Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Feb 7, 2022
Not really kpop related but I recently saw the k-drama The Glory. I overall rate it a 7/10. But what was interesting to me was looking back, how much suicide and abuse especially against women, was so prevalent almost like it was normalized in the show. I can't count how many episodes I saw where a man physically assaults a woman. And the suicide... it's mentioned so much throughout the show like it's normal! Then I realized that ALOT of k-dramas are like that, even some japanese animes. It's like they glorify suicide.

And people wonder why suicide is so common in Korea but don't realize it's the media that they consume over there that is also contributing to the downfall of their society. They are feeding the youth lies, subconsciously programming them to believe that suicide solves all your problems. They really need to change if they want to see some progression. Kdramas are gaining popularity around the world so their poison is slowly spreading but honestly if a show like that was made in the west, especially in the US, it would receive major backlash. The show 13 reasons why did for glorifying suicide.
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Jun 1, 2018
$EVENTEEN's comeback is just filled with more satanic garbage! Who would've thought. Even their choreography, with fire on the ground.


LE-$$SELLOUTS (Le-$$erafim) also had a comeback with more satanic garbage. In their latest album, there's a song called 'Burn the Br!dge'. Check out the lyrics.

The darkness drives me into a corner and forces me to choose
Either give up, or give in
Either give up, or give in
That I can go forward but only within the limit

My answer? "I wish for what is forbidden to me"

They are in DEEP. No wonder there are so many witches in the music industry. They can praise satan and even place hexes/curses on you, without anyone asking themselves 'why? huh? what are they actually saying?'. It'll just be swept under the rug as 'art', or my favourite 'a theory for the group'. Their whole comeback is about being unforgiven (of sin), being okay with that, and 'never turning back'. Guess they've been tempted and never going back to a 'normal' life after the money, looks, and fame the industry has given them. But all the songs in this album are heavily satanic guys, please be careful. If a song you like is constantly saying 'I wish for what is forbidden to me' (in this case, 'Unforgiven' by LE-$$SELLOUTS), it will plague your spirit and subconscious. Before you know it, you will be committing many sins, never take accountability, and go straight to hell.


How can so many people be okay with being in a concert hall full of fire/hell imagery? Where is their spirit? Are they seriously that blinded by attractive girls/women singing:

Come to that faraway land with me, my unforgiven girls
Come and cross the line with me, my unforgiven boys

They're telling their listeners/audience to go to hell with them. It's part of their deal with the devil to take people to hell, and to place hexes/curses on them so they continue to commit sins. Linked to their 'Burn the Bri!dge' song, they're telling their audience to follow them and also 'never turn back' by crossing the line with them. It's obvious they're talking about hell, which other 'faraway place' would they want unforgiven girls and boys to go to with them? I know I am not perfect, and that's why I want to be forgiven by God. I accept Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Father. I want everyone single person here to go to heaven, so brothers and sisters, let's open our eyes and cleanse the spirit. I want to spread the word, and I want everyone to know that every single day is a spiritual war.

One last take:
It's so funny how, in this realm, celebrities are given status and are seen as 'above human', but in the spiritual realm (the only realm that matters after death), celebrities (if they don't repent) are beneath us. Keep this in mind, always.

Stay blessed, and stay vigilant!


Jun 26, 2022
$EVENTEEN's comeback is just filled with more satanic garbage! Who would've thought. Even their choreography, with fire on the ground.

View attachment 86413

LE-$$SELLOUTS (Le-$$erafim) also had a comeback with more satanic garbage. In their latest album, there's a song called 'Burn the Br!dge'. Check out the lyrics.

The darkness drives me into a corner and forces me to choose
Either give up, or give in
Either give up, or give in
That I can go forward but only within the limit

My answer? "I wish for what is forbidden to me"

They are in DEEP. No wonder there are so many witches in the music industry. They can praise satan and even place hexes/curses on you, without anyone asking themselves 'why? huh? what are they actually saying?'. It'll just be swept under the rug as 'art', or my favourite 'a theory for the group'. Their whole comeback is about being unforgiven (of sin), being okay with that, and 'never turning back'. Guess they've been tempted and never going back to a 'normal' life after the money, looks, and fame the industry has given them. But all the songs in this album are heavily satanic guys, please be careful. If a song you like is constantly saying 'I wish for what is forbidden to me' (in this case, 'Unforgiven' by LE-$$SELLOUTS), it will plague your spirit and subconscious. Before you know it, you will be committing many sins, never take accountability, and go straight to hell.

