Russia through the hidden eye


Nov 8, 2022
Population decline continues in Russia

According to Rosstat, the number of births in 2022 decreased by 6.9% to 1 million 306,162 children from 1 million 402,834 children in 2021. It is this figure that is informative. But the ship has not yet broken into two parts, so hypothetical chances of raking remain. This requires a shock program to increase the birth rate. Many times more new families should be created, while three-childedness should become the minimum threshold. In the meantime, the process of extinction pulls to a natural bottom.

February 15, 2023
According to regular measurements of Rosstat, the natural decline of the population of the Russian Federation in 2022 (599.6 thousand people) decreased by 42.5% compared to 2021. It is reported that the number of deaths over the past year decreased by 22.1% – to 1 million 905 778 people compared to the year before last (covid), when 2 million 445 509 people died.

To draw happy conclusions from this is pure madness. The Titanic continues to sink steadily. It's just that the angle of lifting the stern above the water has changed by 42.5%. (By the way, when the Titanic was really sinking, its hull also rose at an angle of 40 degrees and first plunged into the water through the third chimney). There is a catastrophe in the engine room of Russian demography, we are witnessing a gradual stop of the historical engine.

According to Rosstat, the number of births in 2022 decreased by 6.9% to 1 million 306,162 children from 1 million 402,834 children in 2021. It is this figure that is informative. But the ship has not yet broken into two parts, so hypothetical chances of raking remain. This requires a shock program to increase the birth rate. Many times more new families should be created, while three-childedness should become the minimum threshold. In the meantime, the process of extinction pulls to a natural bottom.

"If nothing radically changes, and a one—and—a-half-child family remains the norm for the country, then by the end of the century the population of Russia will have halved," demographer Yuri Krupnov is sure. — 70 million people on the territory of 1/7 of the land, surrounded by billions of civilizations, is a figure incompatible with life. To admit that this is a natural and natural process is equivalent to waving a handkerchief, sending Russia to the geopolitical cemetery."

Not only China, India, and Pakistan will dominate in terms of population, but also the Anglo-Saxon world, which is replenished by migration and the melting pot. There will be 3 billion civilizations in Africa by the end of the century.

On the bridge, it turns out there is someone else, and he adequately assesses the situation. Here is a recent statement by Vladimir Putin: "We have managed to overcome the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, reduce mortality, but a sharp decline in the birth rate has actually nullified these achievements."

For reference, in 2021, the number of deaths in Russia exceeded the number of births by more than a million, there was no such decrease in any country after 1950.

What to do? Several rescue methods are offered: 1) traditional — strengthening of state support, benefits, allowances; 2) alternative — a new spatial strategy of Russia, landscape urbanization — zero mortgage on suburban housing for families giving birth.

Both are very necessary and correct. However, in our opinion, all well-wishers miss the most important format of stimulating fertility. We need a free or, at least, a preferential health restoration program for women giving birth. Let's call it the maternity rescue program.

It is desirable that this program also raises the social status of the mother in society. It would be a response to the massive harassment of motherhood and childhood that has unfolded in Russia in recent years. But the most important thing is the answer to the suicidal attitude of "living for yourself". "Live for yourself" is the dominant logic for all countries that have stepped into the post-industrial way. Therefore, the "plague of childlessness", which Krupnov speaks about, is the misfortune of all mankind. As iron mathematics says, humanity will stop reproducing in 10 years.

However, the "plague of childlessness" has a root cause — it is the inability of society to understand childbirth as a conscious sacrifice on the part of the mother. Sacrifice of health, time, personal efforts. To cure the plague of childlessness, it is necessary to treat not the symptoms, but the root cause of the disease. To acknowledge the fact of self-sacrifice. And already on its basis, include means of motivation, compensation and support. It is necessary to start with the rehabilitation of motherhood."


Nov 8, 2022
VisionLabs company told why Face Pass is built on facial biometrics technology

November 11, 2022
As RUBE magazine previously reported, Russian developers have created a biometric Face Pass solution for access to a ski lift.

Dmitry Markov, CEO of VisionLabs, explained what the principles of the Face Pass system are.

According to Dmitry Markov, Face Pass works on the basis of facial biometrics. "In general, this is already an established global practice for payment systems and access control systems due to the practicality of the technology. Face recognition is a fast and contactless way to identify a person that does not require expensive and specialized equipment. Thus, this method can be integrated into existing business processes with minimal costs, which gives it an advantage," the expert said in a comment to RUBE magazine.

The Face Pass is based on the Bars IT payment and access system from DataCrat and the LUNA PLATFORM computer vision platform from VisionLabs, which helps to recognize a person using neural networks. LUNA PLATFORM works on the basis of VisionLabs' own algorithms. According to NIST testing, they are recognized as one of the most accurate and fastest in the world.

Also, according to the speaker, users can be sure of the confidentiality of their personal data, since Face Pass and, in particular, LUNA PLATFORM do not operate with personal data. "The system does not work with photos, but with biometric descriptor templates. They are represented as a set of numbers and are not interpreted outside the system, so such data cannot be decrypted and used even if they are stolen. The database itself with descriptors is stored locally at the ski resort in a protected form." – the speaker explained.

VisionLabs pays special attention to the fact that the Russian Face Pass system is completely import-independent. The LUNA PLATFORM biometric system from VisionLabs is included in the Unified Register of domestic software, which confirms compliance with high quality and safety standards.

Thus, users are guaranteed the security of personal data and the convenience of the service, and customers and owners of ski resorts are guaranteed the efficiency, reliability and availability of a new domestic solution.
VisionLabs' Face Pass service became the winner of the All-Russian business award RB Digital Awards 2023

February 20, 2023
The first Russian solution for access to a ski lift using facial biometrics from VisionLabs became the winner of the All-Russian business award RB Digital Awards 2023 in the category "Digital Services", the website of the GlobalCIO | DigitalExperts project reports.

The independent award is awarded to companies and organizations that successfully use new technologies in business. The winners are determined by a closed vote of the jury, consisting of leading experts in the field of digital transformation.

The VisionLabs company has developed the Face Pass service for access to the ski slope using facial biometrics. At the resort of Sheregesh, the solution has become an alternative to the traditional ski pass, as well as paying for a lift ride using a bank card or phone.

The Face Pass is based on the LUNA PLATFORM computer vision platform from VisionLabs. The system recognizes a person even in equipment with a high percentage of face overlap. For visitors with a ski mask raised on their forehead and wearing a balaclava, the probability that the system will not be able to recognize them is only 1%.

To use Face Pass, you need to download the resort's app and connect the face payment function, then take a selfie and send it to the system. As soon as the registration is completed, the system at the turnstiles will be able to recognize the person and, if necessary, withdraw funds from the account.


Nov 8, 2022
November 25, 2022


Over the past two days, the transhumanist bankster Herman Gref (personally) and the head of the RDIF, highlighted by Klaus Schwab as one of the young shaper leaders of the World Economic Forum, Kirill Dmitriev (behind the scenes) attracted the attention of the official media and officials with their "Journey with artificial intelligence" (AIJ-2022 forum). By tradition, the main episode of the digital sabantuy was the speech of the leader of the state Vladimir Putin. And just as traditionally, Putin read out a program speech prepared for him in advance. It was the most serious speech by the president since September, when he announced the admission of Russian territories of the former Ukraine to Russia. While the press secretary of the first person cannot really name either the date of the traditional press conference or the time of the message to the Federal Assembly, Putin had more than enough time for the digital transformers event. Moreover, this time we have heard specific, tough directives from the president to the Government and business, which will soon certainly take the form of specific decrees and instructions. In short, Gref, Shadaev and Co. tightly took Putin into circulation. And, presumably, he really liked the book "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" presented by Klaus Schwab at an audience in Moscow. Because his whole speech was an ode to machine control, proactivity, the collection of huge arrays of personal data of citizens and, of course, the transfer of all spheres of life under the control of AI. The only thing that can change the situation here is a major "digital" upheaval on a national scale, which we all would very much not like.

Many believed that the AIJ-2020 forum, where Putin, together with the leader of Kazakhstan, globalist Tokayev, under the strict guidance of sodomite and globalist Gref, reasoned when AI could replace heads of state, was the crown of transhumanism. They hoped that in the conditions of Russia's economic isolation from the "collective West", ties with the World Bank, the WEF and other structures of the global monopolar world would be severed. But it turned out that the president was seriously hooked on the topic of innovation, fully trusting in this matter the lookout from JP Morgan and other global financial plutocracy – that is, Gref, who flatly refused to work in Crimea a few years ago, and also wrote dispatches to the White House administration with assurances of loyalty and a plea to lift sanctions from Sberbank.

And this hater of exams, physical education schools, the best Soviet education in the world, an adept of the sectarian false yogin Sadhguru and the author of the "cult" phrase in the spirit of the theory about the "golden billion", which, by the way, Putin fiercely criticizes during popular speeches ("six out of seven billion should be eliminated...") felt like a king before the speech of the President of the Russian Federation. Gref gave him his "eyeliner":

"In Russia in recent years, I would say in the last two years, a serious step forward has been made, a leap has been made both at the regional level and at the Government level. The government is doing a lot to create conditions for the development of artificial intelligence in almost all areas.

Of course, the experiment that you allowed Moscow allowed it to take a huge step forward. Healthcare, social services, and work with the population have all been transferred to other tracks.. / ... / The popularity of views of our conference at the international level is growing, in two days we have more than 50 million views from more than 180 countries around the world

Of course, the Government of the digital transformer Mishustin promptly implements the precepts of Schwab, helping Gref in this. Moreover, a special legal regime in the capital helped to "put everything on a different track." Which ones, and why they "ski better", and whose "skis", Gref, of course, did not specify.
Then the President of Russia took the floor, starting with the same curtsies to AI and Gref:

"Russia's achievements in the field of AI are certainly there. In terms of some achievements in this area, we are one step ahead of some other countries, and we must definitely step up these efforts, concrete steps in this regard..."

I would like to appeal to the president (more precisely, to the authors of his paper, which he read). What exactly are we ahead of? How exactly has the life of Russian citizens become more prosperous and happier thanks to the introduction of AI? After all, it is declared that the country needs digital transformation like air. So where is at least one concrete and illustrative example of the positive effect of it?

"I will probably say things that are obvious to everyone: the importance of breakthroughs in the field of artificial intelligence is enormous, the rivalry between states is fierce. Russia's place in the world, our sovereignty, security and solvency of our country, our ability to solve problems of economic, industrial, social development at a qualitatively new level, create broad conditions for self-realization of citizens, for launching public initiatives depend on what results we achieve."

A familiar story about the promotion of the agenda of globalism-transhumanism under the guise of "the struggle for technological sovereignty". In the direction of this mantra, for example, the founder of ASI and several foresights (based on the same Western strategies for the development of the world until 2030), now the chief digitizer under the president Dmitry Peskov, quickly changed his shoes.

"I would also like to thank not only our creators, developers, but also those colleagues who promote the technological agenda and set such an important vector for the future of the country. This is BEAC, which has assumed the main responsibility for coordinating the development of artificial intelligence; this, of course, – I can't say about my colleagues in the Government – these are the ministries of digital and Economic Development."

Here the compilers of the speech, which Putin read exclusively from a piece of paper, did not fail to stroke the main curators of all this action in Russia – that is, Mishustin, Shadaev, Gref, Reshetnikov, etc.

"I would like to note that Russia, according to international experts, is one of the global leaders in the field of digitalization of public services, is among the top ten in the world. As far as I understand, 198 countries are evaluated. The top three are South Korea, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia. All of these are our good partners, and some of them we can call our closest partners."

Finally, the numbers are called, and that's good. Russia is a global leader in the digitalization and development of AI, is in the TOP 10 countries of the world. Excellent. And what is the standard of living of our citizens, in comparison with the "partners", what is our real place here?

Since our officials and financiers are so fond of international ratings and are equal to evaluating themselves according to the data of "partners" ... Let's turn to the rating of the standard of living of countries in 2022, which includes such factors as wages, quality of medicine and education, freedom to conduct business, the level of security, ecology, the level of corruption, personal freedom and a number of other factors. It was compiled by the Legatum Institute (one of the most authoritative analytical centers in the UK), which identified the best countries to live in in 2022. and countries where people's lives are on the verge of survival. Russia is in... 90th place here, behind many African states, which we like to pejoratively call "banana republics".

And here is the report of the main office of the UN globalists, whose sustainable development goals we are so diligently fulfilling that we even wrote their priority into the Presidential Decrees. We are looking at the report on the Human Development Index in different countries of the world from January 2021. It is published annually and always arouses great interest all over the world. Of course, we are interested in Russia's place in this ranking.

The Human Development Index is "an integral indicator calculated annually for cross–country comparison and measurement of the standard of living, literacy, education and longevity as the main characteristics of the human potential of the study area." The higher the index, the better the quality of life in the country. And then Russia found itself in ... 52nd place, losing even to Kazakhstan and the former Baltic Soviet republics. These are our international indicators, alas. Finally, in terms of GDP per capita (a key indicator of the well-being of an individual in the country), according to the World Bank, Russia was in 55th place in 2021. Well, how is AI there, does it help a lot, as does our "global technological leadership"?

Then the program part of Putin's speech began, which contained direct instructions to the Government and the largest companies:

"The task of a new stage in the horizon of the current decade is to ensure the mass introduction of artificial intelligence. It should cover all sectors of the economy, the social sphere and the public administration system. Herman Oskarovich [Gref] and I, when he was still working in the Government, talked all the time, this was Herman Oskarovich's hobby when he talked about the need to move to a new stage of management in general.

What we are doing now and what we are going to do, including with the support and experience of Sberbank, it seems to me, should convince us that we are on the right track. We must be able to form a genuine technological, digital and, to a considerable extent, cultural, educational, value sovereignty of Russia and our entire society

Machine, algorithmized, automatic (proactive, as the Swabians like to say) management of the entire economy, the social sphere and the state, ultimately. What is this new stage of management, to which "we need to move on"? What is this "right way", where does it lead, what is the purpose of all this and most importantly, who needs it? There are no answers yet. But much becomes clear from Putin's orders:

"In this regard, I ask the Government and the State Council, as part of the work on digital transformation, to prepare and then implement the transition of the entire system of state power at the federal and regional levels to a data-based management model using a platform approach.

It should be added that it is necessary to achieve this task in all authorities and in all key industries. And I really ask you, dear colleagues, – I am now addressing the alliance members once again – to provide the Russian Government, your colleagues with whom you are in constant contact, with the necessary advisory support

The state as a platform, as a set of ecosystems... does it resemble anything? Of course, this is a direct reflection of the blue dream of Gref and his Western masters – "the state is in your pocket," as Oskarovich himself aptly put it. And Nikita Sergeyevich Mikhalkov made a brilliant analytical program – "Who has the state in their pocket?". It's better to see it once – and everything becomes obvious. A state without subjectivity in management, everything is based on machine algorithms... how can computer algorithms, robots control living people in general? How can they replace officials who, whatever one may say, have a human nature and are capable, if they want to, of course, enter into the situation of another person.

"I will also note what Herman Oskarovich has already said in relation to Moscow. I would like to note that Moscow – and today I will refer to its experience more than once – has made a cardinal step forward in the field of digital transformation of many areas of urban economy.

In turn, the Moscow Region is on the verge of implementing a landmark project. We are talking about implementing a full-scale change in the management system with the widespread end-to-end introduction of artificial intelligence technologies. Maybe the governor – I see he is in the hall – will also say this a little later.

I ask both the Mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, and the Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrei Vorobyov, to use the platform of the State Council to spread their experience of using the latest technologies to the whole country – as we do with you, dear colleagues, in some other areas
," Putin continued.

That is, Sobyanin and Vorobyov, who turned citizens into bio-objects with concentration camp QR codes, stuffed the regions with a system of total biometric surveillance, transferring payments, allowances, enrollments in kindergartens and colleges and other public services exclusively and without alternative into a figure, are examples for us to follow.

