Without Tawheed, all your deeds are useless and worthless.


Mar 23, 2021
You sound like a Calvinist.
God has given us all freewill to choose what we believe.

We are not puppets being controlled by Him, that’s just not how this all works.

He does not choose our outcome, it is forged by our own choices.
Thats what satan wants is robots. The problem all along was free will and why give it to these lumps of clay ;)


May 20, 2017
Of course, there is free will otherwise life would not be a test. On a side note, Angels do not have free will according to Islam so there are no fallen angels. Satan is from another creation. For more understanding check the video below for the story of Prophet Adam peace be upon him.

Let there be no compulsion in religion,
for the truth stands out clearly from falsehood.
So whoever renounces false gods and believes in Allah has certainly grasped the firmest, unfailing hand-hold.

And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits,

but give good tidings to the patient,
Who, when disaster strikes them,
say, ‘Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.’

— Quran 2:155–156

Alif, Lam, Meem. do people think that they will be left to say, “We believe,” without being tested?

We certainly tested those before them.
And Allah will clearly distinguish between those who are truthful and those who are liars.
Do those who do evil imagine that they will escape Us?
How ill they judge! Whoever looks forward to the meeting with Allah — the appointed time of Allah is coming.
He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.
Whoever strives, strives only for himself.
Indeed, Allah is free from need of the worlds.
As for those who believe and do good,
We will certainly absolve them of their sins,
and reward them according to the best of what they used to do.

— Quran 29:1–7

You will certainly be put to the test in respect of your properties and lives,
and you will certainly hear many hurtful things from those who were given the Scripture before you and from the polytheists. — Quran 3:186
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Mar 23, 2021
Well that explains why its ok for muhammad to listen to "supposed angel gabriel" without conflicting with the do not listen to seducing spirits (1 tim 4:1) or preaching a different gospel as per galatians -

Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ,

4 Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father:

5 To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:

7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.

8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.

12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.


May 20, 2017
This thread is about the knowledge of Tawheed, or the Absolute Oneness of God.
I think it is a good thing for people to understand the teachings of Islam.
We stand confident that we need only to convey the message.
Guidance is from the Creator for those who are sincerely seeking it!
May the Creator lead us all to His nearness. He is sufficient for us and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs.

Mar 30, 2017
This thread is about the knowledge of Tawheed, or the Absolute Oneness of God.
I think it is a good thing for people to understand the teachings of Islam.
We stand confident that we need only to convey the message.
Guidance is from the Creator for those who are sincerely seeking it!
May the Creator lead us all to His nearness. He is sufficient for us and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs.

Always giving positive and hopeful vibes, DR. This is a good reminder for everyone, IMHO.


Jun 28, 2020
You sound like a Calvinist.
God has given us all freewill to choose what we believe.

We are not puppets being controlled by Him, that’s just not how this all works.

He does not choose our outcome, it is forged by our own choices.
God has ultimate control. He has always had it, he will always have it.

Creation as we know it was written 1000's of years ago. God knows what you will be thinking tomorrow at 7:30 pm because he has already written it. It is recorded in a clear record.

God has created people for the hellfire. He knows full well they will suffer for eternity but he gave them life anyway. Why do you think this is?
So the people will know why they are in hell. They literally chose it by rejecting what God has sent down.

You're "free will" works much the same way. Your destiny is already decided.

The only thing that can change qadr (divine decree) is dua (prayer, supplication, invocation). But you don't call on God to begin with, you call on his prophet (as).

The crowds answered, “This is Jesus,
the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.” (Matthew 21:11)

This is what gets me Claire, the people who literally walked with Jesus knew him to be a prophet. But somehow, you know better.

End of the day, what separates you from those who call on Mary? You know, those "fake Christians"

الله مستعان (may God help us)


Aug 8, 2023
Also it is absolutely impossible to change what is predestined. Any deed of ours was already destined to happen.


