Annoying Trends

Oct 20, 2021
I just remembered one: referring to a niece or nephew as a "nibling".

Besides sounding like a piece of cat food lol, the premise behind it is annoying. Either too lazy to say niece or nephew, or not wanting to "misgender" the child, who, if he or she has been born, we already know the gender of...
There is a video of lying dog pony soldier nibbling a little girl just yesterday. Little girl is freaking out too.


Jul 24, 2022
the child, who, if he or she has been born, we already know the gender of...
Are there new developments in prenatal care that obviate the findings of ultrasound? I recall back when we did the classes, every couple already new the sex of the (not yet born) child. Were those called LaMaze classes? I forget. I recall the ultrasound people always asked the parents if they wanted to know the sex of the child. I guess that practice has gone the way of the dial phone. I've still got my old phone with the dial! Still works, too!

Reminds me of the old joke told by Justin Wilson the Cajun Chef. HOOOO he glad for y'all to see him, ah declare. Anyway the joke was that one his relatives had twin babies, a boy child and a girl child. And the peoples wondered what to calls them, and they say, "Ask ol' Uncle Thibodeaux, man he can name the chilluns!" So dey aksed ol Uncle Thibodeaux and he thinks and finally say, "Dat EASY whatchyew mean? Yo names da girl chil' DENISE, and yo' name de boy child DE NEPHEW!!" <takes swig of grape juice>

W/re/to the Nibbler terrorizing the small child: inappropriate behavior is often a hallmark of the demented. I have had the unfortunate pleasure of dealing with dementia / Alzheimer sufferers. My dad was in its first stages when he died. The Elder One exhibits symptoms (irrational outbursts of anger.) An in-law suffered in his old age (was constantly "flirting" with nurses by drawing crude dirty pictures for them.) The wandering shuffling gait and inappropriate behavior with children is a sign. A big red sign. Or it could be an act a la that old Mafia dude that faked dementia to avoid prison for so long.
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Jun 26, 2022
Are there new developments in prenatal care that obviate the findings of ultrasound? I recall back when we did the classes, every couple already new the sex of the (not yet born) child. Were those called LaMaze classes? I forget. I recall the ultrasound people always asked the parents if they wanted to know the sex of the child. I guess that practice has gone the way of the dial phone. I've still got my old phone with the dial! Still works, too!
Yeah and now they have some kind of blood test that looks for any genetic material with a y chromosome in the mom's blood too, for those who can't wait until a second trimester ultrasound to find out.

I miss phones with buttons...


Jul 10, 2023
"nibling" Hmm.
Never heard that term before, but it does sound quite strange.
People keep coming up with these crazy terms, that also sound kinda wrong.
I wonder why.
Oh yeah, this world is very broken.
These things shouldn't become trends.


Jul 24, 2022
these crazy terms, that also sound kinda wrong.
I wonder why.
It can be for a variety of reasons that they "sound" wrong. In the instant case, I suspect that it is because (phonetically) we already have a word in English that is pronounced that way. That word is spelled "n i b b l i n g" and it designates the action of ... well, NIBBLING. As in, "My pet bunny rabbit is SO CUTE when he eats. I just love to watch him nibbling on a carrot." Another example: "I had to give old Gramps another swat on the snout when I caught him nibbling on another young child."

My participles are rusty, but I believe that "nibbling" is the gerund form of the verb "nibble". A gerund is a "nouned" verb, NIBBLE being the verb. The verb form: "I love to watch when my rabbit nibbles his carrot," I said, "but I hate it when Grandpa tries to nibble on the kids. That is so creepy."
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Jul 10, 2023
It can be for a variety of reasons that they "sound" wrong. In the instant case, I suspect that it is because (phonetically) we already have a word in English that is pronounced that way. That word is spelled "n i b b l i n g" and it designates the action of ... well, NIBBLING. As in, "My pet bunny rabbit is SO CUTE when he eats. I just love to watch him nibbling on a carrot." Another example: "I had to give old Gramps another swat on the snout when I caught him nibbling on another young child."

My participles are rusty, but I believe that "nibbling" is the gerund form of the verb "nibble". A gerund is a "nouned" verb, NIBBLE being the verb. The verb form: "I love to watch when my rabbit nibbles his carrot," I said, "but I hate it when Grandpa tries to nibble on the kids. That is so creepy."
That's just the thing.
It can be considered that and creepy.
At least another term could of been used for niece or nephew,
instead of sounding so odd.
But maybe, we would be saying that term would sound just as stupid XD
Jun 26, 2022
"nibling" Hmm.
Never heard that term before, but it does sound quite strange.
Lol that's what i get for lurking on reddit!

I've never heard the term used - how do they say on reddit? - "in the wild"...

That's another annoying trend: referring to something heard/observed outside of the internet/social media as "in the wild".

