Differences between the Bible and Islam


Aug 20, 2023
I found this article

It cleared up some of my questions about the Islamic view point, so im posting some parts here.

In short, Muslims believe the Torah has been corrupted, the Psalms have had additions, and the four Gospels are not inspired and were not written by Jesus (a claim which i don't think any Christian has made)

It is a common misconception people have, both non-Muslims, and Muslims alike, that Muslims believe in the Bible we have today.

Let me explain how and why people tend to think this, and why it is an incorrect thought, easily proven by the Qur’an of their misunderstanding.

Since Muslims believe in the prophets of the Bible, people mistakenly assume we also believe in the Bible, which is not accurate.

Muslims believe in all the scriptures that were revealed to the messenger prophets such as those given to Moses, David, Abraham, Jesus, as well as Muhammad (peace be upon them all).

Does this mean we believe in the Bible scriptures? – No.

We believe in the original revelations that were given to them, and those scriptures were either lost, or corrupted


According to the Qur’an, the Torah was given to Moses pbuh, however, over time, scribes and editors have corrupted the text. Therefore; what is found in the Bible today, is not the original revelations as it was given to Moses pbuh.

While the Qur’an mentions that scripture was given to David pbuh, some of it is accepted by scholars, while it is understood that some may have been added later and not part of the divine revelation originally sent to him.


The Injil is the revelation that was given to Jesus pbuh according to the Qur’an. Muslims believe it was another scripture that was revelation given to him by God, and not the accounts of other people simply discussing it, as in the New Testament that exists today.

Today’s canonical Gospels are not divinely inspired and more or less merely the documents of the life of Jesus pbuh written by disciples, companions and others. While it contains some information that may be true, it holds a lot which is not the teachings of Jesus pbuh, but were the teachings of others instead.

The question that remains, which i haven't been able to find the answer to, WHO allegedly corrupted the Scriptures?

If it had been the catholic church then one would think they would have edited them to support their unbiblical teachings..?
Why would the ancient Israelites have purposely corrupted their own scriptures especially to present their own people in such an unflattering light?
Last Chapter of the Qur'an Commands us to

Seek the Protection of The Lord of humankind
The Master of humankind
The God of humankind
Against the evil whisperings of Khannaas
Who whispers in the breasts of humankind
Whether from among djinns or humankind

The devils among the djinn and humans are those who inspire evil alterations to Holy Scripture so as to lead astray from the right path.


Mar 15, 2017
No, i am definitely not saying i have visions. I am speaking about a state of mind.

And no, it does not deter me. It is a feeling afterwards , not before.

Nor is it a motive, because if it were the motive then the motive would not be love for my fellow man.

As i've said, it's difficult to explain, even in person.

Yes, it is an unattainable standard, which is why we are saved by faith, not works. No matter how much we try we can never match the ideal.

Does not mean we shouldn't try though. It is a sad fact that many do give up trying, but that does not make it right.

Also, i think someone else has mentioned it, but calling oneself a Christian does not make it so. Going to a megachurch rock concert once a week does not make someone a Christian.

The Bible says Christians will be known by their love for their fellow man.
(And no, this does not mean cheering on our fellow man's sins, but to pray for them to repent)

I am of the opinion that property is not to be defended with force. Others are free to disagree.

As for my family, i have to admit that is a tricky one. I am a peace with the fact that during the end times i may be killed for my beliefs but yes, thinking about my children being hurt breaks my heart.

The Bible mentions a time when lack of children is a blessing

Luke 23
29For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck. 30Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover us

Of course, the primary application is to the time of the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem by the romans, but a second appication both to the end times and to Christians that have been martyred throughout history, including by other "Christians".
You have said this a few times now. I’ve asked you a question about something and you’ve responded with it’s difficult to explain. It is hard to engage in a fruitful discussion if you can’t explain yourself. But no worries.

