Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Mar 15, 2017

Tehran has warned it will strike again with greater force if Israel or the US retaliate for the Iranian strike on Israel that used more than 300 drones and missiles on Saturday night.

The air raids, the country’s first ever direct attack on the Israeli state, brought a years-long shadow war into the open and threatened to draw the region into a broader conflagration as Israel said it was considering its response.

“Our response will be much larger than tonight’s military action if Israel retaliates against Iran,” the Iranian armed forces’ chief of staff, Maj Gen Mohammad Bagheri, told state TV, adding that Tehran had warned Washington that any backing of Israeli retaliation would result in US bases being targeted.

Iranian officials added that regional neighbours had been informed several days before the airstrikes. Speaking to foreign ambassadors in Tehran, Iran’s foreign minister, Hossein Amirabdollahian, said Iran had also informed the US that its strikes on Israel would be “limited” and for self defence.

Israel, with the help of key western allies including the US, UK and Jordan, claimed to have intercepted 99% of the launches during the mass strike, but added that some ballistic missiles had reached Israel, damaging the Nevatim airbase in the south of the country, which remained operational.

The UK prime minister, Rishi Sunak, confirmed that RAF jets had shot down Iranian drones involved in the attack. “I can confirm that our planes did shoot down a number of Iranian attack drones,” Sunak told broadcasters. “If this attack had been successful, the fallout for regional stability would be hard to overstate.”

As the UN security council prepared to convene an emergency session, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said more than 350 missiles were launched during the attack from Iran, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen, and called the interception rate a “significant strategic success”.


May 17, 2020
Israeli defence against Iran attack overnight 'likely cost over $1bn'

Israel likely used over $1bn worth of defensive systems to stop Iran's attacks overnight, according to a former financial adviser to Israel's military.

"The defence tonight was on the order of 4-5bn shekels [$1-1.3bn]," estimated Reem Aminoach, former financial adviser to the Israeli military's chief of staff, in an interview with Israel's Ynet news.

"If we're talking about ballistic missiles that need to be brought down with an Arrow system, cruise missiles that need to be brought down with other missiles, and UAVs, which we actually bring down mainly with airplanes - then add up the costs - $3.5m for an Arrow missile, $1m for a David's Sling, such and such costs for airplanes. An order of magnitude of 4-5bn shekels."



May 17, 2020

Testimonies of displaced people targeted during attempt to return to northern Gaza

In a video verified by Al Jazeera, a number of the displaced Palestinians recounted how they were targeted by the Israeli army while trying to return to the northern Gaza Strip.
“We reached the vicinity of the Israeli vehicles, we were shot and there were injuries, I was afraid for my children and I returned to the middle of the Gaza Strip,” one woman said.
Another woman added: “We were shelled with artillery shells, we risked ourselves and our children because we want to return to northern Gaza, there are our families, our house and everything we have, our house was bombed and I will go to my husband’s family house.”
Montaser Masoud, a displaced man from Jabalia camp, said: “We heard news that people had returned to northern Gaza, and we found thousands when we arrived, the planes fired at us, and there are young men and women who were injured, there are a large number of injured.”
“The army shot at us while we were trying to return to Gaza City, I wanted to go back to my children, but the Israeli army shot us and expelled us,” a woman said.
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