Reddit talk is annoying lol
At least another term could of been used for niece or nephew,
instead of sounding so odd.
Yeah "nibling" is an odd choice but we don't need another word in the english language to designate the child of a sibling or cousin. To me it sounds like clear pandering to the don't misgender of else! agenda.


Jul 10, 2023
That's another annoying trend: referring to something heard/observed outside of the internet/social media as "in the wild".

Reddit talk is annoying lol
Oh boy, yeah that does sound rather crazy.
Reddit does seem to be a cesspool for nonsense lol.
Sounds like they are just trying to make things sound cool when they don't.

To me it sounds like clear pandering to the don't misgender of else! agenda.
Exactly, this is why I mentioned the fact that if there was another term,
we would just end up thinking it still sounds stupid lol.


Sep 21, 2021
It can be for a variety of reasons that they "sound" wrong. In the instant case, I suspect that it is because (phonetically) we already have a word in English that is pronounced that way. That word is spelled "n i b b l i n g" and it designates the action of ... well, NIBBLING. As in, "My pet bunny rabbit is SO CUTE when he eats. I just love to watch him nibbling on a carrot." Another example: "I had to give old Gramps another swat on the snout when I caught him nibbling on another young child."

My participles are rusty, but I believe that "nibbling" is the gerund form of the verb "nibble". A gerund is a "nouned" verb, NIBBLE being the verb. The verb form: "I love to watch when my rabbit nibbles his carrot," I said, "but I hate it when Grandpa tries to nibble on the kids. That is so creepy."
I hope Biden does not "incorporate" nibbling as a part of his "habit of sniffing..." coz that, by itself, is already gross...and "criminal..."


Jul 24, 2022
we don't need another word in the english language to designate the child of a sibling or cousin. To me it sounds like clear pandering to the don't misgender [or] else! agenda.
I agree. The child of a sibling is ... just that, the child of a sibling, but of course we don't speak that way ... that depersonalizes both the child and the sibling. "Henry? Oh, that's my sister's son." Or, "HIM? Oh, that's my nephew." Plain, simple English.

The attempted control of language ... what is colloquially known as newspeak per George Orwell in his book 1984 ... is one of the hallmarks of Fascism. Of course, the Alphabet Mafia will call YOU (or me, or anyone who refuses to play their little games) the REAL Fascists. I myself am labelled a Fascist by the nephew who demands that I kowtow to his demands to: use the pronouns that he has "chosen"; refer to him with his chosen female monikers; and any other whimsical demand that he conjures inside his mentally ill prison.

If that is his chosen label for me, so be it. I wear it proudly. As i put it: I refuse to take part in his little Barbie Doll fantasy game.

Now, if he decided to call himself something like Kar-Glish of the Uglion Faction of Klingon Females, at least I would get a chuckle out of that. But until he shows me his legal notice of name change granted by the appropriate Court of Law: not happening. The name remains the same.


Jun 17, 2017
i am totally sick of that punisher skull design with the american flag superimposed on it.
enough with this satanic skull imagery everywhere: clothing, stickers on vehicles, etc. tying it into the american flag for patriotic consumption is quite... boring.

there are hundreds of better ways to point out the clown world we live in than putting up some comic book crap. simply writing, "only women can have babies" on your car or t-shirt makes a bigger impact.
Aug 12, 2020
I just remembered one: referring to a niece or nephew as a "nibling".

Besides sounding like a piece of cat food lol, the premise behind it is annoying. Either too lazy to say niece or nephew, or not wanting to "misgender" the child, who, if he or she has been born, we already know the gender of...
I think a nibling is a toddler who lives in The Jolly Green Giant World.
Aug 12, 2020
Here is a truly annoying trend just in case nobody else mentioned. Cars that have subwoofers on their stereo system that actually vibrate my windows and set off car alarms. And then a typical lyric consists of bitchassnigga repeated. And now motorcycles have extremely loud stereo systems with people who enjoy torturing us with their crappy music that actually scares cats and dogs.
Jun 26, 2022
Speaking of cars, someone mentioned on another forum that there is a trend in cars showing their tailpipes openly. He claimed that it correlates to society becoming obsessed with backsides.

I thought that was thought provoking, though i think he has too much time on his hands if he's sexualizing cars lol
Aug 12, 2020
Speaking of cars, someone mentioned on another forum that there is a trend in cars showing their tailpipes openly. He claimed that it correlates to society becoming obsessed with backsides.

I thought that was thought provoking, though i think he has too much time on his hands if he's sexualizing cars lol
Mexican car enthusiasts gather at a park nearby me and have figured out how to make their cars jump up and down.
Aug 12, 2020
What about the annoying trend of Muslim threads popping up everyday. Why can't they all be put under the same thread title. Hardly no one responds to them even Muslims. Seems more like propaganda than actual threads.
What's next we have to learn Arabic? And now they are promoting sex with nine year girls. Could someone please call Child Protection Services or something?