Robert F Kennedy Jr. for US President in 2024


May 20, 2017
RFK Jr. and the Jews
What would Sigmund Freud say?
Kevin Barrett

"But the question remains: Why is Kennedy so irrationally extremist in his support for Israel? And why did he intemperately exaggerate the COVID-ethnicity study in such a way as to invite attacks? Both his rabidly Likudnik Zionism and his ill-considered “anti-Semitic” bioweapon speculation seem, shall we say, immoderate, if not a little unhinged.

So let’s put RFK Jr. on Dr. Freud’s proverbial couch. Freud coined the term reaction formation: “a defense mechanism in which people express the opposite of their true feelings, sometimes to an exaggerated extent. For instance, a man who feels insecure about his masculinity might act overly aggressive. Or a woman with substance use disorder may extol the virtues of abstinence.” In many cases, the subjects are not even consciously aware of their true feelings. The peacenik who is so bellicose in his pacifism that he is always starting fights—I have known several—is generally unaware that his real motivation is not dedication to peace, but smoldering inner aggression. And then there are the greedy, ambitious, competitive, materialistic people who adopt leftist politics to conceal their real feelings about money and status. I’ve known more than a few of those too. And don’t get me started about the ranting anti-global-warming fanatics who seem to think their bloviations will save the world while your skepticism will destroy it, even as their excessively comfortable lifestyles emit far more carbon in week than you do in a month.

So reaction formations are quite common, and often a big driver of people’s political views. RFK Jr.’s grossly exaggerated, seemingly irrational pro-Israel extremism has all the hallmarks of a classic reaction formation. If such is the case, Kennedy would be hiding his repressed hostility to the Jewish state not only from others, but also from himself.

But why would Kennedy hate Israel, yet remain in deep denial of his real feelings? For the same reason that Hamlet hated his stepfather Claudius but couldn’t bring himself to act. Israel killed Kennedy’s father, just like Claudius killed Hamlet’s. But just as Hamlet grew up in Claudius’s household, vulnerable to Claudius’s despotic power, RFK Jr. grew up in post-Zionist-coup America, helpless and defenseless. Vulnerable people in the household of an abuser, especially children, have a tendency to engage in identification with the aggressor: “an unconscious mechanism in which an individual identifies with someone who poses a threat or with an opponent who cannot be mastered.” From RFK Jr.’s perspective, that would be the Zionists. He totally identifies with them, even with their most disgustingly vulgar mediocrities like Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, and hyperbolically deems himself the biggest Zionist of all. "


Jan 10, 2019
Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE - ZIONIST/RACIST Booby F’n Kennedy Pro-War “Liberal” Imperialist
Whether we agree with Dr. Shiva's stances or methodology or not he does expose what he terms the not-so-obvious establishment.
At around the 54 min mark, he plays a clip of Kennedy addressing how highly he loves Israel.
Thanks for posting Dr. Shiva's stream. I saw it this morning and have to comment I'm still reeling from the message. As is said he "doesn't pull any punches"! :D It's great to hear the vision of a truther bleeding into the mainstream political arena. The last year I've been attuned to a somewhat conventional overview that places JFK and RFK in a positive light against the more vicious elements of American history but it is so important to look at things from all sides. I realize I've been partly brainwashed into accepting the idea of different levels of society where truth can be openly expressed; Shiva challenges us to bring the social strata together with one standard of honesty and integrity.

Dr. Barrett's piece is intriguing. He's right the episode of RFK Jr. being labeled anti-Semitic and then going off the rails in support of Israel is bizarre. It's funny I was boasting RFK hadn't shown the same allegiance to Zionism as Trump and DeSantis, and here we go! It didn't take long. Then again with the largest political donor Sheldon Addelson (now deceased) we have to suspect there's only one real direction a viable presidential candidate in the US can ever go.

Here's a possible scenario based on what Barrett identifies as Kennedy's "reaction formation": RFK Jr. is scourged as an anti-Semite here in July 2023 and makes the rounds with the top Christian Zionists to assert his fealty to Israel. But then in the next 9 months preceding the 2024 Democratic primary he starts on a path to investigate the history of Israel from the Palestinian experience since 1948. Facing the facts of Israel's criminal activity in defiance of international law, Kennedy leads his supporters toward recognizing Palestinian resistance and an authentic two-state solution!

