Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Apr 19, 2023
$M crossed the line. This is horrible. They are making merchandise based on "our page" the song Sh1nee released as goodbye for J0nghyun. They aren't even hiding it anymore. They are openly using J0nghyun's name to make money. At this point no one in $hinee and their management deserves sympathy. How, can they stay in the company that is using their dead member to make money. They can't make excuses anymore. If they are in that company it means they betrayed J0nghyun.
it's not just about money it's straight up mockery of his s@crific3 they've been doing it very blatantly ever since their cb with DCM, m1nh0 out of everyone appearing with red hair? (when he's that one member who rarely dyes his hair at all and out of all the colors it's red yall know what it means; just like that main dude of squ1d g@m3 came out red after he won the game too) ta3m1n levitating as always.. I think that signified the completion of their s@t@n1c ritual, it seems that sh1n33 has gained a lot better treatment since then, both group and solo, so the s@cr1f1c3 must have benefited them just as much as whoever else benefited from it, if not more. They were on a huge decline in 2016-2017 before his passing and then rose from the ashes as an entirely new group gaining lots of new followers and breaking their own records (most album sales ever etc.) usually that does not happen with a 13-year old group at the time (now 15). Oh almost forgot 0n3w had purple hair in that comeback (and purple signifies royalty in the 0ccult elite) interestingly it's also ta3m1ns favorite color, they're super deep into it... I'm not saying that Our Page wasn't a tribute but you know how the duality works, that was probably their most benign comeback ever made and then they're back with the filth right after military discharge.

What striked me the most was, however, Atl@nt1s you know how they supposedly made a few nods to jj0ng by 'including him in the choreo' by having ta3m1n rest his arm on the invisible 'shoulder' and his date of birth (04.08) at the bottom left corner once the video starts

but then to the true fashion of dualism just as the m@son1c black and white tiles that they dance on in the mv (of course the floors are like that in like more than half kp0p videos >.>)

appears this black hooded dude who's buying a starfish lollypop from k3y - the clerk of the atl@nt1s store (ofc they had to tilt the shot it looks like an inverted pentagram xD) Screenshot_4.png
as the black hoodie individual walks away k3y can be seen with this evil grin as he proceeds to flash the barcode scanner into the camera (as in us; the viewers)

now tell me that guy doesn't totally resemble j0ng4yun from the convenience store cctv footage when he bought some stuff just hours before his death??! he was also wearing a black hoodie + jacket and both scenes happen in stores, that footage is still on yt

Idk if anyone ever talked about this here, but it's crazy, that's a perfect example of mockery masked as 'tribute' in plain sight. Only the sick in the head p3d0 s@tan1sts could think that this was a good idea for a 'tribute'. The members are also not innocent, they definitely know what they're doing and are ok with it from what it seems. In the atL@nt1s mv reaction that they did one of them asked 'who's the guy?' and others just shrugged it off saying it's probably someone from the staff, but there was definitely a deeper meaning implied behind that question, they just played it off dumb pretending not to know but it was a very awkward moment...
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Jun 2, 2021
it's not just about money it's straight up mockery of his s@crific3 they've been doing it very blatantly ever since their cb with DCM, m1nh0 out of everyone appearing with red hair? (when he's that one member who rarely dyes his hair at all and out of all the colors it's red yall know what it means; just like that main dude of squ1d g@m3 came out red after he won the game too) ta3m1n levitating as always.. I think that signified the completion of their s@t@n1c ritual, it seems that sh1n33 has gained a lot better treatment since then, both group and solo, so the s@cr1f1c3 must have benefited them just as much as whoever else benefited from it, if not more. They were on a huge decline in 2016-2017 before his passing and then rose from the ashes as an entirely new group gaining lots of new followers and breaking their own records (most album sales ever etc.) usually that does not happen with a 13-year old group at the time (now 15). Oh almost forgot 0n3w had purple hair in that comeback (and purple signifies royalty in the 0ccult elite) interestingly it's also ta3m1ns favorite color, they're super deep into it... I'm not saying that Our Page wasn't a tribute but you know how the duality works, that was probably their most benign comeback ever made and then they're back with the filth right after military discharge.

