BTS discussion thread


Jun 9, 2022
Why they raising fund?is this a joke or what?
But fund raising is real deal.
1. They do it for to buy lot of merch
2. Donate in the name group so their idols can notice them
3. But we should be careful the one who handle can escape with that money also
That's why we see a lot complaints on Twitter saying she took money but she didn't give ticket


Jan 19, 2020
so Sugar came out with a new MV, basically the same thing as usual....try hard, and alter ego thing (basically him trying to kill his alter?)

But saw something on twitter that caught my attention:

he talks about people who are: "slaves, to capitalism, slaves to youtube and Flexing"....I have to wonder if he is talking about himself and BT5 fandom?
or he is just so unware that he doenst know what kind of fandom he has (obsessed with fake YT records, and billboard fake number 1s)
I had to pause and stop watching it because the video was so violent. I was not expecting that from him at all. He was smoking in it a lot, which i thought he had quit. The killing part was really gruesome, no age warning (children watching this) and also him continuously killing the person playing himself. I sort of got some $uic### vibes from this, and he even drowned himself and a lot of it did not make sense to me. He also had a dark cut eye scar, which I know is fake but it's continuous in the Agust D theme. I know he has depression, but it was regardless, concerning to me! :oops:


Dec 9, 2020
They found that he is a smoker. He recently indirectly release a statement saying why is it a big issue of smoking when he is 30.
But the thing is their fans are liking it.

Idk but they are finding that he wore a lot of gay merch like shoes chain
Lol, it is so common among Koreans to smoke. I'm pretty sure every BT5 member does. Their surprise is stupid.

He's been wearing LGBT supportive merch for several years. He's the only member who does this frequently and consistently.


Sep 21, 2021
I had to pause and stop watching it because the video was so violent. I was not expecting that from him at all. He was smoking in it a lot, which i thought he had quit. The killing part was really gruesome, no age warning (children watching this) and also him continuously killing the person playing himself. I sort of got some $uic### vibes from this, and he even drowned himself and a lot of it did not make sense to me. He also had a dark cut eye scar, which I know is fake but it's continuous in the Agust D theme. I know he has depression, but it was regardless, concerning to me! :oops:
Indeed, it is concerning...Even the photos alone already exude devilish energies... His character projects utter rebellion, deep anger, and destruction...

The thing is, how could the children who watch this, understand that "he was trying to kill his alter ego...?" All they see is violence...which would be very difficult to process in their innocent minds... In fact, this could even traumatize them...If it's already hard for some adults to watch this, how much more for the kids?

It's actually a must that this MV be censored...or at the least provide guidance for viewership...


Sep 21, 2021
[enter-talk] MIN YOONGI SMOKING........

a bunch of kids in the comments saying this is "hot"

honestly it feels to me like he tries so hard to show this "bad boy" image in his MV wich is a total contradiction of his bt5 image with songs like "butter" or "dynamite"

Hope did the same thing with his album....they suddenly want to show their "bad boy" side

also as an adult i have to say showing yourself smoking and trying to look badass because of it is just lame...just my opinion
Yes, some say Suga smoking...looks "hot" or "cool" and they really like it...And there are those who are naturally turned off by this...But, being Betees, this is "tolerated..." as usual... The boys just have to "revert back" to the "childlike candy milk innocence."

The "badass" persona that Suga is now promoting is just another example of "spiritual inversion" that the globalists are trying to promote...This is part of their satanic inverse or twist the Godly, morally acceptable, right way of doing things...

The amount of perversion (via inversion) going on, nowadays, and being promoted and propagated by these "puppets" of the entertainment definitely horrifying!


Dec 9, 2020
I gave the entire album quite a few listens yesterday and this morning. That's part of why I wasn't participating as much in the discussion as you'd think I would be. I wanted to have a stronger sense of what I'm listening to before speaking. I also watched the documentary.

As an album, I think this is much better than the two mixtapes. The documentary shows the process to an extent, theres a lot of him travelling, random live performances of some of the songs, and him meeting with other musicians over time. It's a light-hearted documentary, it's obviously filtered. Everyone who's been a fan for him for a very long time knows he agonizes over his music and that it's not as smooth of a process as the documentary shows. Some of the things he says hint at him being harder on himself than the camera is willing to show, though. I'm just bringing this up to make the point that the documentary isn't about how he made the album, but what he was thinking about as he made it. There's a lot of talk of the past, present and future and the way people hold onto the past, and fear the future. His meeting with Ryuichi Sakamoto was quite beautiful, and Sakamoto saw right through him, which I enjoyed watching.

I'm gonna try to go through each song and share just my general thoughts without getting too crazy with it. There's a TON to unpack, but I'd rather focus on what's most important regarding signs, symbols, etc.

