Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Jan 10, 2019
I wanted to gain an understanding of the UN report on sexual violence committed during and after October 7th, which was released yesterday. I'll link the UN article which includes the press conference but the intention of the statements are puzzling. Without any evidence but only "clear and convincing information" Pramila Patten is basically enabling the continuation of harmful Israeli war propaganda. Look at this quote:

The mission made up of Ms. Patten and nine experts – which was not investigative in nature – conducted 33 meetings with Israeli representatives, examining more than 5,000 photographic images and 50 hours of video footage. It conducted 34 confidential interviews including with survivors and witnesses of the 7 October attacks, released hostages, first responders and others.

The press conference got heated at the 30 minute mark when Patten was questioned by two journalists, one who mentioned the team relied on statements from the same Zacha member in the debunked NYT propaganda piece. It was revealed that the 4 claimed Israeli victims could not be interviewed as they were receiving special treatment for trauma(?). It's telling that Israel won't allow the actual UNHR authorities to investigate.


Mar 15, 2017

Full article:

Her testimony is interesting. The Guardian has been Pro Israel and Anti Resistance throughout this genocide so some of the over the top references to poor IDF soldiers being killed had to be inserted and highlighted in her testimony. They’re serving soldiers engaging in war, what did they think would happen?

I dare them to ask a released Palestinian hostage of their experience and how they were treated by IDF soldiers. You see how an Israeli hostage has more worth than a Palestinian one? In the eyes of MM that is…


Mar 15, 2017
A very informative interview. Jones speaks to Zeina, who is part of a research group that have analysed the official figures (the Palestinian death toll, access to health and sanitation, food/water/shelter etc) and have concluded even if there is a ceasefire, the situation will get worse.
For instance, in some areas, there are up to 500 Palestinians sharing one bathroom. With the lack of sanitation and overflowing sewage systems (due to the carpet bombing) many people are at heightened risk of cholera and other infectious illnesses. These could’ve been treated fairly easily if they had access to healthcare and medicine, but they don’t. So many, especially children under 5, are dropping dead from preventable diseases and ailments.

Zeina goes on to explain the death toll has been predicted to be as high as 38,000 Palestinians. This is due to the unaccounted for bodies under the rubble which are unaccessible and those who have died or are on the brink of death at home or in shelters/ hospital, as a result of their injuries.

The Gazans simply cannot cope with the sheer scale of decimation and this will only further increase the death toll of those affected by this genocide, in the coming months. We’ve only started to see how months of suffering and starvation has led to the deaths of many children and infants, this will only get worse as preventative measures are still in place by Israel.



Mar 15, 2017
It was revealed that the 4 claimed Israeli victims could not be interviewed as they were receiving special treatment for trauma(?).
bombastic side eye!

Surely there would be more immediacy in interviewing sexual trauma victims so there can be an accurate recollection of events? If a woman is raped or assaulted in the UK, she is urged to go straight into the police station and issue a statement along with samples for evidence. Why does basic protocol go out of the window when investigating such grave allegations?

Also doesn’t receiving special treatment for trauma include talking about and describing the events that occurred?

Oh that’s right, never question the victim always believe what they say (!)


May 17, 2020
I wanted to gain an understanding of the UN report on sexual violence committed during and after October 7th, which was released yesterday. I'll link the UN article which includes the press conference but the intention of the statements are puzzling. Without any evidence but only "clear and convincing information" Pramila Patten is basically enabling the continuation of harmful Israeli war propaganda. Look at this quote:

The mission made up of Ms. Patten and nine experts – which was not investigative in nature – conducted 33 meetings with Israeli representatives, examining more than 5,000 photographic images and 50 hours of video footage. It conducted 34 confidential interviews including with survivors and witnesses of the 7 October attacks, released hostages, first responders and others.

The press conference got heated at the 30 minute mark when Patten was questioned by two journalists, one who mentioned the team relied on statements from the same Zacha member in the debunked NYT propaganda piece. It was revealed that the 4 claimed Israeli victims could not be interviewed as they were receiving special treatment for trauma(?). It's telling that Israel won't allow the actual UNHR authorities to investigate.
Highly confusing.

17. With respect to hostages, the mission team found clear and convincing information that some have been subjected to various forms of conflict-related sexual violence including r*pe and sexualized torture and sexualized cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and it also has reasonable grounds to believe that such violence may be ongoing.
So they couldn't talk to survivors of the nova festival because of trauma. Yet women who were held captive and sexually abused for 6-7 weeks didn't suffer any such trauma and were able to speak of their experience.

I'm no trauma specialist but you would think that women held captive raped and tortured for 7 weeks would show a higher level of trauma than those who escaped on the day of Oct 7th.


May 17, 2020
Killing of aid seekers part of a ‘decades-long pattern’ of Israeli violence: HRW

8 mins



May 17, 2020

From bottom of article,

Meanwhile, the controversy has so boosted bracelet orders that the girls suspended sales last week because they couldn’t keep up. Abuhamdeh invited members of the public to help them make bracelets at a mosque on Saturday, and about 100 volunteers showed up.

Thanks to that “solidarity and humanity,” they have raised more than $10,000, Abuhamdeh said.