What striked me the most was, however, Atl@nt1s you know how they supposedly made a few nods to jj0ng by 'including him in the choreo' by having ta3m1n rest his arm on the invisible 'shoulder' and his date of birth (04.08) at the bottom left corner once the video starts
View attachment 89113View attachment 89114

but then to the true fashion of dualism just as the m@son1c black and white tiles that they dance on in the mv (of course the floors are like that in like more than half kp0p videos >.>)

appears this black hooded dude who's buying a starfish lollypop from k3y - the clerk of the atl@nt1s store (ofc they had to tilt the shot it looks like an inverted pentagram xD) View attachment 89115
as the black hoodie individual walks away k3y can be seen with this evil grin as he proceeds to flash the barcode scanner into the camera (as in us; the viewers)
View attachment 89116

now tell me that guy doesn't totally resemble j0ng4yun from the convenience store cctv footage when he bought some stuff just hours before his death??! he was also wearing a black hoodie + jacket and both scenes happen in stores, that footage is still on yt

Idk if anyone ever talked about this here, but it's crazy, that's a perfect example of mockery masked as 'tribute' in plain sight. Only the sick in the head p3d0 s@tan1sts could think that this was a good idea for a 'tribute'. The members are also not innocent, they definitely know what they're doing and are ok with it from what it seems. In the atL@nt1s mv reaction that they did one of them asked 'who's the guy?' and others just shrugged it off saying it's probably someone from the staff, but there was definitely a deeper meaning implied behind that question, they just played it off dumb pretending not to know but it was a very awkward moment...
You are right about them getting more promotions after his death. SH1nee used to be $M's mistreated group. They never received good promos and were always playing second fiddle to $M's other BGs be it Suju and TVXQ during 2nd gen or Ex0 and encetee during 3rd gen. However, ever since his death they have been receiving extensive promo. $M treats them better than Ex0, RV, SNSD and Suju. Only encetee and A3spa receive better promo than Sh1nee which is strange being Sh1nee is freaking old now. I don't know of any group being promoted everywhere like newbies from 2nd gen. Every big group from their generation has moved on or disbanded. Even B1g Bang members changed and became less involved in the industry. Even as soloists they have been receiving extensive promotions since 2021. All of this is also weird because Sh1nee is not great with album sales and even their digitals are not THAT impressive. Still, they won 5 trophies for that HARD TO LISTEN to song because of fandom and company support mainly.

You know all of this reminded me of something interesting that happened years ago. I can't share all details but one of the major leaders of a famous political party in my country planned the assassination of their spouse who was one of the most powerful politicians in my country and used that to garner sympathy and possibly gain energy. Their ritual worked and that party won the next elections mostly because people felt sympathy for them and they portrayed themselves as political heroes being targeted by those who were against my country. Now, it is possible that Sh1nee sacrificed J0nghyun for the same purpose. They gained sympathy from kpop fans and J0nghyun's name still brings them relevancy. I do think they are now deep into the occult because all of them are releasing solo work with extreme demonic symbolism these days. Maybe, sacrificing him was the price they were told to pay if they wanted better promo for their group and solo work.


Jun 2, 2021
By the Grace of JESUS CHRIST and because of the prayers of all of you Dear forum members and everyone else's prayers, my loved one is better than before. Although there is still a lot of weakness but better than before and the treatment of my loved one is also going well by the Grace of JESUS CHRIST. Thank you so much for asking Dear. GOD Bless You.

Thank you so much Dear forum members for all your prayers. GOD Bless You All.
Glad to hear that your loved one is better now. We will keep sending prayers.


Jun 2, 2021
Thank you so much Dear for praying for my loved one, especially Thank you so much for remembering me and my loved one in your prayers. GOD Bless You Dear.

How are you Dear and your loved ones? I hope that by the Grace of ALMIGHTY GOD you, your loved ones and your country are completely safe and sound from the hurricane.
Thank you for praying for me dear. By the grace of God the Almighty the hurricane changed it's course and my city was spared. We received only few showers which made the weather extremely pleasant. I thank God for turning what could have been a nightmarish experience for us into a pleasant experience.