"... The third is access to depersonalized data. Now, too, at the exhibition in relation to medicine, a colleague talked about this, and about her work, and about what is supposed to be done in the near future, talked about the need for access to this information. I agree with that, absolutely. I ask the Parliament to speed up work on the relevant draft law, it should be adopted as soon as possible. As far as I understand, it has already passed its first reading somewhere else in 2021 - it needs to be finalized.

There are, of course, issues related to the need to protect personal information, but as far as I understood a colleague who reported on the first floor at the exhibition, we are talking about depersonalized data. And this, of course, will help to improve the efficiency of medical care.

I understand well the concerns that arise here both from the state and from business. It is necessary to take into account all the concerns of citizens and entrepreneurs regarding access to massive amounts of information, create strong legislative guarantees for the protection of rights and freedoms here and definitely move forward. It is absolutely necessary to move forward, to establish all technological processes of formation, depersonalization, storage, and provision of access to data

Talking about security here is more for reassurance, because no one can give any guarantees for the protection of PD transmitted on the American Internet and under constant threat of the human factor. Over the past year, officially (with the confessions of those who leaked), all possible PD has already leaked – both from large banks, and from Internet portals, and from food and clothing ordering services, and from the portal of Public Services and <url>, etc. The responsibility for this, by the way, is still purely symbolic.

Well, as for the allegedly depersonalized PD, many IT experts rightly point out that their depersonality is nothing more than an illusion, and any sane computer scientist will easily restore their identity when it is needed. It is necessary to legalize their widespread use for large-scale feeding of their AI so that it "trains on cats" in its template actions.

"We need to continue to follow the path of forming modern, globally competitive legislative frameworks for industry regulation for the use of artificial intelligence and data management.

We have repeatedly talked with business colleagues about this. We understand that these restrictions are essential for business development, and we will analyze the situation together with you and make decisions. It is important that they are taken, of course, in a timely manner. I fully share your approach to these issues.

Of course, it is necessary to work closely to remove the so-called regulatory barriers that still remain. In this regard, I ask the Government, together with the alliance, developers, and real sector companies, to submit proposals to change specific regulatory requirements, technological standards, regulations, and other industry norms that prevent the introduction of artificial intelligence, and this should be done in the context of each industry. We need to specify everything as much as possible, then the work will be effective
," the president said.

"Globally competitive legislative bases of regulation ..." is how drearily formulated, but the essence is simple: it is proposed to change Russian legislation according to the manuals of globalists-digital transformers, to become a tracing paper for their "innovative" laws and regulations. This is the first thing that the participants of various summits, from the G20 to the WEF, swear to: clean up their national legislation in order to give the green light to any experiments on people. And the AI Alliance will work on these changes together with the Government, of course – that is, the same BEAC, VKontakte, MTS, Yandex and RDIF. Is this why the world government intends to send the unsinkable Alexei Kudrin to Yandex, who has proved his loyalty to supranational structures with his long-term service to the IMF and other globalist structures?

"Further, I propose to establish on a systematic basis, when providing budget subsidies to companies, requirements for improving efficiency and mandatory use of modern technologies, including artificial intelligence. The point is not only to encourage entrepreneurs to progress, but also to achieve through innovation the growth of the most important indicators, including labor productivity, so that we respond to this feedback in the course of working together with business."

What if companies don't want to implement AI, but at the same time they are valuable to the country and also apply for subsidies? They won't get them. Are there any signs of discrimination here?

"In this regard, I believe that every national project, state program should contain specific measures aimed at introducing artificial intelligence technologies in the industries."

The game is big: there is no sphere without AI, including the national projects "Education", "Demography" ... Apparently, the population will now also count AI ... in a new way, "objectively", instead of Rosstat. And we will have an eternal increase every day.

"On the basis of digital currency technologies and distributed registries, it is possible to create a new system of international payments, and much more convenient, but at the same time completely safe for participants and, importantly, independent of banks and interference from third countries. I am sure that something like this will certainly develop, because nobody likes the dictate of monopolists and causes real damage to everyone - by the way, to the monopolists themselves."

And this is hello, digital ruble, with the gradual displacement of cash and linking an electronic wallet to a person's ID. The same thing was recently broadcast by the Vice President of the Central Bank Skorobogatova at Finopolis-2022 – and also declaring our alleged independence. That is, all the central banks of the world are actively introducing national digital currencies at the same time for the sake of independence? It is hard to believe from the word "absolutely", especially since it is such "money" in Schwab's dreams that should walk in the world of the future. And no others.

"Starting from next year, 2023, we will monitor the results of the use of artificial intelligence in economic and social sectors. To do this, I propose to create a special tool – the maturity index of industries and regions, but in such a way that it is more important, we can say "intellectual maturity index", because we are talking about the introduction of artificial intelligence, and on its basis to evaluate the practical results of the work of each subject of the Federation, ministries, departments for the introduction of artificial intelligence

It is absolutely necessary to especially encourage those who move forward faster, who create and bring the future closer

What kind of future is approaching in this way? What kind of changes do digital sectarians require? They do not give a direct answer to these questions. But another whip mechanism and discrimination tool is being laid for the regions and their authorities, who are not in a hurry to digitize themselves. However, everything has been clear with their future for a long time – it is perfectly described in the books of Schwab and his pederast adviser Yuval Harari.

We will not understand the president's speech any more, we will just summarize one of his final phrases:

"But that's why we gathered today, Herman Oskarovich, and gathered everyone in order to see what needs to be done in the near future in one direction or another, including in the field of artificial intelligence."

And this is already a reason to think about the real situation and the powers of the authorities at the very top. That is, Vladimir Putin agreed to come and read out a speech prepared for him in advance, and Herman Oskarovich "gathered him and everyone else here" to determine what should be urgently done in the country for a complete "digital transformation". The level of Gref's trust and willingness to carry out all his "insights" is amazing. What else should this unsinkable character do to the state so that they begin to react to him as a clear threat to national security?

It remains only to put this state "in your pocket".

with Herman Gref

List of assignments based on the results of the conference "Journey into the world of artificial intelligence"

Vladimir Putin approved a list of instructions following the results of the conference "Journey into the world of Artificial Intelligence", held on November 23-24, 2022.

January 29, 2023

Contains 32 instructions

Pr-172, item 1 a)
1. To the Government of the Russian Federation:

a) establish mandatory requirements for improving the efficiency of economic entities and their mandatory use of modern technologies, including artificial intelligence technologies, when providing subsidies from the federal budget to such economic entities.

The deadline is April 15, 2023 .;

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Subject Science and innovation
Due date April 15, 2023

Pr-172, item 1 b)
b) ensure that changes are made to the educational programs of higher education and professional development programs aimed at improving the level of competence in the field of artificial intelligence of specialists in key sectors of the economy and social sphere, specialists in state and municipal management.

The deadline is June 1, 2023 .;

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Topics Universities, Social sphere, Economics and Finance, Science and Innovation
The deadline is June 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 1
c) ensure that changes are made to national projects and state programs of the Russian Federation providing for the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in every branch of the economy and social sphere.

The deadline is September 1, 2023

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Topics Social sphere, Economics and Finance, Science and Innovation
Due date September 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 1 g)-1
d) provide starting from 2023:

adjustment of strategies for digital transformation of economic sectors, taking into account the implementation of subparagraph "d" of paragraph 2 of this list of instructions;

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Topics Economics and Finance, Science and Innovation
Due date October 15, 2023

Pr-172, item 1 g)-2
monitoring of the results of the use of artificial intelligence technologies in order to assess the level of implementation of these technologies in economic and social sectors, as well as the effectiveness of the activities of state bodies, local governments to ensure the introduction of such technologies ("intellectual maturity index").

Report – until October 15, 2023, then – once a year;

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Topics Social sphere, Economics and Finance, Science and Innovation
Due date October 15, 2023

Pr-172, item 1 d)
e) ensure the participation of the autonomous non-profit organization "Federal Center of Competencies in the Field of Labor Productivity" in the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies and modern management systems in the economic and social sectors, as well as in government agencies.

Report – until March 1, 2023.;

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Topics Social sphere, Economics and Finance, Science and Innovation
Due date March 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 1 (e)-1
f) approve the federal project for the development of domestic robotics, defining in it, including:

legal, tax and other conditions concerning the development of production and introduction of industrial robots in the Russian Federation;

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Topics Industry, Science and Innovation
Due date July 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 1 (e)-2
measures of state support for the development of production and introduction of industrial robots in the Russian Federation, taking into account the tasks of priority introduction of domestic products, including financing of research work in this area;

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Topics Public finance, Science and Innovation
Due date July 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 1 (e)-3
target parameters for the development of the production and introduction of industrial robots in the Russian Federation, including taking into account ensuring an annual reduction in the backlog of the number of such robots by 10 thousand production workers in the country from the global average.

The deadline is July 1, 2023 .;

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Topics Industry, Science and Innovation
Due date July 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 1 w)
g) to ensure the extension until 2030 of the period for supporting the activities of research centers in the field of artificial intelligence within the framework of the federal project "Artificial Intelligence" of the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation".

The deadline is March 1 , 2023 .;

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Topics Public finance, Economics and Finance, Science and Innovation
Due date March 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 1 z)
h) ensure the inclusion of measures for the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies as a priority task in the investment development programs of companies with state participation.

The deadline is March 15 , 2023 .

Responsible: Mishustin M.V.

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Topics Public finance, Science and Innovation, Investment
Due date March 15, 2023

Pr-172, item 2 (a)-1
2. The Government of the Russian Federation together with the association "Alliance in the field of Artificial Intelligence" and other interested organizations:

a) provide:

changing the established requirements and norms that prevent the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in the economic and social sectors, as well as, if necessary, the implementation of other measures aimed at creating conditions for testing and operating autonomous control systems on road, rail, air and water transport;

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Topics Transport, Social sphere, Economics and Finance, Science and Innovation
Due date September 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 2 (a)-2
more favorable conditions for the export of domestic products created using artificial intelligence technologies.

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Topics Economics and Finance, Science and Innovation
Due date September 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 2 b)
b) to work out the issue of expanding the list of territories where experiments with the use of unmanned aircraft systems are carried out.

The deadline is September 1, 2023 .;

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Topic Regions, Science and Innovation
Due date September 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 2 in)
c) establish annual awards for young scientists and engineers for scientific and design breakthrough solutions in the field of artificial intelligence, as well as annual awards for domestic companies, subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities for the successful implementation of artificial intelligence technologies.

The deadline is October 15, 2023 .;

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Subject Science and innovation
Due date October 15, 2023

Pr-172, item 1 g)
d) determine and annually update the list of the most relevant and in-demand technological directions and solutions in the field of artificial intelligence.

The deadline is July 15, 2023, then once a year.

Responsible: Mishustin M.V., Maltseva N.V.

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Subject Science and innovation
Due date July 15, 2023

Pr-172, item 3 a)
3. To the Government of the Russian Federation with the participation of the association "Alliance in the field of artificial Intelligence":

a) ensure the introduction by business entities of a unified system for evaluating domestic solutions that use artificial intelligence technologies.

The deadline is October 1, 2023 .;

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Subject Science and innovation
Due date October 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 3 b)
b) to make a rating of educational institutions of higher education on such a parameter as the quality of training of specialists in the field of artificial intelligence, determining as the main indicator the salary of a graduate during the first year after completion of training when he/she is employed in the specialty.

The deadline is July 15, 2023 .;

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Topic Universities, Science and innovation
Due date July 15, 2023

Pr-172, item 3 in)
c) develop and implement a set of measures aimed at the development and implementation of domestic cloud technologies and platforms, ensuring compliance with security standards for storing and processing large amounts of data.

The deadline is September 1, 2023 .

Responsible: Mishustin M.V., Maltseva N.V.

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Subject Science and innovation
Due date September 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 4
4. The Government of the Russian Federation, together with the commissions of the State Council of the Russian Federation in the areas of "State and Municipal Administration" and "Communications, Communications, digital Economy" and with the participation of the autonomous non-profit organization "Federal Center for Competencies in the field of Labor Productivity" and the association "Alliance in the field of Artificial Intelligence" to ensure the implementation of measures, aimed at the transition of the system of state power at the federal and regional levels to a management model based on automatic data collection and analysis using information platforms.

Report – until September 1, 2023, then – once every six months.

Responsible: Mishustin M.V., Sobyanin S.S., Vorobyev A.Yu., Solomon N.I., Maltseva N.V.

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich, Sobyanin Sergey Semenovich, Vorobyov Andrey Yurievich
Topics Science and innovation, Local government, Public services
Due date September 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 5
5. The Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, together with the Government of the Russian Federation and with the involvement of the association "Alliance in the Field of Artificial Intelligence", to prepare a draft decree of the President of the Russian Federation on amendments to the National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence for the period up to 2030, including the implementation of a set of measures aimed at universal introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in the economic and social sectors and in the public administration system.

The deadline is June 1, 2023 .

Responsible: Vaino A.E., Mishustin M.V.

Responsible Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Topics Social sphere, Economics and Finance, Science and Innovation
The deadline is June 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 6 a)
6. The Ministry of Health of Russia together with the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of Russia to provide:

a) the use of the results of medical research obtained with the use of artificial intelligence technologies in clinical recommendations and the system of compulsory medical insurance in order to transition in the future to a proactive model of medical services;

Responsible Reshetnikov Maxim Gennadievich, Shadaev Maksut Igorevich, Murashko Mikhail Albertovich
Topics Social sphere, Science and Innovation, Healthcare, Medicine
Due date July 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 6 b)
b) formation of open databases of big data (data sets) of depersonalized medical data of patients in order to use them for the development of artificial intelligence technologies in healthcare.

The deadline is July 1, 2023 .

Responsible: Murashko M.A., Reshetnikov M.G., Shadaev M.I.

Responsible Murashko Mikhail Albertovich, Reshetnikov Maxim Gennadievich, Shadaev Maksut Igorevich
Topics Social sphere, Science and Innovation, Healthcare, Medicine
Due date July 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 7
7. The commissions of the State Council of the Russian Federation in the areas of "State and municipal administration" and "Communications, communications, digital economy" should ensure the introduction of the most successful practices in the use of artificial intelligence technologies in the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Report – until September 1, 2023, then – once a year.

Responsible: Sobyanin S.S., Vorobyov A.Yu.

Responsible Sobyanin Sergey Semenovich, Vorobyov Andrey Yurievich
Topic Regions, Science and Innovation
Due date September 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 8
8. The Federal Tax Service of Russia, together with the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of Russia, to take measures aimed at ensuring the effective use of the mechanism of tax benefits provided to entrepreneurs when acquiring and implementing advanced domestic information and telecommunications technologies.

Report – until March 1, 2023, then – once every six months.

Responsible: Egorov D.V., Reshetnikov M.G., Shadaev M.I.

Responsible Egorov Daniil Vyacheslavovich, Reshetnikov Maxim Gennadievich, Shadaev Maksut Igorevich
Topics Science and innovation, Taxes, Communications and telecommunications, Entrepreneurship support
Due date March 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 9 a)-1
9. Recommend the association "Alliance in the field of artificial intelligence" with the involvement of interested organizations:

a) submit proposals:

about additional measures to support new and existing projects in the field of artificial intelligence;

Subject Science and innovation
Due date October 15, 2023

Pr-172, item 9 (a)-2
on providing domestic software developers with access to depersonalized personal data in order to meet their needs in the amount necessary for the creation and implementation of machine learning technologies.

The deadline is October 15, 2023 .;

Topics Industry, Science and Innovation
Due date October 15, 2023

Pr-172, item 9 b)
b) with the involvement of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, to provide methodological and advisory assistance to organizations, including on the creation of industrial competence centers, the practical application of Internet of Things technologies, machine learning, data processing, and annually form a directory of best practices in this area.