1. D-Day: He's referencing the doomsday clock is my best guess, because of the "switch over, time ticking and over" lyrics. The doomsday clock is all about the end of the world. The instrumental is quite eerie too, and it's interesting how he says "the future will be okay, okay okay I look in the mirror and I see no pain". It's very anxiety ridden. It goes with his talk about fearing the future. He also says "karma gonna be coming back for me". It's giving me very "I know what I've done, I've accepted it, and I'll take what comes". He frequently says "I can't remember, say no more", and I think he's talking about things he's seen and doesn't want to remember and doesn't want people to jog those memories. Either something or someone is coming for him, is my best guess.
2. Haegeum: I've already shared my thoughts about this song, so I won't repeat myself. What I'll say about the music video is that the cop character he plays is just as corrupt as his self that murders the cop. He's always had very strong views about the Gwangju massacre, and Koreans have strong views about cops in their country in general, there's a lot of corruption and violence there from what I understand.
3. HUH?!: This song is meh to me. His rap is fine but JH's is really boring. It's just him boasting. Nothing new.
4. Amygdala: He talks at length about this in the documentary. Basically, the amygdala is what connects our fear response with things that are dangerous, but it also connects our joy/love response with things that are good for us. He's asking for his amygdala to save him. There's times in the song he mentions things happening he didn't want to happen. I think he's seen some serious sh!t, and I think he's also woken up from whatever Hive did to him.
5. SDL: It's a love song. Yeah. It's good, but, there's nothing else to it.
6. People Pt. 2: I've already discussed this one at length.
7. Polar Night: It starts weird but it takes off quickly. He raps in Korean, "Killing him is the definition now", talks about truth and lies a lot. The other line, "Between dark questions and indiscriminate accusations" really caught my attention. He mentions selective hypocrisy, too. The song seems all over the place, but I think he's trying to say that people talk too much or not enough, and therefore there's no balance. He repeatedly mentions consumption of information and technology in the documentary, and even says he doesn't go online much anymore. And I'm sorry but the way he raps in this song makes him sound like the way we talk on this forum. There, I said it.
8. Interlude Dawn: It's an instrumental. Beautiful but also very unsettling in it's own way.
9. Snooze: This is the one he did with Ryuichi Sakamoto. Woosung's vocals are lovely. I honestly cannot listen to this song without crying. When he played this for Sakamoto, Sakamoto pointed out the "everything will be all right" lyric, and told YG that he was saying it to himself, and YG got very quiet in response to that. Like I said, Sakamoto saw right through him, not in a mean way, but in a way that sometimes the best conversations are had through music. I do think it is true that he's talking to young people about their dreams, but I think he's trying to talk to himself as a child, because he never had anyone to talk to him like that.
10. Life Goes On: I don't think this song was needed. I think he could have left the album at Snooze and it would have been fine. LGO is fine as a song, but it's not my favorite.

Overall, I don't think YG is talking to anyone but himself for the most part. Maybe a little bit he's talking to other people, like in Snooze, but I think this album is mostly self-centered, in an artistic cathartic way. He produced everything, and there was only one other producer for the whole album, which was El Captixn, and that's it. I get the sense from the documentary that PD was barely involved, if at all. Seems he kept this close to his chest. I wonder if Hive even realize all the stuff he's saying here, and if there'll be some sort of punishment in the future for it.
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Mar 1, 2021
I doubt he‘ll expose their secrets. YG is most likely making references to his own “enslavement” that he undergoes as an idol. Imo. One of his songs, Snooze, lyrics says road is paved with thorns. He must know that all glitter is not gold.

Fellow soldiers has an alternative translation of colleagues. Tae put those lyrics on his insta.


Dec 9, 2020
This is so funny... :D

"Free Taehyung from Jikookers"

Old school armpits liked the whole vminkook trio and in the last few years the whole taekook vs. jikook thing started and let me tell you, these people will violently argue in ways I never knew people could argue. I remember when I was in high school and no one ever tried to argue ships, we just accepted everyone had ships they liked and didn't like, and let people be. It was never this effing insane before.

Jikookers especially get angry if people like jikook but don't think they are a real couple. They will go on the attack at anyone who doesn't think jikook is real, will say those people are homophobes and don't support gays, can't see real love, etc etc etc. They send death threats, dox, it's horrible. All over shipping people who are total strangers to them, or worse, all over thinking two people who are not a couple absolutely are.


Sep 21, 2021
Old school armpits liked the whole vminkook trio and in the last few years the whole taekook vs. jikook thing started and let me tell you, these people will violently argue in ways I never knew people could argue. I remember when I was in high school and no one ever tried to argue ships, we just accepted everyone had ships they liked and didn't like, and let people be. It was never this effing insane before.

Jikookers especially get angry if people like jikook but don't think they are a real couple. They will go on the attack at anyone who doesn't think jikook is real, will say those people are homophobes and don't support gays, can't see real love, etc etc etc. They send death threats, dox, it's horrible. All over shipping people who are total strangers to them, or worse, all over thinking two people who are not a couple absolutely are.
I really find the "epic saga" of ship stories among betees very funny...and even funnier: "armys ship battles..." lolol :D


Sep 21, 2021
Ok thanks ,there's people that need fund raising for very serious reasond and those people did for those stupid things ..
Jeykey just donated 1Billion Korean Won (Approx US$750,000) to Seoul National University's Children's Hospital...and here his fans are trying hard to raise funds for him... lol! What bizarre irony is this? Haha! :D



Dec 9, 2020
Always on job for the cameras, I wish they are not homos and all of them marry beautiful Korean girls so that armies around the world come into their senses. Cuz I know most shippers would be shattered, that would be a sheer delight.
I wanna see Jikook have some big blow up fight, something that just ruins things between those two, so that it will destroy the Jikookers. People need to learn how to ship the normal way again for the sake of everyone.