Save the Children


May 15, 2017
every single time there is at least 1 dizknee employee,
school workers/coaches
what happened to vetting the frigging Peoples that
are around Our Children

I Love Sherrif Grady Judd he is on it with getting these evils away
from the Children and he has no issue at all with showing their faces
and stating names

in canaduh if the victim is a minor they use the excuseMthey can't show
or name the pedofile/perpetrators
because they don't want to identify the victim such BS they're just doing
what they always do protecting the birds of a feathers of the flock

the school is quick to dismiss it like it's nothing and he didn't do anything
to Children
how bout letting the sherrif finish his investigation as they dont mention if
the sting used any decoys of Children to catch anyone eh
even if not Children it's still human trafficking and no one should be supporting that period

the dad with the oneyear old "family dog was watching them"oh my gosh
really reallyyy this is why We need parental testing before Peoples should be allowed to have Children and now that I typed that out I See how close
to an application to have a Child that sounds
if that's what it takes to end the evil sickos being able to have Children they sell for parts/trafficking
Y'all I might be ok with that as I'm looking at one solution for the sickness already

the guy is right cheating on Your wife isnt illegal but it is wrong still and maybe instead of cheating which can lead to diseases and long term relationship traumas in other relationships
leave the person but then again this day and age We have them open marriages so
who Knows maybe that's what this is but that he mentions cheating
I don't think so

the women are no better than the men
that they brought a Child with them is disgusting
again this day and age with all the hook up apps do Ya need to use any sorta prostitution?

I'm so Happy the identified(possibly) victims of trafficking were Helped and Hopefully saved that might not seem like a big number to anyone reading this story but any number is a Good number since We have no idea how long or from what age they may have been trafficked for

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May 15, 2017
I absolutely Love this parenting idea



May 15, 2017
this is how a mother SHOULD be when it comes
to Our Children
fearless,determined and unconditionally Loving
We are willing to put Our lives down for Our Children
the way it should be We should always be between
Our Children and any danger no matter what that
danger may be

it's a beautiful but st the same time sad to See in this
video because so many mothers today,think more of their
own wants,needs than they do their Children's
animal friends are constantly showing Us the way We're
meant to be and so many See just soulless animals instead
of a Souled Creation



May 15, 2017
kimel is more than horrible he is evil and deserves
no one should be able to joke about this or find it
amusing in anyway it should be exactly what it is
I whole Heartedly Believe if Ya can joke or laugh
it's because Ya are part of the sickness and We all
already Know how I feel about it

I Love Bauman exposing and speaking on this whenever
,he is at least bringing awareness to this evil in holiweird
/the world and has a much farther and bigger reach than
I do

he's a 100% right just as kappy was
if it's all lies than sue as it's a few charges in there if it's
untrue but none of these evils will do that and it makes
me at least go hmmmm why not,We Know why

every single person should want the names on that list
and should be demanding them and answers as to why
they were on it in the first place

all tptb did was take the procurers and threw them to Us
I want the perpetrators the buyers whatever Ya want to
call them yeah ok both they gave Us abused too but there
is so many more in places of power that have used murder
to get away with and keep silent their sickness
it's time for all of it to come to Light

one solution for the sickness
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May 15, 2017
this is so gross and wrong
it's happening more and more at these whats
supposed to be a shopping centre that family friendly

what happened to naughty stores did they shut em all?
there's no other reason to have this in the stores they're
being found sold in

no one cared when it was in a 18+ store
until they deliberately started exposing Our Children to
this sickness
how anyone now can't See that agenda is beyond me as
it's literally in the face of Us and Our Children now

it seems the only resource We have is to not give these
companies any business unfortunately even the smaller
stores/brands don't matter as all are owned by the same
companies only knock off names

We can get petitions going,can rally and protest but Ya
can easily See it's really not getting the results it should
or We wouldn't See this becoming a bigger issue everywhere

We need the numbers that matter like it did for a beer
it's sad really Peoples cared about alcohol more than the Children
where the looters and Peoples burning down the businesses
they're everywhere else it seems

if We started leading by examples with some of these places
the rest would get the message and We would actually start
Seeing some changes
until We are willing to step up and go to the extremes which imho
it's not extreme what is extreme is this agenda of sexualizing Our

until then it continues to spread

there is only one solution for the sickness


May 15, 2017
how freaking disgusting makes me sick to my stomach
and fuming mad again if I didn't have Children or mine
we're all grown adults I may be doing something that
serves as more of a solution I'm sure Y'all can figure
out what I mean

don't waste any resources on this woman
wait til she has that Child(if she is)and exterminate
her and her evil sickness outta Our World

she doesn't sound in the least bit remorseful(not that it matters
even if she was)if anything she's bragging about it and that
grin she's wearing while getting arrested shows the fact that
she's just as evil as many of the male perpetrators We See

that she threatened the Child is another reason to not waste
so long as she is out there doesn't matter if it's in jail or not
those Children she preyed upon will worry about her making
them pay cause I'm sure if she threatened one she threatened

how long was the school aware of the sickness she was doing
to the how many Children
who's the fathers of the other 2 do they Know and could it be
other Children she preyed upon

how long was she teaching for and at what schools cause if
Ya actually took time to look she probably has more victims
she preyed upon out there

