Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Jun 28, 2020
I have never heard that one - not from Hamas.
Jews Muslims and Christains all lived peacefully together in the holy lands for centuries before 1948. Before the establishment of the colony of Isreal.

, but most everyone seems to be aligned exclusively with Hamas; not the people of Palestine.

It's unlikely anyone knows the opinions of the people exist apart from Hamas-- someone would have said something by now (I hope). But they do, and they're pretty well documented.

Granted, support for Hamas increases dramatically during wartime, but that's to be expected-- the alternative isn't worth mentioning. -.-

And that was on a good day.
Have a google.
85% of Hamas are orphans from Isreal killing thier families for 75 years. History didn't begin on Oct the 7th.

Hamas are the people. The people are Hamas. Regardless of how desperate the western media is to separate them.


Mar 15, 2017
I have never heard that one - not from Hamas.
Try reading the link I posted with their ‘manifesto’. I think DavidSon & Stucky also posted something about this several pages ago. You could also try not believing everything you hear from mainstream media regarding Hamas; they’re not the bogeyman they’re portrayed to be.

Whilst you’re here, I don’t know if you’re like RedSky and believe all this is for the greater good, but it would be useful to take in just how many heinous atrocities have been said and openly committed by The IDF in comparison to Hamas.


Mar 15, 2017
but most everyone seems to be aligned exclusively with Hamas; not the people of Palestine.
I don’t think that’s true. The Resistance is mainly made up of orphans and victims which have suffered under occupation. So in reality, they’re not a small faction of rebels which seems to be what’s being portrayed. I myself didn’t know much of Hamas until this genocide; I’d always assumed they were an elected party with dodgy funding.


Mar 15, 2017
Granted, support for Hamas increases dramatically during wartime, but that's to be expected-- the alternative isn't worth mentioning. -.-

And that was on a good day.
Have a google.

Hamas was elected by the Palestinian people so they clearly have support predating Oct 7th. It’s not like they just sprung into action in late 2023 against the will of the Palestinians. Selective amnesia or cognitive dissonance seems to be a disorder regarding when all this started. So, I don’t see how support for Hamas has increased (from Palestinians that is) during wartime. If you mean support for them has increased by the wider and general population, then yes this genocide has definitely been a pinnacle in bringing light to the abuse and injustices Palestinians have suffered for decades.

The IDF have been brazen and totally open with their tyranny and disdain; on both verbal and physical fronts. So it’s not surprising to see a complete plummet of support for Israel, given how much devastation they’ve caused to Gaza and West Bank these past few months.

People have woken up to the realities around them; they won’t be lied to, gaslight or pacified by their corrupt, complicit and incompetent leaders.


Mar 15, 2017
Sadly, a lot of us knew that Netanyahu would drag this into Ramadan. There were no clear reasonable grounds for his objections to the proposed ceasefires. Talks have either come to a halt or are still on going as nothing has been reported. The 10 days post their intermediary meetings has passed.

Israel have priors, Ramadan is always bloody and hectic. Every year there is an escalation; this year they’ll have ammo by citing their ‘Wheel of excuses’…

May the Almighty punish the oppressors mercilessly and equip the innocent with strength and courage.



Sep 4, 2023
The irony is that Hamas's Oct 7 raid into Israel served no useful purpose whatsoever.
Sure, it killed lots of jews, but there are still millions more left.
If I'd been the Hamas big boss I'd have refused to allow it and said "Be patient guys and wait til we get our hands on nukes supplied by Pakistan and Iran, then we'll finish the job".
Hmm... our in-house troublemaker.
What a shame.
I know the Catholic ethos is hard to shake --
1- Me a catholic, that'll be the day..:)

2- What did Hamas's Oct 7 raid achieve exactly, please tell us.
Similar pinprick raids against the nazis in WW2 achieved nothing either, except to make the nazis wipe out villages in reprisal in Russia, Czecho and France.
Now Zelensky is at it, sticking pins in the Russian bear in a war he can't possibly win, and drawing Russian reprisals.
Even one of his top generals is saying a win is impossible, so he sacked him-



May 17, 2020

*Heated exchange*



May 17, 2020
Hmm... our in-house troublemaker.
What a shame.
I know the Catholic ethos is hard to shake --
Just to satisfy my curiosity. How did you end up on Feb 5th and why quote Flarepath?

I have never heard that one - not from Hamas.
Not to be rude but if you have never heard that one from hamas why are you here?

From the Guardian Jan 11th 2007

Hamas accepts the existence of the state of Israel but will not officially recognise it until the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza, according to the Hamas leader in Damascus, Khaled Meshal.
From same article,

He (Meshal) said that Israel is a "reality" and "there will remain a state called Israel - this is a matter of fact". He added: "The problem is not that there is an entity called Israel. The problem is that the Palestinian state is non-existent.