Mar 23, 2021
The crowds answered, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.” (Matthew 21:11)

Funny that @Daze would quote this verse (no context again given) this is JESUS fulling the OT prophecies about HIM entering jerusalem as the suffering servant THE MESSIAH

This, the, is the “triumphal entry.” It is not a triumphal entry in the tradition of the Romans, who, after some great victory, would parade into the city with pomp and praise to take their seat on the throne as the victor. This was the entry of a King, to be sure, but more than a King. This was the entry of the Messiah, the King of Kings; and yet His triumph was to be the greatest victory of all time, the victory over sin, death and the grave. To do that He would have to die in place of all humanity, and then rise from the dead as the sign that He had overcome it all. Thus, He entered the city to die. Then, when He comes again, He will appear in glory as the truly triumphant and glorious King of Kings.

His entry into the holy city was therefore the beginning of His Passion. Just as the High Priest in the Old Testament had to sanctify and purify the temple before the atoning sacrifice could be offering, the coming Lord had to cleanse the temple to make preparation for the perfect sacrifice that was to be offered, the one that all the sacrifices in ancient Israel pointed to in their prophetic sense. What was set in motion by this dramatic emphasis was the self-disclosure of Jesus in anticipation of His death. Through this and subsequent events He revealed who He was, why He came, and what He was about to accomplish, so that when He was crucified people would have a clearer understanding of the event--at least when they had a chance to reflect on it and recall all that Jesus had said and done, and how that all fulfilled the Messianic promises in the Old Testament.

There are so many applications that one could make from this passage, but a few stand out as essential.

First, if Jesus Christ is indeed the Lord and Savior of all people, then all people must acclaim Him to be so and call on Him to save them--”Hosanna” in its true sense. The believers in Jesus have done this; those who have not yet believed in Him must do so if they are to be saved. The message of the triumphal entry is therefore an evangelistic message: Behold, your king comes, lowly, and riding upon a donkey! If we want a share in His kingdom, then we must acknowledge Him as Lord; if we want to enter His kingdom, we have to accept His death for your sins. Those who have done this must proclaim this message on behalf of their King.

Second, if Jesus Christ is God’s remedy for the ruin of the race, then we must look to Him for physical and spiritual healing. He healed many people, not only when He entered the temple on this day, but in His lifetime on earth, to declare that He is able to solve all the problems that exist in our world. Either in this life, or in the life to come, those who trust in Him will be made whole in body, soul and spirit.

Third, all praise and glory belongs to Him--not just because He healed people while on earth (although in human experience that would be praiseworthy) but because all power is given to Him in heaven and on earth. He has authority over life and death, sickness and health, nature and the supernatural. People should never cease praising Him for all He is and does. Like the followers of Jesus in this story, even though we may not understand everything that the Lord is doing, we follow Him with love and devotion, and we acclaim Him as the coming King, and we praise Him as the Savior and Lord.

Fourth, there will always be opposition to Christ Jesus, and criticism of His works, sometimes even from devoutly religious people. There is a spiritual hardening in many people because of sin, and because of the blindness of the god of this age, and they will not acknowledge that Jesus is the divine Lord, God in the flesh, Savior and King, the one who will reign over the whole world forever.
Mar 14, 2017
The crowds answered, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.” (Matthew 21:11)

Funny that @Daze would quote this verse (no context again given) this is JESUS fulling the OT prophecies about HIM entering jerusalem as the suffering servant THE MESSIAH

This, the, is the “triumphal entry.” It is not a triumphal entry in the tradition of the Romans, who, after some great victory, would parade into the city with pomp and praise to take their seat on the throne as the victor. This was the entry of a King, to be sure, but more than a King. This was the entry of the Messiah, the King of Kings; and yet His triumph was to be the greatest victory of all time, the victory over sin, death and the grave. To do that He would have to die in place of all humanity, and then rise from the dead as the sign that He had overcome it all. Thus, He entered the city to die. Then, when He comes again, He will appear in glory as the truly triumphant and glorious King of Kings.