Report – until October 15, 2023, then – once a year;

Subject Science and innovation
Due date October 15, 2023

Pr-172, item 9 in)
c) submit proposals on additional measures to support specialists in the field of artificial intelligence.

The deadline is October 1, 2023 .

Responsible: N.V. Maltseva

Topics Labor market, Science and Innovation
Due date October 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 10
10. Rosatom State Corporation, together with the Open Joint Stock Company Russian Railways and with the participation of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, Sberbank of Russia Public Joint Stock Company and leading research universities in the field of artificial intelligence, to ensure that conferences on the application of new computing and data transfer technologies will be held starting from 2023.

Report – until September 1, 2023, then – once a year.

Responsible: Likhachev A.E., Belozerov O.V., Shadaev M.I., Gref G.O.

Responsible Likhachev Alexey Evgenievich, Belozerov Oleg Valentinovich, Shadaev Maksut Igorevich, Gref German Oskarovich
Subject Science and innovation
Due date September 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 11
11. The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, with the involvement of interested organizations, will ensure that conferences on the application of new industrial technologies will be held starting from 2023.

Report – until September 1, 2023, then – once a year.

Responsible: Manturov D.V.

Responsible Manturov Denis Valentinovich
Topics Industry, Science and Innovation
Due date September 1, 2023

Pr-172, item 12 Add to the Calendar
12. Recommend to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to accelerate consideration of the draft federal law establishing the procedure for depersonalization of personal data.

The deadline is July 15, 2023 .

Responsible: Volodin V.V.

Responsible Volodin Vyacheslav Viktorovich
Subject Science and innovation
Due date July 15, 2023 "


Nov 8, 2022

Industry 4.0: Facing new challenges

February 23, 2023
The imposition of sanctions, restrictions on the supply of high-tech products to Russia, including equipment, as well as the withdrawal from the Russian market of the largest suppliers of IT solutions have had a significant impact on the ability of companies to introduce new technologies and carry out digitalization. New challenges required companies to adapt quickly and complicated long-term planning and investment decision-making.

The conference participants will discuss two key aspects of Industry 4.0 — changing production processes and IT systems, as well as share their strategic vision and practical cases of digitalization in the current conditions.

Digitalization on the foot? How did external restrictions affect the introduction of new technologies in Russian companies
Implementation of domestic IT solutions within the framework of "Industry 4.0". Experience and practice

Venue: Moscow
Start date: 2023-03-16 10:00:00
End date: 2023-03-16 13:30:00
Organizer: JSC "Kommersant"

February 20, 2023

Russian scientists have presented a new way of using a nanophoton sensor

A team of researchers from the Higher School of Economics, Skoltech, MPSU and MISIS has achieved new successes in the development of a "laboratory on a chip" — a compact sensor device for biochemical analysis. Using the example of serum albumin films, scientists have proved that the chip surface can be modified for selective analysis of multicomponent solutions. The chip will allow an accurate blood test of 3-5 microliters and in the future will help doctors to detect specific markers of diseases.

The study is published in the journal Analytical Chemistry. "The chip is commensurate with a five-ruble coin.
But at the same time, dozens of sensitive devices can be created on its surface, microfluidic channels can be connected to them, the surface of each of the sensors can be upgraded and a prototype of a "laboratory on a chip" can be created," says Grigory Goltsman, one of the developers of the new technology, Professor of the MIEM HSE and MPSU.

Almost any medical examination begins with the appointment of tests. Most often, patients take a general blood test. It allows you to estimate the hemoglobin content, the number of red blood cells and leukocytes, etc. Sometimes it is not a whole set of indicators that is important for analysis, but only one component. For example, it is necessary to determine the number of exosomes — microscopic extracellular vesicles (vesicles), the increased concentration of which in the blood plasma indicates the development of oncology.

In the laboratory, this is done with the help of sensitive sensors: their surface is modified with a special layer that binds only to specific exosomes and "catches" them from the solution for analysis. On some devices, the procedure requires several actions: first, a layer is applied to the surface of the sensor, and then its quality is checked on additional equipment. The authors of the study showed how it is possible to simplify verification and use sensors on the chip itself to track surface modification.

The principle of operation of a hybrid photonic-microfluidic chip. Optical radiation is introduced into the system, then divided into two arms. One part goes into the upper arm above the microfluidic channel with the pumped substances, and the other part spreads in the lower arm for comparison, which is not affected by anything. According to the difference of optical radiation between the lower and upper arm, a change in the optical density value is recorded / ©HSE Press Service

To do this, scientists conducted a series of experiments on the chip substrate: thin films of protein were applied to it. The chip consists of three parts: microfluidic channels through which substances are pumped, a silicon nitride substrate on the surface of which films are created, and an interferometer that measures the optical density of substances. The microfluidic channel is located above the sensitive part of one of the arms of the interferometer.

In experiments, films of protein and tannic acid were applied to the sensitive surface of photonic sensors. First, protein (bovine serum albumin) was pumped through microfluidic channels, the excess was washed with deionized water, then tannic acid was pumped and a layer of protein was applied again. Each layer was analyzed using optical interferometer readings.

"The optical sensors of the chip have high sensitivity, but low specificity to the components of solutions. Firstly, we were able to increase the specificity by modifying the sensor surface with a film of molecules sensitive to only one component from the solution. Secondly, the coating process was controlled by the sensor itself in real time," explains Skoltech Professor Dmitry Gorin.

Scientists will continue to work on the creation of a "laboratory on a chip" — a device for the biochemical analysis of several components at once for a minimum amount of biological fluids, for example, one drop of blood. To do this, it is planned to combine several devices.

"Simultaneous operation of all sensors on the device after modification of the surface of each of the channels will allow analyzing 3-5 microliters of blood for the presence of markers and making a preliminary diagnosis to the patient," explains Alexey Kuzin, one of the authors of the article, a graduate of the HSE, a graduate student of Skoltech.

The National Research University Higher School of Economics is one of the largest and most sought—after higher education institutions in Russia, CIS countries and Eastern European countries. HSE offers all levels of educational training (from lyceum for schoolchildren to postgraduate studies and MBA) in a wide range of areas in the field of socio-economic, humanities, law, engineering, computer, physical and mathematical sciences, as well as creative specialties. HSE research units — institutes, centers, laboratories, headed by leading Russian and foreign scientists, are focused on both basic research and applied developments on orders from federal and regional authorities, ministries and departments, Russian and foreign companies. The Higher School of Economics consistently ranks high in the subject rankings of Times Higher Education (THE) and QS, and is also the only Russian university in the top 50 rankings of young universities by two agencies at once.


Nov 8, 2022
russ alt press



On 17.11.2022, deputies of the State Duma A.E. Khinstein, S.A. Pakhomov; senators of the Russian Federation A.A. Turchak, A.A. Klishas submitted to the State Duma a draft Federal Law No. 237186-8 "On Amendments to Article 6 of the Federal Law "On Communications" and the Housing Code of the Russian Federation" ( ). They justify the need to adopt a new PFZ as follows: "Currently, access to high-quality communication services is an integral need of citizens. In this regard, the placement of communication networks and their operation in multi-apartment residential buildings (hereinafter referred to as MKD), where the majority of the population of the Russian Federation lives, is of particular importance.

By concluding a contract with a telecom operator for the provision of communication services, the owner of an apartment (tenant of a residential premises) in the MKD thus realizes his constitutional right to access information. At the same time, in practice, citizens are often unable to exercise this right, due to the imperfection of the current legislation. (...) Thus, the Bill is aimed at protecting the legitimate interests and constitutional rights of citizens by creating non-discriminatory (equal) conditions for access of all telecom operators to the MCD infrastructure" (Explanatory Note to the draft Federal Law "On Amendments to Article 6 of the Federal Law "On Communications" and the Housing Code of the Russian Federation", L. 1, 3)

What do these guardians of the constitutional rights of citizens and defenders of their inalienable needs offer? In Article 2 of the PFZ , they plan to make the following changes to Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation:

1) the communication networks necessary for the provision of communication services to the owners of premises and tenants of residential premises in an apartment building are placed on the objects of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building without a decision of the general meeting of the owners of premises in this house in the presence of a contract for the provision of communication services with the owner of premises or the tenant of residential premises in this house;

2) communication networks necessary for the provision of communication services to the owners of premises or tenants of residential premises are excluded from shared ownership in an apartment building.

By amendments to Article 6 of Federal Law No. 126-FZ of July 7, 2003 "On Communications" and Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, telecom operators are exempt, apparently forever, from payment for the placement of communication networks on objects of common property of owners of premises in an apartment building. At the same time, according to art. 3 PFZ, the fee for the placement of communication facilities, communication lines, communication facilities on objects of state and municipal property assigned to state authorities, local self-government bodies, state and municipal institutions subordinate to them, as well as state enterprises on the right of operational management, economic management, will continue to be charged.

In their explanatory note, the authors of the bill do not hide that it is aimed, among other things, at providing high-speed access to the information and telecommunications network "Internet" for homeowners in apartment buildings (Explanatory Note to the draft federal law "On Amendments to Article 6 of the Federal Law "On Communications" and the Housing Code of the Russian Federation", L. 2), i.e. we are talking about 5G technology. It is necessary to briefly explain what the essence of this new technology is. The 5G network development concept, approved at the end of 2019, assumes a multiple increase in the number of base stations when deploying new generation networks. The existing infrastructure at the moment is not enough. The need to increase the number of base stations is caused by the fact that in Russia the development of 5G networks is possible via millimeter channels. In the world, the 3.4-3.8 GHz band is much more often used for them, but in Russia it is assigned to special communications equipment. And for the formation of networks on a millimeter channel, frequent installation of base stations is necessary - within 200 meters from each other (Irina Alpatova. 5G on the roof // ).

In other words, in order for 5G technology to work, a tower for it must be installed on every house. Its residents will find themselves essentially in a microwave oven, being exposed to high-frequency radiation around the clock. It is clear that such a thing will not pass without a trace for people, and back in September 2017, 180 doctors and scientists from European countries signed an appeal calling for a thorough study of the effect of high—frequency radiation on the human body (The impact of 5G on human health - what is already known now? //

Other independent researchers also drew attention to the fact that 5G technology requires placing antennas at a much smaller distance to each other than existing 4G and 3G technologies, so residents will be exposed to radiation at levels that humanity has not previously encountered. This was told in the New Hampshire Commission for the study of environmental and medical consequences of the development of 5G technology. The structure needed to support 5G will place the cellular antenna ports close to your home and workplace, making it almost impossible to avoid and increase the risk of excessive oxidative stress, which can lead to anxiety, depression and Alzheimer's disease. "All members of the commission agreed that 5G poses a threat to people's lives and health. In addition, the technology can harm animals and even insects. It is noted that the research group included epidemiologists, toxicologists, physicists, engineers and specialists in the wireless industry and electromagnetism" (Scientists from the USA recognized 5G technology as toxic to humans // Cellular communication towers, transmitting antennas and other radio engineering devices are sources of various kinds of electromagnetic radiation that can have harmful and dangerous effects on human health and the environment. This actually means that in the zones of maximum concentration of base stations and in the coverage areas of the 5G communication standard, the vast majority of citizens will automatically be forced for one reason or another to arrive in the area of electromagnetic fields and non-ionizing radiation. Accordingly, the operation of 5G networks is actually an experiment on human health, which involves citizens of all age categories and different social groups (including children and pregnant women) who are in public places and/or in their place of residence, whose health may be intentionally exposed to harmful and dangerous electromagnetic radiation, including non-ionizing, to create an electromagnetic habitats of artificial origin.

Thus, this bill directly contradicts Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to which labor and human health are protected in the Russian Federation; article 42 of the Constitution, which guarantees everyone the right to a favorable environment, reliable information about its condition and compensation for damage caused to his health or property by an environmental offense, as well as part 2 of Article 21 of the Constitution, according to which no one can be subjected to medical, scientific or other experiments without voluntary consent, which is the introduction of 5G communications. For the same reason, the PFZ also contradicts the Federal Law No. 52-FZ of 30.03.1999 "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population", which enshrines the human right to "favorable conditions for human activity".

This draft law also contradicts articles 44, 46 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, according to which, for the placement of communication equipment in communal property, at least 2/3 of the owners of the premises of an apartment building must make a decision at a general meeting of owners. This PFZ plans to suspend the general meeting of owners from resolving the issue of access of telecom operators to objects of common property in an apartment building. This clearly contradicts ch . 2 of Article 8 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to which private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership are recognized and protected equally in the Russian Federation, as well as Article 35 of the Constitution proclaiming that the right of private property is protected by law, everyone has the right to own, own, use and dispose of property both individually and jointly with other persons and establishes that no one can be deprived of their property except by a court decision. The proposed amendments also contradict Articles 246 and 247 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which establish general principles for the disposal of property in common shared ownership. The exemption of telecom operators from fees for the placement of communication networks on the objects of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building and the preservation of fees for them in the case of the placement of communication facilities, communication lines, communication facilities on the objects of state and municipal property puts the owners of premises in an apartment building in an unequal position compared to the second and contradicts the basic principles of civil legislation, fixed in art . 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, according to which civil legislation is based on the recognition of the equality of participants in the relations regulated by it and the inviolability of property. In their explanatory note, the authors of the PFZ do not even hide in whose interests they developed this bill. These are Rostelecom PJSC, MTS PJSC, ER-Telecom Holding JSC (Explanatory Note to the draft Federal Law "On Amendments to Article 6 of the Federal Law "On Communications" and the Housing Code of the Russian Federation", L. 2). And so, in order to free these major telecom operators from any costs of renting and placing infrastructure in the MKD, the authors of the bill, including the infamous A.E. Khinstein and A.A. Klishas, under the guise of demagogic rants about protecting the constitutional right to access information, cynically sacrifice the health and property of the overwhelming majority to the interests of large companies part of the population of our country.

This draft law also contradicts the repeatedly expressed position of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, according to which the conclusion of a contract for the provision of communication services with a separate subscriber who is the owner of the premises in the MCD cannot act as an independent legal basis for the defendant to use the common property of the MCD and exempt the telecom operator from paying for such use. These contracts are concluded in the interests of a specific owner of the premises of the MCD, whereas when fulfilling obligations under these contracts and providing relevant services, the telecom operator uses common property belonging to all owners of premises in the house. In this regard, the terms of the contracts that the subscriber grants the operator, free of charge, the right to place equipment on the structures and elements of the building and in the premises that are common property, cannot be the basis for the defendant to use such property, since, by virtue of articles 307 and 308 of the Civil Code, the contract regulates the relations exclusively of this subscriber and the telecom operator, while the subscriber, who is the owner of the premises, cannot solve issues alone in the absence of a decision of the general meeting, related to granting other persons the right to use the common property of the MKD. Based on the norms set out above, the placement of technical equipment using the common property of the MKD (that is, the use of such common property) can be carried out on the basis of a decision of the general meeting of the owners of the premises and, unless otherwise established by the general meeting, with the provision by the user of proportionate compensation for such use.

The Supreme Court also pointed out the need to apply Article 6 of the Law on Communications, according to which communications organizations have the right to carry out the construction, operation of communication facilities and communication facilities in the presence of a corresponding contract with the owner or other owner of buildings. At the same time, the owner or other owner of the specified immovable property has the right to demand from the communication organization a commensurate fee for the use of this property, unless otherwise provided by federal laws (Definition of the Judicial Board for Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 26.04.2018 N 304-ES17-10944 in case N A75-9721/2016; definitions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 04.07.2016 N 304-KG16-1613 and dated 22.11.2016 N 305-KG16-3100).

In addition to particular contradictions, the bill under consideration contradicts Article 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, indicating that a person, his rights and freedoms are the highest value, and recognition, observance and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms is the duty of the state, as well as article 18 of the Constitution, which establishes that human and civil rights and freedoms determine the meaning of, the content and application of laws, the activities of the legislative and executive authorities. In this case, the authors of the PFZ cynically sacrifice all these rights and freedoms to the interests of telecom operators."


