Robert F Kennedy Jr. for US President in 2024


Jan 10, 2019

Great news! I hope RFK Jr. gains suppport as he continues to expose government/corporate corruption. The power of the executive branch is only 1/3 of the US government but based on his history I believe he would be a much better leader for this country than the other candidates being talked about. His run should be interesting!


Mar 18, 2017
Pardon my pessimism but i think that running for president is a total waste of time or a lost cause. If he were running for governor, maybe i wouldn't be so pessimistic because it seems you can get more things done if you were governor than if you were president. How does he plan on overhauling these deeply, deeply corrupt & compromised (Klaus Schwab: we penetrate the cabinets...) government depts and agencies? Get rid of them?

When you become president, you are forced to work with and within a deeply corrupt system. Trump may have his many flaws but i don't think he came into the system with the plan to 'continue with the agenda' and all-out destroy his own country (i can't say the same in regard to someone like Bush Sr). You can't change the system, so you just play along. So even if a president runs on no-war campaign, deep state elements within the DoD (that you won't find & prosecute) can launch a huge false flag that forces you to "continue with the agenda".

Unless he plans on dismantling these huge, bureaucratic federal agencies & departments, it's all a waste of time and money, in my opinion. Even with the best of intentions, he will just find himself as Trump 2.0. Then again, with all that is seemingly planned for this year, iam not so sure there'll be "Nov 2024".


May 20, 2017
I hope RFK Jr. gains support as he continues to expose government/corporate corruption.
Aside from the presidency, agencies, and key departments being captured it is important to question how he moves.
Dr. Shiva calls him the" not-so-obvious establishment." Ultimately it is for Americans to decide.

It could be that he wants to change the system from within but he is part of the system, moreover, he has endorsed Hilary Clinton.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The Truth About Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & His Efforts to De

(I looked into Dr. Shiva's cytosolve invention which is pretty brilliant from a natural health stance. I.e looks into the synergy of different compounds black seed and honey or curcumin and resveratrol! Great stuff.)

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Mar 30, 2017
Aside from the presidency, agencies, and key departments being captured it is important to question how he moves.
Dr. Shiva calls him the" not-so-obvious establishment." Ultimately it is for Americans to decide.

It could be that he wants to change the system from within but he is part of the system, moreover, he has endorsed Hilary Clinton.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The Truth About Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & His Efforts to De

(I looked into Dr. Shiva's cytosolve invention which is pretty brilliant from a natural health stance. I.e looks into the synergy of different compounds black seed and honey or curcumin and resveratrol! Great stuff.)

Sadly, what Hugo said last year in these two videos I posted here appears to be true and Dr. Shiva is reiterating it. I kept an open mind, but the website regarding RFK Jr. is telling:

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Jan 10, 2019
Aside from the presidency, agencies, and key departments being captured it is important to question how he moves.
Dr. Shiva calls him the" not-so-obvious establishment." Ultimately it is for Americans to decide.

It could be that he wants to change the system from within but he is part of the system, moreover, he has endorsed Hilary Clinton.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The Truth About Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & His Efforts to De

(I looked into Dr. Shiva's cytosolve invention which is pretty brilliant from a natural health stance. I.e looks into the synergy of different compounds black seed and honey or curcumin and resveratrol! Great stuff.)

Thank you. I listened to a good portion of the discussion to understand Dr. Shiva's position. The video was from 2020, do you think his opinion has changed over 3 years? Although I might personally agree with it, Shiva's stance on vaccines would be considered extremist. The vast majority of health professionals and Americans probably trust vaccines so it isn't a sensible platform to claim to represent the public with. Pastor Broden's language was pretty hyperbolic, saying the Kennedy's are "fifth columnists" set out to destroy the country and the "health freedom movement". Do they know the history of RFK Jr.'s litigation against the EPA, CDC, FDA, CIA, and a long list of negligent corporations? What about his work representing vaccine injured children?

I should say I'm not a Democrat nor would I be out campaigning for RFK. To be honest Kennedy's social strata is far from the average American. He's a 70 year old multi-millionaire living in California with his hollywood wife Cheryl Hines. Yet this is the very reason I think he's running and has a chance to at least get his views on corporate/government capture into the mainstream narrative.

RFK Jr. is not the ultimate truther or savior but like his father and uncle has a more positive vision of how the US can use its influence to cooperate with other nations while promoting policies that serve the public. I think he's attempting to show what a real Democrat is (or at least was) which is an interesting challenge to the current political environment. I heard clips of his speech during the lockdowns in Germany and several other interviews and just strongly agree with his message.