His entry into the holy city was therefore the beginning of His Passion. Just as the High Priest in the Old Testament had to sanctify and purify the temple before the atoning sacrifice could be offering, the coming Lord had to cleanse the temple to make preparation for the perfect sacrifice that was to be offered, the one that all the sacrifices in ancient Israel pointed to in their prophetic sense. What was set in motion by this dramatic emphasis was the self-disclosure of Jesus in anticipation of His death. Through this and subsequent events He revealed who He was, why He came, and what He was about to accomplish, so that when He was crucified people would have a clearer understanding of the event--at least when they had a chance to reflect on it and recall all that Jesus had said and done, and how that all fulfilled the Messianic promises in the Old Testament.

There are so many applications that one could make from this passage, but a few stand out as essential.

First, if Jesus Christ is indeed the Lord and Savior of all people, then all people must acclaim Him to be so and call on Him to save them--”Hosanna” in its true sense. The believers in Jesus have done this; those who have not yet believed in Him must do so if they are to be saved. The message of the triumphal entry is therefore an evangelistic message: Behold, your king comes, lowly, and riding upon a donkey! If we want a share in His kingdom, then we must acknowledge Him as Lord; if we want to enter His kingdom, we have to accept His death for your sins. Those who have done this must proclaim this message on behalf of their King.

Second, if Jesus Christ is God’s remedy for the ruin of the race, then we must look to Him for physical and spiritual healing. He healed many people, not only when He entered the temple on this day, but in His lifetime on earth, to declare that He is able to solve all the problems that exist in our world. Either in this life, or in the life to come, those who trust in Him will be made whole in body, soul and spirit.

Third, all praise and glory belongs to Him--not just because He healed people while on earth (although in human experience that would be praiseworthy) but because all power is given to Him in heaven and on earth. He has authority over life and death, sickness and health, nature and the supernatural. People should never cease praising Him for all He is and does. Like the followers of Jesus in this story, even though we may not understand everything that the Lord is doing, we follow Him with love and devotion, and we acclaim Him as the coming King, and we praise Him as the Savior and Lord.

Fourth, there will always be opposition to Christ Jesus, and criticism of His works, sometimes even from devoutly religious people. There is a spiritual hardening in many people because of sin, and because of the blindness of the god of this age, and they will not acknowledge that Jesus is the divine Lord, God in the flesh, Savior and King, the one who will reign over the whole world forever.

1) You said " Jesus Christ is indeed the Lord and Savior "
However, why did you capitalise the L in lord? why did you then purposely refer to him as 'Him'? absolutely VILE.

In the english language, there's only one word, Lord. In Arabic, only one word, Rabb. In Hebrew there is ADONAI (THE LORD ie GOD) and then there is adoni/lord.
I don't know how this was addressed in Aramaic though. However at least I know that in the original psalm 110, David would have differentiated between Adonai and adoni. Again this goes back to the muslim point that no matter how important Jesus is, HE IS NOT GOD!!!

the fact that right from the offset the entirity of xtian belief is based on a shit translation of psalm 110 means your religion is broken.

2) God's Immanence in the LOGOS means that God is IMMANENT IN ALL THINGS, since the LOGOS IS ALL THINGS.
For from him and through him and for him are all things

God is Trancendent and Immanent...and thus there is the metaphysical descent and ascent of consciousness. The logos is the ground level of of all 'things' since all things exist eternally with God.
our brain structure and our metaphysical makeup conforms to this perfectly. There's a yin and a yang, passive and active and furthermore, the logical left brain pov and the mystical right brain pov.

When you enter into the domain of God's Immanence, you're in the rgiht brain mode. You're perceiving God in a very subjective and personal imaginative way.
The jews had plenty of left brain logical 'tahwid/monothiestic' arguments, yet they became distant from God due to a lack of personal connection to God's Immanence. in islam it is necessary to have a perfect balance. Thus when you read john 1:1..look at how perfect it is, it literally connects both
'The Word was with God' and 'The Word IS GOD'
these are two contradictory statements put together...a muslim who is well read like me, gets it. xtians are lost, they dont get it, they just mix it all up. like i said your beliefs and your religion is broken.
ill never attack the new testament, only your Beast system religion.

When you refer to Jesus as literal God, you've basically extrapolated the right brain pov and then tried to turn it into a left brain logical argument. Just as you have no regard for psalm 110 contexts and yet have the gall to call him 'LORD' 'Him' etc, it means you're left brain impaired

@Daze you know what that ^^ means? left brain impaired means right eye imapired....blind in their right eye becomes the physical embodiment of this impairment...
literally these are dajjals people.

