Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

Mar 27, 2023
Nah 3rd gen groups are dying off... Name 5 3rd gen groups that have had a comeback in the last 6 months. I could probably name 5 3rd gen groups that have disbanded or are barely holding on. Clc, momoland, Brave girls, Nu'est, aoa, gfriend, wjsn, loona...
Loona is barely hanging on? They seemed pretty 'safe' to me, after all, they are one of the craziest groups dedicated to normalization of homosexuality as well as false gender roles. All groups are dedicated to that, but LOONA is very specific with that agenda, all their songs are about that agenda obviously within the context of Satanism, whereas Momoland was relatively light with most agendas or symbolism and they disbanded (though it was chiefly horrible studio mmld who failed them).
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Jul 13, 2022
Both were fantigo artist, both were found in gagnm and mangers found them both dead first. Lil sus. People also suspecting what's going on. Moonbim was always compared to that artist . Now people are suspecting that they even died same. They died almost same condition
For someone strange reason it is always the manager/handler “finding” them first. While these people aren’t rookies anymore and don’t have to be followed around
Mar 14, 2023
these girls are 100% escorts.. always close to older men

it something similar to the pusssycat dolls remember? they were escorts too

we all know BP are nor really famous for their music.
And IF some of them are trans yet can remain a secret, they only serve their own elite then? I dont believe an outsider can keep these secrets.


Aug 20, 2020
I know many people who know Jjong and were fans after 2020. They literary leave posts on his INSTAGRAM AND TWITTER. They even have a name for them. Ethereal ShawolsView attachment 85856
Ethereal shawols are a sect,this is mental illness,he is dead,he is not your object,seek help,you are feticists,i hope you won't do sexual magic with his postcard because this is called necromancy,you are hypocrites,and satanic.


Jun 2, 2021
I know many people who know Jjong and were fans after 2020. They literary leave posts on his INSTAGRAM AND TWITTER. They even have a name for them. Ethereal ShawolsView attachment 85856
Ok!! I didn't read this completely when you replied to me because I was busy at that time but this thing is creepy AF. Why would you post something so disgusting?? It says ethereal sh@wols are a breed of Sh@wols who do weird acts with card board cut-outs of J0nghyun's body, actively flirt with him and it gets worse!! What could be worse than that?? Making out with his photocards??
As a J0nghyun fan myself I am offended. This is not something to be happy about. These fans "Ethereal Sh@wols" are deranged people who only view J0nghyun as a sexual object. I would not want him to have such fans. How can you post something like this when you call yourself a J0nghyun fan??


Jul 18, 2022
His last post is so fucking weird though: “To my precious people, spring has come. Please tickle me gently. [picture of a flower]”
Someone just had to write that shit for him, no?

Yes and I too feel that someone else has written this and posted it from his page along with that picture to frame a false narrative. But this is not the first time that this has been done to a celebrity's page. This has been done in the past as well with some celebrities pages to frame a false narrative.

I just hope that one day the truth comes out.


Jul 18, 2022
Okay folks it's pretty much confirmed for me at this point, lol. So I'm a person who could care less about my Reddit account getting banned, as we can make as many accounts as we want, and any accrued "karma" is meaningless. After getting censored on 3 platforms for suggesting that Moonbin didn't Epstein/McAfee, I finally tried my luck in r/conspiracy on Reddit knowing people would see it initially before the shadowban. Someone did see my post and asked for the germatria, then it quickly got shadowbanned.

Check out the huge picture that was placed at the top of the page, by whoever shadowbanned my thread, lolView attachment 86170

The power-mods gave me a little nod, knowing I'd check my thread in the morning just for shits, only to notice that banner of Moon doing the Eye in front of some solar eclipse... lol, a picture they put together just for me and you guys.

It's not conclusive evidence/proof he was murdered, but you can bet that if any alternative explanations are widely censored, in any sphere, it contains truth.
If someone is doing this then it means that the story is not what is being told. The actual story is something else which is being tried to hide.