Nov 8, 2022

February 16, 2023
The opponents of the digital concentration camp and the numbered identification of people did not have time to exhale last summer, when the Government announced the cancellation of plans to introduce repeatedly announced electronic identity cards (in the form of a plastic card with a chip + applications in a smartphone in the form of a QR code), as at yesterday's meeting in the Government, Minister Shadaev and the president of Russia stunned us with the return of all these plans. Apparently, we still have a strain with chips, so the digitizers decided to limit themselves to the QR code in the phone and the application that was already tested in the covid times - in fact, this will be the new biometric electronic passport. Vladimir Putin agreed that it is necessary to issue a corresponding decree before May 1, especially since the new "safe" technology also no longer raises questions from the FSB. That's so simple and unpretentious, in parallel with the expansion of the use of biometrics (and equating biometric identification with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation), Russians will be led to a "brave new world".

The day before, the President of Russia supported the proposal of the Minister of Digital Development Maksut Shadaev about an experiment with using a digital identity card on a smartphone instead of a paper passport. An electronic biometric passport can now be shown to those who have passed biometrics on public services, or as part of obtaining a new type of passport (in all these cases, if there is no separate written refusal of a citizen, a photo of his face will go into the EBS database).

"It is unreasonable to demand an original paper passport from a citizen all the time. We have developed such a technology, it works simply: you download a photo from a biometric (passport – ed.) passport to your smartphone, then you generate a QR code that you present. Accordingly, from the mobile application of public services, either your age or full name is also checked through a QR code. This will help us to use a smartphone in everyday situations instead of the original passport. The technology is fully coordinated with the FSB, I think it's time to return to the issue of its legalization and mass implementation.

In order to give a powerful impetus to our work, we must of course ask you to issue a decree that will determine the possible cases of using such a digital identity card on a smartphone. We do not cancel the passport, but in most cases you can use a smartphone
," Minister Shadaev told Putin.

"The sooner the better," Putin responded, also adding that it should be convenient for citizens to order a Fan ID remotely, via their smartphone, to attend football.

With the approval of the President, the Ministry of Finance, together with the FSB, intends to submit the relevant document to the government by May 1. It's time to remind you that according to the plans of digitizers from the Government, it was planned to start issuing biometric ID cards, as well as a passport application with a QR code, in three of the most "innovative" (digital concentration camp) regions of the Russian Federation - Moscow, Moscow region and Tatarstan - from the beginning of 2023, but in June 2022 without official statements from the authorities we were forced to abandon these plans. SVO and sanctions did their job, there were problems with chips for ID cards, and the cost of one digital passport was estimated at 1000 rubles (!). Now we see that the second part of this project, where a smartphone with an application and a QR code in it turns into an electronic identity card, is carried out strictly according to the plan. Apparently, the run-in with checking QR codes during the period of covid lawlessness proved to be good, now the system can be entered on a permanent basis.

It is no coincidence that the Federal Law on expanding the use and collection of biometrics, adopted at the end of 2022, despite the mass protests of citizens and public figures, spelled out a clause on equating biometric identification with the presentation of a passport. Now we see that digitizers will continue to refuse plastic cards and encourage citizens to do so. It is no coincidence that the chief banker of the Russian Federation, German Gref, has long voiced his dreams of switching from cards to carriers closer to the human body, inseparable from it. Back in 2016, he talked about the imminent customer service of Sberbank on biometrics, about paying by person, etc.

Gref predicted the imminent refusal of Sberbank customers from cards

May 26, 2016
Sberbank is working on the introduction of new technologies that will allow the bank's customers to refuse plastic cards. The head of the bank, German Gref, told Izvestia about this in an interview, warning that banks expect "dramatic" changes in the near future.

"Our new platform "18+" has the functionality of identifying customers by the palm of their hand. We are now buying more and more ATMs with biometrics. Accordingly, as such, the map, the main task of which is identification, is a thing of the past. After the introduction of the "18+" platform, and it is planned by 2018, the frequency of using the card as a payment instrument will begin to decrease sharply. Banking will change dramatically," Gref said.

According to him, such technology will work abroad only in the Sberbank network. However, according to Gref, the complete rejection of cards by users is "not a prospect for the next five years." The bank is also working on technologies for identifying customers by voice and appearance. "These solutions, which bring the accuracy of identification to 99.9%, are in a high degree of readiness," Gref said. They can be implemented in the next 2-3 years

And he repeated the theses of the globalists already in 2021, saying that bank cards are being abandoned "naturally", switching to face-to-face payment or to "digital cards", paying for everything via an NFC chip in a smartphone or by QR code.

The head of "Sber" said that he will replace plastic cards in the Russian Federation. The process is already running

December 2, 2021
The head of Sberbank, German Gref, told when Russia will abandon plastic bank cards and what will replace them. This is reported by the domestic news resource .

Gref believes that the rejection of plastic cards in Russia is already happening — and without any purposeful intervention. He explains:
"Digital maps have already become a popular tool. NFC and other contactless payment methods are also gaining popularity. Most likely, thanks to such payments, the emission will decrease to a minimum in the coming years"

In other words, German Gref is sure that digital payment methods have already replaced the bank plastic. This is logical — if a person has a smartphone with NFC, then, most likely, he will use it to pay for goods, and not plastic cards, because it is trite more convenient. In addition, it is more convenient to issue and reissue digital payment cards. It is worth noting that the tool that replaces the classic "credit cards" can also include payment using a QR code, or even by face, as in the Moscow metro.

The head of Sberbank mentioned another nuance — "green" technologies. Since research in the field of replacing plastic with biodegradable compounds is actively promoted, Gref believes that the few bank cards that will continue to be issued will be made of environmentally friendly materials.

Earlier we told you that two new types of fraud have appeared in Russia. Be sure to read it so as not to get caught by scammers. In addition, it became known that prices have also risen in the darknet — for example, for the services of "punching" personal data of Russians

Note that all these "innovations" from the same series are closer to the body, directly to the human body. And a virtual card in a smartphone, if we continue this logic – it's also extremely unreliable, isn't it better to "safely protect" it by uploading it to a radio chip with the same NFC function and implanting this chip? All for the sake of our convenience, comfort and complete safety…

In general, the logic is clear. Or just scan your face before each payment, it will become a card and a key to a person's ID in the "bright" biometric future. Now there are more and more legal prerequisites for this.

It is also worth noting that, recently, a lawsuit was lost in the Supreme Court about the illegality of the introduction of Fan ID at RFPL matches.

The Supreme Court recognized the introduction of a fan card in Russia as legal
The court's refusal to satisfy the claim challenging the legality of its introduction has not yet entered into force and can be appealed to the appellate instance

MOSCOW, February 9. /tass/. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation rejected a lawsuit challenging the legality of introducing a fan card in Russia to attend sports competitions. This was reported to TASS by the press service of the court.

"The court dismissed the claim of Igor Konyaev, who challenged the government's order, which established a list of events for which a fan card must be issued to attend," the agency interlocutor said.

According to the case materials, Konyaev's lawyer considered his rights violated and asked to cancel the government order. The court's refusal to satisfy the claim has not yet entered into force and can be appealed to the appellate instance.

On December 30, 2021, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on the introduction of a fan card for access to competitions from June 1, 2022. The signed document introduces the concept of a "personalized card for attending a sports competition" - an electronic document necessary to identify the spectator, participant and other persons involved in the tournament in order to ensure security and public order. The opportunity to issue a fan card on "Public Services" appeared to the audience on July 4, 2022.

Since July, a fan card is needed to pass to the matches of the World - Russian Premier League (RPL) at stadiums in five cities - Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Samara and Sochi. From December 1, the system should work at all stadiums hosting matches of the top division of the Russian Championship. The season in the RPL on November 13 went on a winter break, the first games after the break will be held in early March 2023

So despite the fact that the Government has so far refused to introduce a biometric passport chip in the format of a plastic card, a new form of identity card has, in fact, already been introduced. The Orthodox and patriotic public will certainly continue to resist the concentration camp. But the entire civil society of Russia should think seriously. All those who actively use public service applications today and, for example, on your phones – keep in mind: tomorrow you will be asked for mandatory identification by biometrics, and a QR code will be given to you, and your every significant action will be like under the microscope of a neural network. And then they will seek access to your body in the same way. The underside of the electronic "paradise" is already beginning to show itself, depriving many of the opportunity to watch football at stadiums without biometrics.

And this is just the beginning. "


Nov 8, 2022
Public Commissioner for Family Protection



1) Digital currencies of the central bank – a globalist project of the IMF and G7.

2) Experiments on digitalization of national currencies have failed in Finland, the Czech Republic, Ecuador and Uruguay.

3) Hopes to circumvent sanctions with the help of the digital ruble are illusory.

4) Someone else's element base makes the entire infrastructure of the digital ruble vulnerable to espionage and hacker attacks from outside.

5) The analytical report of the Association of Banks of Russia notes that "in case of haste in making a decision on the introduction of the Central Bank, this may be fraught with far-reaching and unpredictable consequences for the monetary policy pursued by central banks."

6) The issue of the digital ruble of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which is difficult to control, under certain conditions can lead to inflation.

7) In the context of confrontation with the West, the experiment of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation with the digital ruble, which requires significant costs and can lead to unpredictable negative consequences, is absolutely untimely and irresponsible.

8) With the help of the digital ruble, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation will be able to accumulate confidential data about payments and users on an unprecedented scale. This data can be used to spy on private transactions of citizens, obtain confidential information about individuals and organizations, and control them. The risk of leakage of this data. The ability to block digital money from people they don't like at the touch of a button.

9) The risk of theft of digital money of citizens and organizations is great.

10) The introduction of new technology can provoke the emergence of new types of malicious software products and hacker attacks, the risk of fraud using social engineering methods is high.

11) The Constitution does not speak about any digital ruble or various forms of the Russian ruble. The ban on the transfer of digital rubles into cash rubles (Article 8 of the PFZ) unequivocally puts the digital "ruble" outside the legal field of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and makes it an illegal monetary unit.

12) Currently, the EBS, the genetic base and the digital ruble are developing as independent projects, but after the infrastructure is created, all these elements can be combined into one whole and a total electronic-digital concentration camp is built!

13) Over time, the digital ruble can completely displace cash in circulation, and as a result, it will displace the rights and freedoms of citizens!

14) If now a person can absolutely freely dispose of cash belonging to him, then in the case of a digital ruble, a situation has already been agreed in advance when certain authorities will set an acceptable spending limit for a person. Accordingly, Article 2 of the PFZ gives the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia the right to determine "the maximum values of the amount of transactions with digital rubles and (or) the amount of balances of digital rubles on digital accounts (wallets)." Taking into account the realities of the current system in our country, it is quite possible that the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia will set one limit for oligarchs, and another for ordinary citizens, and moreover much smaller. So the digital ruble can become a tool for building a caste society.

15) The electronic-digital concentration camp requires electronic money, the movement of which is easy to track and which can be blocked by anyone at any time. For more complete control, the digital ruble can be linked to a person's biometrics."


Nov 8, 2022


In the infamous Government Decree No. 2040 of December 7, 2020 "On conducting an experiment on the introduction of a digital educational environment" there is a clause according to which the Ministry of Education and Science:

"No later than two months from the date of completion of the experiment, it evaluates its results and submits a corresponding report to the Government of the Russian Federation."

The experiment was officially conducted in 15 regions from December 10, 2020 to December 31, 2022. So far, no sane comprehensive assessment of the results has been presented to the public. Nor did the Ministry of Education submit its report to the Government – at least publicly.

At the same time, in October 2022, the Ministry of Education widely disseminated the news about the report of the Accounting Chamber, from which it follows that "Russian general education organizations have achieved the indicators and results for the introduction of digital technologies in 2019-2021, recorded in the national project "Education".
The basis for the JV report is the work plan of the JV itself, and not PP No. 2040, so that in this way the officials of the Ministry of Education will not be able to discharge their obligations under their own comprehensive report to the Government. Note, however, that the Accounting Chamber's approach is very interesting – its auditors evaluate only the technical equipment of schools, the "digital competencies" of students and teachers. composition. At the same time, the assessment of the effectiveness and safety of the DSP as part of the educational process is completely ignored.

"The Accounting Chamber noted a number of positive changes, including an increase in the number of schools with high-speed Internet and an improvement in the material and technical base. According to the report, thanks to the activities carried out by the Ministry of Education of Russia from 2016 to 2020, the number of schools with a maximum Internet access speed below 30 Mbit/s has more than halved, and the number of organizations with a maximum access speed above this level has increased by 3.7 times. Since 2016, the number of personal computers in educational institutions has increased by 27.9%."

We hesitate to ask, does digital "learning" (on the Internet at computers, including) probably somehow affect the educational process itself, the system of knowledge transfer? On the digestibility and quality of the material received, on the mental and physical condition of schoolchildren? Judging by the information on the website of the Ministry of Education (as well as information from the experimental regions), no one was going to evaluate these factors.

"Every Russian school, with the support of the Ministry of Education, is implementing a digital educational environment, which includes the federal state information system "My School", the educational platform "Spherum" and libraries of detailed and verified content. As part of the experiment, since December 2020, the DSP has been implemented in schools in 15 regions. From 2023, all Russian schools will be connected to the system. The DSP is formed as an addition to the traditional educational system and is designed to reduce the burden on teachers. Schoolchildren will have the opportunity to study in an interesting and understandable format using interactive services with automatic task verification," said Andrey Gorobets, Director of the Department of Digital Transformation and Big Data of the Ministry of Education of Russia.

Is automatic task checking and a "format understandable for schoolchildren" always a good thing? Reducing the burden on teachers due to automated checking of homework – including literature, history, social studies (we have already been announced by foresight specialists from the ANO NTI that AI should do all this as part of the "reduction of the human factor" in education**) - who will turn children into in the end? There are no answers, there is a statement – it is necessary to connect all schools to the DSP system (i.e. FGIS "My School"), once in 15 regions they have already connected. "Wonderful" summing up!

We have sent an inquiry to Minister Kravtsov, where we are interested in the official results of the experiment on the implementation of the federal project "digital educational environment". We're waiting for an answer. "

(we have already been announced by foresight specialists from the ANO NTI that AI should do all this as part of the "reduction of the human factor" in education**)
December 19, 2022
The neural network will begin to test students' essays in pilot mode
NTI: neural network will start testing essays in schools in a pilot mode in 2023

Artificial intelligence will be in pilot mode to check the essays of schoolchildren from February 2023. This was told to RIA Novosti in the press service of the NTI.

"The pilot application of the new development will begin in schools in February and will concern teachers of Russian language and literature, history and social studies," the report says.

It is noted that the developed algorithm detects errors better than the average teacher-expert.

In addition, this algorithm searches not only for grammatical and punctuation errors, but also semantic flaws.

"The proposed solution can reduce the time spent by the examiner by 20%, which <...> will reduce the human factor when checking the essays of school students," said Vadim Medvedev, director of the NTI Foundation.

Earlier, Igor Pivovarov, chief analyst of the MIPT Artificial Intelligence Center, said that by creating a strong artificial intelligence, a person will be evolutionarily lagging behind.


Nov 8, 2022
February 23, 2023


Last week, Digital Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko reported to his digital transformation commander, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, about preparations for the international digital sports tournament "Games of the Future", which will be held in Kazan in 2024. "Sport" here should be taken in quotation marks, because the competitions are held "at the junction of numbers and physical capabilities of a person." In fact, these are esports and battles in virtual and augmented reality, for formality, diluted with mini-football, mini-hockey in the gym, etc. And the purpose of these games, which will be promoted at the federal and regional levels extremely widely – in schools, universities, private offices – is completely clear. It lies in the area of blurring and displacing the human in man, promoting the philosophy of convergence of man and machine. The curators themselves admit that this is just a show – but a show with far-reaching consequences. If in 50 years, instead of the Olympic movement (which has already managed to discredit itself), most people will call this obscurantism "sport", then the dehumanizers will achieve their goal.