I hope to update any meaningful events this year. I'm reading on twitter and it's hilarious how the mainstream Left is already melting-down. :D


May 20, 2017
RFK Jr. is not the ultimate truther or savior but like his father and uncle has a more positive vision of how the US can use its influence to cooperate with other nations while promoting policies that serve the public. I think he's attempting to show what a real Democrat is (or at least was) which is an interesting challenge to the current political environment. I heard clips of his speech during the lockdowns in Germany and several other interviews and just strongly agree with his message.
Good points.
For myself, the lesser of 2 evils is still evil.
How much of a challenge to the cabal is RFK (Jr.)?
A Single issue or a couple of issues.
Seems like he is the equivalent of a Trump or a Desantis for the Dems.
It appears that he may challenge a few issues but will appease the cabal on all the core issues.
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Jan 10, 2019
Good points.
For myself, the lesser of 2 evils is still evil.
How much of a challenge to the cabal is RFK (Jr.)?
A Single issue or a couple of issues.
Seems like he is the equivalent of a Trump or a Desantis for the Dems.
It appears that he may challenge a few issues but will appease the cabal on all the core issues.
Unfortunately I think you're right. I'm not overly optimistic but thought RFK Jr's declaration was newsworthy.

That said I can't find an image of him at the Whaling wall, unlike Trump or Desantis. Maybe there is hope lol! :)

Trump Searches for Hidden Gold

Prey for the Strength of Israel

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
No politician of any kind will ever fix anything in a system that is corrupt beyond repair.

Illuminati and their plans for a one-world government

The Only Solution to all of our problems is to get rid of all of the politicians and their made-up rules that make the rich richer and more powerful, and the poor poorer and more oppressed, and return to our Creator's Perfect Law of Liberty, found in the first five books of the Bible.


Jan 10, 2019
I saw this tweet and am curious how people will interpret it. Admittedly I was taken aback at first- RFK's cries that US hegemony is declining, our military power a laughingstock, and we've pushed Russia and China into an "invincible alliance" lol.

He's not wrong though. Any true patriot cares not just about the welfare of their people but also the perception of the country. It's true that after WW2 the US was set up as the global economic superpower, yet look what they've done with that influence. What an embarrassment.

I don't know if you'd call it MAGA or a nationalist attitude but I think these ideals resonate with a lot of people. China is not a military threat but could be seen as an opponent vying for jobs, ideology, etc. I think that type of friendly competition between different nations is natural and healthy. Kind of like the Olympic games for instance, competing for excellence. In history it's always the kabbalist revolutionaries like the WEF that hate nations because strong nations are the greatest defense against international bankers and globalists. In that sense Kennedy is correct: make America great and make every nation great too.


Mar 18, 2017
I saw this tweet and am curious how people will interpret it. Admittedly I was taken aback at first- RFK's cries that US hegemony is declining, our military power a laughingstock, and we've pushed Russia and China into an "invincible alliance" lol.

He's not wrong though. Any true patriot cares not just about the welfare of their people but also the perception of the country. It's true that after WW2 the US was set up as the global economic superpower, yet look what they've done with that influence. What an embarrassment.

I don't know if you'd call it MAGA or a nationalist attitude but I think these ideals resonate with a lot of people. China is not a military threat but could be seen as an opponent vying for jobs, ideology, etc. I think that type of friendly competition between different nations is natural and healthy. Kind of like the Olympic games for instance, competing for excellence. In history it's always the kabbalist revolutionaries like the WEF that hate nations because strong nations are the greatest defense against international bankers and globalists. In that sense Kennedy is correct: make America great and make every nation great too.
When i originally saw it, the first thing i said to myself was: the Neocon projects were never a failure and the destruction of the dollar isn't an afterthought...a haphazard occurence. These are plans that have been around for decades.

TPTB understand that most people will approach the latter development from the same angle as RFK jr playing up the idea that America's "enemies" are now done with the dollar and are dumping it. TPTB expect people to blame their misery from the fallout on those frenemies even though these countries are simply jumping because they've been told to jump.
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Mar 18, 2017

Aside from these very smart people, let me say something about the population at large. There are MANY people in America who are little children in their minds. Little children looking for the one shining angel who is going to set everything straight, finally. Oprah is their angel. Michelle Obama is. Trump is. Robert Kennedy is. And when they see they were wrong, they go batshit.

“I wanted the model train set for Xmas and I didn’t get it. Wah-wah. Mommy, Daddy, I hate you.”

Arrested development. That’s what it is.