You said a martyr in Christianity is when you’re killed for your beliefs. My example wasn’t referring to that, I was referring to someone trying to take your property and harming you or your family. Your passive response doesn’t wash as it’s instinct to protect yourself and your family. I think you have taken turn the other cheek too literally as it’s not applicable to every situation. Some things like a petty argument sure, you can turn the other cheek but not when your life is in danger. I’m not sure why you’re being so blind to the reality, this is why I say blind faith is an issue. Relate this verse to real life and be honest, it’s not applicable.


Mar 15, 2017
I don't know if this was referring to me, since i started this thread...

Was i just supposed to not have made the thread in the first place?

Perhaps it is the way my mind works, but to me, when comparing and contrasting two different things it is not an "attack". I genuinely don't understand why people seem to take it that way.

Moving forward, will me reading the entire Quran make it so i can discuss the differences or similarities?
Is that allowed, or is that also an "attack"?

Is ANYTHING other than full agreement an "attack"?
I haven’t engaged with you before that’s why I’ve taken the time and effort to respond to your questions. I was not referring directly to you, he discussion was more about my experiences on this board when a Christian makes a thread wanting to have a discussion. As you have seen, Phipps has posted debunked material and he knows he can’t respond to me as he has nothing of credibility. I hate liars Toxic. And I think a lot of Christians I have engaged with on these boards present as deceitful people.

The Christians I know in real life are people I grew up with and despite our differences, we share and explore scripture. They know and accept it requires a very high degree of blind faith to accept what they accept with regards to Jesus’ divinity and the trinity. I’m not there to convert them, they come to ME with questions. I don’t care about the Bible at all, I care only about representing the Quran as it’s clear many Christians don’t know a thing about. That’s the only reason I’ve taken the time and effort to respond.

You seem a bit emotional and I don’t know why. I’ve told you so many times on this thread to go and Read the Quran yourself because you have a lot of questions. You have asked questions about Paul, the revelation of the Quran etc so it’s clear you don’t want to just compare texts. You want to know more about what The Quran says. There are Christians following this thread who have no intention of learning and just want to play their dirty tricks like Phipps. So if you have any questions feel free to PM me but I think I’ve invested enough time on this thread.

No Toxic, you are more than welcome to disagree but don’t disagree with what’s being said for the sake of retaining your belief. You need to be sincere in your approach.

Peace be upon you.


Mar 15, 2017
And for the record we don’t dislike Paul. Such a gross misrepresentation. To dislike someone is to have hostility and intense disregard for them. He’s ‘any guy’ as we say in The UK. He claims to have had a vision and we should take that as proof of what? Guidance.

He is just another random man in the long list of authors you guys have who is speaking on behalf of Jesus. We do not accept his accounts or work. He is not a credible source. We only accept the literal direct words of Jesus. The rest of your book is corrupted.

You guys should really ponder. I haven’t seen anyone on these boards ever explain why Jesus prays to The Father and why he doesn’t know the hour. No one has explained or bothered to break down why Jesus is God but also the son of God and I certainly don’t recall anyone explaining where Jesus was prior to his birth. I think Toxic used some vague Old Testament verse to say she thinks this means Jesus was there when God created mankind. I urge you all to ask God for sincere guidance because you have absolutely no idea how associating partners with God is going to cost you upon death. It’s shirk, highest form of sin.



Aug 8, 2023
And for the record we don’t dislike Paul. Such a gross misrepresentation. To dislike someone is to have hostility and intense disregard for them. He’s ‘any guy’ as we say in The UK. He claims to have had a vision and we should take that as proof of what? Guidance.

He is just another random man in the long list of authors you guys have who is speaking on behalf of Jesus. We do not accept his accounts or work. He is not a credible source. We only accept the literal direct words of Jesus. The rest of your book is corrupted.