View attachment 86415

How can so many people be okay with being in a concert hall full of fire/hell imagery? Where is their spirit? Are they seriously that blinded by attractive girls/women singing:

Come to that faraway land with me, my unforgiven girls
Come and cross the line with me, my unforgiven boys

They're telling their listeners/audience to go to hell with them. It's part of their deal with the devil to take people to hell, and to place hexes/curses on them so they continue to commit sins. Linked to their 'Burn the Bri!dge' song, they're telling their audience to follow them and also 'never turn back' by crossing the line with them. It's obvious they're talking about hell, which other 'faraway place' would they want unforgiven girls and boys to go to with them? I know I am not perfect, and that's why I want to be forgiven by God. I accept Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Father. I want everyone single person here to go to heaven, so brothers and sisters, let's open our eyes and cleanse the spirit. I want to spread the word, and I want everyone to know that every single day is a spiritual war.

One last take:
It's so funny how, in this realm, celebrities are given status and are seen as 'above human', but in the spiritual realm (the only realm that matters after death), celebrities (if they don't repent) are beneath us. Keep this in mind, always.

Stay blessed, and stay vigilant!
i have a feeling that Garam watch them and said i'm glad they kicked me out from this sell out group
Mar 27, 2023

they are actually preparing people for the raise of hybrids and just like u have ppl storming the streets protesting for rights for the lgbtq etc you will see ppl stomring the streets demanding rights for hybrids robots fallen angels demons aliens etc when they appear and satan comes down to dwell with humanity among humanity without having to hide anymore for ppl will be very accepting and happy to dwell with such cursed forbidden beings for whom no place was found in heaven so they were thrown down to the earth as a form of judgment from YAH. i will give you example for predictive programming about the coming of hybrids first color pink(pale red / red and white) red agenda is related to hybridism. the amount of times they use the word beast(beast system) in mvs.. like i wasn’t expecting to see it that much also there are altered ways to use the same word or just it in another language so it wont appear as a repeated pattern to the unaware masses/fans. the melanie martinez comeback with that pink being w four eyes four ears etc
... it's all over the place and with think knowledge now you will start noticing it more. YAH Bless and Keep you and your entire household ♡

if interested i have done analysis on the barbie movie and it has to do with this theme strangers/foreigners/giants comings to the earth and it's all in pink. you can read more about it here if interested ^^
more on barbie and ken here nad how it's associated with awa and ken = awaken
Something else worth mentioning since you're kind of assuming their grand plan will actually work out the way they'd like it to, is these hybrids don't survive, and when they do, they literally always have crippling or fatal diseases. It's a neat little trick by God that can't be circumvented; animal-human hybrids are inherently genetic failures.

That's just what happens when humans try to compete with God. It's the same deal with robots; transhumanists think they can replace humans as lovers, caregivers, etc. but it simply doesn't work that way. Keep in mind there are people who think it's possible to cheat death (and therefore become as gods). No one is cheating death, and no one is "uploading" their consciousness to a new host. It'll be a good laugh watching them try though.

Now I agree, they're definitely *trying* to prepare us for hybrids but like I said people are going to be disgusted when they actually see them. The average person may be an idiot, but they aren't going to take kindly to some scientists creating abhorrently ugly, half-dead dog-people. If anything that'll be a good wakeup call for people to realize how evil everything is. I would love to see the hosts of The View advocating for hybrid rights; that'll be the day women finally stop watching their show. Mark my words, the average person will be disgusted by any hybrid that somehow managed to survive past birth. And that hybrid any decent Biblical scholar would tell you isn't to be considered human at all, just an abomination. God doesn't make mistakes when he creates people; only people make mistakes. Remember that.


Jun 9, 2022
Not really kpop related but I recently saw the k-drama The Glory. I overall rate it a 7/10. But what was interesting to me was looking back, how much suicide and abuse especially against women, was so prevalent almost like it was normalized in the show. I can't count how many episodes I saw where a man physically assaults a woman. And the suicide... it's mentioned so much throughout the show like it's normal! Then I realized that ALOT of k-dramas are like that, even some japanese animes. It's like they glorify suicide.

And people wonder why suicide is so common in Korea but don't realize it's the media that they consume over there that is also contributing to the downfall of their society. They are feeding the youth lies, subconsciously programming them to believe that suicide solves all your problems. They really need to change if they want to see some progression. Kdramas are gaining popularity around the world so their poison is slowly spreading but honestly if a show like that was made in the west, especially in the US, it would receive major backlash. The show 13 reasons why did for glorifying suicide.
Did you saw 2 season where she takes revenge on church girl in church that scene is full of symbolism
Mar 27, 2023
$EVENTEEN's comeback is just filled with more satanic garbage! Who would've thought. Even their choreography, with fire on the ground.