The fact that xtians don't look at the universe in it's entirity as God, but only Jesus, means their entire belief system is half baked. The very argument that places God as a man, hs to apply to the universe, because man is the microcosm of the universe.

3) However the truth is, theology is not required as any type of explanation as to why xtians worship Jesus.
they worship him because the BEAST/Rome pushed this image of the archetypal colonial subject...a femboy to the Beast, who sucks the beasts cock and has no power.
Rome then turned the cross upside down into the symbol of the sword, in order to hijack the davidic conquerer archetype, again in o rder to reduce Jesus into nothing. The Beast only cared about a submissive messiah who people can worship...as the perfect form of sorcery to keep people perpetually in submissive to the Beast.

The death of the serpent represents LIFE and the conquest of death itself.
islam gets that, that is why the Quran says 'he only appeared dead' and pushed the argument that Jesus Christ is living.
on the otherhand xtianity has murdered Jesus, he is DEAD. DIED FOR OUR SINS....therefore YOU ARE FREE TO SIN, THE PRICE HAS BEEN PAID.

so they've murdered the cross, murdered Jesus and murdered all of you with it...let sin reign in this world. only islam stood against sin actively.
'he will convict the world of it's sin' (john 16)
the holy spirit chose prophet Mohammad to bring THE TRUTH and prophecy..and to convict the world of it's sin.
only muslims fight against sin. Xtians celebrate sin and call it God's Grace.

muslims believe in God as ALL-MERCIFUL but still do not celebrate sin.
muslims are guaranteed paradise, but still carry a guilt complex and thus bring suffering on themselves in this life, whilst the xtians chase material success with zero guilt complex 'we are saved'

the serpent is alive and well with xtians, since the cross has no power over the serpent anymore, being the symbol of roman imperialism and mass murder instead.

what is even the point of talking about salvation and Jesus as the suffering servant? if you experience lust or gluttony, literally you didnt die with Christ. the serpent is alive and well.

Paul argued that we all entered into sin through the sin of Adam and Eve. That we were saved through Jesus.
yet, no faith was required to aquire my sinful nature...i was born with the nature of sin. my carnal nature. Jesus dying on the cross, didn't magically remove my carnal nature nor that of any xtian.
at least muslims carry a guilt complex and at least we have rules ie we avoid pork.
yet the mostgluttonous thing you'#ll ever see is a xtian with swine. literally you guys make love to the meat before you eat it.

to muslims, it is a thing of contempt. our hearts reject it. your hearts worship pork.

don't talk to me about being saved.
you guys love pork more than you love Jesus.
Mar 14, 2017
muslims are capable of all manner of evil because the nafs (the serpent) is alive and well in us. However due to the way our religion has unconsciously programmed us...we are in a state of collective guilt.
When you see the most scummiest peice of shit muslims, esp in the news...the drug dealers, rapists etc...those guys still carry a deep guilt complex even if it's on the uncoscious level. they cheat, only to bring about their own torment in this life or during death.
i have seen a muslim who defrauded his son in law and left him homeless..and he didnt once ask for forgiveness. When this man died, he was 90+ in a house full of his children, grandchildren and also his great grandchildren....he died happy, like 'wow you've all come for me, im so lucky'
he died a good death.
yet his son was telling us that he knew his dad was a bigtime sinner and that it's unfortunate he now has to enter barzakh (hades/sheol) under severe torment from the 99 headed serpent (the nafs). even if muslims go without punishment in this life, they certainly will receive torment before the day of judgement.

yet if he was a xtian, they'd all say 'yup, he's in heaven with Jesus Christ'.
all the injustice in the muslim world, collectively we are programmed to believe in JUSTICE and that anyone who cheats justice in this life, will get what's coming right after it. there is no escape.

yet a xtian could murder and r*pe, absolutely zero guilt complex in anyone towards him.
that's enough to turn athiest tbh.


