Differences between the Bible and Islam


Aug 8, 2023
Haha yeah biscuits are cookies and sweet baked goods here so there’s definitely a lot of dunking.

Yes atheism is big here, I think for Brits they’re generally tolerant in comparison to let’s say the French. The biggest thing you’re missing out in Europe is the food. I’ve had American products before and I just don’t understand why everything is so processed! American chocolate is horrendous, I think that’s one taste I can never forget. Putrid would be a good wood to describe it.
Like we have mosques everywhere, we can practise freely so the atheism aspect isn’t too bad. I guess the issue would be those raising kids here as schools are pretty secular. You’d have to do a lot of groundwork ensuring your kids are clued up on Islam so they won’t be so easily duped or swayed by the endless philosophical questions they explore in schools.
a problem I have and really it isn't limited just to any specific Western country... a problem I have is with liberalism and its mindset of "everybody needs to agree with me or own else".

they project and they say "oh, Muslims believe in... doing away with.... everyone who refuses to convert to Islam"... but that is not true. I can be nice and polite to non-Muslims and I want them to become Muslim but it's up to them.

But liberals have this mindset that to me is like the khawarij... everyone must agree with us or else.

They are a vast horde of busybodies. They are constantly on the prowl to stick their nose where it has no place.

I don't want the vaccine?? They got me fired from my job. I don't agree with lgbt, abortion, blm, or a giant list of other things... they will try to cause me trouble for not thinking like them.

If they could accept that others are free to not think like them and stop trying to force their absurd views, I would be a lot less hostile towards them. But they would persecute me if they could so I am not at all fond of them. And I don't lower my guard with them because they may act friendly but try to push their poisonous subversion. They're also very not up front, I think they don't have a sense of honor. I am direct, frank, their way of slitheriness is repugnant to me.


Dec 27, 2017
Mate, I think it's about time you told us what cult you belong to, (JW, Mormon, Catholic, Amish, wimpy lukewarm Snowflake or what?)
I'm no mate of yours. You always say things like this when you're caught out. This doesn't have anything to do with your insults towards Africans in this thread and others. At least change your tactics.

Me, I'm non-denom because I don't need any oddball cult to do my thinking for me.
So what? And who do you think is thinking for me as an African who has read your insults against Africans in these forums? Does it go along with the teachings of the Bible at all?

As for Africans, the christian ones are fine, but sadly most are just heathens like all non-christians, you'd better argue it out with God and Jesus if you don't believe them..:)
"dogs, pigs. " (Matt 7:6)
"weeds" (Matt 13:38 )
"brute beasts," (2 Peter 2:12)
"heathens" (Jeremiah10:2)
"fools" (Psalm 94:8 )
"liars" (1 John 2:22/23)
"defiled, impure'" (Titus 1:15)

"filthy" (Revelation 22:11)
Whether Africans are Christians or not does not warrant your insults (and I think racism) towards them does it?
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Aug 8, 2023
White British people yes.

There’s a stereotype that they don’t season their food and eat bland things. I wouldn’t know, I’m not white.

Fish and chips are nice though!
people eat like that?????? there are really people who eat like that??????

that is terrifying to me. how can anyone opt for that kind of food????? if they have the means to eat decent food, why not eat decent food???

I believe there must be a connection between the bad food and the Zionism, atheism, liberalism and other horrible ideologies known to emanate from that island. if i ever become a shady billionaire like George Soros, I hope to mastermind a neo-George Wallace Scottish uprising as well an Irish independence revolution.


Sep 4, 2023
I'm no mate of yours. You always say things like this when you're caught out. This doesn't have anything to do with your insults towards Africans in this thread and others. At least change your tactics.
Whether Africans are Christians or not does not warrant your insults (and I think racism) towards them does it?
Chum, as Christians it's our DUTY to be good samaritans and help non-christians see the error of their ways whether they're Africans or any other race..:)
"..the Lord's servant..those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will" (2 Tim 2:23-26)
"Pray..that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel...pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should" (Eph 6:19/20)
"The Lord made my mouth a sharp sword, an arrow in his quiver" (Isaiah 49:1/2)



Sep 4, 2023
I take it you're a Yank mate, you should be glad we Brits went over there..:)
a yank? mister, do you have a "loicense" for that hate speech? I dare you to cross the water don't make me go 1776 ⚔

Mate, you call us 'limeys' but it's water off a ducks back..:)
PS- if it wasn't for us limeys you'd still be fighting off redskin attacks on your wagon trains !


