Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Apr 22, 2022
A püppét is a másön who part of the secret society. It’s a hierarchical group of individuals where they all take orders from those higher up. Their job is to promote their satänic beliefs in exchange for help with their career and access to the network.

It’s similar to a fraternity or sorority. Everyone does what they are told and they are rewarded after doing things. The difference is it death is upon those who break their oath.

watch this movie call Eyès wide shut. It shows all the prominent doctors, lawyers,etc who joined this organization that is invite-only. They are all elite type individuals. They do rïtuâls and have secret symbols only they know.

They only way members can communicate to each other is through signs and symbols and gèmatrïa. That’s why we don’t understand all the symbols.

he has the hand to the temple which means he’s a fourth degree.
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Also he is wearing the checkerboard suit with the hand sign. He is being very obvious.

His visuals also remind me of JT album cover
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He is also in the m@söns too. That’s how he went solo.

I just pray for him and that’s all I can do.
I need to watch that movie but I'm kind of scared. Hopefully there isn't any gore :/


Jan 20, 2021
I need to watch that movie but I'm kind of scared. Hopefully there isn't any gore :/
This movie is very scary because of how they were able to depict with accuracy how it really goes down. I watched it and I was scared for weeks. It’s unimaginable how new initiates feel seeing this in real life. I don’t know how they can do it. You know the creator of this movie died weeks after it was released. I guess he told too much.


Jan 20, 2021
he’s only 17 years old and already they’re doing this they did this only with him none of the members of the group who are adult age. is it advertising? the words make me think so
I saw the concept and I guess he supposed to be a vampire. I feel bad for him because they been sèxûálïzîng him for so long. It’s possible that he could be. Maybe it could be abüsïvè too.


May 8, 2023
There is something that makes me very angry and that is the absolute neurotoxic stupidity and degeneracy of the western lgbtq+ kpop fans on both Twitter and Instagram.

These fans in particular absurdly sexualize and pornographize (make pornographic) both male and female idols. They have disgusting sexual usernames on Twitter and Instagram about the idols, and they make the slightest thing an idol does, sexual. They sexualize and pornographize all activities an idol does.

These lgbtq+ fans constantly blurt out their own disgusting sexual fantasies to each other, on Instagram and Twitter, not caring if the kpop fans who are children, might stumble upon their stupid sexual content.

How would the children kpop fans react to written sexual fantasy or pornography about their idols, written by some lesbian or gay or bisexual fan(s)? Who the fuck do these lgbtq+ fans think they are?

Not only that, minor idols like IVE's Leeseo have been sexualized by the lgbtq fans. Like wtf!

These lgbtq+ fans have made up their own degenerate lgbtq+ "culture", again it's a completely made up "culture", and put it into their kpop discussions. It's made up degenerate bullshit.

I have heard before that Loona in particular, has pushed the lgbtq+ culture in kpop. Sorry could someone elaborate this? How have Loona pushed the lgbtq+ agenda, when it's the lgbtq+ fans pushing the agenda themselves?

Idols are NOT gays or lesbians, no matter how much some degenerate idiot may fantasize, or think they are, with all this "Loona gay moments, Twice gay moments, Itzy gay moments" bullshit. Don't get me started on the disgusting pornographic gay and lesbian fanfics these degenerates write.

South Korea is a conservative Christian country and homosexuality and lgbtq+ shit is quite frowned upon. The lgbtq+ fans would be bullied if they actually tried their antics in South Korea. Fucking barking like a dog at concerts in America and Canada? Those bitches (yes men included) should just shut the fuck up.

Miu's Yukhoe

Apr 19, 2023
There is something that makes me very angry and that is the absolute neurotoxic stupidity and degeneracy of the western lgbtq+ kpop fans on both Twitter and Instagram.

These fans in particular absurdly sexualize and pornographize (make pornographic) both male and female idols. They have disgusting sexual usernames on Twitter and Instagram about the idols, and they make the slightest thing an idol does, sexual. They sexualize and pornographize all activities an idol does.

These lgbtq+ fans constantly blurt out their own disgusting sexual fantasies to each other, on Instagram and Twitter, not caring if the kpop fans who are children, might stumble upon their stupid sexual content.

How would the children kpop fans react to written sexual fantasy or pornography about their idols, written by some lesbian or gay or bisexual fan(s)? Who the fuck do these lgbtq+ fans think they are?

Not only that, minor idols like IVE's Leeseo have been sexualized by the lgbtq fans. Like wtf!

These lgbtq+ fans have made up their own degenerate lgbtq+ "culture", again it's a completely made up "culture", and put it into their kpop discussions. It's made up degenerate bullshit.

I have heard before that Loona in particular, has pushed the lgbtq+ culture in kpop. Sorry could someone elaborate this? How have Loona pushed the lgbtq+ agenda, when it's the lgbtq+ fans pushing the agenda themselves?

