Save the Children


May 15, 2017
this evil deserves so much worse than 60yrs in a cell
that it is trying to plead not guilty
trying to play it off as a "one time mistake" that happened
more than once

I say save the resources and extinguish that evil and who
ever it was sharing that with too

one solution for the sickness
Jul 12, 2022
this evil deserves so much worse than 60yrs in a cell
that it is trying to plead not guilty
trying to play it off as a "one time mistake" that happened
more than once

I say save the resources and extinguish that evil and who
ever it was sharing that with too

one solution for the sickness
Yikes! Is it just me, or are women becoming more and more predatorial all the time nowadays? What are they trying to prove acting like this? I don't understand this mindset, not from either sex!


Sep 4, 2023
Yikes! Is it just me, or are women becoming more and more predatorial all the time nowadays? What are they trying to prove acting like this? I don't understand this mindset, not from either sex!
Most women (but not all) have got no spiritual depth so it's easy for Satan to get inside their empty heads and bend their will to his..:)

Oct 10, 2023
Most women (but not all) have got no spiritual depth so it's easy for Satan to get inside their empty heads and bend their will to his..:)
Many people do not have even the faintest idea how logic and language work hand-in-hand; they just make fools of themselves.

"The fallacy of secundum quid comes about from failing to appreciate the distinction between using words absolutely and using them with qualification. Spruce trees, for example, are green with respect to their foliage (they are ‘green’ with qualification); it would be a mistake to infer that they are green absolutely because they have brown trunks and branches. It is because the difference between using words absolutely and with qualification can be minute that this fallacy is possible, thinks Aristotle."

Me? I just attribute it to stupidity.


Sep 21, 2021
Yikes! Is it just me, or are women becoming more and more predatorial all the time nowadays? What are they trying to prove acting like this? I don't understand this mindset, not from either sex!
"Hurt people hurt people..." It's probably a manifestation of childhood trauma or abuse that they themselves have experienced...


May 15, 2017
Yikes! Is it just me, or are women becoming more and more predatorial all the time nowadays? What are they trying to prove acting like this? I don't understand this mindset, not from either sex!
e-Enoch is right a lot were victims
that should Know better than anyone the ramifications
this evil has on a Child's life when they reach adulthood
every aspect is affected whether Ya See it or not
it affects all Your relationships romantic,platonic and family

I have always said that women are just as bad as men when
it comes to this evil sickness
unfortunately most the time when it's a woman for w/e reason
they do go under reported
maybe it's because the word pedofile is usually word associated
with men

for boys they're taught that it's some sorta privilege that an older
woman is interested in them and it's a manly thing
in reality it's r*pe period regardless who it's being perpetrated upon

this sickness is being promoted more than ever and is spreading so
much these days

there is a lack of decency,moral compasses etc.. they're missing
the Soul connection with Our Creator period

I would say We're at the start of a "do what thou wilt" era,We can
See it everywhere in everything in society
this sorta evil is only going to get worse if We do not start setting
a clear message that it will not be tolerated in any form

stricter punishments would be a Good start
death for anyone would be a Good deterrent for others idk but I do
Know something has to change when most these sickos go to a cell
waste all the resources and get out to harm more Children

Children are Our future it's time We start acting like it but that's just
what tptb want generations of broken Peoples that are easier to control
Jul 12, 2022
It definitely has to stem from what these people went through as kids, and they think it's normal, so I definitely agree with both of you, there. It's sad that they can't lead by proper example and see how they were treated is so wrong, that they wouldn't want to do that to anyone else.
It's sad and horrible how much these horrible crazy stuff is just put out there, these days.
I find that age gaps on both sides seem to be a problem that they promote all the time and it's a sick thing to normalize so they can get their pedo agenda out.
It's true how women who tend to do this don't get reported nearly as much. This world is becoming full of sickos, and here's to wishing it stopped.
Jun 26, 2022
I came here to post about the nanny but yall beat me to it.

And yes, i definitely think it's partly because its been unreported when women commit these kinds of crimes. Even on this site i keep finding the narrative that it's only men that are responsible for all the evils of society.

Part of it is the whole thing about male victims being seen as not a victim.
But it seems that these women predators are abusing female children as well.

I always found it troubling how people assumed that their children were safe with a stranger female, just because she's female.

And yes, i think for some, like the nanny for example, it is about proving something to a man/men. So twisted.


May 15, 2017
Another thought: did they arrest and search the man she was sending them to too?

Who knows how many other victims they may find.
the article didn't mention that and I haven't found
if they did or didn't yet but will try to find an update

I Believe anyone who that was shared with or that
accessed it wherever it was should be arrested
well not really cause it's a waste of resources so
would rather See them just extinguished


Jun 28, 2020
Its interesting how so many frequent this thread but can't be bothered to drop in the Palestine thread.
Where 2000+ babies have been massacred since these past 2 weeks.

I'm not saying everyone, but most of you are indifferent to it. Idk what it is. Religion? Color of the skin? But it is abundantly clear for alot of people here that not every child matters.

Soldier on people. Not everyone likes to confront reality.