You guys should really ponder. I haven’t seen anyone on these boards ever explain why Jesus prays to The Father and why he doesn’t know the hour. No one has explained or bothered to break down why Jesus is God but also the son of God and I certainly don’t recall anyone explaining where Jesus was prior to his birth. I think Toxic used some vague Old Testament verse to say she thinks this means Jesus was there when God created mankind. I urge you all to ask God for sincere guidance because you have absolutely no idea how associating partners with God is going to cost you upon death. It’s shirk, highest form of sin.

well.... from the standpoint of al wala wal bara it is necessary to hate Paul for the sake of Allah....

sadly al wala wal bara is like a long lost teaching much of the time, though it is proved from the Quran....

but anyways.... Paul.... Paul is one of the most evil men known to history... there is no question he was a shaytaan.... this wicked, evil person.... he knew about the older teachings and he basically certainly would have known something about tawheed..... and this guy almost certainly deliberately.... implemented shirk into the teachings of Christianity... Christianity is in fact Paulianity.... a whole book could be written on how evil his teachings were and how this forked-tongue devil sinisterly subverted Christianity... I don't mean the book could be written like some biography on Paul but I mean the book could be written just analyzing the evilness and subversion of his teachings, the poisonousness of the doctrines he brought into Christianity... Paul is an archetypical subversive yahudi par excellence


Dec 27, 2017
One of things I don't believe about Islam is that Mohammed received revelations through Gabriel. There is only one angel Gabriel and he would never give contradicting messages in the Bible and the Quran. God is consistent and never contradicts Himself yet the messages Gabriel gave Mohammed contradict the Bible. Which version is the truth of God? It can't be both.

The Bible is clear, "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed" (Galatians.1:8). This is why I don't believe the Gabriel of Islam is the same as the one of the Bible. I believe one is an impostor and the other is the true angel of God. The Gabriel of Islam may share a name with the angel Gabriel of the Bible but they are not the same person.

I believe the angel Gabriel of the Bible is the true angel of God. Why? Because biblically all the messages given to the angel Gabriel to pass on to God's people were very important and most of them have been fulfilled. Not only were they fulfilled, they go hand in hand with other prophecies in the Bible. For example the prophecies in the book of Daniel about the time of the end harmonise with the prophecies in the book of Revelation and other biblical books.

I posted about Gabriel in my thread "The Truth about Angels according to the Bible." I'll repost most of it here.

The angel Gabriel.

The name Gabriel is a transliteration of the Hebrew, gabri'el, signifying, "man of God," or "God has shown Himself strong." The Scriptures reveal the following facts concerning this angel:

1. He was sent to Daniel to explain the vision of the ram and the he-goat (Daniel 8:16).

2. He was sent to Daniel to explain the vision of the seventy weeks (Daniel 9:21).

3. He was standing on the right side of the altar of incense when he appeared to Zacharias in the Temple (Luke 1:11, 19).

4. He announced the birth of John the Baptist to Zacharias (Luke 1:13).

5. He declared that he stood in the presence of God (Luke 1:19).

6. He announced the birth of Jesus to Mary (Luke 1:26).

We can see that Gabriel was sent by God four different times to announce His messages. Two of those times is to Daniel, both in chapters 8 and 9-12. Gabriel is the angel who received the blessing of being the angel to announce the birth of John the Baptist, and of Jesus to Mary and Joseph. Gabriel appears to be the head messenger for God. He gets all the important announcements, for he got to proclaim the Messiah!

It appears Gabriel is a highly ranked angel in heaven. To the question of Zacharias, the angel said, "I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and was sent to speak to you and bring you these glad tidings" (Luke 1:19).