Mar 15, 2017
people eat like that?????? there are really people who eat like that??????

that is terrifying to me. how can anyone opt for that kind of food????? if they have the means to eat decent food, why not eat decent food???

I believe there must be a connection between the bad food and the Zionism, atheism, liberalism and other horrible ideologies known to emanate from that island. if i ever become a shady billionaire like George Soros, I hope to mastermind a neo-George Wallace Scottish uprising as well an Irish independence revolution.
Haha it’s just English food I guess but I’m sure people cook dishes they like from around the world. Flatepath will probably know more about Yorkshire Puddings and Sunday Roasts. Or Awoken, I think he’s British too.

There’s definitely a sinister element to the promotion of processed food that’s for sure.


Aug 8, 2023
Mate, you call us 'limeys' but it's water off a ducks back..:)
PS- if it wasn't for us limeys you'd still be fighting off redskin attacks on your wagon trains !
I don't know what a limey is but you can thank us "yanks" for the fact you're not speaking German :cool:


Dec 27, 2017

I don't believe all the claims made in this video just for clarification. I've posted to show how there are many scientific mistakes in the Quran. For example about he stars, the presenter of this video does not talk about the biblical claims of the creation of the stars by God. What he says about them is evolutionary actually.

The Bible tells us that God created the stars, "Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth”; and it was so. Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. So the evening and the morning were the fourth day" (Genesis 1:14-19).
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Sep 4, 2023
..Flatepath will probably know more about Yorkshire Puddings and Sunday Roasts..
Yeah I only eat home-grown English stuff and avoid imported poncey foreign muck like the plague..:)

Shakesp's Henry V Act 3, scene 7-
"That island of England breeds very valiant creatures.
Their mastiffs are of unmatchable courage"
"Just, just; and the men do sympathize with the mastiffs
in robustious and rough coming on, leaving their wits
with their wives. And then give them great meals of beef
and iron and steel, they will eat like wolves and fight
like devils"

English bull mastiff-


Dec 27, 2017
your scientific mistake is clicking on an Apostate Grifter video.
No. He makes some good points. I don't believe everything He says as I've posted on my edited post as he talks about these scientific mistakes from an evolutionary point of view in some places which I most definitely don't believe. I am focussing on the claims in the Quran not his beliefs. For example:

- Sperm comes from backbone and ribs - 86:6-7
- Sperm becomes blood - 23:14, 96:2,
- Sex is determined after being a clot - 75:37
- The earth is flat - 13:3, 15:19, 71:19
- the sun orbits the earth - 36:37-40

And many other claims.
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Mar 15, 2017
This is slimy. If you have a question about Islam, why don’t you look up Muslims talking about these verses instead of people who hate Islam and have absolutely no knowledge about the Quran. Phipps has posted videos from two men, one is a Christian cross dresser with mental health issues and the other is a salty ex Muslim who doesn’t even know anything about the faith he once followed. I am compelled to take the time to call Phipps out for his lies because If he did a simple search on a Quran website he would’ve found that these statements are incorrect:

Sperm comes from backbone and ribs - 86:6-7
- Sperm becomes blood - 23:14, 96:2,
- Sex is determined after being a clot - 75:37
- The earth is flat - 13:3, 15:19, 71:19
- the sun orbits the earth - 36:37-40

1. ‘Sperm comes from backbone and ribs -86:6-7’
This is a lie. They are two separate verses and a basic read of the footnotes will explain this:

2. ‘Sperm becomes blood - 23:14, 96:2’
Where does it say sperm becomes blood? You liar.

3.’Sex is determined after being a clot - 75:37’
Where does it say this??

4.’The earth is flat - 13:3, 15:19, 71:19’
Again, no you’re lying.

Quran 71:19 And Allah has made the earth for you as a carpet (spread out).

Quran 78:6 Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse, What does it mean?

Quran 15:19 And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance.

The verse “And Allah has made for you the earth wide spread (an expanse)” [Nooh 71:19] indicates that it is spread out and shaped so that people can feel settled in it and be able to live and prosper in it.

