Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Mar 15, 2017

Explains why The Home Secretary and some senior MET officers are angry about this Saturday’s March in London. Braverman is married to a Zionist who has active IDF soldiers in his immediate family and the officers who are in support of her stance are being bribed. It’s a clear conflict of interest and it’s absolutely mind boggling how she’s still Home Secretary (after being fired by ex unelected Prime minister Liz Truss, for breaking the ministerial code) but how senior members of the MET are also allowed to accept gifts and bribes from Israel.

They’re hiding under the banner of disrespecting ‘Armistice day’ which is just a ploy to flame the far right. Of course you’ll have the likes of Tommy Robinson and Paul Golding leading their inept following at a counter protest. They want to incite violence to paint the protestors of Palestine as violent anti semitic thugs. Best way to do it is excuse the far right by simply reporting they’re protecting ‘British Values’.

This Saturday will definitely be interesting to watch. I personally won’t be attending the March as I don’t think it will be safe.


Mar 15, 2017
I am sorry if this video is extremely disturbing. If any other country had done what these people are doing to innocent civilians it would have been harshly punished by the global community for war crimes. This level of shamelessness is unprecedented in modern times. The death toll of Palestinians is now much higher than the death toll of Russia and Ukraine combined. Most are children.


I’m just adding a clear disclaimer as I pressed play and there was a man with his brains blown out on the floor.