At an operational meeting with subordinates, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said that, by presidential decree, the international tournament "Games of the Future" will be held in Kazan in 2024. The government will allocate about 1.8 billion rubles in 2023 to prepare for it, and about 3.5 billion rubles in 2024. Private investments and Tatarstan's money will also be attracted. The Head of the Republic of Tatarstan, Minnikhanov, personally oversees the preparation for the games, test competitions are already being held.

Chernyshenko cheerfully announced the dates of the competition – from February 23 to March 2, 2024 and noted that by order of the government, an organizing committee has been formed that deals with accommodation, food, medical care, transport support, safety of participants, work of volunteers. The scale of investments and the extensive activities of ministries and departments is impressive.

"It is important that this tournament is held at the intersection of education, sports and digitalization. This is called "digital sport". It is included in the All-Russian register of sports, competitions are held on it in schools and universities. Branches of the Federation of digital Sports have already been established in 24 regions, and the competition regulations are now being fixed. The State Duma is developing a bill regulating the tournament.

The Russian Foreign Ministry helps us promote the Games of the Future at the international level. 29 States have confirmed their interest in participating. Last year, we launched the world's first digital center in Kemerovo, then other entities will take up this initiative
," Chernyshenko reported.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, more than 2 thousand people from 256 teams from different countries will take part in the competition. The program includes 16 technological disciplines. "Athletes" will compete in virtual disciplines and on real sports grounds (in fact, there is nothing in common with traditional sports – more on this below). And in parallel, an educational platform is being created to promote digital disciplines at Innopolis University.

What exactly is all this fuss about at the level of top officials of the state? We go to the VK games page and see that they are defined as "a sports show in which athletes compete in the format of a digital sport". It is a digital technology show, and not a sport at all.

"Digital sport is a combination of physical and digital - it is the sport of the future. And it starts here and now! The main competitions will be held in 2024 in Kazan in 16 hybrid disciplines for 9 days. And before that, we will hold several tournaments of a new format.

Already, participants are fighting in digital and real space: first in a video game, and then in its physical counterpart, where the score from the virtual universe becomes the starting point for a real duel. Football (FIFA + futsal), martial arts (Mortal Kombat 11 + MMA), hockey (NHL + hockey 3 *3) have already been held in the new format!

The games of the Future are blurring the line between classical and digital sports
," the curators of the project report.

Everything would be fine if these digital lobbyists stopped constantly using the word "sport" to describe a banal departure into virtual reality. Because there is a lot of lies and guile in this. Sport has nothing to do with this action, its "castrated" (otherwise you won't say) elements are present only to distract the eyes. All well-known so-called cyber "athletes" do not engage in Prof. sports of high achievements – they simply do not have time for this, they need to "train" at the computer. In fact, this is the most banal cybernedosport, a computer show with "competitions" in virtual reality, from a series of laser slot machines in the entertainment areas of shopping malls. And this is where the Government intends to pour billions into…

"Together with you, we are shaping the history of a new sports world, in the center of which stands a harmonious person..." - the curators of the project declare, and then the logo of the "improved" Vitruvian man Leonardo da Vinci appears in their video. Improved with implants, chips and other technical devices – that is, a cyborg, a half-human, half-machine. Nothing else was expected in this transhumanist show.

It is characteristic that the main terms for this fun are composed in English newspeak, because the language of globalists should be universal. Hence their definitions of the Phygital type-federation (it sounds pathetic in Russian, but they could not do otherwise), Battle Challenge, Speedrun Challenge, etc. – the names of the five main categories of their "disciplines" are also in English.

It is no coincidence that the creators themselves use definitions of the "final show game" type in the description of the concept - they admit that all this is just a show, however, a very expensive federal-scale show, the creators of which set themselves specific tasks. Real sport as a battle of physically trained people is intentionally presented as a secondary addition to the figure and virtual "competitions". Moreover, the demonstration of the enormous capabilities of the human body, which are developed by persistent training, is replaced here by various cyber prostheses and other techno "improvers" of a person.

If you look into the legal field, the ANO "Agency for the Development of Computer and Other Sports" promotes all this (yes, another ANO under the Government of the Russian Federation, a clone of the ANO ASI, ANO "NTI Platform", etc.), the office was registered in March 2022, has an office in the business quarter of Moscow City (at the same time phys. the address indicated in the registration documents is different). One of the partners of the project is VK Play, which once again shows its orientation – it is entirely about virtual/augmented reality and cyber"sports".

Among Russian citizens who are inclined to experiment and want to regularly try something unconventional, such a show may well become popular - with proper promotion by the authorities, the media, bots in social networks… But it should be obvious to citizens who are not devoid of rationalism that billions should be allocated today for completely different things. And to move among the younger generation a living, real, physical sport that develops personality, hardens body and spirit, and not a digital surrogate that consumes time and energy in vain, guiding young people along an unsafe entertainment path – with virtual violence, cruelty, etc. This is material just for those who keep their minds sober, because the Government is unlikely to hear and refuse the "innovative" project."


Aug 11, 2021
  1. Dr. Natalia Thiebaud
    • Cause: unknown but may have been cancer related
    • Helped deliver Putin & secret girlfriend Alina Kabaeva's love child
    • Died 4 days after an independent media investigative report was released and on the one year Ukraine invasion
    • Source
  2. Makei
    • Belarus Foreign Minister and Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko's top diplomat
      Death ruled a suicide, originally fatal heart attack. Now considered suicide.
    • Died 4 days after meeting Putin at a summit in Armenia
    • Reportedly said "I don’t remember who said it, but if you are going to be executed, then it is better to be executed for loyalty than for treason," Makei said seven months before his death." Source
  3. Yevgeny Zinichev
    • Former Emergencies Minister
    • Death ruled an accident: Fell off a 90ft waterfall Source
  4. Anatoly Gerashchenko
    • Top Aviation Scientist - Sep 21, 2022
    • Death ruled an accident: Fell down several flights of stairs at Moscow's Aviation Institute HQ
    • Worked closely with Putin’s Ministry of Defense to help develop and test weaponry to aid Russia’s armed forces – including in their ongoing war against Ukraine. Source
  5. Ivan Pechorin
    • “point man” for developing Russia's vast Arctic resources
    • Death ruled an accident: Fell overboard off the coast of Russky Island in the Sea of Japan. Source
  6. Igor Nosov (43)
    • Died of an alleged stroke February 2023
  7. Ravil Maganov (67yrs)
    • Accident - Fell from a sixth floor window Sept 2022
  8. Darya Dugin - car explosion
    • Daughter of ally Alexander Dugin
    • Assassination attempt against her father
  9. Tumso Abdurakhmanov -Chechen blogger
    • gunned down by a group of assassins in Sweden on the night of December 1.
  10. Alexander Litvinenko - KGB agent
    • poisoned via tea with radioactive polonium-210 in London in 2006.
  11. Stephen Curtis - British lawyer
    • Helped plutocrats get money out of Russia and into Britain.
  12. Yuri Golubev - helped launch the Russian firm Yukos Oil, which was later dismantled by the Kremlin.
    • Died in 2007 of an apparent heart attack in London.
  13. Oleg Erovinkin - former top KGB official
    • Found dead in the back of his car in January 2017 after allegedly creating a “dirty dossier” against then-President Donald Trump.
  14. Boris Berezvosky - exiled Russian oligarch
    • Hanged in the bathroom of his Ascot home in 2013
  15. Nicolai Glushkov – friend of Boris Berezvosky
    • Suffocation on March 12, 2018.
  16. Scot Young, Berezvosky’s British fixer,
    • Impaled on a spike after falling from a fourth-floor London window in 2014.
  17. Stephen Moss - British lawyer
    • Heart attack in 2003 at the age of 46.
  18. Sergei Protosenya - Russian oil baron
    • Murder-suicide alongside his 47-year-old pregnant wife and their 13-year-old daughter
    • Sergei found hanging in a Spanish villa in April while his wife and daughter were found dead from multiple stab wounds
  19. Vladislav Avayev - Russian oil baron
    • Murder-suicide alongside his wife and their 18-year-old daughter from gunshot wounds in April 2022.
  20. Vladimir Nesterov - pioneered the “world’s best” Angara rocket for Russia. He also formerly served as general director of the Khrunichev Center, a state research and production space center created to help Putin facilitate the nation’s first successful manned mission to the moon. Source
    passed away mysteriously on December 28. His cause of death has not been revealed. Nesterov was also reportedly embattled by allegations of fraud and embezzlement in the years leading up to his passing on Wednesday. Russian authorities accused the “rocket man” of pocketing more than $68 million, and he was ordered to remain under house arrest in 2014 as his allegedly illegal activities were investigated further.
  21. Alexei Maslov - top tank commander died suddenly over the weekend less than 24 hours after Putin canceled a meeting to discuss weapon production for the war in Ukraine Source - unknown causes
  22. Pavel Antov Source
  • “highest-earning elected politician,” was found dead over the weekend after allegedly falling from a hotel in India
  • Indian media claims Antov “jumped” from the roof of the Sai International Hotel on Saturday and was found in a pool of his own blood.
  • made social media post critizing war with Ukraine, claimed it was a technical error, praised Putin
23. Vladimir Budanov, who was with Antov in India, died of an alleged heart attack on two days before
24. Pavel Kamnev - unknown causes - Scientific director of Russian weapons manufacturer Found dead from unknown causes

Attempts - Source
  • Anatoly Karpov (71 years old) Russian lawmaker
    • late October shortly after the lawmaker criticized Putin’s war in Ukraine.
    • suffered a series of mysterious head injuries in a Moscow parliament building.
      • “suffered a fall,” other reports suggested the 71-year-old was attacked and violently assaulted while leaving Moscow's State Duma building.
    • “I wish [the war] would end sooner, so that peaceful people would stop dying,” he said shortly before being left comatose. “In the end ordinary people are the victims. Ordinary people fight, politicians and generals decide, and ordinary people fight, civilians die.”
  • Sergei Viktorovich Skripal (66 years old) & Sergei's daughter Yulia (33 years old) on March 4, 2018
    • April 2018 poisoning Novichok, a Soviet-era, military-grade nerve toxin
    • turncoat Russian spy on British soil
    • Codename: Forthwith
    • December 2004, Skripal was arrested outside his home in Moscow’s Krylatskoye District, tried and convicted of high treason.
    • Skripal then settled in the English cathedral town of Salisbury and lived quietly until he was found slumped on a bench in April 2018. Next to him was his daughter Yulia.


Nov 8, 2022
It's not Putin, it's the newly discovered syndrome PSFDS - People Suddenly Falling Down the Stairs.
Cases have increased recently because of covid and climate change.


Nov 8, 2022
Popova: there are risks of cholera spread in Russia
Head of Rospotrebnadzor Popova: there are risks of cholera spread in Russia, but minimal

MOSCOW, March 2, 2023 — The head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, said that there are risks of cholera spread in Russia, but they are minimal.

"In 2023, no cases of the disease were detected in the country. We are doing everything to prevent them," Anna Popova told RIA Novosti.

It is noted that stocks of effective domestic vaccine have been created in Russia.

As reported by IA REGNUM, the African country of Malawi was hit by the strongest outbreak of cholera in the last 20 years.

Cholera. Cover of Le Petite Journal from December 1, 1912

July 20, 2021

The Supreme Court refused to exclude coronavirus from the list of dangerous diseases

The Supreme Court of Russia refused to deprive coronavirus of the status of a dangerous disease. This was stated in court, RIA Novosti reports.

A lawsuit with a request to exclude COVID-19 from the list of dangerous diseases was filed by more than 1,000 Russians who are dissatisfied with the quarantine in the country.

According to those who filed a class action lawsuit, the introduction of quarantine in the country restricted their movement and activity, as well as deprived them of the opportunity to play sports.

The Supreme Court of the country took into production a lawsuit against the Russian government demanding to remove the coronavirus from the list of dangerous diseases on February 5, 2021. According to the author of the initiative, Alexander Saversky, if the Supreme Court refuses to deprive COVID-19 of this status, the protest of Russians may take "illegal forms".

Along with coronavirus infection, the decree equates plague, cholera, tuberculosis, HIV, malaria and others to dangerous diseases.
Last edited:


Nov 8, 2022
Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
March 1 , 2023

The Federation Council discussed the provision of targeted social assistance to citizens using electronic certificates

The Chairman of the SF Committee on Social Policy Inna Svyatenko held a round table where the experience of the regions in providing targeted social assistance to citizens, including using electronic certificates, was discussed.

The senator recalled that the relevant legislative changes in June last year provided the subjects of the Federation with a number of opportunities. "Now the regions can determine additional categories of persons who have the right to use electronic certificates, and the list of goods that can be purchased with their help," Inna Svyatenko explained.

The parliamentarian noted that the annual formation of regional budgets provides targeted support for socially vulnerable citizens. In some subjects, residents receive financial assistance in monetary terms, in others — in kind, and still others combine both options. "Now this service can be converted into electronic form, and some regions have already taken advantage of this opportunity," the senator said.

Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Alexey Vovchenko said that the agency actively uses certificates to provide disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation (TSR) according to individual rehabilitation and habilitation programs. He added that in 2022, a significant part of the rehabilitation funds were purchased using an electronic certificate.

"Previously, a citizen could receive TSR through the Social Insurance Fund, or purchase it at his own expense with subsequent compensation," the deputy minister recalled. Now a certificate for a certain amount is linked to a bank card, and the citizen chooses the seller and the means of rehabilitation himself.

The participants of the meeting agreed that the implementation of targeted social assistance programs using electronic social certificates will allow building a convenient, universal mechanism for helping citizens in need.

The event was attended by Dina Oyun, a member of the SF Committee on Budget and Financial Markets, Svyatoslav Bogdanov, Vice President of X5 Group, Maxim Krukelis, Director of the Operational and Technological Department of the National Payment Card System, representatives of the regions and the professional community."

It's all for our good, you know.

Ordenov: Sakhalin experiment stimulates the introduction of technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

March 2 , 2023
The senator held a meeting at which the progress of the Sakhalin experiment and the preparation of plans for adaptation to climate change by the subjects of the Russian Federation were considered.
Gennady Ordenov, a member of the SF Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management, held a meeting on the topic "On the progress of the experiment to limit greenhouse gas emissions in the Sakhalin Region".

The event was attended by senators of the Russian Federation, representatives of federal and regional executive authorities, the expert council and the scientific community.

The senator recalled that the studies provided for by the Federal Law "On conducting an experiment to limit greenhouse gas emissions in certain Subjects of the Russian Federation" are carried out on the territory of the Sakhalin Region from September 1, 2022 to December 31, 2028 inclusive. One of the key areas is to increase efficiency and energy saving in the urban economy, decarbonization of the transport sector, sustainable management of natural ecosystems, as well as quotas for gas emissions by enterprises, development of emission verification techniques. "This should, in particular, stimulate the introduction of technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and form systems for independent verification of their absorption," Gennady Ordenov said.

According to the Acting Minister of Ecology and Sustainable Development of the Sakhalin Region Milena Milich, the Sakhalin Region was the first of the Russian regions to develop and approve a research program. In February 2022, the Regional Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development was established. This executive authority was authorized to conduct the experiment.

The meeting participants noted that within the framework of the Sakhalin experiment, regional decarbonization measures have been implemented, carbon reporting of 50 companies has been prepared and verified, an approach to enterprise emission quotas has been defined and quotas have been set for 50 enterprises from 2024 to 2028, a mandatory inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and removals in the region by energy, waste, industry, agriculture sectors has been organized agriculture, land use and forestry, organized the launch of natural climate projects and solutions, Proposals have been formed to take into account the absorption capacity of ecosystems, registration of climate projects and participation in the development of the overall infrastructure for the implementation of climate policy have continued, the creation of a regional validation and verification body has been organized, and assistance has been provided to the international recognition of the practice of carbon regulation in Russia.