It would be genius to play the script out in such a way but TBH I'm not holding my breath. I'm curious about the next months but if Kennedy continues to pander to the terrorist state of Israel he will lose an essential segment of his base.
Mar 30, 2017
This is a video that discusses the video where RFK Jr. was interviewed by Krystal Ball. I simply SMH when he said that Palestinians are pampered. I've lost anything that resembled respect for him right there:

Krystal Ball Shreds RFK's Israel Propaganda (32 mins, 42 secs)

I haven't watched it but the entire interview, but I'll post it for reference:

RFK JR. CHALLENGED On Israel, Free Speech, Epstein (1 hour, 31 secs)


Jan 10, 2019
I've lost anything that resembled respect for him right there:
As I started this thread I must say I was wrong in my initial interest that Kennedy represented honesty. We've seen several public figures who were correct on questioning covid but then in terms of Palestinian self-determination they revert to comically false Israeli propaganda as excuses. RFK Jr has shown himself to be a clueless, warmongering ghoul on the issue of Palestinian independence. I honestly haven't heard a word or tweet from him in months nor do I care to.

@DesertRose was right: Dr.Shiva (despite his un-presidential language lol) is the only US presidential candidate who is honestly and properly evaluating the issues of our time.
Mar 30, 2017
As I started this thread I must say I was wrong in my initial interest that Kennedy represented honesty. We've seen several public figures who were correct on questioning covid but then in terms of Palestinian self-determination they revert to comically false Israeli propaganda as excuses. RFK Jr has shown himself to be a clueless, warmongering ghoul on the issue of Palestinian independence. I honestly haven't heard a word or tweet from him in months nor do I care to.

@DesertRose was right: Dr.Shiva (despite his un-presidential language lol) is the only US presidential candidate who is honestly and properly evaluating the issues of our time.
I think many were in the camp that RFK Jr. was a moral man who stood up against the oligarchs, myself included. During the lockdowns, I followed his tweets and listened to his videos that pointed out the anomalies in the narrative. Even one of the my friends who I met during the holidays thought he was for us and was surprised when I told her he's not.

As time progressed, I now see him for what he really is, which is an opportunist and "carpet beggar" as @DesertRose described. Dr. Shiva's videos were truly eye-opening with regard to his character and is motives. RFK Jr.'s actions also vindicate Hugo from because he called him out prior to Dr. Shiva disclosing that he's not one of the good guys and got lambasted for it in these videos I posted here.

While JFK and RFK weren't innocent in any sense of the word, neither of them liked what the "shadow government" was doing to destroy the US from within and were assassinated for pushing back. RFK Jr. evidently is riding on their coat tails with the hope no one will challenge his blatant inconsistencies.


Sep 11, 2023
Yes, President Kennedy wanted to end the Fed and destroy the Cia and shadow gov. His secret society speech was phenomenal, and he died shortly afterwards. Their family had been 'in it' and got quickly disgusted with the strategy and execution of the massive evil, so they were eliminated. So, they have a lot of skin in the game of warning us.

  1. Joe Jr. Kennedy US Navy pilot, was the eldest of nine and supposed to be President (plane crash 1944).
  2. President John Kennedy (shot in Dallas 1964).
  3. Kick Kennedy (4th child) ...(plane crash, 1948).
  4. Robert Kennedy (shot 1968).
  5. Michael Kennedy Bobbies child, deadly ski accident (just like Sonny Bono) 1997.
  6. John Jr... you guessed it ( plane crash....1999).
  7. Teddy-? near fatal accident with Mary Jo (it ended his Presidency chances, but not his life)
    The destruction of America has been planned since the beginning; this narrator spells out the vastness of the plan to eliminate God from our lives: attack our nutrition (fast food/pesticide and flouride poison), introduce and escalate violence, sex in music and movies quickly, break down the family, make survival harder (more expensive, tax and mortgage slaves), destroy history (gov buys all books they want gone and send out employees to steal library books), make drugs and alcohol really available, promote unhealthy habits, show porn put sex right out there, try to slow down population, make it hard to have big families, Make USA products inferior (so imports are being bought up), decrease transportation opportunities, travel will become very restricted (you will need reason/permission to travel) basically, universal ID cards and total loss of freedom. Planned. Weather changes for weapons of war, both drought and rain (make fields too muddy to grow), all of this is planned against citizens. Holy fuk. He even talks about inserting skin and body implants chips (so there can be no false IDs!). Save vid. before it gets destroyed.

