They would never exposed those things ,they know that their career would be at risk.
You're right but it would be nice if they did. The Johnny's story reminds me of btees. The man who created the group and company was a p***phile. Many boys came forward as young as 11, but he was never charged. Until 2017, men and boys weren't able to be raped under the law. He abused his baseball team, trainees, idols and his country gave him a hero's mourning when he passed.
A video about it gave me insight into why we will never see a major company with abuse allegations. It's seen as burdening others if you tell others that something bad happened to you. I've seen Korean idols say that, and didn't understand. The company and the employees could be hurt by a loss of income if they tell someone.
The most important one is that some of the boys came to love him, and wanted his attention. The age of consent in Japan is 13. It was 12. Coercing and pressure that leads to sex with minors is legal there. Parents would say to their kids, give him your body. The boys on his baseball team joked about him being their first time. One idol dedicated a very romantic song to his memory named Johnny.
We think of Hive in terms of the idols being abused. There's dozens of trainees that will never come forward because it would kill any chances of a career in or outside of kpop. Boys that came forward in Japan were ostracized. He barely paid them anything and his top idol pocketed maybe 17,000 a month at their peak. Their retirement was 70,000 in one payment.
Society hates people that rock the boat. Telling isn't polite and makes other uncomfortable. The YouTuber is Korean and said a lot of this applied to Korean culture too. I'm very disturbed by this video but it's given me a lot of insight into their culture. Mistreated idols risk everything and there's usually no one willing to listen.
The last thing I wanted to say is Johnny would force companies that wanted to work with his idols to give promotions to rookie groups. News outlets wouldn't report the news about his victims because it meant a potential lawsuit, or or they would be harassed. This sounds almost like Hive and Sm.