Robert F Kennedy Jr. for US President in 2024


May 20, 2017
Cynthia Mckinney:
"Democrats censoring RFK is wrong but his doubling down with unmitigated support of apartheid Israel proves he’s nothing more than empty promises. You can’t be anti-establishment and unequivocally support the largest military occupation U.S. intelligence has in the Middle East.

Clearly Dems don’t want his COVID insight out in public, which is wrong & one of the things he is right and good on. And they’re using an anti-Semite trope which is also wrong because I haven’t seen this level of commitment to Israel from anyone running and that includes Trump. Desantis is perhaps closest to RFK in Zionism.'

The Future of America. Transhumanism, Biowarfare, The Great Reset & More.

Dr Shiva exposes the elites and RFK Jr. They are like a swarm, they have captured elites, organizations, and businesses including private equity firms like Blackrock, Blackstone, the banks, etc. Think tanks, universities, intelligence agencies, countries, military-industrial-congressional complex, etc. He calls them the swarm.
They are becoming more centralized due to Big Tech. Bottoms-up movements are the way to check them but they can be co-opted by Trump or RFK Jr types which Dr. Shiva calls the not-so-obvious establishment. Shiva is trying to build a bottoms-up movement in the US.
He repeats that the future is offline. Agreed.

Decentralized movements, that are flexible enough to gain from the unintended outcomes/consequences of the system ( in wars, etc) and that have alternative plans would be disruptive to them. Systems that gain from disorder.

Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: The Swarm – HOW the Few Control the Many. What WE Do to Break Free.

The swarm is decentralized but it is not organic it is a top-down or managed decentralization Someone would be aware of the various units and would be managing them, perhaps funding them, and knows who is on working for their interests.
A real decentralized system would be organic, uncontrollable, and quite unmanageable which would be a headache for them.

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May 20, 2017
Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE - ZIONIST/RACIST Booby F’n Kennedy Pro-War “Liberal” Imperialist
Whether we agree with Dr. Shiva's stances or methodology or not he does expose what he terms the not-so-obvious establishment.
At around the 54 min mark, he plays a clip of Kennedy addressing how highly he loves Israel.
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Jul 29, 2023
This new cripple over time is but another ploy by those in the know as this clown has sworn fealty to enemy amongst America long since.
He is but clown with no voice as America, our world are bereft of great orators in our world.
We have Putin of course, soft speaking truth and lies to our world,but he is an orator in our world of nambypamby madeup thinker,talker to our stupid world.
This idiot got injected by choice of those he believe in.
He is a fool with no voice as his uncle could speak ream of thought.

That cur started out with a god given voice, was injected and now speak like a frog.
Way to go Kermit, way to go.


Jun 28, 2020
This new cripple over time is but another ploy by those in the know as this clown has sworn fealty to enemy amongst America long since.
He is but clown with no voice as America, our world are bereft of great orators in our world.
We have Putin of course, soft speaking truth and lies to our world,but he is an orator in our world of nambypamby madeup thinker,talker to our stupid world.
This idiot got injected by choice of those he believe in.
He is a fool with no voice as his uncle could speak ream of thought.

That cur started out with a god given voice, was injected and now speak like a frog.
Way to go Kermit, way to go.
Why bring Kermit into this? Everyone has a dark side.

Jul 29, 2023
Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE - ZIONIST/RACIST Booby F’n Kennedy Pro-War “Liberal” Imperialist
Whether we agree with Dr. Shiva's stances or methodology or not he does expose what he terms the not-so-obvious establishment.
At around the 54 min mark, he plays a clip of Kennedy addressing how highly he loves Israel.
Just way too long a vid for older folk who would prefer little bitez lest old folk die whilst listening.

Just a thought as I care not to listen to that lying Kermit.


Jun 28, 2020
Just way too long a vid for older folk who would prefer little bitez lest old folk die whilst listening.

Just a thought as I care not to listen to that lying Kermit.
Think i understand. Pretty clear RFK is a puppet for Israel though.


No, Jenin is a refugee camp full of people that have already been evicted once and a week or so ago Israel bombed the hell out of them again.

Here's a video less then a minute long.

Jul 29, 2023
Why bring Kermit into this? Everyone has a dark side.

View attachment 89364
He is a cripple simply because he laid low as America and her children were murdered on 9/11 as Sadam had weapon of mass destruction. Now Sadam is ded like Lybian leader, in fact all leader of our world who reject American/Brutish empire.

That cur laid low, swore allegiance to those dual who own America.
He is a cur and his voice was taken from him as he choose science over any free thinker.
He is a cur put forward to America by those who own America as per one Ross Perot.

Brutish empire in our world has but one prerogative.

Black/white, Christian/Muslim just like in melee of now Ukraine as white folk die as per that plan.


Jun 28, 2020
He is a cripple simply because he laid low as America and her children were murdered on 9/11 as Sadam had weapon of mass destruction. Now Sadam is ded like Lybian leader, in fact all leader of our world who reject American/Brutish empire.

That cur laid low, swore allegiance to those dual who own America.
He is a cur and his voice was taken from him as he choose science over any free thinker.
He is a cur put forward to America by those who own America as per one Ross Perot.