one solution for the sickness


May 15, 2017
anything to normalize the sickness eh
Ya can't tell me this was accidental there is
only one way to pronounce and it sounds exactly
the way tptb wanted it too

it went through how many Peoples that signed off
on it and what none noticed what it was
I completely doubt that
whoever worked on this deserve to be fired and worse

it's all to normalize Us Hearing the word and word
associating it differently instead of how We do now
so that We have Children asking because it's definitely
being marketed to Children more than adults
they're thinking it's just something they eat,they are too
young to realize the manipulation and social engineering

it's plain disgusting and enraging,I frigging Hope no
parents will buy these for their Children as there is
other veggie straw type chips out there if Ya want a
healthier snack or Your Child does

one solution to the sickness


May 15, 2017
I Love this more places need these laws right now
this is something that should've been law a long
long time ago

start showing these pedofiles that We won't stand
and allow them to harm Our Children
enough is enough

I don't See how it's going to affect lgb more unless
of course Your a pedofile
it didn't centre the group out it's referring to any pedofile

I guess We're Seeing more hiding under the untouchable
non questionable group of tgers
that's because tptb and "allies" of them have given the sickos
a place to hide in plain sight eh

I've always said all this tger crap does is give the perpetrators
a way to get closer to their prey and I Believe that is a 100% Truth
that's why I Believe We're Seeing it pushed so much on Our
Children as the more there are the easy to hide amongst them

this shouldn't worry or scare anyone who is a Good,decent
morally sound Person
it should scare those who're hiding in plain sight though

one solution for the sickness

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Sep 21, 2021
"Lahaina Children.. Where Are They.. ?"



May 15, 2017
I'm shocked they didn't mention a frigging dizknee employee
somewhere in the 160 arrests I'm sure there's one

they've saved more victims of trafficking with this bust than the
last one but any saved is a Good day imo



May 15, 2017
I like watching these hidden camera videos
and I absolutely Love when there's Peoples
that actually care enough to interject themselves
into a situation to offer Help of any kind

this one warmed my Soul to See that every
single Person that was sitting beside her got
between the stranger and her

I've also been Seeing this making the rounds again
and of course the checkers are saying rushian

idk that it is but thought I would repost for anyone
who hasn't Seen it
all I Know is if my Child comes home with this crap
I will be raising all kinds of trouble for that school



May 15, 2017
I wasn't sure if I should start a thread on it

this is becoming a theme with these so called "celebrities"
on this platform We've Seen it with others such as the
island boys and there's a few others that slip my mind atm

this shows a glimpse into what Childhood must've been
like for these Peoples that this is acceptable behaviour to
share for them
that's a generational family with denese and charlee
and unfortunately the Children of those families go through
horrific things to keep their families in the club

tptb are trying hard to normalize this sickness and I'm so
sick of Seeing this evil being pushed
least it seems by the comments shared that not everyone is
with this sickness
I'm sure if We could See all of them it would be sickening
how many are

this is affecting Our Children,my lil one told me that two brothers
got caught doing things to each other in the bathroom at school
of course they liked the eyeboys

We're reading and Seeing this happening with more and more
Children because the "celebrities"do it and unfortunately most
have young fans and they Know their fan bases those Children
want to be just like them so they copy cat their behaviour

only one solution for the sickness

Jul 12, 2022
This isn't your typical topic for saving the children, but I found this quite alarming, as teachers are getting more and more reckless and not doing their research before showing kids a freakin horror movie:


May 15, 2017
This isn't your typical topic for saving the children, but I found this quite alarming, as teachers are getting more and more reckless and not doing their research before showing kids a freakin horror movie:
I Heard about this the other day and my first
thought was the frigging title says "blood and honey"
how,how do Ya even think for a minute that's the same
cartoon poo everyone Knows

then the image for thumbnail/cover should have made
Ya look too as it's someone wearing a mask holding an

imo I don't think she mistakeningly put this on,I think it
was on purpose to traumatize the Children
it also ruins their image,innocent connection to a cartoon
character almost everyone Knows

they will never Hear/See a poo media without this popping
in subconsciously especially with all the attention it's been
getting as well as I'm sure and rightfully so the parents
have been giving
Jul 12, 2022
I Heard about this the other day and my first
thought was the frigging title says "blood and honey"
how,how do Ya even think for a minute that's the same
cartoon poo everyone Knows

then the image for thumbnail/cover should have made
Ya look too as it's someone wearing a mask holding an

imo I don't think she mistakeningly put this on,I think it
was on purpose to traumatize the Children
it also ruins their image,innocent connection to a cartoon
character almost everyone Knows

they will never Hear/See a poo media without this popping
in subconsciously especially with all the attention it's been
getting as well as I'm sure and rightfully so the parents
have been giving
You know, I believe you're does seem like she did this on purpose. These kids will even have nightmares about a childhood character that was so beloved to them.
This is so disgusting, like you said, it's obvious that this isn't for kids, but she puts it on, anyway.
Anyone who actually thinks teachers are good people that help kids are delusional, education has always been a joke, but it's worse, now. Maybe, back in the day, teachers had a bit more a care for the kids, but now, they just indoctrinate and warp their minds.