View attachment 86413

LE-$$SELLOUTS (Le-$$erafim) also had a comeback with more satanic garbage. In their latest album, there's a song called 'Burn the Br!dge'. Check out the lyrics.

The darkness drives me into a corner and forces me to choose
Either give up, or give in
Either give up, or give in
That I can go forward but only within the limit

My answer? "I wish for what is forbidden to me"

They are in DEEP. No wonder there are so many witches in the music industry. They can praise satan and even place hexes/curses on you, without anyone asking themselves 'why? huh? what are they actually saying?'. It'll just be swept under the rug as 'art', or my favourite 'a theory for the group'. Their whole comeback is about being unforgiven (of sin), being okay with that, and 'never turning back'. Guess they've been tempted and never going back to a 'normal' life after the money, looks, and fame the industry has given them. But all the songs in this album are heavily satanic guys, please be careful. If a song you like is constantly saying 'I wish for what is forbidden to me' (in this case, 'Unforgiven' by LE-$$SELLOUTS), it will plague your spirit and subconscious. Before you know it, you will be committing many sins, never take accountability, and go straight to hell.

View attachment 86415

How can so many people be okay with being in a concert hall full of fire/hell imagery? Where is their spirit? Are they seriously that blinded by attractive girls/women singing:

Come to that faraway land with me, my unforgiven girls
Come and cross the line with me, my unforgiven boys

They're telling their listeners/audience to go to hell with them. It's part of their deal with the devil to take people to hell, and to place hexes/curses on them so they continue to commit sins. Linked to their 'Burn the Bri!dge' song, they're telling their audience to follow them and also 'never turn back' by crossing the line with them. It's obvious they're talking about hell, which other 'faraway place' would they want unforgiven girls and boys to go to with them? I know I am not perfect, and that's why I want to be forgiven by God. I accept Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Father. I want everyone single person here to go to heaven, so brothers and sisters, let's open our eyes and cleanse the spirit. I want to spread the word, and I want everyone to know that every single day is a spiritual war.

One last take:
It's so funny how, in this realm, celebrities are given status and are seen as 'above human', but in the spiritual realm (the only realm that matters after death), celebrities (if they don't repent) are beneath us. Keep this in mind, always.

Stay blessed, and stay vigilant!
The comments on k-pop videos on YouTube, are mostly bots, that's why they're all the same, and they're all positive. That's a certain type of censorship they use (by 'they' I ultimately mean these satanists looking to distract, manipulate, and damn) to prevent the truth from spreading.
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Mar 27, 2023
They have the youngest member at 1:32 singing "So can you be my map, be my map now". MAP is code for minor attracted persons
Good catch. I'm going to make a bunch of videos on this and put it on every platform I can. If I put it on a free speech platform like Rumble it shouldn't be taken down.

Also fwiw, this comeback is rather terrible with forgettable tracks. Serves these witches right if you ask me. And the album cover is ugly as shit.. a brown burning page... Doesn't exactly display pretty on a girl's shelf.
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Feb 7, 2022
Did you saw 2 season where she takes revenge on church girl in church that scene is full of symbolism
Yes, that scene was disgusting. Debauchery and perversion at its finest. I also noticed and found it funny how they also mock Christianity in the show but put shamanism to the forefront.

Also funny how bullying is a big problem in Korea but shows like that teach that revenge and suicide is the only solution. What a joke.


Jul 10, 2021
$EVENTEEN's comeback is just filled with more satanic garbage! Who would've thought. Even their choreography, with fire on the ground.

View attachment 86413

LE-$$SELLOUTS (Le-$$erafim) also had a comeback with more satanic garbage. In their latest album, there's a song called 'Burn the Br!dge'. Check out the lyrics.

The darkness drives me into a corner and forces me to choose
Either give up, or give in
Either give up, or give in
That I can go forward but only within the limit

My answer? "I wish for what is forbidden to me"

They are in DEEP. No wonder there are so many witches in the music industry. They can praise satan and even place hexes/curses on you, without anyone asking themselves 'why? huh? what are they actually saying?'. It'll just be swept under the rug as 'art', or my favourite 'a theory for the group'. Their whole comeback is about being unforgiven (of sin), being okay with that, and 'never turning back'. Guess they've been tempted and never going back to a 'normal' life after the money, looks, and fame the industry has given them. But all the songs in this album are heavily satanic guys, please be careful. If a song you like is constantly saying 'I wish for what is forbidden to me' (in this case, 'Unforgiven' by LE-$$SELLOUTS), it will plague your spirit and subconscious. Before you know it, you will be committing many sins, never take accountability, and go straight to hell.