Jun 28, 2020
@Daze you know what that ^^ means? left brain impaired means right eye imapired....blind in their right eye becomes the physical embodiment of this impairment...
literally these are dajjals people.
I know the trinitarians will be part of the dajjals army. There is a reason they never have anything negative to say about Israel, even when Israel persecutes Christians they remain silent.

As we speak Israel awaits Moshiach. We all know their messiah was Jesus, now they wait on the antichrist.

There is a reason the western story of Jesus closely mirrors that of horus.


What is the symbol for Horus?


What does the eye of Horus contain?



ك ف ر = كفر



Am i reaching here? You tell me when some many things perfectly align.

God knows best.

Edit: Removed the cartoon depiction of Jesus from the 1st image.
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Mar 14, 2017
the real 'single eye' refers to the eye of the heart which, the inner eye, representing the ONENESS of Allah and is connected with Ihsan.
hence true believers being able to SEE dajjal's sign on his forehead, is a thing they can perceive through that sixth sense perception.
it isn't going to be seen with the regular eyes.

the false eye is a perversion/shadow of the real one, that is all.
more than anything, in the New Testament, the antichrist is connected with 'lawlessness'. the LAW is the left brain, passive path as opposed to the right brain mystical fiqh and tasawuff, basically.

the reason why the 'left hand' is associated with evil, is because it's from the shadow perspective, the qliphots/tree of death in kabballah, hell basically.
otherwise left and right in the higher/tree of life/heavenly sense, are both positive

And you might have seen the sun, when it rose, declining to the right from their Cave, and when it set, turning away from them to the left, while they lay in the midst of the Cave. That is (one) of the Ayat (proofs, evidence, signs) of Allah. He whom Allah guides, he is the rightly guided; but he whom He sends astray, for him you will find no Wali (guiding friend) to lead him (to the right Path).
(سورة الكهف, Al-Kahf, Chapter #18, Verse #17)
And you would have thought them awake, whereas they were asleep. And We turned them on their right and on their left sides, and their dog stretching forth his two forelegs at the entrance [of the Cave or in the space near to the entrance of the Cave (as a guard at the gate)]. Had you looked at them, you would certainly have turned back from them in flight, and would certainly have been filled with awe of them.
(سورة الكهف, Al-Kahf, Chapter #18, Verse #18)

Indeed there was for Saba' (Sheba) a sign in their dwelling-place - two gardens on the right hand and on the left; (and it was said to them:) "Eat of the provision of your Lord, and be grateful to Him." A fair land and an Oft-Forgiving Lord!
(سورة سبإ, Saba, Chapter #34, Verse #15)

so being 'lawlessness' at work, basically means negating the law of God...that is xtianity man.

literally dajjal being lawless, left brain impaired just like they are, lacking in tawhid and in fiqh/shariah (or the torah in the correct context), then declaring himself God...is every xtians wet dream.

The Sojourner

Sep 23, 2022
Aren't you a non-Muslim? What would you know about tafsir? No non-Muslim has any business trying to tell us how to interpret the Quran. I doubt your hands have ever held a book of tafsir.
ALLAH says, in the Holy Quran, that you cannot belong to any Sect AND be a Muslim.
(Sunni, Shia, Sufi, Wahhabi, Salafi, Takfiri, or member of any other sect)
And any tafsir that may be out there, will not help you:

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The Sojourner

Sep 23, 2022
If you believe that the Koran is incomplete and needs the Hadiths and men to explain it to you, then you do not believe Allah and thus are not a Muslim.

Holy Koran Suras:
A Book, whereof the verses are explained in detail;- a Koran in Arabic, for people who understand;-
41:4 Giving Good News and Warning: yet most of them turn away, and so they hear not.
43:2 By the Book that makes things clear,-
43:3 We have made it a Koran in Arabic, that ye may be able to understand (and learn Wisdom).
16:98 When thou dost read the Koran, seek “I AM”’s protection from Satan the Rejected One.
16:99 No authority has he over those who believe and put their trust in their Lord.
16:100 His authority is only over those, who take him as patron and who join partners with “I AM”.

It is obvious from the above that there are NO real Muslims today.