And there’s sheer paranoia at work, too. “I pick out my angel, and when he turns out to be a non-angel, I not only curse him, I KNOW he is actually a CIA PLANT out to destroy us all. I know that because, well, he’s not an angel.”

The naïve have a little game they play. It’s called WHERE IS PERFECTION? And the bottom line on that obsession is, IF YOU AREN’T PERFECT, YOU’RE THE DEVIL. If so, what the fuck does that make the naïve people who are playing that game?

Come closer. I want to whisper a little secret to you. Shh. Guess what? Robert Kennedy is not going to be the next President of the United States.
Mar 30, 2017
The CHD filed this lawsuit a few days ago and as seen in the first few pages of the 120 page document, there are quite a number of defendants so it'll be interesting to see what comes of it:


In the discussion below with Matt Ehret, Fox Green says it's the people that RFK Jr. is surrounding himself with that are making his positions somewhat draconian and problematic:

What's the Problem with RFK JR's Green Energy Paradigm? [CP Interviews Fox Green] (1 hr and 1 min)

Fox Green's website:

RFK, Jr.’s Destructive Environmental Record


Jan 10, 2019
In the discussion below with Matt Ehret, Fox Green says it's the people that RFK Jr. is surrounding himself with that are making his positions somewhat draconian and problematic:

What's the Problem with RFK JR's Green Energy Paradigm? [CP Interviews Fox Green] (1 hr and 1 min)
Thanks for posting the interview, really uplifting and creative discussion. Nice to see a younger American guy like Green who's risen above ideological traps such as the fake left-right divide or the nihilistic, self-destructive hopelessness the oligarchy's been peddling for generations.

As Ehret said it appears Kennedy has one foot grounded in truth and another mired in confusion. I agree that his anti-imperialist platform is admirable and hope he gets his head out of the sand on a few of these troubling issues. I want to read more about his work protesting against nuclear power but sadly he seems uninformed, as many otherwise intelligent people are, on the vast possibilities of the most "green" source of energy known. Along with climate change and the "overpopulation" narrative there's been an obvious agenda to instill a fear of nuclear energy in the public's imagination. These topics require reason backed by scientific fact; the more they can be discussed will bring a greater understanding of the truth. I have to believe someone like Kennedy would be open to a panel contemplating such subjects.

As an aside my only disagreement with the brothers was about opposing the initiative for organic based produce that RFK Jr. has been part of. Maybe chemical fertilizers and GMO's have a place within extreme circumstances but overall food is not a technology, it's a medicine. In the grand scheme of national development, if we were to eliminate Blackrock or conglomerates like ADM that profit on global food/seed production we could easily interlink organic, permaculture based farms- even internationally.

I smiled when I saw this article today whether it was just the timing or Kennedy's campaign reacting to questions about him in the independent spheres. He may not be all there but he's closer to the truth than most :D :

RFK Jr. Says Climate Change Being Exploited to Push ‘Totalitarian Controls’

When he announced his 2024 candidacy, Kennedy said that he has a desire to work with “rural and working-class Americans, and particularly hunters and fishermen.” Those individuals, he said, have been “alienated from the mainstream environmental community.”


May 15, 2017
all feathers of the same bird,heros and villains

how many will vote for kenidy just because the
last name and how much it's been word associated
to a hero
take a look at the comments

specially if it's between don(villain)or ken(hero)?

they're both buddies,again same bird/club w/e it
is We are not apart of it

don't get sucked into the illusion of choice as We
have none and tptb have already decided who it
will be

they always use such pretty sounding words to usher
in their agendas eh but poison with a bow around it
is still poison

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Jul 12, 2022
It's very true about how we shouldn't get sucked in. So many of these politicians lie through their teeth, and make all these promises we can't keep.
I've noticed so much more of the controlled opposition coming out to trick more people in the last while or so. The elites know that people are starting to see more truth in what they are doing, so they are trying to confuse and distract us!


Jun 28, 2020
I seen a video maybe a week ago with RFK saying he wishes to punish people who don't believe in the climate con.

I mention this every time i see an account on twitter shilling for RFK. Granted the video is from comments made years ago so his opinion might have changed. But one thing is for sure, if he gets in DC know that he is corrupt because no one gets into DC unless they can be controlled.

I'm in agreement with Karly above. If voting actually changed anything they would make it illegal.

Look at the potato we have in office now. If people can't see the potus really does nothing then idk what to say. Put Trump back or let Biden stay, the agenda will continue as Blue and Red are 2 cheeks of the same @ss.

If you want to know who the puppet masters are Blackrock is a good start.