Jun 9, 2022
I'm weirded out by m00nbin&sanh@ last comeback having perfume as a theme and two days before m00nbin's death, n.ct new unit's debut is also called Perfume.
I also observed it. I heard there fan concert name was diffusion. The word diffusion was cutted in poster. I found it weird


Jul 18, 2022
about moonbin’s death let me share with you what came to me in the Spirit while i was looking into it and asking God for what’s going on. the manager they mentioned in the article was highlighted as well and i'm still not sure why but he is involved in what went on that is what i felt in the spirit.

there is way more than what they are revealing. also YAH let me know that saying that every case of death is caused bc the person was depressed or had mental illness is easy way to just close it and cause people not to question it anymore.


this is what came in the Spirit with capital letters
  • vaccine (the jabs open spiritual doors to entities who can come whenever they want and if a person has not repented for taking the jab and is not covered with the Blood of Jesus and doesn’t have the hand of protection of God upon them then they would become literal piece of meat(food) to the demons)
another thing i felt YAH revealing to me was that this case is going to be the beginning of many truths coming to the light. much dirt will be bought to the surface the pool will get muddy all will come out
  • sacrifice (it is always a sacrifice even if its a suicide just think about what drives people to suicide and how it is spirits attempting to steal their souls)

YAH also highlighted the name of their comeback which is incense i was wondering how does it connect and was very confused but then i got the understanding in the spirit.

smoke from the burning incense is believed to guide the dead to pass safely from here to the after life.

astro (astronaut) incense (guides the souls of the dead to a safe place) astronauts leave the earth(physical world) (at least that is what people believe they do) to go to different planets (realms). do you see the connection here? bc when God revealed this to me i was speechless and in shock.

another thing

the fans have been well molded by the companies on how to react and not to cross a line not to suspect anything … well done the sheep are following not knowing that they are being ignorant and controlled to stay out of it so the case can be closed quickly and the actual ppl who are at fault will not be caught (TOO BAD FOR WE ARE IN THE TIME OF JUDGMENT WHERE ALL THATS BEEN DONE IN DARKNESS WILL COME TO THE LIGHT)
Thank you so much for letting us know the LORD'S words and the truth. GOD Bless You Dear.
Mar 27, 2023
If someone is doing this then it means that the story is not what is being told. The actual story is something else which is being tried to hide.
That's true about all stories in general, lol. And you have to remember, always assume the worst with these people. The people running k-pop studios are absolutely crazy, and SK people I hate to say it but they're a lot more naive than we are here in the West, so the "official" news reports are more likely to fly with them.


Mar 16, 2017
At the current, it's roughly 1 fairly high profile K-idol (not from a nugu group) a year that commits 'suicide' right..?

If some folks think of the common folk or the masses as cattle, sheep, a celebrity from a regular background is no different. They're just picked and groomed to be put on a pedestal to distract the masses but that doesn't make them immune from being (ab)used.
Mar 27, 2023
At the current, it's roughly 1 fairly high profile K-idol (not from a nugu group) a year that commits 'suicide' right..?

If some folks think of the common folk or the masses as cattle, sheep, a celebrity from a regular background is no different. They're just picked and groomed to be put on a pedestal to distract the masses but that doesn't make them immune from being (ab)used.
At the current, it's roughly 1 fairly high profile K-idol (not from a nugu group) a year that commits 'suicide' right..?

If some folks think of the common folk or the masses as cattle, sheep, a celebrity from a regular background is no different. They're just picked and groomed to be put on a pedestal to distract the masses but that doesn't make them immune from being (ab)used.
The vast majority are naive idiots, but you also do have celebrities here in the West who are working closely with elites.

Also, it's certain that at least some k-idols are "insiders" who know exactly what they're part of. But your point still stands (just wanted to clarify that) most are morons.