Biblically there are two different types of angels. They are Cherubim and Seraphim. The angels who stand in the presence of the Lord and are often associated with the throne of God are Cherubim. So Gabriel is a Cherub.
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Mar 15, 2017
well.... from the standpoint of al wala wal bara it is necessary to hate Paul for the sake of Allah....

sadly al wala wal bara is like a long lost teaching much of the time, though it is proved from the Quran....

but anyways.... Paul.... Paul is one of the most evil men known to history... there is no question he was a shaytaan.... this wicked, evil person.... he knew about the older teachings and he basically certainly would have known something about tawheed..... and this guy almost certainly deliberately.... implemented shirk into the teachings of Christianity... Christianity is in fact Paulianity.... a whole book could be written on how evil his teachings were and how this forked-tongue devil sinisterly subverted Christianity... I don't mean the book could be written like some biography on Paul but I mean the book could be written just analyzing the evilness and subversion of his teachings, the poisonousness of the doctrines he brought into Christianity
You can dislike or hate what Allah hates or dislike, I don’t disagree. But the issue of Paul isn’t just about that, we don’t even acknowledge him as an authority or author of anything. He was a man who had a vision and wrote from his own whims and desires. The Quran and Sunnah don’t acknowledge him nor do they acknowledge all the other men who wrote the Bible.

I was trying to highlight that he isn’t even important enough or regarded to be disliked or hated. He was just another guy with his own set of claims about Jesus and God.


Aug 8, 2023
One of things I don't believe about Islam is that Mohammed received revelations through Gabriel. There is only one angel Gabriel and he would never give contradicting messages in the Bible and in the Quran. God is consistent and so are His messages to human beings. He would never contradict Himself yet the messages the angel Gabriel gave Mohammed contradict the Bible and God. Which version is the truth of God? It can't be both.

The Bible is clear, "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed" (Galatians.1:8). Why would Gabriel reveal a different message to Mohammed contradicts the Bible?
this is a problem with starting with a false premise. you start with a false premise and then everything that follows is falsehood because the foundation was built on falsehood.

so you built your whole post on a false premise and everything that follows therefore is collapsed.

Muslims don't believe in Galatians or in the words of Paul in general to be divine revelation. in fact, historically, Muslims have an extremely negative view of Paul. so the idea that we should follow Paul and be in line with his words is an utterly false premise.

furthermore, while it is believed that Moses for example and various earlier prophets received divine revelation.... it is also believed that things like for example the torah that the jews have... were distorted. that means some of what's in the old testament may genuinely be divine revelation but some of it may be forgery, distortion, etc. therefore you can't actually present anything from the Bible as being binding upon Muslims.


Aug 8, 2023
You can dislike or hate what Allah hates or dislike, I don’t disagree. But the issue of Paul isn’t just about that, we don’t even acknowledge him as an authority or author of anything. He was a man who had a vision and wrote from his own whims and desires. The Quran and Sunnah don’t acknowledge him nor do they acknowledge all the other men who wrote the Bible.

I was trying to highlight that he isn’t even important enough or regarded to be disliked or hated. He was just another guy with his own set of claims about Jesus and God.
he isn't an authority. he doesn't have any authority. and he isn't mentioned in Quran or Sunnah.


Dec 27, 2017
this is a problem with starting with a false premise. you start with a false premise and then everything that follows is falsehood because the foundation was built on falsehood.

so you built your whole post on a false premise and everything that follows therefore is collapsed.

Muslims don't believe in Galatians or in the words of Paul in general to be divine revelation. in fact, historically, Muslims have an extremely negative view of Paul. so the idea that we should follow Paul and be in line with his words is an utterly false premise.

furthermore, while it is believed that Moses for example and various earlier prophets received divine revelation.... it is also believed that things like for example the torah that the jews have... were distorted. that means some of what's in the old testament may genuinely be divine revelation but some of it may be forgery, distortion, etc. therefore you can't actually present anything from the Bible as being binding upon Muslims.
The premise is false to you, not me. Why would I post a premise that you agree with when I'm not Muslim? Also the angel Gabriel's prohecies have been fulfilled mostly in line with human history when it come to end time prophecy. The rest that hasn't been fulfilled will because all biblical prophecy gets fulfilled.