The meeting also discussed the topic of preparation by the subjects of the Russian Federation of plans for adaptation to climate change.

Gennady Ordenov drew attention to the fact that this issue is under the special control of the President of the Russian Federation. "According to the national plan, the executive state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation had to develop and approve regional plans for adaptation to climate change by the end of the fourth quarter of 2022."

Natalia Sokolova, Head of the Union of Energy and Environmental Safety, head of the section "Ecology and Environmental Protection" of the Expert Council of the SF Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management, reported on the analysis of the preparation of plans for adaptation to climate change in the subjects of the Russian Federation.

"So far, only fifty regions have approved adaptation plans. Therefore, now the priority task is to help those regions who faced difficulties and could not approve the plan by the end of last year," Natalia Sokolova said.

Representatives of seventy-two subjects of the Russian Federation took part in the discussion of the topic via video link. Representatives of the Nizhny Novgorod and Kursk regions, St. Petersburg and Khabarovsk Krai made a report on their adaptation plans.

"It is very important to raise acute issues on the regional agenda at the Federation Council site and discuss them in an honest and open dialogue with federal executive authorities," Gennady Ordenov stressed.

Based on the results of the meeting, recommendations were prepared to the Government of the Russian Federation and relevant departments.

In particular, the Government of the Russian Federation is recommended to consider the possibility of timely development of the necessary methodological documents for assessing the level of carbon intensity of products, works and services, as well as to develop incentive measures for the implementation of greenhouse gas absorption projects and to ensure the demand for absorbed carbon units from the implementation of climate projects. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation is recommended to ensure the timely implementation of a set of measures to achieve the completeness and objectivity of the assessment of the absorption of greenhouse gases by Russian forests and other ecosystems.
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Nov 8, 2022
Second bonus.

Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
The Federation Council discussed the prospects for the development of artificial intelligence

February 27, 2023
The session of the section of the Council for the Development of the Digital Economy at the upper house of Parliament was held by A. Sheikin.

A meeting of the Artificial Intelligence section was held at the Council for the Development of the Digital Economy under the Upper House of Parliament. The event was held by Artem Sheikin, a member of the SF Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Construction.

During the meeting, issues of legislative regulation in the field of artificial intelligence and new technologies were discussed, as well as the results of the international conference "Journey into the world of Artificial Intelligence" held in November 2022.

Artem Sheikin noted that artificial intelligence today provides almost unlimited opportunities for the development of the next leap forward of mankind, while simultaneously generating new challenges.

"This topic is in the focus of attention of the leadership of our country. In November last year, the President of the Russian Federation called the task of a new stage in the development of Russian artificial intelligence in the horizon of the current decade — to ensure its mass implementation in all sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration," the parliamentarian recalled.

Artem Sheikin added that to fulfill this task, the head of state gave a number of instructions to the Government of the Russian Federation and the industry association of the largest players in the Russian market — the Alliance in the field of Artificial Intelligence, as well as other interested organizations.

"Today we need to develop balanced proposals for the implementation of these instructions. I am sure that our discussion and the conclusions obtained as a result of it will be useful for building an effective system of legislative regulation of the development of artificial intelligence technologies in Russia," the senator stressed.

The co-moderator of the meeting was the head of the section, representative of the competence center of the federal project "Artificial Intelligence", Managing Director of the Center for Regulation of Artificial Intelligence of Sberbank of Russia Andrey Neznamov.

Vladimir Voloshin, Director of the Digital Economy Development Department of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, spoke in his speech about the experimental legal regime (EPR) as a mechanism for testing artificial intelligence technologies in various fields, including big data and unmanned vehicles.

The Minister of Digital Development and Communications of the Novosibirsk Region Sergey Tsukar informed about the creation of a Center for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technologies on the basis of Novosibirsk State University.

The discussion was attended by representatives of private companies that are developing in this area, the scientific and expert community. Following the meeting, taking into account the proposals made, a resolution will be prepared aimed at further active development of artificial intelligence technologies in the country. "


Nov 8, 2022
What will change in the life of Russians from March 1 , 2023
QR codes of college diplomas
QR codes are entered on diplomas of secondary vocational education. This will help employers to get access to a digital passport of competencies. The diploma supplement will contain a new table with information about the content and conditions of practical training in the educational programs of the federal project "professionalism".

Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Pankin: Russia will not leave the IMF and WTO

- Does Russia plan to leave the ranks of the IMF and WTO, given the sanctions policy of the West and the financial assistance of the fund for Ukraine? Why do we continue to work in these organizations? What negative consequences can such a step have for the Russian economy?

The Russian Federation has been a member of the International Monetary Fund since 1992. Joining the IMF is conditioned by the need for structural restructuring of the economy in market conditions and the need for resource support for these transformations.

Since 2000. Russia stopped attracting the fund's credit resources, and in 2005. repay the debt ahead of schedule, moving from the role of the recipient of funds to a full-fledged partnership. Since the Russian Federation has fulfilled all its obligations to the Fund, it is not in a position to make demands on our country's economic policy, and its recommendations are not binding on us.

Since 2005. Russia participates in various financial operations of the fund, including financing credit programs, development support programs, debt cancellation of the poorest countries. The IMF provides consulting support to our country, including technical assistance, seminars, professional development of civil servants. Russian specialized agencies periodically contact the Fund for the economic situation in the country and forecasts of the development of the world economy. All these issues have been and are being discussed in the fund with our participation and taking into account our interests.

From a foreign policy point of view, we proceed from the expediency of continuing full-fledged participation in the activities of such a large and influential international financial organization as the IMF, which is an important element of the post-war economic world order.K. Specialized agency of the United Nations. This has both an important image value and a purely practical interest in terms of access to advanced international financial expertise and participation in the process of coordinating global economic initiatives and projects. Thanks to its membership in the IMF, Russia has the opportunity to participate directly in the work of the International Monetary and Financial Committee, which is a key advisory body on global financial governance.

Participation in the work of the fund makes it possible to use its platform to convey to the world community the Russian position on key economic issues of our time, including to draw attention to the increasingly obvious failure of the current model of the global financial architecture and its excessive politicization.

Russia's exemplary proactive withdrawal from this structure is likely to be presented by our detractors as a refusal to support countries in need and the global development agenda as a whole.
In addition, we should not forget that the Russian multinational directorate of the IMF includes Syria, whose interests we actively protect.

It should also be borne in mind that membership in the IMF, regardless of our attitude to this structure and existing disagreements, is still to some extent recognized by the world community as a qualitative sign of the world's leading economies.

As for the World Trade Organization, the issue of leaving this structure was indeed discussed in connection with the relevant initiatives of a number of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. At the same time, to date, the position of the relevant departments, including the Russian Foreign Ministry, has not changed - we still consider the WTO an important and indisputable platform for protecting Russian trade and economic interests. Full membership in the organization allows our country to participate in the development and improvement of the rules of world trade, encouraging and protecting national priorities in this area. Active work on the WTO platform contributes to the fulfillment of tasks related to strengthening the presence of domestic economic operators in traditional and new foreign markets,

Withdrawal from the WTO will mean the actual self-elimination of the processes of the international division of labor, will lead to a decrease in participation in global production and marketing chains and will negatively affect the level and quality of foreign economic activity. relationships. Not a single State in the history of the GATT/WTO has refused membership in the organization. Given the high level of Russia's integration into the world economy, such a radical step may lead to artificial self-isolation of the national economy. ..."


Nov 8, 2022
Norilsk will develop a city video surveillance system

The city budget will provide 365 million rubles for security and crime prevention. Part of the funds will be directed to the creation of a city integrated video surveillance system, the website reports .

With its help, security in the city will be ensured and prompt response to incidents and offenses will be established. The formation of the video surveillance system will take place within three years: in 2024, about 122.7 million rubles were allocated for its creation, in 2025 - 286.3 million rubles.

A comprehensive video surveillance system will allow us to increase the effectiveness of crime prevention and the detection of criminal acts. At the same time, we will strengthen other aspects of the preventive work that we, together with the security forces, are carrying out with various groups of the population.
- said the chairman of the deputy commission on legality and local self-government Viktor Taskin.

Nizhnekamsk is implementing the Smart City program by 2025

The Mayor of Nizhnekamsk Ramil Mullin instructed to implement the Smart City program within three years. This is reported by NTR 24 with reference to the press service of the city administration. The program will include measures to ensure the safety of citizens.

Today, within the framework of the "Safe Yard" program, more than 3.4 thousand video surveillance cameras have been installed in Nizhnekamsk. Another 60 cameras are working under the "Safe City" program, and in 2023 it is planned to increase their number by 129 pieces for data collection in public spaces.

In addition, the possibility of creating a single platform and data processing center on the basis of the Nizhnekamsk Information Center is being discussed.


Nov 8, 2022
In the Moscow region, CCTV cameras will be used to detect violations in the housing and utilities sector

February 28, 2023
About 60 thousand surveillance cameras are installed on the territory of the house. With the help of a neural network, video cameras could record various violations in the provision of public services: untimely garbage collection, untimely cleaning of the yard from ice or snow.

Video surveillance is actively used in the region to record traffic violations on the roads. According to the press service of the Ministry of Transport of the Moscow region, the number of photovideofixation complexes will grow by another 600 devices in 2023.

This year, an additional 600 photovideofixation complexes will be installed on the roads of the Moscow region, the calculation of the number of new complexes corresponds to the needs of the region in closing emergency hazardous areas and reducing accidents. The new cameras will be equipped with remote sections of regional roads – at points determined by the State Traffic Inspectorate, the Ministry of Transport of the Moscow region, as well as road owners, accident-prone areas and places of concentration of accidents, as well as dedicated lanes of public transport. Information boards will be installed on all road sections where new complexes will appear
– said the Minister of Transport of the Moscow region Alexey Gerzhik.

The installation and maintenance of new complexes is carried out by MVS Group, the current operator of the BDD control system near Moscow.
Video surveillance service is popular among residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg

February 28, 2023
Analysts of Delta Security Systems, a provider of comprehensive services for the protection of real estate, property and vehicles, analyzed consumer preferences over the past three years and told how the attitude of Russians to round-the-clock monitoring and video surveillance has changed, Cnews reports.

According to Delta's report, in the first year of launch, sales of this service and equipment were sporadic. However, according to the results of 2020, already 5% of the total number of customers chose CCTV cameras. In 2022, this figure has grown to 15%. The most popular video surveillance service is in Moscow, 44% of all cameras sold, St. Petersburg is in second place (17%), Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg are in third place, 6% each.

Most often, customers are individuals who choose cameras for the interior of a house or apartment, 72% of the total number of sales. 19% of buyers purchase devices for outdoor video surveillance for cottages and suburban areas. Another 9% is accounted for by private household facilities or common areas, for example, entrances or stairwells.

According to consumer surveys conducted by the company in different years, up to 45% of respondents believe that any real estate objects should be protected with the help of such "gadgets", and up to 90% of respondents even speak in favor of a large-scale street video surveillance system.

Delta also analyzed which camera installation purposes are most common. So, the equipment for city apartments is installed primarily in order to prevent burglaries, in the second place – monitoring of children or hired staff. But the cameras installed in apartment buildings in public areas are more often used to maintain order in the adjacent territory. In private households, cameras of both internal and external surveillance are almost always installed for the purpose of protecting property.


Nov 8, 2022
The working group of ANO "Smart apartment building" will offer a standard infrastructure of the MKD

General Director of ANO "Smart Apartment Building" (MKD) Nikita Utkin announced the launch of the Infrastructure working group, which will develop a variant of a unified telecom infrastructure in the MCD, as well as develop the procedure for standard technical conditions and the choice of providers.

During the round table "Launch of the working group "Infrastructure" at the ANO "Smart MCD". The best industry practices and strategy for the development of standardization of intelligent and infrastructure systems of the MCD", which was held at the Russian Construction Week, Nikita Utkin noted that the key tools of the ANO "Smart Apartment Building" will be working groups on thematic areas formed within the organization.

"There are already a certain number of such groups that are clearly focused on certain activities. The most obvious direction in its usefulness and of interest to the largest number of market participants is the development of regulation. When drawing the architecture of internal groups, we noted that gradually, with the support of important industry players, new directions may appear," Nikita Utkin said. Such an example is the Infrastructure working group.

The participants of the Infrastructure working group plan to focus not only on the telecom component, but also on other aspects of infrastructure - water supply and sanitation, modern garbage collection, smart lighting, smart delivery, indoor microclimate, smart utility systems, as well as smart modern MCD spaces. The initiators of the creation of the group expect to see representatives of various infrastructure organizations in it - developers, design organizations, fixed-line operators, research centers and development institutes, as well as representatives of FOIV and subordinate organizations.

Dmitry Novoselov, one of the initiators of the creation of the group, Deputy Director General for Strategic Development and Sales of JSC OVS, said that the tasks of creating the Infrastructure working group are to promote the improvement of regulation, as well as the development of recommendations and methodologies, basic requirements for communication channels. Another area of activity will be the analysis of approaches and the development of consensus decisions of the participants of the communication services market and the WG itself to the organization of the market. As part of this, the participants of the WG will develop options for replacing the regulatory infrastructure with a single infrastructure, with the responsibility of the managing company for supporting infrastructure according to standards inside the house, and will also develop the procedure for standard technical conditions and the choice of providers.

"We would like to have an open discussion of all market participants and the digitalization process. The general schemes of the organization of regulatory regulation are extremely important, as it is confusing. We need an appropriate roadmap - which NPAs should be changed or developed in what order and with which organizations it is necessary to interact," Dmitry Novoselov said. He said that the main purpose of the working group is to make changes to the NPA and create new ones.

Recall that the Ministry of Finance officially announced the creation of the ANO "Smart Apartment Building" (ANO "Smart MKD") on July 14, 2022.

Nikita Utkin. The head of the technical committee for standardization "Cyber-physical systems" (TC 194), appointed Director General of ANO "Smart apartment building". This organization was created with the assistance of the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, it included federal mobile operators, a number of major developers and equipment manufacturers.

Nikita Utkin said that in general, since the establishment of the ANO "Smart MKD", work has been going on in several directions, the key of which was regulatory and technical regulation (standardization). "Together with market players and key FOI, we have launched the process of creating a Promising standardization program in the field of smart homes, buildings and structures. The draft document provides for the regulation of key aspects that will contribute to the introduction of modern digital technologies in the field of construction and housing and communal services," he said.

According to him, to a large extent these are issues related to the technologies of the Internet of Things and cyber-physical systems in general. "Therefore, it is extremely important to formalize interaction with the Technical Committee 194 "Cyber-physical Systems" (TC 194), which is an instrument of interaction between business and the state in the field of standardization and has serious groundwork in this area," Nikita Utkin said.

According to him, the consensus strategy for the development of the smart MCD market (the Concept of digitalization of apartment buildings on the territory of the Russian Federation) is at the highest stage of readiness, which mediates the logic of unpacking promising sectors of the digitalization market of construction and housing and communal services for the introduction of digital and information technologies.

"Representatives and participants of the ANO have already participated in the development of six national standards and two sets of rules, including the sensational SP 134. In addition, the ANO has initiated the creation of several fundamental national standards. This work will continue to develop. Since the ANO is a logical continuation of the interdepartmental working group created with the participation of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Ministry of Construction of Russia, from the moment the idea of its creation was conceived, we understood that we had to ensure maximum openness for market stakeholders," said the CEO of the ANO Smart Apartment Building. He noted that over the past six months, more than 10 major business players and organizations have joined or are in the process of joining the organization.
Federal and regional "smart city" need orchestration

Federal smart city information systems do not take into account regional specifics and do not include all the functions that are in demand in the regions. On the other hand, regional systems do not allow collecting the required reports. Experts call the integration of systems the way out.