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Mar 30, 2017
Yes, President Kennedy wanted to end the Fed and destroy the Cia and shadow gov. His secret society speech was phenomenal, and he died shortly afterwards. Their family had been 'in it' and got quickly disgusted with the strategy and execution of the massive evil, so they were eliminated. So, they have a lot of skin in the game of warning us.

  1. John Jr... you guessed it ( plane crash....1999).

Unfortunately, I can't remember who said it, but I recall listening to a podcast making the statement that JFK Jr.'s plane was actually tampered with so it would look like an accident. They said that for him to get his pilot's licence, he would've needed to accumulate a certain amount hours in order to fly so he wasn't a novice flyer as the narrative we're being told to believe. As well, they said pilots don't rely on looking out the windows to determine the plane's relation to the earth, they use controls inside the cockpit. The idea that he would become "confused" due to the fog is not the greatest story to conjure up. Add to it, they said he would've never put his wife and his sister-in-law's life in danger if he thought the weather conditions would hamper the flight. The commentator claimed that since the popularity of his magazine "George" was beginning to wane, he was seriously thinking of entering political arena. The oligarchs found this out and realized that with his notoriety and good looks, he would've been able to sway many into voting for him so they ensured that didn't happen.

Could it be that RFK Jr. knows this and is now at their mercy? I'm not exactly sure, but there seems to be evidence to suggest this.
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Jun 27, 2019
As I started this thread I must say I was wrong in my initial interest that Kennedy represented honesty. We've seen several public figures who were correct on questioning covid but then in terms of Palestinian self-determination they revert to comically false Israeli propaganda as excuses. RFK Jr has shown himself to be a clueless, warmongering ghoul on the issue of Palestinian independence. I honestly haven't heard a word or tweet from him in months nor do I care to.

@DesertRose was right: Dr.Shiva (despite his un-presidential language lol) is the only US presidential candidate who is honestly and properly evaluating the issues of our time.

Yeah RFK Jr was correct on his questioning of covid alright...

A Dangerous Betrayal: RFK Threatens Americans w/ CDC QUARANTINES; Tyrannical PCR Test Pseudoscience

And of course there is nothing at all suspicious about Shiva Ayyadurai. I must say Wikipedia paints a great picture of him. I wonder what his role is in all of this...

All sarcasm aside I do thank you for admitting your error. We usually need to see the whole picture before jumping to conclusions. Sadly it may take tragedy such as the crimes committed against innocent Palestinians before we can see them for who they are. I was suspicious of RFK Jr just for being a politician.
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Mar 30, 2017
Yeah RFK Jr was correct on his questioning of covid alright...

And of course there is nothing at all suspicious about Shiva Ayyadurai. I must say Wikipedia paints a great picture of him. I wonder what his role is in all of this...

All sarcasm aside I do thank you for admitting your error. We usually need to see the whole picture before jumping to conclusions. Sadly it may take tragedy such as the crimes committed against innocent Palestinians before we can see them for who they are. I was suspicious of RFK Jr just for being a politician.
Are you considering Wikipedia a credible source, or are you being facetious and it's part of the sarcasm?


Jun 27, 2019
Are you considering Wikipedia a credible source, or are you being facetious and it's part of the sarcasm?
Of course not, that is the whole point. Are they not making him look like a crazy conspiracy theorist to those who cannot see? An anti-vaxer? Do you believe GMO's are good for you? I fail to find any humor in any of this. No humor was intended.
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