Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


May 8, 2023
Really? I thought the song was crap. But I was wondering why she was wearing the NEET sign. I wonder if it has a different meaning in Japan?


Typically an adult girl, around the ages of 18-25, a NEET (Not In Training, Education, Or Employment) Are usually basement dwellers who have the messiest rooms known to mankind. They typically spend their every waking moment on their computer doing god knows what. Their rooms consist of a bed, with no stand, Simply a mattress, random clothes strewn on the floor, two or more PCs, several guns, tables with random food bowls, cans, and half finished projects on them, and a closet with a tsunami of boxes and random junk.

A NEET avoids the sunlight and outdoors at all costs. The outside world is cruel, and NEETs prefer to stay inside their rooms at all times. Showering is also very rare for a NEET, and as they never go outside, showering is rarely needed. NEETS are known to stink, but stink "good." They also typically love guns.

That member of STAYC is known to have a lot of awkward romantic interactions with the lead vocal of the group. Where she gets knocked back.
Would the NEET sign be a signal from the elites to NEETs? The hikikomori NEET phenomenon is a deliberately designed byproduct of the elites engineered working-to-death society, of course.


Jun 2, 2021
Clearly gr00ming. But apparently she came from a rich family already. So the connections were clearly there.
Her career was bought by her rich parents. Her father bought half the stocks of big machine records and bulk bought copies of her first album to create false hype for her. I am not saying she isn't talented but her being from a rich family really gave her a head start. There are a lot of talented singer-songwriters who will never be as popular as T-swift because they don't have rich parents.


Jul 13, 2022
Her career was bought by her rich parents. Her father bought half the stocks of big machine records and bulk bought copies of her first album to create false hype for her. I am not saying she isn't talented but her being from a rich family really gave her a head start. There are a lot of talented singer-songwriters who will never be as popular as T-swift because they don't have rich parents.
On top of that she had a humiliation ritu@l to further her succes.



Jun 2, 2021
I am from South Asia and from what I have observed K-pop started to become popular in 2019-2020 and had a boost in popularity after Squid Game's release. But, now it is declining in popularity again. All my friends who used to listen to BT$, Ex0, BP have already moved on. Even my friends who liked BT$ don't listen to their songs. Girls liked BP and Ex0 for their looks only and boys aren't interested in anything related to Kpop. I actually see more Anime fans nowadays.Anime is starting to become more acceptable as a niche while K-pop is still looked down upon. People think K-pop fans are immature and crazy.