Antichrist 45

Dec 30, 2023
To all my fellow Christians here, I've got a channel to recommend. It's called Antichrist 45, and the youtuber running it makes a very detailed, believable theory on why Trump may be the AC based on Bible prophecy. The most recent example being him receiving the "prince of peace" menorah by the Israeli Heritage Foundation. Check out AC45, and spread the word. Once again, it's Antichrist 45. Very informative videos.

P.S. I'm expecting the false prophet to possibly be the Pope or maybe Elon Musk.


Mar 22, 2023
Hmm sounds interesting but I highly doubt it. I think It will be someone loved by both the media elites, masses and even many Christians who will be deceived. Someone who 'brings both sides together'. Sort of like Obama but maybe less partisan. 'Everyone' loves this person or so the wide perception is. I have thought of Elon Musk too btw with his neuralink transhumanist agenda. But I think now the media establishment/left despise him too much so I've pretty much ruled him out. I do suspect he is controlled opposition though and I think that technology will definitely be used at some point to controll masses. The pope seems a little more possible to me given the high number of Catholics and his globalist leanings, although even then the Pope is something of a divisive figure.
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Dec 27, 2017
The anti christ is the papacy according to the Bible. It fits all the points given in the Bible especially in the books of Daniel and Revelation. Its not a single individual but a system/an organisation.


Jun 28, 2020
To all my fellow Christians here, I've got a channel to recommend. It's called Antichrist 45, and the youtuber running it makes a very detailed, believable theory on why Trump may be the AC based on Bible prophecy. The most recent example being him receiving the "prince of peace" menorah by the Israeli Heritage Foundation. Check out AC45, and spread the word. Once again, it's Antichrist 45. Very informative videos.

P.S. I'm expecting the false prophet to possibly be the Pope or maybe Elon Musk.
There is zero chance Trump is the antichrist.
There is zero chance the Pope is the antichrist.
There is zero chance Musk is the antichrist.

For many reasons, one obvious one is we know he will be one eyed, quite literally. This alone counts out all 3. But there are many other details such as he will be barren, no children. Young, black, curly hair. So on and so forth. He will be able to preform miracles, after all, he will convince billions he is god. None of them can do this.

What you deem as "very informative videos" sounds like misguidance and God knows best.