From NBC news April 21st 2008,

The leader of Hamas said Monday that his Palestinian militant group would offer Israel a 10-year "hudna," or truce, as implicit proof of recognition of Israel if it withdrew from all lands it seized in the 1967 Middle East War.

Khaled Mashaal told The Associated Press that he made the offer to former U.S. President Jimmy Carter in talks on Saturday. "We have offered a truce if Israel withdraws to the 1967 borders, a truce of 10 years as a proof of recognition," Mashaal said.
Have a google.
So i had a google and nothing for the date you gave came up. The closest was a survey released on Oct 6th. So if you would be kind enough, have a google and link me to the 23rd of Sept so i can read the context.


May 17, 2020
Latest casualty figures

Killed: 29,606*
Wounded: 69,737
Occupied West Bank
Killed: 406
Wounded: 4,600
Killed on October 7: 1,139 (revised down from 1,400)
Wounded: 2,962
Soldiers killed since ground invasion: 237
Source: Palestinian Health Ministry and Israel’s Social Security Agency

*It should be noted that the Palestinian figure of 29,606 is an underestimate as there's at least 10,000 under the rubble and lots of families haven't reported deaths above ground to the health ministry


Mar 15, 2017
77 newborns…I’m just lost for words. Many of which will be born in traumatic circumstances. I remember reading how a pregnant woman who died under the rubble, was given a c section and the baby girl survived. This was only one documented case, there could be 100s. I don’t think we will ever know the true scale of devastation infants and mothers have experienced in these past few months as the infrastructure has been decimated to such an extent that it’s impossible to recover all the bodies and account for all the deaths.

The psychological effects of being born in a traumatic situation, growing up without proper attachment to parents or immediate family, witnessing occupying powers bully, kill and destroy your environment and home…it’s no wonder The Resistance will never end.


Mar 15, 2017
British Politics has descended deeper into Satan’s armpit. London’s Mayor, Sadiq Khan has been accused of allowing ‘Islamists’ to control London with their ‘Islamist’ marches, boycotts and criticism of the government’s support for Israel.

When the antisemitism arguments flop, play the Islamist card.

The toad spouting this rubbish is an actual Tory MP. So in the height of such turmoil, where the British public overwhelmingly believe and support in the freedom of Palestinians, this cretin is attacking Sadiq Khan in an attempt to point score and appeal to far right voters. Scummy little worm.



Mar 15, 2017
A great explanation of how The West continually avoids facing the consequences of their actions. They have endless charters and laws, confirming how on paper, they do no harm and protect the rights of civilians and innocent people. Since it’s on paper and considered legal and official, the perception is they won’t and can’t break their own rules. However, they do, constantly yet reprimand the little man for every little error he makes. They whip out this paperwork to justify their wars and meddling…same could be said about Israel. On paper we cannot do such and such thing, so we are morally superior to everyone on the globe.



Nov 29, 2023
1- Me a catholic, that'll be the day..:)

2- What did Hamas's Oct 7 raid achieve exactly, please tell us.
Similar pinprick raids against the nazis in WW2 achieved nothing either, except to make the nazis wipe out villages in reprisal in Russia, Czecho and France.
Now Zelensky is at it, sticking pins in the Russian bear in a war he can't possibly win, and drawing Russian reprisals.
Even one of his top generals is saying a win is impossible, so he sacked him-

View attachment 101985
So, to turn the question around: do you think Israel is coming out of this whole thing looking good?


Sep 4, 2023
So, to turn the question around: do you think Israel is coming out of this whole thing looking good?
Israel has never looked good to any thinking person for killing Jesus and stealing Palestine.
Likewise muslim terrorists haven't looked good for for many years for killing people around the world, so I think the ordinary man in the street doesn't give a rat's ass about either of them..:)


Nov 29, 2023
Israel has never looked good to any thinking person for killingm Jesus and stealing Palestine.m
Likewise muslim terrorists haven't looked good for for many years for killing people around the world, so I think the ordinary man in the street doesn't give a rat's ass about either of them..:)
Responded to previously, only a small percentage of the world (in my experience) are aware that the Romans weren't behind the execution of Christ. In my experience the UK schooling system religious studies, actively encourage the belief that the Romans were solely responsible. The Good News Bible (which always used to be the scholastic systems favourite text book) has all 'anti semetic' references removed (see Revelations scrubbing out of the synagogue of satan.)

And if you have a different experience to myself that the world has not generally been overly sympathetic to Israel up until October 7th, then I'd be fascinated to know more. Its practically illegal in a lot of countries to question the holocaust.