At the plenary session of the X Federal Forum on Digitalization of the Urban Environment Smart City&Region, one of the main topics of discussion was how to be regions that already have working smart city systems in conditions when federal agencies are actively implementing centralized solutions. As the deputy chairman of the Government of the Perm Region Alexey Chernikov noted, one does not exclude the other. Moreover, regional developments do not allow you to receive all the required reporting, and federal ones do not have all the necessary functions. Integration of regional systems among themselves and with federal platforms is not always a simple task, but it can be solved, and relevant experience has already been accumulated. Integration tasks are often solved already at the stage of implementing federal systems, which is also a lot of examples. Although collisions do occur.

Dmitry Ontoev, adviser to the head of the Moscow Information Technology Department, drew attention to the fact that there are working systems in the regions that take into account regional specifics and popular functions. And it is the functions that are primary. In addition, according to Dmitry Ontoev, an equally important factor is the familiar interface of many services aimed at citizens. The transition to federal systems will most likely require changing the interface, which can cause negative consequences.

Anatoly Kurmanov, deputy head of the working group of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the Smart City project, admitted that residents are really used to many regional services and it is inconvenient for them to switch to something else. But he drew attention to the fact that the level of development in different regions differs. Regional systems are successfully developing and working, as a rule, only in advanced subjects with developed infrastructure. Federal systems will allow us to give at least something to those regions where there is nothing at all yet, and launching them will be a big step forward. It is also important that federal systems are free for regional authorities and do not require server infrastructure for deployment, which gives significant savings. The released funds can be used for other needs. Anatoly Kurmanov also recalled that in a number of federal GIS there are regional segments, among which, for example, GIS housing and communal services.

The director of the Department of Digital Development of the city of Sevastopol, Alexandra Osipova, believes that it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which systems are best used, federal or regional. On the one hand, Russian regions are very different. There are also differences in the regional regulatory framework. Plus, the regional authorities are interested in the development of regional business, including those working in the IT sector. But the inclusion of new features in regional products is not always easy to implement. Often the transition to the federal system is more profitable from a financial point of view. However, Alexandra Osipova called for the inclusion of standardized APIs and integration capabilities in federal systems.

Kirill Kireev, Deputy Director for Development of ANO "Digital Economy", said that there is no dilemma: "Of course, companies exist in the regions and will continue to exist. But the advantage is already being gained by regional players who synchronize their work and actively cooperate with large federal companies and corporations, including Rosatom, Rostelecom, MTS, etc."



Nov 8, 2022


Our sad foresight realities of education are such that by agreeing to participate in any Olympiad (from All-Schools to private events included in the register of the Ministry of Education), you must be prepared for your child to be given a digital portfolio, organized for "early career guidance" and led through life by an "individual trajectory".

Right now schools in Russia are holding a computer science Olympiad from Yandex Textbook, approved by the Ministry of Education. To take part in it, a parent must necessarily agree with PP from 17.11.2015 N 1239 "On approval of the Rules for identifying children who have shown outstanding abilities, supporting and monitoring their further development".
According to the Rules, participants of the Olympics (not only winners and prize-winners!), are entered into "the state register of persons who have shown outstanding abilities". The access to the register for "ordinary mortals" is possible only through ESIA (the portal of State Services). If your child is already 14 and participating in the Olympics, consider that his or her personal data has been entered there.

It is not less interesting that the register is officially a state register, but its operator is, according to the same PP 1239, the private educational foundation "Talent and Success" (the center "Sirius" in Sochi - a special federal territory with public authority) with authorized capital of 10 000 rubles. And after a child's PD has been added to the registry, his operator ("Talent and Success") will not let him go. He will:

- Develop proposals for individual development
- work out standard educational programs, including those using the DOT (!)
- provide training and support, including the use of DOT (!)

As we can see, the support of the child is emphasized in the form of distance, i.e., when a schoolchild gets on the computer and is driven to the "digital platforms". Because only in the "online mode" the algorithm can prescribe for the child a personal trajectory of development.

And then the school itself is involved in supporting the child, and it will also surround the potential talent with psychologists. The forms of support are as follows:

"a) providing individual work with gifted children to form and develop their cognitive interests, including tutoring and (or) coaching support;
b) professional orientation of gifted children by increasing their motivation to work in professions, specialties, training areas demanded in the labor market;
d) psychological and pedagogical support of gifted children...".

Doesn't this all remind a direct quote from Peskov/Luksha's foresight "Education-2035" - "legalized slavery for human capital", which is organized by the "holders of its portfolios" - i.e. the Sirius Center and its big corporate partners?

It reminds us a lot, especially given the characteristic partner in the Yandex.Textbook Olympiads:

"The partner is the contest of digital portfolios "STI Talent" of the NTI movement (NTI - the brainchild of the creator of ASI, foresight expert Dmitry Peskov). Participants and winners of the second round of the Olympics can earn 2 to 15 competition points in three competencies: programming in Python, research activities and artificial intelligence."

So parents today need to think 1000 times before signing all sorts of agreements for the participation of their child in the Olympiads. "


Nov 8, 2022


Our sad foresight realities of education are such that by agreeing to participate in any Olympiad (from All-Schools to private events included in the register of the Ministry of Education), you must be prepared for your child to be given a digital portfolio, organized for "early career guidance" and led through life by an "individual trajectory".

Right now schools in Russia are holding a computer science Olympiad from Yandex Textbook, approved by the Ministry of Education. To take part in it, a parent must necessarily agree with PP from 17.11.2015 N 1239 "On approval of the Rules for identifying children who have shown outstanding abilities, supporting and monitoring their further development".
According to the Rules, participants of the Olympics (not only winners and prize-winners!), are entered into "the state register of persons who have shown outstanding abilities". The access to the register for "ordinary mortals" is possible only through ESIA (the portal of State Services). If your child is already 14 and participating in the Olympics, consider that his or her personal data has been entered there.

It is not less interesting that the register is officially a state register, but its operator is, according to the same PP 1239, the private educational foundation "Talent and Success" (the center "Sirius" in Sochi - a special federal territory with public authority) with authorized capital of 10 000 rubles. And after a child's PD has been added to the registry, his operator ("Talent and Success") will not let him go. He will:

- Develop proposals for individual development
- work out standard educational programs, including those using the DOT (!)
- provide training and support, including the use of DOT (!)

As we can see, the support of the child is emphasized in the form of distance, i.e., when a schoolchild gets on the computer and is driven to the "digital platforms". Because only in the "online mode" the algorithm can prescribe for the child a personal trajectory of development.

And then the school itself is involved in supporting the child, and it will also surround the potential talent with psychologists. The forms of support are as follows:

"a) providing individual work with gifted children to form and develop their cognitive interests, including tutoring and (or) coaching support;
b) professional orientation of gifted children by increasing their motivation to work in professions, specialties, training areas demanded in the labor market;
d) psychological and pedagogical support of gifted children...".

Doesn't this all remind a direct quote from Peskov/Luksha's foresight "Education-2035" - "legalized slavery for human capital", which is organized by the "holders of its portfolios" - i.e. the Sirius Center and its big corporate partners?

It reminds us a lot, especially given the characteristic partner in the Yandex.Textbook Olympiads:

"The partner is the contest of digital portfolios "STI Talent" of the NTI movement (NTI - the brainchild of the creator of ASI, foresight expert Dmitry Peskov). Participants and winners of the second round of the Olympics can earn 2 to 15 competition points in three competencies: programming in Python, research activities and artificial intelligence."

So parents today need to think 1000 times before signing all sorts of agreements for the participation of their child in the Olympiads. "
Doesn't this all remind a direct quote from Peskov/Luksha's foresight "Education-2035" - "legalized slavery for human capital", which is organized by the "holders of its portfolios" - i.e. the Sirius Center and its big corporate partners?
"Bull's Hour" for Russian Education: Analysis of the Strategies of Foresight Experts Preparing Legalized Slavery for "Human Capital"


A very real threat of total "transformation" hangs over Russian education; to put it simply, the dismantling of the entire traditional system of transmitting knowledge. This threat did not appear yesterday or the day before: the plans of "innovators"-transhumanists in the offices of global organizations such as the UN, UNESCO, the World Bank, the OECD, have long been formalized in the form of international forums, summits, teaching aids, supranational charters and declarations. In Russia, this global wave at the end of the first decade of the 21st century was felt and picked up by two citizens, now close to the highest circles of executive power. I am talking about Pavel Luksha, professor at the Moscow School of Management "Skolkovo", and Dmitry Peskov, special representative of the President on the issues of digital and technological development. The analysis of their programmatic reports is becoming very relevant, because it is precisely according to these molds that our education is being torn apart today, and many citizens are still not aware of the direction in which we are being led.

Peskov and Luksha have spent much effort adapting the globalist agenda to Russian soil. Earlier, we spoke in detail about the former head of the "Young Professionals" department of the ANO "Agency for Strategic Initiatives", established in 2011 under the Government, and about his "ludiarder" principles (ludiarders - the new slaveholders, owners of human capital or "one button people", as defined by Peskov himself). His colleague from the defunct Metaver and Re-Engineering Futures projects Pavel Luksha (it is typical for these guys to mimic the situation and create one-day offices with pathos slogans) was left without our attention. It is high time to correct this oversight.

Luksha, an economics graduate of the Higher School of Economics, proudly calls himself an "admiral of the foresight fleet. Having met Peskov in the late 2000s, he initiated the joint projects "foresight fleet" and "foresight-camp," the essence of which is to brainwash the business community and the brotherhood of officials with the agenda of globalists and "respected partners. Thousands of people, including members of federal and regional governments, have passed through these get-togethers on motor ships and tourist resorts in the last ten years, so Messrs Luksha and Peskov did a serious job at reformatting the minds of people using all the techniques of NLP.

Even before the establishment of the ASI, which began to actively implement the foresight practices into the Russian reality, Luksha became a professor at the Skolkovo Moscow School of Management and Economics and an expert at the Skolkovo Education Development Center (SEDEC).
Today he is called the Center for Education Transformation and is engaged in "global education", namely he helps with government grants for education at foreign universities, leads joint projects with the International Labor Organization and is engaged in research in the field of "future competencies".
What does all this have to do with the development of Russian education (over half a century ago it was the best in the world, according to President John F. Kennedy) is a rhetorical question. However, if we remember that Skolkovo was initially created in 2006 as a project of international business for cultivation and reformatting of the Russian "elite" (the project strategy was written by McKinsey, an international consulting company with an office in New York, the main investor was a subsidiary of Sberbank "Troika-Dialog", the project was then promoted by German Gref, Minister of Economic Development, the land for Skolkovo was provided by Roman Abramovich), then everything falls into its place.

In addition to foresights, Luksha was a cofounder of the Russian Neuronet Group. Today neuronet is part of the state program of the National Technological Initiative, which was supervised by the already infamous ASI, where at that time... by "coincidence", the equally infamous Mr. Peskov was sitting. The supervision of then Vice Prime Minister Dvorkovich, speaking at SPIEF, reports to the President... In a word, outwardly all this business is furnished very seriously, if only not to forget that neuronet - or neuronet, web 4.0 - was initially announced in 2008 as an official project of DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Department of Defense, the same agency that created the Internet) and joined the giants of Silicon Valley IMB and Microsoft. It is obvious that talking about neuronet in our country as a unique national technology from the point of view of these lobbyists is just absurd. Everything is much simpler - it is about promoting the interests of big Western vendors (producers of "neuro-technologies") and advocating the chipping/cyborgization of people by "technologically improving" their bodies and brains, and then turning them into a herd controlled by globalists. However, we'll talk about this later - neuronet is an integral part of the "education of the future" that the foresight-minded are trying to impose on us.

Luksha continues to regularly appear in the information field - as recently as March 20, he was invited to Russian Public Television to reflect on his favorite topic of globalization against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic. And he readily saddled his favorite horse:

"I think there will be a shift in priorities. It is national selfishness that is now causing this problem to spread so rapidly. Each country acts in its own way. They don't want to hear each other, they don't want to learn. In my opinion, there's just going to be some other contour of governance. And I really liked in that sense that the idea of revising the Yalta Accords is absolutely coming. But the question is that it is likely to translate into the idea of global security.

All the threats that humanity is facing now - the threat of epidemics, the threat of climate change, the destruction of the biosphere and many others - these are all global threats, before which everyone is absolutely equal
," Luksha said.

So, everything is said very clearly: Luksha and his likes "agents of change" bring closer the creation of another, unified loop of humanity management, which does not provide for any state autonomies, national-cultural and ideological sovereignty, etc. Like all Western globalists, the Yalta agreements, which ensured the sovereign national development of states and put a barrier to a totalitarian liberal-capitalist dictatorship, are not a dream for him. And to destroy them, of course, should be a large-scale universal threat - the current coronavirus hysteria is ideal for this. Luksha must be rubbing his hands together in anticipation of the emergency G-20 summit (scheduled for March 26) and other "unifying" events under the banners of WHO and the UN - structures whose creation was directly financed by the "owners of the money" (the shareholder families of the Federal Reserve and the biggest private banks on the planet). The heads of states will get reliable manuals for joint actions "in the name of universal peace and security"...

But we promised to tell about the threat hanging over the Russian education in connection with the activities of all these "progressors" - puppets of mondialists - Luksha, Peskov and other Grefs and Frumins - so it's time to move on to the main part. After digging through a lot of work by the OECD, the World Bank, the UN, Western (primarily American) innovative universities and businesses, in 2013 Peskov and Luksha created the international foresight project Global Education Futures (Global Education Futures) and a report of more than 200 pages with the same title. Naturally, this creation was presented with pathos at all the venues of the "agents of change" - Skolkovo, HSE and ASI - with invitations to the rectors of leading universities, officials, experts in the field of education and journalists. Let us move on to the essence of what the authors themselves present in the slide show, which the globalists are preparing for us, especially as many of their ideas are presented practically unchanged in the recent methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education for the transition to distance e-learning, which shocked the parent and teacher community.

So we are being asked to completely change the model of knowledge creation, preservation, and transfer. "Digital evangelists" explicitly say that education should be seen exclusively as a prospective market. The classical approach, in their opinion, does not meet the needs of post-industrial society, where everyone no longer needs "a set of general knowledge and skills", no need for fundamental education - strictly defined skills that are formed at the request of the employer will suffice.

Of course, this eliminates the need for a humanitarian, historical education, everything that teaches people to reason and reflect, forms their worldview and set of values. To understand and realize one's own history, one's own ancestors, one's own place in society and the state - these are absolutely unnecessary functions for the new customers of the process - business investors. Let us not forget that any investor invests his funds where he then expects to receive multiple profits, he also becomes the main ideological customer.

The key element of the education of the future they want to make mass open online courses (hello to the recommendations of the Ministry of Education), and they will be built not on the principles of diversity of national and cultural characteristics of educational institutions from different developing countries, but on the basis of unified supranational models - under the leadership of the "university for a billion", a planetary educational project from Western IT-corporations. They consider the course towards educational sovereignty in such an approach to be a dead end.

The innovators themselves admit that a person in the new system of education will not belong to himself - his personality, not to mention his soul, is worth nothing to business investors and "ludewarmers. The main thing is that the bio-object must be easily controllable and have sufficient intellectual capacity for development along the "career path" set by the customer. Everyone has a digital portfolio for life, so that people will always be controlled and managed. The apotheosis of this embodied "Matrix" will be the "Diamond ABC" - a mega-advanced artificial intelligence, which will be an "online tutor" of each person, determining his fate based on the analysis of collected personal "digital footprint". Well, to eliminate the last doubts, the system is directly called "legalized slavery".

