Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG

Mar 30, 2017
These articles are just dishonest. What was their objective to get rid of resistance groups? well it's never going to happen, the amount of casualties plus the amount of people who lost their limbs, burnt bodies,people who lost their entire families, the trauma ,they are not going to suppress resistance. These claims are a joke.

Heck, it's not even a war to begin with.
FTR, I know they are. I posted them to illustrate what the US says for the "record" and how their actions and funding to Israel say something that's the COMPLETE dichotomy of what they state.


Jun 28, 2020
Your memory has failed you. At no point have I ever said there was no conspiracy. If it's got anything to do with Israel the chances are quite high that it's a conspiracy. I've probably only made a dozen posts in this thread and my opinion hasn't deviated from this

It was you who said you didn't think the Oct 7th event was a false flag,

You've since flipped your opinion after seeing evidence to suggest it was.

Feel free to post any statement I've made saying there is no conspiracy.....I'll wait.
We seem to be on different pages. I'm pretty sure you said there are no conspiracies at VC any more sometime in the last month or two. Almost positive it was not this thread, and I’m not going to hunt the post down. I figured you'd be interested in a conspiracy or two, so I called your attention to this thread as there are several here.

Don't you think it's odd some main stream western media reporters were in Israel when Hamas showed up to document it? Literally on location. That's really fishy to me. It tells you they expected Hamas. Now more recently we have solid evidence Israel intentionally attacked their own with Apache choppers. Why would they do this? The pilots have gone on record saying they knew they could be targeting Israelis, but fired anyway.

One theory, assuming the main agenda is to get a gas line through Gaza, then they needed a lot of Israelis to die to sell a genocidal war. I can only speculate, but these points and more suggests a false flag.

It was you who said you didn't think the Oct 7th event was a false flag,
Yes, on day one. A lot of information has come out since suggesting otherwise.


Jun 28, 2020
FTR, I know they are. I posted them to illustrate what the US says for the "record" and how their actions and funding to Israel say something that's the COMPLETE dichotomy of what they state.
I saw a video this morning on twitter with the war hawk Lindsey Graham. He said Israel is not getting any more money until something happens. I forget what the "something" was, but it's totally out of character for him.

A commenter said LG sees the changing tide as most Americans don't side with Israel. Idk, I can only speculate.


Jan 10, 2019
A report from hours ago said the IOF were bombing to create a cover to rescue their dead/injured invaders:

BREAKING - Palestine Today details the series of ambushes carried out by the resistance in Gaza in recent hours:

Details of what happened tonight:

An organized attack, the largest launched by the Al-Qassam Brigades, Saraya Al-Quds, and Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades against groups of the zionist army..

The zionists fell into a trap after the resistance allowed them to advance without significant opposition during the day, leading them to a prepared ambush area where they were subjected to intense fire at the same moment on all fronts:

- A major ambush west of Tal al-Hawa.
- An ambush surrounding Al-Shifa Hospital.
- An ambush west of Al-Shati Camp where the enemy suffered the highest number of casualties.
- An ambush west of Beit Lahia in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

The zionists are now bombarding the surroundings of the clashes to rescue their soldiers.

The Palestinian resistance continues to engage in fierce clashes with the occupying forces on five fronts in the Gaza Governorate


Jan 10, 2019
I understand Musk's point but to buy into the entire Hamas=Terrorist narrative is unbelievably childish. What nation doesn't have a military to defend themselves? All the armed groups of Gaza and the West Bank are resistance fighters, not "terrorists".

Do Palestinians have the right to resist, and what are the limits?

...7. In 1982, UNGA Resolution 37/43 affirmed the legitimacy of the struggle for independence, territorial integrity, national unity, and liberation from foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle. This resolution openly recognized the right to use force against foreign illegal occupation, which it considers a serious threat to international peace and security, recalling the cases of Namibia and Palestine.

8. Furthermore, the Additional Protocol 1 to the Geneva Conventions (1977), to which Palestine acceded in 2014 (joining over 160 countries), in its Article 1(4), classifies conflicts in which peoples are fighting against alien occupation and racist regimes as armed conflicts. Individuals engaging in such “fighting,” if captured, should be afforded the status of prisoners of war, meaning their fighting is legitimate.

9. Historical evidence overwhelmingly supports that self-determination is rarely achieved without the use of force and armed struggle. Failing to acknowledge resistance movements would lead to an illogical situation: alien occupations would go unchallenged, rendering any resistance against their illegal status illegal itself.

10. Finally, it is worth emphasizing that the right to resist and self-defense is subject to the rules of international humanitarian law, including the respect of the principle of distinction between civilians and combatants. So, in short: Right to resist, including armed resistance: Yes. Right to indiscriminately kill or target civilians: No. It’s as simple as that.
Feb 12, 2022
I understand Musk's point but to buy into the entire Hamas=Terrorist narrative is unbelievably childish. What nation doesn't have a military to defend themselves? All the armed groups of Gaza and the West Bank are resistance fighters, not "terrorists".

Do Palestinians have the right to resist, and what are the limits?

...7. In 1982, UNGA Resolution 37/43 affirmed the legitimacy of the struggle for independence, territorial integrity, national unity, and liberation from foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle. This resolution openly recognized the right to use force against foreign illegal occupation, which it considers a serious threat to international peace and security, recalling the cases of Namibia and Palestine.

8. Furthermore, the Additional Protocol 1 to the Geneva Conventions (1977), to which Palestine acceded in 2014 (joining over 160 countries), in its Article 1(4), classifies conflicts in which peoples are fighting against alien occupation and racist regimes as armed conflicts. Individuals engaging in such “fighting,” if captured, should be afforded the status of prisoners of war, meaning their fighting is legitimate.

9. Historical evidence overwhelmingly supports that self-determination is rarely achieved without the use of force and armed struggle. Failing to acknowledge resistance movements would lead to an illogical situation: alien occupations would go unchallenged, rendering any resistance against their illegal status illegal itself.

10. Finally, it is worth emphasizing that the right to resist and self-defense is subject to the rules of international humanitarian law, including the respect of the principle of distinction between civilians and combatants. So, in short: Right to resist, including armed resistance: Yes. Right to indiscriminately kill or target civilians: No. It’s as simple as that.
I 100% agree with everything you've written.
Feb 12, 2022



Mar 15, 2017
Good morning from my neck of the woods guys, today is the HUGE allegedly million man Pro Palestine March in London. I’ve just checked the Tube Status (Trains) and it looks like they’ve closed almost half of the main train lines. This never happens unless there’s adverse weather so it’s clear they’re trying to make travel quite hard for everyone. The Home Secretary is livid about the march being given the green light by the MET (London Police). Stay safe to anyone going. Just remember there are about 9 million people living in this city and London is known for having a strong Pro Palestine stance. This march will probably be the biggest we’ve ever seen.