Idols are NOT gays or lesbians, no matter how much some degenerate idiot may fantasize, or think they are, with all this "Loona gay moments, Twice gay moments, Itzy gay moments" bullshit. Don't get me started on the disgusting pornographic gay and lesbian fanfics these degenerates write.

South Korea is a conservative Christian country and homosexuality and lgbtq+ shit is quite frowned upon. The lgbtq+ fans would be bullied if they actually tried their antics in South Korea. Fucking barking like a dog at concerts in America and Canada? Those bitches (yes men included) should just shut the fuck up.
YOU TELL IT!!! I used to be a mod in a very popular kpop server on discord with 500+ members and they made us join the kpopf*p discord and ban any member of the server that was also in there. The thing about it was that the owner and the other mods were hypocrites because they were saying and doing the same things that kpopf*p was doing toward the idols (male and female). The difference was, they were doing the dirty stuff in the hidden mod chat, while keep a shiny image for everyone else in their server. When I asked them why we were even banning people just for being members of kpopf*p when they were guilty of doing the same thing, they took my mod powers away, banned me from the server and told everyone in the server that I was secretly a member of kpopf*p and was defending those p*dophiles, which I WAS NOT! All I did was ask a simple question and they accused me of defending the p*rverted people and justified their actions by saying "If you weren't also doing that, you wouldn't even care to ask and would just overlook it"


May 8, 2023
YOU TELL IT!!! I used to be a mod in a very popular kpop server on discord with 500+ members and they made us join the kpopf*p discord and ban any member of the server that was also in there. The thing about it was that the owner and the other mods were hypocrites because they were saying and doing the same things that kpopf*p was doing toward the idols (male and female). When I asked them why we were even banning people just for being members of kpopf*p when they were guilty of doing the same thing, they took my mod powers away, banned me from the server and told everyone in the server that I was secretly a member of kpopf*p and was defending those p*dophiles, which I WAS NOT! All I did was ask a simple question and they accused me of defending the p*rverted people and justified their actions by saying "If you weren't also doing that, you wouldn't even care to ask and would just overlook it"
Wow not surprised.

Exactly! and kpopf*p EXISTS because of these lgbtq fans.


Sep 21, 2021
There is something that makes me very angry and that is the absolute neurotoxic stupidity and degeneracy of the western lgbtq+ kpop fans on both Twitter and Instagram.

These fans in particular absurdly sexualize and pornographize (make pornographic) both male and female idols. They have disgusting sexual usernames on Twitter and Instagram about the idols, and they make the slightest thing an idol does, sexual. They sexualize and pornographize all activities an idol does.

These lgbtq+ fans constantly blurt out their own disgusting sexual fantasies to each other, on Instagram and Twitter, not caring if the kpop fans who are children, might stumble upon their stupid sexual content.

How would the children kpop fans react to written sexual fantasy or pornography about their idols, written by some lesbian or gay or bisexual fan(s)? Who the fuck do these lgbtq+ fans think they are?

Not only that, minor idols like IVE's Leeseo have been sexualized by the lgbtq fans. Like wtf!

These lgbtq+ fans have made up their own degenerate lgbtq+ "culture", again it's a completely made up "culture", and put it into their kpop discussions. It's made up degenerate bullshit.

I have heard before that Loona in particular, has pushed the lgbtq+ culture in kpop. Sorry could someone elaborate this? How have Loona pushed the lgbtq+ agenda, when it's the lgbtq+ fans pushing the agenda themselves?

Idols are NOT gays or lesbians, no matter how much some degenerate idiot may fantasize, or think they are, with all this "Loona gay moments, Twice gay moments, Itzy gay moments" bullshit. Don't get me started on the disgusting pornographic gay and lesbian fanfics these degenerates write.

South Korea is a conservative Christian country and homosexuality and lgbtq+ shit is quite frowned upon. The lgbtq+ fans would be bullied if they actually tried their antics in South Korea. Fucking barking like a dog at concerts in America and Canada? Those bitches (yes men included) should just shut the fuck up.
They worship baphomet (aka satan) who is the god of sexual perversion and depravity...the "author" of the lgbtq++ movement...This "worship" is a "requirement" (that's why they pose with all those hand symbols to show their "allegiance") from the satanic global elites who control them and have been using them to promote the lgbtq++ narratives and various expressions, including transgenderism and p***philia...

Sadly, SK is no longer the "conservative Christian" country that it used to be...that "lasted" only for a few years and had its "peak" in the 80's... SK has embraced materialism and's been going down in a "slippery slope" towards being a similar degenerate country like many in the west...

Many SK citizens, themselves, especially the older ones who have "witnessed" the moral degradation in SK, interestingly point to KPop as the "reason" or "culprit" for this present degenerate state of their society...