Ibn Kathir said:
“That is, He spread it out, prepared it, made it stable and made it firm by means of the mountains.” (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, 8/247)

Similarly, the verse “Have We not made the earth as a bed” [an-Naba 78:6] means that it is spread out and prepared for you and for your benefit, so that you can cultivate it, build dwellings in it and travel through it.

Ibn Kathir said:
“That is, it is prepared for people in such a way that they can live in it, and it is firm, stable and steady.” (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, 8/307)

And the verse “And the earth We spread out, and placed therein firm mountains, and caused to grow therein all kinds of things in due proportion” [al-Hijr 15:19] means We spread it out and placed firm mountains therein. This is like the verse in which Allah says “And it is He Who spread out the earth, and placed therein firm mountains and rivers” [ar-Ra‘d 13:3].

There is no contradiction between saying that the earth is round and saying that it was spread out, because in fact in its totality it is round, but to the one who stands on it and looks at it, it appears flat, as it appears to everyone. The verses are just referring to how it is a hospitable plane for us to walk and live on freely.

5. ‘The sun orbits the earth - 36:37-40’

Again, lies where does it say this:



Jun 28, 2020
@phipps .. She makes a good point. Why do you go to people who hate Islam for Islamic knowledge?

It would be like me going to a Jew who spits on Christians, asking him to explain Christianity to me.


Mar 15, 2017
You’re not smart when you post these videos Phipps. It just shows you’re out to do anything to try and discredit The Quran in an attempt to make whatever you believe in more palatable. You think by belittling or diminishing claims in The Quran people will flock to your faith? You can’t even decipher The Trinity! Why would anyone with sense take that as truth? Cheap recruitment tactics from preachers. You’re no different to Hatun and her DC ministries in Speaker’s Corner.

The truth is you’re intimidated by The Quran and you should be, it’s the literal word of God, He denounces and rebukes what you attribute to him in detail by constantly referring to Jesus as a prophet but also saying he doesn’t have a begotten son. You can try until you’re on your death bed to discredit The Quran but you will always fail. Christians will leave and have left your man made faith in droves and it pains you.

If you have issues or questions with the Quran, read it and see for your bloody self what it says instead of relying on the lies of YouTubers. How absurd to take Islamic knowledge from enemies of Islam? Would I go and ask a Catholic about Christianity? Would I go and ask a Mormon or a Jehovah’s Witness about it? No, because I have integrity and I’m not biased. I simply seek truth and clarity which none of you have provided since being on these boards.

I will no longer be putting effort into responding to claims made about the Quran as it’s crystal clear that some of you are insincere in your line of questioning. Read The Quran or listen to people online who give dawah that will answer your questions.

May Allah guide you all to the truth and open your eyes. He’s far above what you attribute to him.


Mar 15, 2017
@phipps .. She makes a good point. Why do you go to people who hate Islam for Islamic knowledge?

It would be like me going to a Jew who spits on Christians, asking him to explain Christianity to me.
I’ve been on these boards since about 2017 and it’s the same old thing Daze. They start a thread about Islam or comparing the Bible and the Quran. They get upset when asked things about their book then go on the attack with these old and washed up arguments they pick out from hate preachers and enemies of Islam.

I have answered all their questions and given them links and evidence but they still insist their interpretation of Islam is correct. It’s pure arrogance and it’s a shame the likes of Phipps is spreading lies like that when he’s supposed to be an embodiment of Jesus’ way pbuh.


Jun 28, 2020
I’ve been on these boards since about 2017 and it’s the same old thing Daze. They start a thread about Islam or comparing the Bible and the Quran. They get upset when asked things about their book then go on the attack with these old and washed up arguments they pick out from hate preachers and enemies of Islam.

I have answered all their questions and given them links and evidence but they still insist their interpretation of Islam is correct. It’s pure arrogance and it’s a shame the likes of Phipps is spreading lies like that when he’s supposed to be an embodiment of Jesus’ way pbuh.
Ya, I've seen it myself. I wonder what makes them resort to Robert Spenser and David Wood?

I guess eventually they admit to themselves what they have is indefensible, so they try to attack Islam. As if lowering Islam could somehow elevate their faith.

Toxic is kind of new to me, but I've fought with all the rest. They are not here to listen to what you have to say, only to convert you to their path. Even if it's calling to the Church of Elvis, they believe they have the one and only truth. As they've already admitted, it's largely blind faith.

Which is sad because God is going to ask them why they neglected the logic he gave them.