Mar 23, 2021
1) You said " Jesus Christ is indeed the Lord and Savior "
However, why did you capitalise the L in lord? why did you then purposely refer to him as 'Him'? absolutely VILE.

In the english language, there's only one word, Lord. In Arabic, only one word, Rabb. In Hebrew there is ADONAI (THE LORD ie GOD) and then there is adoni/lord.
I don't know how this was addressed in Aramaic though. However at least I know that in the original psalm 110, David would have differentiated between Adonai and adoni. Again this goes back to the muslim point that no matter how important Jesus is, HE IS NOT GOD!!!

the fact that right from the offset the entirity of xtian belief is based on a shit translation of psalm 110 means your religion is broken.

2) God's Immanence in the LOGOS means that God is IMMANENT IN ALL THINGS, since the LOGOS IS ALL THINGS.
For from him and through him and for him are all things

God is Trancendent and Immanent...and thus there is the metaphysical descent and ascent of consciousness. The logos is the ground level of of all 'things' since all things exist eternally with God.
our brain structure and our metaphysical makeup conforms to this perfectly. There's a yin and a yang, passive and active and furthermore, the logical left brain pov and the mystical right brain pov.

When you enter into the domain of God's Immanence, you're in the rgiht brain mode. You're perceiving God in a very subjective and personal imaginative way.
The jews had plenty of left brain logical 'tahwid/monothiestic' arguments, yet they became distant from God due to a lack of personal connection to God's Immanence. in islam it is necessary to have a perfect balance. Thus when you read john 1:1..look at how perfect it is, it literally connects both
'The Word was with God' and 'The Word IS GOD'
these are two contradictory statements put together...a muslim who is well read like me, gets it. xtians are lost, they dont get it, they just mix it all up. like i said your beliefs and your religion is broken.
ill never attack the new testament, only your Beast system religion.

When you refer to Jesus as literal God, you've basically extrapolated the right brain pov and then tried to turn it into a left brain logical argument. Just as you have no regard for psalm 110 contexts and yet have the gall to call him 'LORD' 'Him' etc, it means you're left brain impaired

@Daze you know what that ^^ means? left brain impaired means right eye imapired....blind in their right eye becomes the physical embodiment of this impairment...
literally these are dajjals people.

The fact that xtians don't look at the universe in it's entirity as God, but only Jesus, means their entire belief system is half baked. The very argument that places God as a man, hs to apply to the universe, because man is the microcosm of the universe.

3) However the truth is, theology is not required as any type of explanation as to why xtians worship Jesus.
they worship him because the BEAST/Rome pushed this image of the archetypal colonial subject...a femboy to the Beast, who sucks the beasts cock and has no power.
Rome then turned the cross upside down into the symbol of the sword, in order to hijack the davidic conquerer archetype, again in o rder to reduce Jesus into nothing. The Beast only cared about a submissive messiah who people can worship...as the perfect form of sorcery to keep people perpetually in submissive to the Beast.

The death of the serpent represents LIFE and the conquest of death itself.
islam gets that, that is why the Quran says 'he only appeared dead' and pushed the argument that Jesus Christ is living.
on the otherhand xtianity has murdered Jesus, he is DEAD. DIED FOR OUR SINS....therefore YOU ARE FREE TO SIN, THE PRICE HAS BEEN PAID.

so they've murdered the cross, murdered Jesus and murdered all of you with it...let sin reign in this world. only islam stood against sin actively.
'he will convict the world of it's sin' (john 16)
the holy spirit chose prophet Mohammad to bring THE TRUTH and prophecy..and to convict the world of it's sin.
only muslims fight against sin. Xtians celebrate sin and call it God's Grace.

muslims believe in God as ALL-MERCIFUL but still do not celebrate sin.
muslims are guaranteed paradise, but still carry a guilt complex and thus bring suffering on themselves in this life, whilst the xtians chase material success with zero guilt complex 'we are saved'

the serpent is alive and well with xtians, since the cross has no power over the serpent anymore, being the symbol of roman imperialism and mass murder instead.

what is even the point of talking about salvation and Jesus as the suffering servant? if you experience lust or gluttony, literally you didnt die with Christ. the serpent is alive and well.

