1) You said " Jesus Christ is indeed the Lord and Savior "
However, why did you capitalise the L in lord? why did you then purposely refer to him as 'Him'? absolutely VILE.
In the english language, there's only one word, Lord. In Arabic, only one word, Rabb. In Hebrew there is ADONAI (THE LORD ie GOD) and then there is adoni/lord.
I don't know how this was addressed in Aramaic though. However at least I know that in the original psalm 110, David would have differentiated between Adonai and adoni. Again this goes back to the muslim point that no matter how important Jesus is, HE IS NOT GOD!!!
the fact that right from the offset the entirity of xtian belief is based on a shit translation of psalm 110 means your religion is broken.
2) God's Immanence in the LOGOS means that God is IMMANENT IN ALL THINGS, since the LOGOS IS ALL THINGS.
For from him and through him and for him are all things
God is Trancendent and Immanent...and thus there is the metaphysical descent and ascent of consciousness. The logos is the ground level of of all 'things' since all things exist eternally with God.
our brain structure and our metaphysical makeup conforms to this perfectly. There's a yin and a yang, passive and active and furthermore, the logical left brain pov and the mystical right brain pov.
When you enter into the domain of God's Immanence, you're in the rgiht brain mode. You're perceiving God in a very subjective and personal imaginative way.
The jews had plenty of left brain logical 'tahwid/monothiestic' arguments, yet they became distant from God due to a lack of personal connection to God's Immanence. in islam it is necessary to have a perfect balance. Thus when you read john 1:1..look at how perfect it is, it literally connects both
'The Word was with God' and 'The Word IS GOD'
these are two contradictory statements put together...a muslim who is well read like me, gets it. xtians are lost, they dont get it, they just mix it all up. like i said your beliefs and your religion is broken.
ill never attack the new testament, only your Beast system religion.
When you refer to Jesus as literal God, you've basically extrapolated the right brain pov and then tried to turn it into a left brain logical argument. Just as you have no regard for psalm 110 contexts and yet have the gall to call him 'LORD' 'Him' etc, it means you're left brain impaired
@Daze you know what that ^^ means? left brain impaired means right eye imapired....blind in their right eye becomes the physical embodiment of this impairment...
literally these are dajjals people.
The fact that xtians don't look at the universe in it's entirity as God, but only Jesus, means their entire belief system is half baked. The very argument that places God as a man, hs to apply to the universe, because man is the microcosm of the universe.
3) However the truth is, theology is not required as any type of explanation as to why xtians worship Jesus.
they worship him because the BEAST/Rome pushed this image of the archetypal colonial subject...a femboy to the Beast, who sucks the beasts cock and has no power.
Rome then turned the cross upside down into the symbol of the sword, in order to hijack the davidic conquerer archetype, again in o rder to reduce Jesus into nothing. The Beast only cared about a submissive messiah who people can worship...as the perfect form of sorcery to keep people perpetually in submissive to the Beast.
The death of the serpent represents LIFE and the conquest of death itself.
islam gets that, that is why the Quran says 'he only appeared dead' and pushed the argument that Jesus Christ is living.
on the otherhand xtianity has murdered Jesus, he is DEAD. DIED FOR OUR SINS....therefore YOU ARE FREE TO SIN, THE PRICE HAS BEEN PAID.
so they've murdered the cross, murdered Jesus and murdered all of you with it...let sin reign in this world. only islam stood against sin actively.
'he will convict the world of it's sin' (john 16)
the holy spirit chose prophet Mohammad to bring THE TRUTH and prophecy..and to convict the world of it's sin.
only muslims fight against sin. Xtians celebrate sin and call it God's Grace.
muslims believe in God as ALL-MERCIFUL but still do not celebrate sin.
muslims are guaranteed paradise, but still carry a guilt complex and thus bring suffering on themselves in this life, whilst the xtians chase material success with zero guilt complex 'we are saved'
the serpent is alive and well with xtians, since the cross has no power over the serpent anymore, being the symbol of roman imperialism and mass murder instead.
what is even the point of talking about salvation and Jesus as the suffering servant? if you experience lust or gluttony, literally you didnt die with Christ. the serpent is alive and well.
Paul argued that we all entered into sin through the sin of Adam and Eve. That we were saved through Jesus.
yet, no faith was required to aquire my sinful nature...i was born with the nature of sin. my carnal nature. Jesus dying on the cross, didn't magically remove my carnal nature nor that of any xtian.
at least muslims carry a guilt complex and at least we have rules ie we avoid pork.
yet the mostgluttonous thing you'#ll ever see is a xtian with swine. literally you guys make love to the meat before you eat it.
to muslims, it is a thing of contempt. our hearts reject it. your hearts worship pork.
don't talk to me about being saved.
you guys love pork more than you love Jesus.