Apr 6, 2018
Et je rajoute, ce que j'avais personnellement parler avec une fille de mon école; qui m'a dit, que certains s'ouvrait les yeux, pour voir mieux. Les paupières étants plus rapprocher, cela cachait la vue. Et la chirurgie, comme le retour, à l'ultra blancheur est surtout revenue en force, voir devenue obligatoire pour les idoles, en 2009. La KPop a aussi décoller, à ce moment, surtout à l'étranger... Avant, cela marchait, pas vraiment, même si ils étaient comme même connu dans le mondes. Et quand une fille est extrèmement maigre, on peut avoir l'impression, qu'elle a une pomme d'adam. Je ne l'ai plus depuis longtemps, mais pendant une très longue période j'en avait une prédominante. Par contre, évidemment, cela ne veut pas dire que la fille n'est pas en vrai un garçon, vu le nombre de chirurgies, qu'ils peuvent effectués.
And I add, what I personally had to talk about with a girl from my school; who told me that some opened their eyes to see better. The eyelids being closer, it hid the view. And surgery, like the return, to ultra-whiteness has especially come back in force, seeing it become mandatory for idols, in 2009. KPop also took off, at that time, especially abroad... Before, it worked, not really, even if they were like even known in the worlds. And when a girl is extremely skinny, it can look like she has an adam's apple. I haven't had it for a long time, but for a very long time I had a predominant one. On the other hand, of course, that doesn't mean that the girl isn't really a boy, given the number of surgeries they can perform. The video is in French, but the English translation works on machine translation.


Jan 20, 2021
"Bodies pulled from vehicles trapped in a tunnel in South Korea after heavy rains..."

(After seeing "plenty of water" i.e., rain & floodwaters... in Jk's MV for "seven," can't help but have an eerie feeling about these current devastating floods in SK...around 40+people have died...Could these be "sacrificial deaths?")

Yeah. They usually mock these events in MVs before it happens. I remember there being incidents like this in H0llywierd where the artist puts these events in the video before it happens. It’s sick.


Jan 20, 2021
To expand on my last post: I like to use Getty because they have raw images. Look at the difference.

In the first this is 2011 she is youthful, more meat on her bones and the smile stretches to her eyes.
View attachment 89072

In the second which is the last event they have before her death she has the classic mk ultra beta bleach blonde hair, she's thin and a fake smile.
View attachment 89073

They broke this angel down and it makes me sick.

View attachment 89074

The first blind item makes me interested. I think of the ÷XO case and how they dropped so quickly. If they aren't getting paid they have little to no money to fight against the company from releasing incriminating or embarrassing things about them.

The company had dirt and they fell back in line.
I suspected this as well. They probably said if you don’t comply, we will bring out those tapes into the public. They use this to keep control.

Also, any of them who are brand ambassadors and constantly invited to events probably have to sleep with upper el!te people. How’d They get chosen over others?


Jan 20, 2021
M@rk Lèë posted this. If he knows the truth, he should just say it for real.

Nothing nèw ûndèr thè = 262, 82 (his birthday is also on 8/2).
also he posted on the 201th day of the year. (Celebrations of the èlîtè s0cïètÿ)
Nsèétèë drèám ïstj màrk lèè = 262

262 = (2+6) + 2 = 82 = or like 8/2 which is his birthday.

i know maybe it’s a coincidence but it’s a weird post.

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May 12, 2023
Someone brought up CIX earlier. I don't think they are "in the industry" I checked out all their music videos. And the symbolism is very minimal with what we usually see. Plus they don't have any extreme success you see when the symbolism starts to show up. Anything showing up represents their concept which is Dante's Inferno. I think they may be just be doing the standard thing, which one anonymous boy group member reported in an interview.

Which is, sometimes a wife of a CEO may take a liking to you, offer gifts, money, so you can survive, you are not sure if you can accept it, but they tell you they are a big fan. Then one night you get the phonecall, "My husband is away on business trip, I'm lonely, just spend one night?"


Mar 8, 2022
Again? He was just in the hospital for heart problems in January.

Why is he doing strenuous activities when he is so unhealthy? Does he have any loved one who can stand up for him? or he needs to stand up for himself. The company is blatantly working this kid to the bone.

Again we know there is blackmail to stop them from leaving and continuing being slaves to the company but what is better? Ending up dead or having some respect for yourself?
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Jan 20, 2021
Again? He was just in the hospital for heart problems in January.

Why is he doing strenuous activities when he is so unhealthy? Does he have any loved one who can stand up for him? or he needs to stand up for himself. The company is blatantly working this kid to the bone.

Again we know there is blackmail to stop them from leaving and continuing being slaves to the company but what is better? Ending up dead or having some respect for yourself?
Yeah. It seems like he is overworked and they using him beyond his limitations. He can’t quit because the contract has been extended. You also saw what happen to SeeBeeEx and how that ended. He is in such a conundrum. I will have to pray for him and the rest of their team.