Paul argued that we all entered into sin through the sin of Adam and Eve. That we were saved through Jesus.
yet, no faith was required to aquire my sinful nature...i was born with the nature of sin. my carnal nature. Jesus dying on the cross, didn't magically remove my carnal nature nor that of any xtian.
at least muslims carry a guilt complex and at least we have rules ie we avoid pork.
yet the mostgluttonous thing you'#ll ever see is a xtian with swine. literally you guys make love to the meat before you eat it.

to muslims, it is a thing of contempt. our hearts reject it. your hearts worship pork.

don't talk to me about being saved.
you guys love pork more than you love Jesus.
and all your works are like filthy rags....


Jun 28, 2020
If you believe that the Koran is incomplete and needs the Hadiths and men to explain it to you, then you do not believe Allah and thus are not a Muslim.

Holy Koran Suras:
A Book, whereof the verses are explained in detail;- a Koran in Arabic, for people who understand;-
41:4 Giving Good News and Warning: yet most of them turn away, and so they hear not.
43:2 By the Book that makes things clear,-
43:3 We have made it a Koran in Arabic, that ye may be able to understand (and learn Wisdom).
16:98 When thou dost read the Koran, seek “I AM”’s protection from Satan the Rejected One.
16:99 No authority has he over those who believe and put their trust in their Lord.
16:100 His authority is only over those, who take him as patron and who join partners with “I AM”.

It is obvious from the above that there are NO real Muslims today.
Interestingly enough, Muslims believe "muslims" who reject the hadith are going to hell.

But you're not even on the level of a Quranist because you're not Muslim.

How can you be so deluded?


The Sojourner

Sep 23, 2022

Your judgments about me aside, the information presented is just FYI and being shared for everyone's benefit, and in the hope that you and others may be guided, to give it the propper and due consideration that is merited.

For you and others to be able to take note and be aware of, and to either accept or not accept.

The Holy Quran states it unequivocally.

43:2 By the Book that makes things clear,

I suggest you ask the Almighty about it and for Guidance, to the path that is most pleasing to Him.

Peace be upon you.
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Mar 23, 2021
1) You said " Jesus Christ is indeed the Lord and Savior "
However, why did you capitalise the L in lord? why did you then purposely refer to him as 'Him'? absolutely VILE.

In the english language, there's only one word, Lord. In Arabic, only one word, Rabb. In Hebrew there is ADONAI (THE LORD ie GOD) and then there is adoni/lord.
I don't know how this was addressed in Aramaic though. However at least I know that in the original psalm 110, David would have differentiated between Adonai and adoni. Again this goes back to the muslim point that no matter how important Jesus is, HE IS NOT GOD!!!

the fact that right from the offset the entirity of xtian belief is based on a shit translation of psalm 110 means your religion is broken.

2) God's Immanence in the LOGOS means that God is IMMANENT IN ALL THINGS, since the LOGOS IS ALL THINGS.
For from him and through him and for him are all things

God is Trancendent and Immanent...and thus there is the metaphysical descent and ascent of consciousness. The logos is the ground level of of all 'things' since all things exist eternally with God.
our brain structure and our metaphysical makeup conforms to this perfectly. There's a yin and a yang, passive and active and furthermore, the logical left brain pov and the mystical right brain pov.

When you enter into the domain of God's Immanence, you're in the rgiht brain mode. You're perceiving God in a very subjective and personal imaginative way.
The jews had plenty of left brain logical 'tahwid/monothiestic' arguments, yet they became distant from God due to a lack of personal connection to God's Immanence. in islam it is necessary to have a perfect balance. Thus when you read john 1:1..look at how perfect it is, it literally connects both
'The Word was with God' and 'The Word IS GOD'
these are two contradictory statements put together...a muslim who is well read like me, gets it. xtians are lost, they dont get it, they just mix it all up. like i said your beliefs and your religion is broken.
ill never attack the new testament, only your Beast system religion.