Sep 21, 2021
YOU TELL IT!!! I used to be a mod in a very popular kpop server on discord with 500+ members and they made us join the kpopf*p discord and ban any member of the server that was also in there. The thing about it was that the owner and the other mods were hypocrites because they were saying and doing the same things that kpopf*p was doing toward the idols (male and female). The difference was, they were doing the dirty stuff in the hidden mod chat, while keep a shiny image for everyone else in their server. When I asked them why we were even banning people just for being members of kpopf*p when they were guilty of doing the same thing, they took my mod powers away, banned me from the server and told everyone in the server that I was secretly a member of kpopf*p and was defending those p*dophiles, which I WAS NOT! All I did was ask a simple question and they accused me of defending the p*rverted people and justified their actions by saying "If you weren't also doing that, you wouldn't even care to ask and would just overlook it"
A lie or always a red flag...It's satan's "trademark..."


May 12, 2023
I have heard before that Loona in particular, has pushed the lgbtq+ culture in kpop. Sorry could someone elaborate this? How have Loona pushed the lgbtq+ agenda, when it's the lgbtq+ fans pushing the agenda themselves?
For LOONA, it was during the pre-debut period. Eclipse from K_m L_p got the interest of the Gay Male fans due to it's similarity to something Madonna or Kylie might have put out in the past.

The second was Heart Attack. Where Ch__ sings her love and stalking of the other member Yv_s. The song was so popular among the LGBT in Korea and overseas, it was played during South Korean LGBT rallies that year.


That's where the LGBT LOONA fandom came from.
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May 8, 2023
For LOONA, it was during the pre-debut period. Eclipse from K_m L_p got the interest of the Gay Male fans due to it's similarity to something Madonna or Kylie might have put out in the past.

The second was Heart Attack. Where Ch__ sings her love and stalking of the other member Yv_s. The song was so popular among the LGBT in Korea and overseas, it was played during South Korean LGBT rallies that year.

That's where the LGBT LOONA fandom came from.
Ah okay thank you

Miu's Yukhoe

Apr 19, 2023
They worship baphomet (aka satan) who is the god of sexual perversion and depravity...the "author" of the lgbtq++ movement...This "worship" is a "requirement" (that's why they pose with all those hand symbols to show their "allegiance") from the satanic global elites who control them and have been using them to promote the lgbtq++ narratives and various expressions, including transgenderism and p***philia...

Sadly, SK is no longer the "conservative Christian" country that it used to be...that "lasted" only for a few years and had its "peak" in the 80's... SK has embraced materialism and's been going down in a "slippery slope" towards being a similar degenerate country like many in the west...

Many SK citizens, themselves, especially the older ones who have "witnessed" the moral degradation in SK, interestingly point to KPop as the "reason" or "culprit" for this present degenerate state of their society...
I've heard from Christian South Korean elderly that these are the reasons why they have a bad attitude toward young people and why they are so xenophobic. They do not want to hand over their precious country and values to these new kids who can't even figure out what is between their legs. They heavily blame the influence of the west and interracial marriages for the cause of such ignorance in Korean youth. Also there are a lot of Korean elderly who are committing su*cide because they not only don't want to be a burden on their family as they cannot trust them to give them a popular burial due to their conservative christian beliefs, but also because they are sick of this world and in a hurry to meet Jesus.


May 12, 2023
I've heard from Christian South Korean elderly that these are the reasons why they have a bad attitude toward young people and why they are so xenophobic. They do not want to hand over their precious country and values to these new kids who can't even figure out what is between their legs. They heavily blame the influence of the west and interracial marriages for the cause of such ignorance in Korean youth. Also there are a lot of Korean elderly who are committing su*cide because they not only don't want to be a burden on their family as they cannot trust them to give them a popular burial due to their conservative christian beliefs, but also because they are sick of this world and in a hurry to meet Jesus.
Maybe I'm outside the scope of this thread. But this is all outlined in the organizations at the top.


Their goals in published papers and speeches are.

Destruction of the family unit, to ensure prime loyalty to the government.
Destruction of the Middle class, recreating a Feudal system
One world Government
Central Bank Crypto Currency
Human tracking and social control.

The World Health Organization and other organizations lower down are working on what they would call post modernist deconstructionism, but philosophers could argue conceptually is the same as Satanic corruption of society.

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Miu's Yukhoe

Apr 19, 2023
Maybe I'm outside the scope of this thread. But this is all outlined in the organizations at the top.

View attachment 87009

Their goals in published papers and speeches are.

Destruction of the family unit, to ensure prime loyalty to the government.
Destruction of the Middle class, recreating a Feudal system
One world Government
Central Bank Crypto Currency
Human tracking and social control.

The World Health Organization and other organizations lower down are working on what they would call post modernist deconstructionism, but philosophers could argue conceptually is the same as Satanic corruption of society.

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That is so messed up and the scary part is that it is working.....Jesus will return soon! I think it will happen in our lifetime because the evidence and the signs of the end that Jesus warned about have never been more prevalent in all of biblical history.


May 8, 2023
That is so messed up and the scary part is that it is working.....Jesus will return soon! I think it will happen in our lifetime because the evidence and the signs of the end that Jesus warned about have never been more prevalent in all of biblical history.
The Illuminati will also deliberately create end-time-like events, that will actually follow the Bible, and they are the ones behind changing the Bible