Rather, We dash the truth upon falsehood, and it destroys it (21:18 Quran)


May 15, 2017
Its interesting how so many frequent this thread but can't be bothered to drop in the Palestine thread.
Where 2000+ babies have been massacred since these past 2 weeks.

I'm not saying everyone, but most of you are indifferent to it. Idk what it is. Religion? Color of the skin? But it is abundantly clear for alot of people here that not every child matters.

Soldier on people. Not everyone likes to confront reality.

Rather, We dash the truth upon falsehood, and it destroys it (21:18 Quran)
I read the thread,I stay out of the discussion

it's horrible what's happening on both sides
innocent is innocent,doesn't matter anything else
about them
I cannot stand the murders that are happening or the
division I See coming from this Knowing that's what tptb

I try to stay out of threads that seem to one way or
another turn into divided sides between members
it's not the innocent killing innocent most just want
it's tptb's army of terrorists they've unleashed upon
the innocent

none are worse than the other because they're one and
the same,neither has any issue in taking innocent lives
because that's what they've been directed to do


Jun 28, 2020
I read the thread,I stay out of the discussion

it's horrible what's happening on both sides
innocent is innocent,doesn't matter anything else
about them
I cannot stand the murders that are happening or the
division I See coming from this Knowing that's what tptb

I try to stay out of threads that seem to one way or
another turn into divided sides between members
it's not the innocent killing innocent most just want
it's tptb's army of terrorists they've unleashed upon
the innocent

none are worse than the other because they're one and
the same,neither has any issue in taking innocent lives
because that's what they've been directed to do
The problem is RQ is Israel has failed to provide proof for their claims. Of which there are many.
Claims made to justify their atrocities on a nation that is 65% children.

What they have been caught doing is using Ai to fabricate images and even having the brass to share images of suffering Palestinians and claim they're Israelis.

I have tried to document most but when they lie daily I'm sure some fall by the wayside.

At a minimum people can stand up and denounce whats happening.

Its not Hamas calling for total genocide all over social media.
Its not Hamas who vetoed a ceasefire at the UN.
Its not Hamas who shut off the water, food and electric.

It is not hard to see who the evil one here is.



Why don't we ask Satanyahu to expound on the people of darkness?



May 15, 2017
this is disgusting and We already Knew it was
going to be used by these evils for that exact

anyone who uses any technology to portray any
sorta Child abuse is as guilty as someone who is
taking actual picture of Children and deserve the
same one solution

one solution for the sickness


Jun 28, 2020
You wouldn't be sad if you spent two minutes to find the truth.

Both sides... NO. It is one side who has declared war on humanity and is using lies to justify it.

As i speak complete eradication is their openly stated goal.


One eyed... and the bias is clear.

I am done with this thread. But with every post you add to it. Don't think the world doesn't see the hypocrisy.


May 15, 2017
The problem is RQ is Israel has failed to provide proof for their claims. Of which there are many.
Claims made to justify their atrocities on a nation that is 65% children.

What they have been caught doing is using Ai to fabricate images and even having the brass to share images of suffering Palestinians and claim they're Israelis.

I have tried to document most but when they lie daily I'm sure some fall by the wayside.

At a minimum people can stand up and denounce whats happening.

Its not Hamas calling for total genocide all over social media.
Its not Hamas who vetoed a ceasefire at the UN.
Its not Hamas who shut off the water, food and electric.

It is not hard to see who the evil one here is.

View attachment 94129

View attachment 94131

Why don't we ask Satanyahu to expound on the people of darkness?

View attachment 94130
Your not wrong there is evil there

I See one evil cause there is no sides
tptb give heros and villains
We divide Ourselves accordingly to Our morals

all msm is propaganda their job is to keep Us
angry,enraged,fearful,anxious etc.. that's why it's
always bad news on the news

they use the worse of every image they show Us
of all the innocents being murdered
they use Children/elderly and women because they
Know that will garner more of a emotional response

there is one group killing all those Peoples no matter
what place it is
one group that has been promised w/e when tptb bring
in their world that are killing all those innocents

It is Us against them(tptb)and whoever they were able to buy
Jul 12, 2022
I'm choosing to ignore Daze and his delusions. He's just trying to stir us up. As someone who pushes his ideologies on people and expects them to believe in all of it, well, he's just another one of those bad eggs.
Making posts on here about the children, but for his own sole purposes and twisting it to get people to believe in him, yikes. Also, calling both of us out like this in one of his posts, he's stirring trouble.
I do fully agree that both sides are orchestrated, and they will post pictures of kids to fool with people's emotions to push their narrative..such an evil thing to do.
Kids have enough to worry about, they don't need to be used for an agenda, too.


Sep 21, 2021
this is disgusting and We already Knew it was
going to be used by these evils for that exact

anyone who uses any technology to portray any
sorta Child abuse is as guilty as someone who is
taking actual picture of Children and deserve the
same one solution

one solution for the sickness
This is terribly sick...absolutely evil...There had been "warnings" about the dangers of AI...but tptb really wanted to push for further their evil agenda...