets rid of all the Palestinians and ships them all to the USA and the USA taxpayers pay for it.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I saw Alice Cooper in 1972 at Berkeley Community Theater. They were promoting the Killer album which had just come out. It was when the original band was still together and it was truly bizarre. Howling Wolf was the opening act. The next album was School's Out and then Billion Dollar Babies. One of those I can't remember featured a pair of women's underwear that covered the vinyl record and you could actually wear. Their first two albums were Pretties For You and Easy Action which are often overlooked. If Alice is considered acceptable to Christians now it doesn't surprise me considering the church down the street from me is always pushing LGQBS and Black Lies Matter…,
The thing is, Alice Cooper certainly was into extremely evil music - I remember the lyrics to Pure Ethyl were pretty depraved. He used to live a life of great excess and immorality. Somewhere between recording the album which included “Poison” and “The Last Temptation”, he came to a point of repentance. Many of the songs on “Dragontown” and “Along Came a Spider” show an understanding of the gospel that would be difficult to fake

In a 180 degree turn, he now plays “Alice Cooper” not as himself but as an example of the attitudes and choices that could wind someone up eternally separated from God. I think he took it on as his mission to reach the kind of people who are heading down the same road he was on. e.g.

Of course, not everyone will see or understand that. I just posted that one up because I really like the irony in his lyrics.

On the other hand, when Kanye West “converted”, I listened to his “Jesus is King” album and it didn’t really come over as genuine. On the subject of “I just wanna be God”, Kanye West still hasn’t let go of that desire, by the looks of things…
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Feb 8, 2021
Isaiah 5:20
20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

I clearly see evil here.
M G also posted evil pics of Alice Cooper.
The ones I am posting are within the last 2 months when he has clearly stated he is a follower of Christ.
Oct 20, 2021
He definitely sold his soul and is being financially rewarded. He really has no option other than to claim he is now a Christian. He fools a lot of people but he can't fool God. He promotes ungodly music regardless of what he claims. Sad that new generations are being seduced by these tricks. Ultimately there is no difference between him and Marilyn Manson who is an avowed Satanist. Also he is the son of a preacher so he knows what he is doing. If I had children the last thing I would want is for them to be listening to and supporting Alice Cooper and somehow believing it is alright because he is a Christian. He is satanic all the way. It shows how far Christian standards have fallen that he could be considered a devout Christian. Blasphemy is the absolute worst thing a person can commit and on Judgement Day he will be held accountable. When one sells their soul for money there is no coming back. All the money in the world can't save him. He signed the contract and his soul is now Devil's Food.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
He definitely sold his soul and is being financially rewarded. He really has no option other than to claim he is now a Christian. He fools a lot of people but he can't fool God. He promotes ungodly music regardless of what he claims. Sad that new generations are being seduced by these tricks. Ultimately there is no difference between him and Marilyn Manson who is an avowed Satanist. Also he is the son of a preacher so he knows what he is doing. If I had children the last thing I would want is for them to be listening to and supporting Alice Cooper and somehow believing it is alright because he is a Christian. He is satanic all the way. It shows how far Christian standards have fallen that he could be considered a devout Christian. Blasphemy is the absolute worst thing a person can commit and on Judgement Day he will be held accountable. When one sells their soul for money there is no coming back. All the money in the world can't save him. He signed the contract and his soul is now Devil's Food.
Do you think he continues to promote the same message he used to? Just interested….

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

What if I'm wrong
I've been deceived all along
What if I'm wrong

What have I done
Did I waste a life just for fun
What have I done

What did I do
I did what voices told me to
What did I do

Where will I go
Will I sink through fire down below
Where will I go

Any chance of salvation
Any chance for me
Any chance of salvation for eternity
Any chance of salvation
Someone died for me
Washed in blood he cared enough to pity me

Why do I care
What's wrong with me, my hate is gone
Why do I care

When did I change
What's different now, it's very strange
When did I change

Any chance of salvation
Any chance for me
Any chance of salvation for eternity
Any chance of salvation
Someone died for me
Washed in blood he cared enough to pity me

In my heart
In my soul
Something's new, that's very old
Like a pain that's finally gone
I feel my heavy burden lifted

Any chance of salvation
Any chance for me
Any chance of salvation

Any chance of salvation
Any chance for me
Any chance of salvation for eternity
Any chance of salvation
Any chance for me
Any chance of salvation for eternity
Any chance of salvation
Any chance for me
Any chance of salvation for eternity

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
To God Be the Glory is a hymn with lyrics by Fanny Crosby[1] and tune by William Howard Doane, first published in 1875.

“O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood, To every believer the promise of God; The vilest offender who truly believes, That moment from Jesus a pardon receives.”

Lucifer Dethroned, by William Scnoebalen

He was a Satanist...

His checks to the Church of Satan made that clear. But when a Christian bank clerk has the courage to write on one of those checks, "I'm praying for you in Jesus' name," Bill Schnoebelen's life came apart.

His occultic powers disappeared, and everything went "wrong!" He had come face to face with a power greater than Satan.

Here is the compelling story of Bill's deliverance and healing from the clutches of Satan. Your heart will grieve as you see what our enemy can do to a man.

This book illustrates many inspirational themes,
... Prayer really does work.
... Nobody is "too far gone."
... No sin is too great for our merciful God to forgive.
... And nothing is impossible with God.
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Sep 4, 2023
".....When all Gods children shall gather around the table
of the Lord Himself and the greatest suppertime of them all...
Come home, come home it's suppertime
The shadows lengthen fast
Come home, come home it's suppertime
We're going home at last..."


Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
".....When all Gods children shall gather around the table
of the Lord Himself and the greatest suppertime of them all...
Come home, come home it's suppertime
The shadows lengthen fast
Come home, come home it's suppertime
We're going home at last..."

Love that one!!!

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
".....When all Gods children shall gather around the table
of the Lord Himself and the greatest suppertime of them all...
Come home, come home it's suppertime
The shadows lengthen fast
Come home, come home it's suppertime
We're going home at last..."

I love some of the older music!!!


Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Just a biographical note from me - I grew up on hymns it the Church of England. One of the things that I think drew me away from closeness to God over my younger years was the idea that Christians were square. I have never been especially square, or especially “religious” for that matter, so the external trappings of a “Sunday best” style have always turned me off. Perhaps that’s why I gravitate to others who have had a rebellious past - I think there are many who have lost their way and become prodigals only to feel the Fathers grace and embrace when they stop kicking against Him.

I think there are a good many people who may have had my journey, and a good many who may have had the opposite.

Anyway, as far as music is concerned, if it blesses you and draws you close to the Lord, it’s all good. If it’s not your style, or if the singer gets in the way of the message for you, just ignore it and move on to something you do like.
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