Hello there.

Jul 29, 2023
Just perused that Berlin fashion show thread and think as those people should never have been born in our world of abortion made simple.


Jun 5, 2023
Here's an excellent blog that chronicles the stories of many women who have died following these botched "safe and legal" procedures.

Abortion kills the unborn AND their mothers.
Your uneducated fool. Women are forced to go septic, suffer and end up dying because they are denied abortions. Stop talking shit.
Jun 26, 2022
Your uneducated fool. Women are forced to go septic, suffer and end up dying because they are denied abortions. Stop talking shit.
Read the stories on the link (if you know how to read and don't just parrot back what you hear on tictok or something)

Women died because these excuse for doctors literally left dismembered baby parts in their uteruses and then they went septic and died. Other women had their uterus perforated which then got infected and they went septic.

One woman had part of the baby's spinal column and face embedded in her uterine wall after a LEGAL abortion. She died days later. The excuse for doctor was found not guilty because he is the standard of care.

Doctors who practiced illegally before roe v wade got sloppier afterwards when they didnt have to fear prosecution anymore.

I know you dont give a crap about the unborn, but if you pretend to care about the women then at least you would care about those that have died in the process of killing their babies.


Jun 5, 2023
Read the stories on the link (if you know how to read and don't just parrot back what you hear on tictok or something)

Women died because these excuse for doctors literally left dismembered baby parts in their uteruses and then they went septic and died. Other women had their uterus perforated which then got infected and they went septic.

One woman had part of the baby's spinal column and face embedded in her uterine wall after a LEGAL abortion. She died days later. The excuse for doctor was found not guilty because he is the standard of care.

Doctors who practiced illegally before roe v wade got sloppier afterwards when they didnt have to fear prosecution anymore.

I know you dont give a crap about the unborn, but if you pretend to care about the women then at least you would care about those that have died in the process of killing their babies.
You're retarded. Take your unborn shit and shove it up your ass. Woman-hating POS.


Jun 5, 2023
Read the stories on the link (if you know how to read and don't just parrot back what you hear on tictok or something)

Women died because these excuse for doctors literally left dismembered baby parts in their uteruses and then they went septic and died. Other women had their uterus perforated which then got infected and they went septic.

One woman had part of the baby's spinal column and face embedded in her uterine wall after a LEGAL abortion. She died days later. The excuse for doctor was found not guilty because he is the standard of care.

Doctors who practiced illegally before roe v wade got sloppier afterwards when they didnt have to fear prosecution anymore.

I know you dont give a crap about the unborn, but if you pretend to care about the women then at least you would care about those that have died in the process of killing their babies.
I hope the elite get rid of the "christian" taliban and their perverted forced-birth shit agenda. Treating women like breeding animals. Fuck off. Women will have abortions if they damn well please. Woman's body, woman's health, woman's choice. End of story.
Jun 26, 2022
I hope the elite get rid of the "christian" taliban and their perverted forced-birth shit agenda. Treating women like breeding animals. Fuck off. Women will have abortions if they damn well please. Woman's body, woman's health, woman's choice. End of story.
Yeah, and continue facing the consequences, either in this world or the next...

And "forced birth" LOL can't believe you idiots say that with a straight face

Like if women just spontaneously became pregnant through no CHOICE of their own.

Except for the rare case of poor r*pe victims you're just refusing to take responsibility for your CHOICES


Jun 5, 2023
Yeah, and continue facing the consequences, either in this world or the next...

And "forced birth" LOL can't believe you idiots say that with a straight face

Like if women just spontaneously became pregnant through no CHOICE of their own.

Except for the rare case of poor r*pe victims you're just refusing to take responsibility for your CHOICES
Shut the hell up and tell the men in your cult to keep their dicks in their pants and stop causing unwanted pregnancies.


Jun 5, 2023
Yeah, and continue facing the consequences, either in this world or the next...

And "forced birth" LOL can't believe you idiots say that with a straight face

Like if women just spontaneously became pregnant through no CHOICE of their own.

Except for the rare case of poor r*pe victims you're just refusing to take responsibility for your CHOICES
You'll be facing the consequences in this world or the next, for forcing women to give birth against their will, so I suggest you sit your ass down and learn some respect for the female gender. :)


Jun 5, 2023
Yeah, and continue facing the consequences, either in this world or the next...

And "forced birth" LOL can't believe you idiots say that with a straight face

Like if women just spontaneously became pregnant through no CHOICE of their own.

Except for the rare case of poor r*pe victims you're just refusing to take responsibility for your CHOICES
You're genuinely retarded lol. And I love how you're threatening consequences "in the next world" - what consequences? Oh, right in your stupid sick brain your "god" is a forced impregnator and a rapist then if he's against abortions. Guess what you stupid animal? MY god, you know the real god and not a figment of your sick cult's imagination - cherishes women and would never, ever expect them to give birth against their will, because he respects women, their right to bodily autonomy and their health. No woman is going to go through unwanted pain and torture and side effects of pregnancy and childbirth if she doesn't want to. So you better learn your place, or you will face consequences in this world, or the next. Dumb fucking pro forced-birth pervert.
Jul 29, 2023
hello and welcome! this is the thread you want where we all introduce ourselves.

Point taken as I had tried to navigate this site here. I did try to see if I could introduce self to here but olden folk are a wont to forget and not ask direction as old truckers never ask directions...

Not much I daresay of introduction have I for you as olden people care not little for those last steps of life.

I do hope this thought meet requirement for now on this space as perhaps we may meet again if I do not forget my last placing of new footstep.

You be well, you be well...
Jul 29, 2023
You'll be facing the consequences in this world or the next, for forcing women to give birth against their will, so I suggest you sit your ass down and learn some respect for the female gender. :)
A strange thought you seem to have as you say of "forced" birth as i do believe one cannot force birth as birth is a natural process from whatever reason sperm meet egg.

Would you care to consider I wonder?
Jun 26, 2022
Shut the hell up and tell the men in your cult to keep their dicks in their pants and stop causing unwanted pregnancies.
I agree to your terms... if you tell the men in your satan worshipping cult to keep it in their pants as well :)

I'm happy to see you're pro abstinence

Oh, right in your stupid sick brain your "god" is a forced impregnator and a rapist then if he's against abortions. Guess what you stupid animal? MY god, you know the real god and not a figment of your sick cult's imagination - cherishes women and would never, ever expect them to give birth against their will, because he respects women, their right to bodily autonomy and their healt
But you satan worshipper baby killers are not into prevention - you are into causing pregnancies that dont end in birth but in death.