Brutish empire in our world has but one prerogative.

Black/white, Christian/Muslim just like in melee of now Ukraine as white folk die as per that plan.
So I'm guessing your Russian? You actually believe Saddam had weapons of mass destruction?

Sorry, 9/11 was a massive false flag to get American boots in the middle east for various reasons.

This video is about 5 minutes but tells you everything you need to know about 9/11.

Jul 29, 2023
I seen a video maybe a week ago with RFK saying he wishes to punish people who don't believe in the climate con.

I mention this every time i see an account on twitter shilling for RFK. Granted the video is from comments made years ago so his opinion might have changed. But one thing is for sure, if he gets in DC know that he is corrupt because no one gets into DC unless they can be controlled.

I'm in agreement with Karly above. If voting actually changed anything they would make it illegal.

Look at the potato we have in office now. If people can't see the potus really does nothing then idk what to say. Put Trump back or let Biden stay, the agenda will continue as Blue and Red are 2 cheeks of the same @ss.

If you want to know who the puppet masters are Blackrock is a good start.
RFK is a bought off cur of long since as you have no great leaders in America/our world as most of our so-called leaders ofour world have become such a gay and happy people. Remember when our world thought gay was a happy thought. When gay was such a joy to our world and we now have gay pride for a month as veteran/other/father/mother like our Christ has but one day as pride first curse of humanity have full month of celebration of dick in back passage where extrusion is king.

Just wht
Jul 29, 2023
So I'm guessing your Russian? You actually believe Saddam had weapons of mass destruction?

Sorry, 9/11 was a massive false flag to get American boots in the middle east for various reasons.

This video is about 5 minutes but tells you everything you need to know about 9/11.

I would like to believe you misinterpret my post as I do believe there were no weapon of destruction back then. Just like now with this war in the Ukraine as it is a lie then like it is a lie now.

Saddam just like Qaddafi just went against that world of brutish justice.

Both of those person tried to make their country great but American brute empire tried to say no.

Just like this melee with Russia now as there are no more lands in our world for empirical brute to steal.

Russia now is not some piss ant country like Palestine with no rebuff.

Yay yay Americay as you bombed the hell out of their world, ruined infrastructure and murder children as per Madeline.

Fo shame American Johnboy, fo shame.


Jun 28, 2020
I don't support the American government if that's not obvious.

Not trying to misrepresent you but your English isn't exactly clear.
Other then calling me a "Johnboy" (whatever that is?) i agree with pretty much everything you've said.
Jul 29, 2023
I don't support the American government if that's not obvious.

Not trying to misrepresent you but your English isn't exactly clear.
Other then calling me a "Johnboy" (whatever that is?) i agree with pretty much everything you've said.
Point taken as that English of our world may perhaps come across with some difference.

My regards.
Mar 30, 2017
Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE - ZIONIST/RACIST Booby F’n Kennedy Pro-War “Liberal” Imperialist
Whether we agree with Dr. Shiva's stances or methodology or not he does expose what he terms the not-so-obvious establishment.
At around the 54 min mark, he plays a clip of Kennedy addressing how highly he loves Israel.
I watched this video yesterday, and while listening to RFK Jr. talk about Palestinian suicide bombers, I was surprised he made this an issue. I have no idea where he got those notes from, but suicide bombers haven't been around for the longest time! I remember my Jewish friend telling me this years ago so for RFK Jr. to make this an issue for his campaign, he's clearly let people know he's willing to do anything to gain the support of the zionists for his campaign.


Jun 28, 2020
A Jewish woman asks RFK if he will extradite the IOF soldier who shot the American journalist Shireen Akleh.
She also asks if he will sit down and speak with JVP (Jewish voice for peace).


I don't need to tell you his answer.


Notice how the interviewer stands up not once, but twice. He seems "agitated"
Jul 29, 2023
RFK has spent all of his life in a swamp he was content with as he knew just who murdered his father and his uncle. He knew and knows full well of just who owns America.

He is a carpet bagger who would have been run out of town in that long ago of that America that America our loved so well.

If this cur were real he would long since have joined one Ross Perot in that threatened demise.

Such a shame in our world really as those people, those good people in our world are always murdered whilst those bad folk walk amongst good folk with such careless abandon.
Jul 29, 2023
RFK has sworn fealty to a foreign nation which is why reason he is in congress of monkey. He is a cur, a popinjay sporting abs of his manhood.
He is a cur of no voice, no command of expression as he would gain audience.
He is but cur carpetbagger trading on some famous name as he sport abs to stupid.

He is a cur, he is but cur...


May 20, 2017
I watched this video yesterday, and while listening to RFK Jr. talk about Palestinian suicide bombers, I was surprised he made this an issue. I have no idea where he got those notes from, but suicide bombers haven't been around for the longest time! I remember my Jewish friend telling me this years ago so for RFK Jr. to make this an issue for his campaign, he's clearly let people know he's willing to do anything to gain the support of the zionists for his campaign.
He got in trouble with the zionists for saying this:
RFK Jr. says COVID may have been ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Jews

I agree with @Just one eye have eye RFK jr. is a carpet beggar. He is very opportunistic.
This might help him get money but his base is not really pro-Zionist.
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