View attachment 86415

How can so many people be okay with being in a concert hall full of fire/hell imagery? Where is their spirit? Are they seriously that blinded by attractive girls/women singing:

Come to that faraway land with me, my unforgiven girls
Come and cross the line with me, my unforgiven boys

They're telling their listeners/audience to go to hell with them. It's part of their deal with the devil to take people to hell, and to place hexes/curses on them so they continue to commit sins. Linked to their 'Burn the Bri!dge' song, they're telling their audience to follow them and also 'never turn back' by crossing the line with them. It's obvious they're talking about hell, which other 'faraway place' would they want unforgiven girls and boys to go to with them? I know I am not perfect, and that's why I want to be forgiven by God. I accept Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Father. I want everyone single person here to go to heaven, so brothers and sisters, let's open our eyes and cleanse the spirit. I want to spread the word, and I want everyone to know that every single day is a spiritual war.

One last take:
It's so funny how, in this realm, celebrities are given status and are seen as 'above human', but in the spiritual realm (the only realm that matters after death), celebrities (if they don't repent) are beneath us. Keep this in mind, always.

Stay blessed, and stay vigilant!
One of the songs, “Eve, ps….” I actually “like” but I can’t and won’t sing it and try to not listen to it anymore bc I can’t confess what their confessing especially the beginning and the wanting to do what’s forbidden w apple biting choreo w that lyric I think

I haven’t seen English translation but I was like why does it have to be the songs that are against my faith the ones I “like” the most and the choreos too but I definitely am staying away from unforgiving ‍♀


Jun 9, 2022
Yes, that scene was disgusting. Debauchery and perversion at its finest. I also noticed and found it funny how they also mock Christianity in the show but put shamanism to the forefront.

Also funny how bullying is a big problem in Korea but shows like that teach that revenge and suicide is the only solution. What a joke.
Somewhere i think they are creating a revenge fantasy among teens.
I heard story was true and girl revealed all names and asked for sorry. Like in drama they straight away denied her and said she is mental women.

The thing i observed is instead of main leads the villains got more fame. They were literally everywhere and some people even supported them


Jul 10, 2021
Yeah I was just going to say this. Le Sserafim has always been heavily satanic and witchcrafty. This is the kind of stuff that only gets creepier as time goes on.

The comments in k-pop videos on YouTube are mostly bots, that's why they're all the same, and they're all positive. That's a certain type of censorship they use to prevent the truth from spreading.
On Reddit someone posted nj youngest member brand ambassador pictures and there was one eye and even one eye in paper triangle and people in the comments mentioned it and it was downvoted ofc


Feb 7, 2022
Somewhere i think they are creating a revenge fantasy among teens.
I heard story was true and girl revealed all names and asked for sorry. Like in drama they straight away denied her and said she is mental women.

The thing i observed is instead of main leads the villains got more fame. They were literally everywhere and some people even supported them
They definitely do show the dark sides of bullying and how corrupt rich people can be thinking money can get rid of your problems. The storyline was interesting ( I like how the main character saught justice for the victims) but I did not appreciate many other things in that show.

"revenge fantasy among teens"
Promoting revenge, suicide, murder, and abuse among teens. As if that will help their bullying and suicide issue over there:rolleyes:

Edit: Changed words
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Jun 9, 2022
Same rumours are spreading everywhere
Lis@ leaving yyyg soon.
Someone in bp is pregnant and its gonna come out ,some are saying they already got aborted.
Moonbine frnd is going to reveal something that will shock fans


Feb 7, 2022
The thing i observed is instead of main leads the villains got more fame. They were literally everywhere and some people even supported them
Yes I noticed that, and it reminded me of Kpop fans. Their favorite idols could literally murder someone and the fans would still support them because they're so blinded by the fake perfect image they have put up for them to believe. Korea cares so much about image no wonder defamation lawsuits are big there and the celebrities are called "idols". But like all idols they eventually crumble and fall ;)
Mar 27, 2023
They definitely do show the dark sides of bullying and how corrupt rich people can be thinking money can get rid of your problems. The storyline was great but I did not appreciate many things in that show.

"revenge fantasy among teens"
Promoting revenge, suicide, murder, and abuse among teens. As if that will help their bullying and suicide issue over there:rolleyes:
Well don't forget that in Canada doctors are encouraging people with relatively treatable conditions to get assisted suicide - payed for my their generous government.

This is coming to the US, and other developed countries, too, if it ain't there already. Ultimately, as we hopefully know by now, everything comes down to depopulation. Toxic feminism, MGTOW, LGBTQ+(sterilization essentially), MANDATORY vaccines, abortion... you name it, they all lead to less humans.