Mar 15, 2017
Stop viewing The Quran from a Christian lens and look at it objectively and you will see that Gabriel did reveal The Quran to Mohammed. I posted a detailed response to Maldarker on the Triune thread, read it and reflect. Don’t be so arrogant.

Provide an alternative explanation as to how an illiterate man produced the Quran without Angel Gabriel. Simply saying ‘I don’t believe’ is just ignorance. Use evidence and explain your position. Maybe I come at scripture too much from an academic standpoint but to simply say no and not provide a rebuttal is weak.


Mar 15, 2017
This guy is such a layman. I don’t mean that in a rude manner but why is his line of thinking so simple? What a disservice to Christianity you are.


Aug 8, 2023
The premise is false to you, not me. Why would I post a premise that you agree with when I'm not Muslim?
you made an argument against Islam that hinged on the premise that we as Muslims should accept the alleged authority of Galatians.

so your whole argument was false.


Mar 15, 2017
Look, for your argument to be considered and taken seriously, you need to have a foolproof premise. A neutral stance, OR make a claim based on actual facts and evidence. Have you ever read an essay or written one? Simply writing paragraphs about your own opinions, which are based on false assumptions and conclusions about Islamic doctrine is just laughable. You’re just posting diary entries…


Dec 27, 2017
you made an argument against Islam that hinged on the premise that we as Muslims should accept the alleged authority of Galatians.

so your whole argument was false.
I posted what I don't believe about Islam and what I believe as a Christian. I didn't post anything that even remotely suggested you should accept it. I can't make anyone accept the truth of the Bible. Only God can through the Holy Spirit.

I added in my previous post, "Also the angel Gabriel's prophecies have been fulfilled mostly in line with human history when it come to end time prophecy. The rest that hasn't been fulfilled will because all biblical prophecy gets fulfilled."

You not believing this doesn't make it untrue but I can't make you nor am I suggesting you believe it. I am merely posting the truth according to the Bible.


Aug 8, 2023
Maybe I come at scripture too much from an academic standpoint but to simply say no and not provide a rebuttal is weak.
this is something Christians and the vast sea of Western godless people of Christian roots do not understand... Islam is simply more intellectual than Christianity. I know what I just said is super mega un PC but it's the truth. a whole book could be written on it.

Christianity is a lot involved with subjective religious experiences.... "God put in my heart".... "wow thank Jesus, I was raised a Muslim in Kenya.... every morning myself and my family would cook and eat a local Christian while insulting Jesus and burning a US flag.... but then I saw Jesus in a dream"..... Islam is simply more intellectual.

Christianity is comparable to extreme sufi groups, where they lose focus on knowledge and become all about subjective religious experiences that they believe are divine inspired. and they even believe in random ordinary Christians being in touch with divine inspiration guiding the random thoughts that pop into their head.... even the extreme sufis would generally not go that far.

anyways, a whole book would have to be written to show just how more intellectual Islam is.... their whole mindset is very unintellectual compared to Islam... Islam is a thinking person's religion... Christianity frankly is this primitive religion where people believe in and get very attached to a greek mythology like story of God fathering a child with a human woman... audubillah

(of course it is true that Jesus was miraculously born of a virgin but... Jesus was not the son of God)


Aug 8, 2023
I posted what I don't believe about Islam and what I believe as a Christian. I didn't post anything that even remotely suggested you should accept it. I can't make anyone accept the truth of the Bible. Only God can through the Holy Spirit.
just be intellectually honest, you presented it like you had this slam dunk argument against us and your whole argument was shown to be rubbish


Aug 8, 2023
Look, for your argument to be considered and taken seriously, you need to have a foolproof premise. A neutral stance, OR make a claim based on actual facts and evidence. Have you ever read an essay or written one? Simply writing paragraphs about your own opinions, which are based on false assumptions and conclusions about Islamic doctrine is just laughable. You’re just posting diary entries…
they are like these super mega sufis who reject the use of reason