When you refer to Jesus as literal God, you've basically extrapolated the right brain pov and then tried to turn it into a left brain logical argument. Just as you have no regard for psalm 110 contexts and yet have the gall to call him 'LORD' 'Him' etc, it means you're left brain impaired

@Daze you know what that ^^ means? left brain impaired means right eye imapired....blind in their right eye becomes the physical embodiment of this impairment...
literally these are dajjals people.

The fact that xtians don't look at the universe in it's entirity as God, but only Jesus, means their entire belief system is half baked. The very argument that places God as a man, hs to apply to the universe, because man is the microcosm of the universe.

3) However the truth is, theology is not required as any type of explanation as to why xtians worship Jesus.
they worship him because the BEAST/Rome pushed this image of the archetypal colonial subject...a femboy to the Beast, who sucks the beasts cock and has no power.
Rome then turned the cross upside down into the symbol of the sword, in order to hijack the davidic conquerer archetype, again in o rder to reduce Jesus into nothing. The Beast only cared about a submissive messiah who people can worship...as the perfect form of sorcery to keep people perpetually in submissive to the Beast.

The death of the serpent represents LIFE and the conquest of death itself.
islam gets that, that is why the Quran says 'he only appeared dead' and pushed the argument that Jesus Christ is living.
on the otherhand xtianity has murdered Jesus, he is DEAD. DIED FOR OUR SINS....therefore YOU ARE FREE TO SIN, THE PRICE HAS BEEN PAID.

so they've murdered the cross, murdered Jesus and murdered all of you with it...let sin reign in this world. only islam stood against sin actively.
'he will convict the world of it's sin' (john 16)
the holy spirit chose prophet Mohammad to bring THE TRUTH and prophecy..and to convict the world of it's sin.
only muslims fight against sin. Xtians celebrate sin and call it God's Grace.

muslims believe in God as ALL-MERCIFUL but still do not celebrate sin.
muslims are guaranteed paradise, but still carry a guilt complex and thus bring suffering on themselves in this life, whilst the xtians chase material success with zero guilt complex 'we are saved'

the serpent is alive and well with xtians, since the cross has no power over the serpent anymore, being the symbol of roman imperialism and mass murder instead.

what is even the point of talking about salvation and Jesus as the suffering servant? if you experience lust or gluttony, literally you didnt die with Christ. the serpent is alive and well.

Paul argued that we all entered into sin through the sin of Adam and Eve. That we were saved through Jesus.
yet, no faith was required to aquire my sinful nature...i was born with the nature of sin. my carnal nature. Jesus dying on the cross, didn't magically remove my carnal nature nor that of any xtian.
at least muslims carry a guilt complex and at least we have rules ie we avoid pork.
yet the mostgluttonous thing you'#ll ever see is a xtian with swine. literally you guys make love to the meat before you eat it.

to muslims, it is a thing of contempt. our hearts reject it. your hearts worship pork.

don't talk to me about being saved.
you guys love pork more than you love Jesus.
you claim to not celebrate sin but yet your ok with vulgarities etc IC how you are and honesty your just daze's lap dog...same type of bully style just a little more crass. Do you kiss your mom with that mouth or you deep down you hate women? Asking with how you cussed out claire.
Mar 14, 2017
you claim to not celebrate sin but yet your ok with vulgarities etc IC how you are and honesty your just daze's lap dog...same type of bully style just a little more crass. Do you kiss your mom with that mouth or you deep down you hate women? Asking with how you cussed out claire.
you werent paying attention. i said we muslims do sin, but we carry a deep guilt compex. we bring about our own suffering in this life by extention of our own sin.
What we dont do is, commit sins and think 'im saved, only Jesus is perfect' etc.
i could go into a deeper explaination why i speak how i do, but for the record my harsh language is reserved for deserving people. Claire deserves it.

whatever we are in this world, if one truely believes in christianity...why would you celebrate lies all the time? literally 'my priest is an ex muslim saudi arabian ex scholar, 'brother amir'. Whilst she posts an image from an antiislam wiki page that attributes a translation from a nazi.
how does lying aid your beliefs?
this is not a one off, she's only ever done this her entire time on here and she purposely ignores me (ive been respectful towards her all that time prior).