Here we are directly shown how the traditional model of knowledge transfer will be destroyed, and what will replace it. Schools and universities will first be transformed into a kind of venture capital fund, and then they will die out of necessity. Indeed, what are they for if this role for the majority of the conditional "plebs" can be a server with downloaded online tutorials and tests. The place of teachers will be taken by "IT-provocateurs" (teacher as a repeater of knowledge, according to their version, had to disappear in 2017!), exams and evaluations will be replaced by metagames, diploma defense will move into the category of presentations and business projects, and the diploma as a document will eventually exist - because "student card" is now issued for life and education becomes part of the work and "legalized slavery" (on the figure in their plans genetic testing people separately tell a little below).

In fact, a basic command of logic is enough to come to the conclusion that "education" and "personal competence map" are dialectically opposed to each other. Well, if you understand education as "what's left in your head after you've forgotten everything you put into it," then yes, that's fine. Seems like the ludewarmers have had enough of that. About destroying the text (books, articles) as the main source of knowledge transfer - note that they are also talking about electronic books - that is any texts at all (!). We are waiting for the "augmented reality" and "uploadable images directly into the brain", remember? Foresight experts could just as well raise the question about the disappearance of human speech - this type of communication is already outdated, right?

The ideologists believe that the new education does not need almost any state regulation and unified standards. No FSES, no unified recommendations, no curricula... We recall again the Ministry of Education's recent methodology for transferring to distance education - everything is repeated literally word for word. Of course, all of this is a relic of a bygone industrial era, which stupidly and ineffectively spent resources on quality support for the entire system. Instead, foresight experts call on all countries to focus on "education for export" and to widely implement the experience of "advanced leaders", i.e. "respected partners. The ideal scheme for establishing neo-feudalism on a planetary scale, with all the processes being ruled not by a single state, but by the same group of "chosen ones" - the "masters of money and ideas.

Let us give credit to Luksha, Peskov, and their handlers-here they have indicated precisely the social forces and institutions that are their ideological enemies and opponents of all the above-mentioned, so to speak, innovations. Just look at the "creepy" characters that oppose them: citizens who believe in God and share Orthodox values (according to various data about 60-80% of them in Russia, if we are not talking about the church-going and observing all the canons), politicians and law enforcement officials who stand for national sovereignty, the academic elite of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the teaching community, and, of course, conservative-minded parents. Thus, all citizens of Russia, who constitute the unique cultural-value code of our homeland, the basis of the conservative majority of the Russian and other indigenous peoples of the country, are their enemies.

Thank you, gentlemen, for being blunt - yes, we are unlikely to ever become your supporters. And on the other side, by way of contrast, are the IT people, the business people, the NCOs, the youth and the "conscious parents" with their brains already brainwashed by anti-values. This is the kind of company that directly or indirectly pours water on the mill of the globalists, and who you prefer - you decide.

These were slides from Mr. Luksha's presentation at the Higher School of Economics in 2013, and now, for a full understanding of the foresighters' plans and the tools to achieve them, here are some direct quotes from the extensive report-project "The Future of Education: A Global Agenda," operated by the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (founded with support from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA). Those who are in the topic must have wondered why we left out such inherent elements of the future constructed by "progressors" as the legalization of psychotropic drugs and altered states of consciousness as the norm, the widespread introduction of invasive neuro-interfaces into people's bodies (simultaneously with the invasion of neuralnet) and trade in "elite gene sets" for cultivation of ideal future people. No, we haven't forgotten anything - we've just left it all for dessert.

"Our work is not intended to indicate the position of a separate group of developers. we understand that "nothing ages as fast as the future," and our task is not to give a forecast of the development of events, but to encourage joint actions to change the situation. the time has come to determine the vector of movement of the global educational system — to create a roadmap that allows you to coordinate and balance the efforts of various players creating new rules of the game in an open and honest manner. our work is an invitation to cooperation of those who are ready, like us, to be involved in the creation of architecture, protocols and specific solutions for the education system of the 21st century," Peskov and Luksha write.

No one doubted that these guys did not just generate ideas, but put them into practice with all their might – this was the task set for them by global curators. The roadmaps for Education 2030 have been created for a long time, and today the ASI, under the supervision of the Government and, unfortunately, the President (Vladimir Putin, Chairman of the ASI Supervisory Board), has actually crushed the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science, preparing for the mass application of "remote Internet technologies" in our education. If the coronavirus had not happened in 2020, they would have come up with something else, because an experiment called a Digital Educational Environment, previously tested in the capital and regions under different brands (NES/MASH/Contingent) is part of the national project "Education", 79.8 billion rubles have been allocated for it, which must be worked out.

And a few more similar pearls from the NLP dictionary of the authors of the report - to realize the scale of their swing:

"The future is variable – it does not stem from the past, but depends on the decisions of participants and stakeholders; there are areas in relation to which forecasts can be made, but in general the future cannot be reliably predicted, it is possible to prepare or prepare the future as we want it to be.

Our team consists of practitioners in the field of education; everything we talk about, we test on ourselves. We take responsibility for what we recommend and put the recommended principles into practice. already today we are creating a number of educational programs based on new principles, and we are also making efforts to ensure that conditions are created in our country for the development of the education of the future

A significant part of the Progressors' report, according to the classics of transhumanism, is the propaganda of chipping and crossing the human body and brain with a machine as a way of discovering "higher abilities":

"Devices are beginning to spread that allow recording brain activity directly and turning the encephalogram into control signals for playing, sending messages, etc. — neurointerfaces (e.g. Emotiv, etc.). Already now these devices are relatively inexpensive — we can expect that within 5-7 years cheap neurointerfaces (at the price of a good computer mouse) will become widespread as mandatory I/O components - when a sufficiently effective "driver" is created between the data on the electrical activity of the brain and the operating system. It is important that these devices fundamentally change the model of interaction with a computer: in a certain sense, "thought becomes material" (since the imagined action controls, and not real movement or speech).

In the foreseeable future, such devices will be miniaturized, embedded in the form of items of clothing, jewelry, tattoos or simple implants (or, in the case of body scanners, become part of the "smart environment" of the house, street, public space). By the end of the 2020s, as nano- and biotechnologies develop and converge, devices for interacting with the technological environment may begin to be implanted in the form of body parts or internal organs (it is quite possible that at this point the slogan ‘Intel inside’ will no longer apply to computers, but to people).

The limitations of neural interfaces are primarily related to their low signal reading accuracy. high accuracy of reading data from neurons or groups of neurons is now possible only in an invasive version ("electrode to the brain"), and non-invasive solutions (mass "entertainment" interfaces, e.g. Emotiv) give a rather inaccurate picture. As a result, it is possible to implement simple functions using non—invasive interfaces — for example, controlling the movement of a game character - but so far it is not possible to create more complex solutions. In addition, non—invasive interfaces allow reading signals, but not transmitting them - that is, it is impossible to create a feeling, especially to "load" some meaningful patterns into the brain. At the same time, it is clear that there is a strong psychological barrier among users to install an invasive interface — individual experimenters like Ken Warwick may be ready for this, but the average player or design engineer is unlikely to agree. However, there are several solutions that can potentially circumvent this limitation — in particular, neural interfaces can be built on nanorobots that are injected into the blood and placed on neurons themselves

As we can see, already in 2013, the foresight report featured "nanobots that can be embedded in the human circulatory system and then fixed on neurons." No matter how you recall the news that Vesti Nedeli reported to the Russians on March 8: Chinese scientists have developed a microfluidic chip, which is the basis of a test system for detecting coronavirus. The chip was developed by employees of Tsinghua University, Sichuan University Medical Center and Chengdu Capital Biotech Company. With its help, the analysis of biomaterial is carried out in just 90 minutes. As a result, the coronavirus itself is revealed, as well as 5 more respiratory viruses, journalists report and hint that such a diagnostic method is "now in demand around the world." So many more ways of poisoning us as soon as possible into the "brave, new world" can be invented.

"Anyway, the work on direct interaction with the nervous system promises great potential and will continue. It is essential that these works are not limited to building a separate brain-computer interface (brain-computer interface, BCI), but are also directed towards the direct linking of two (or more) brains through a network (brain-brain interface, BBI). Successful BBI experiments are being implemented before our eyes: in the fall of 2012, Harvard researchers conducted a successful experiment in which a person controlled the movements of a rat's tail through a non-invasive neurointerface (Yoo et al. 2013). At about the same time, an experiment was conducted with an invasive interface, in which one rat taught another the correct interaction with the feeder from a distance.

China sets in the near future the tasks of "positive eugenics" and the cultivation of a "generation of supermen". There is a demand for "programming children" (this may concern not only gender, but also physical and mental characteristics). Coupled with the developing topic of gene patenting, this may in the next 15-20 years lead to the formation of a large market of "custom-made children" with obvious social consequences in the form of the revival of the caste system on genetic grounds (the image of such a world can be found in many works, from Huxley's "Brave New World" to the film "Gattaca"). On the other hand, the development of neurophysiological solutions such as exoskeletons and prosthetic organs (and in the future - additional "firmware" of the nervous system) makes it possible to overcome many of the genetic limitations — this is the way researchers in the USA and the EU are going

Everything is said very clearly – there is not even much to comment on. Unless we note that "positive eugenics" sounds something like "good fascism" or "good totalitarianism". Once again, a characteristic feature of transhumanists draws attention to itself – an absolutely soulless and inhumane approach to a person. A living person for Peskov, Luksha and others like them is at best a biological object, a bio–robot, or even just a biomaterial, human capital, the efficiency and value of which is calculated from the amount of material resources spent on it.

"The education of the future is likely to become even more highly stratified. The division into strata will be determined by the possibilities of "live" access (including the cost of this access) to unique carriers of competencies — "gurus" and communities of practice.

Mass knowledge and skills will be transferred primarily through automated solutions (at the first stages — through hybrid online/offline formats, as in blended learning, and then — in working with fully automated mentor systems).

"Live" training will be relatively more expensive and, as a result, will be of a "premium" nature — and in most cases it will be organized not as a long joint training, but in the form of short intensive sessions. The content of this training will focus not on the transfer of publicly available information and the development of routine exercises, but on the development of complex supra-subject competencies related to creative thinking and the psychophysical "attitude" that supports it. An important part of such live learning should also be working with values and ultimate meanings

Well, finally, the famous words of our chief bankster with a transformed consciousness, Mr. Gref, about the "need to preserve the strata" and that "the transfer of power to the population is terrible things" become a real embodiment. Training with live teachers is a "premium option". Distance online education will be cheap, and human education will be more expensive (they don't stutter about being free at all!). For the chosen rich, who declared themselves the "elite", the system of transmission from person to person will remain, for the rest of the okhlos – remote and computer, according to the patterns of transhumanists. Here it is, the modern plan of the OST of Hitler's Germany on a global scale.

"Consequences for the development of new education technologies: 1. Assessment systems go beyond the education system (which is only a special case of such a system). In society, it becomes possible to move to the "merit economy" as a universal system for evaluating the achievements of each individual, in which reputation becomes reputation capital, allowing access to knowledge and resources (for more information, see the section new financial architecture and "reputation capital"). The natural development of assessment systems in education is their integration with similar achievement systems."

As you can see, the transformation plans of foresight specialists are not limited to one education. Here we are talking about the social security rating of a citizen (social credit), which is actively used in China today. Unreliable people are limited in the possibility of using transport, cannot take loans, and with a very low rating they go to special closed camps for re-education and "consciousness-raising", which continue to be built all over China. Similar projects of total biometric surveillance and operational capture of the desired citizens are being actively implemented in Russia today (and in cooperation with Chinese companies, for example, Huawei), so all this has long lost the touch of utopia.

"Achievement assessment systems (both in education and beyond) can be built as a process of continuous assessment in a game—like dynamic (approximately as it is done in an MMORPG, where the player receives points for each game action, and in aggregate - levels and related bonuses). Such a system, built in the logic of quests & achievements and built into augmented reality, can accompany a person for a full day — when you can earn points for a healthy lifestyle, correct social behavior ("moved the old lady across the road"), etc. When combined with the learning process, education turns into a "personal character leveling quest" when the student, acting as a player, develops himself according to the recommended scenario."

The key word here is "according to the recommended scenario"! A person does not develop himself as a creator, as a full–fledged personality, but is brought up according to strict patterns, being actually driven into the rigid framework of a strict evaluation algorithm from the cradle – his whole fate, the whole scenario of development has already been prescribed by specially trained "social engineers" - and the opportunities for self-activity, his own free choice are extremely narrowed here.

And now let's recall the words of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, said by him about the Moscow Electronic School project about the lifelong maintenance of an "electronic portfolio" for each student of the MES. Here it is – the same "personal development trajectory" or "digital profile" of a person, accounting and control of all biological objects according to a variety of parameters in society is the cherished dream of gentlemen transhumanists.

"On the part of more responsible parents, there is a demand for "parenting support", for educational and tutoring services that will allow raising a healthier, holistic and developed child. We believe that, as this demand is realized, the de facto standard of training future parents (and in some countries — at the level of the state standard) will become competent parenting programs, including within the framework of the already mentioned "family universities".

Transhumanists have not forgotten the favorite topic of juvenile delinquents – the fascist certification of the right to give birth and have children, parenthood as a profession for the elite, who were trained and examined by specially trained anti-values teachers–psychologists (for more information, see our material "The Public Chamber introduces a system of parenting").

"Since educational content from the point of view of a number of traditionalist countries is one of the possible threats to their intellectual and spiritual security, it is likely that censorship will appear, directly aimed at regulating educational content delivered via the Internet. In particular, it is quite possible that the governments of a number of countries, such as China, the UAE and Russia, will impose restrictions and licensing on virtual worlds with educational components, MOOC courses and other educational content. This will reduce the freedoms and opportunities of the Internet..."

As we can see, the uncensored use of Internet content, according to Luksha and Peskov, is not a threat to intellectual and spiritual security. There is no need to restrict virtual worlds, because this reduces the freedoms and capabilities of the Internet. These guys are not going to pay attention to what will eventually grow out of our children, who, according to Western media, have been looking for pornography, drugs, propaganda of cruelty and violence through the Internet applications of their smartphones since they were 11 years old - they have other plans. And a strong sovereign state as a terrible and dangerous regulator really hinders them. Read more:

"The object of management is changing in the state. If earlier the state assumed many specific functions, such as ensuring the safety of citizens, protecting the territory, lawmaking, issuing banknotes, providing various services (medicine, education, social security, etc.) — now almost all of this "package of services" can be obtained from private providers who (provided there is a transparent and competitive market) provide them with higher quality. This list of services even includes such specific functions as physical protection and the associated right to violence (private armies and private police).

Of course, the "live experiment" of M. Thatcher's cabinet in the UK showed that the privatization of state functions has its limitations — at a minimum, a competitive environment and the availability of expertise from private providers are necessary. However, we assume that in the long term, and coupled with the development of direct network democracy mechanisms, the state will transfer more and more functions to business and communities.

What remains as an object of management is the identification of citizens of the state with their belonging to this state. hence: the future of states lies in the development of identity management processes."

A detailed model of a "society without a state" connected by a multitude of social networks is described in Z. Bornheimer's article "techno—anarchism" - in such a society, all relations (including the right to violence) can be regulated by the reputation of individuals and groups in different communities. in the long term, we can also expect experiments with new formats of states, such as "virtual" states (setting "upper-level" meanings and rules for the existing network group), as well as "franchise"-type states (organized as a network of interconnected and scattered enclaves with uniform rules of life)

Well, in general, the state should only register the human capital of the "owners of money" from the cradle and further legalize the accounting and control of each biological object in the interests of TNCs and banks – foresight specialists do not leave him more functions. And the movement in this direction is taking leaps and bounds – see our materials "The State as a totalitarian business project" and "The End of the Constitution and the state". And what will replace the destroyed national sovereignty? That's right – the world government, even if at first it is shadow and digital, let it be covered by an artificial intelligence programmed by "unknown by whom" and "for the benefit of all mankind." And the adherents of the "global education of the future" will contribute to this in every possible way.

"The expectation of this possible reaction makes it relevant to start a dialogue on the configuration of the global educational architecture in the coming years. this configuration can be based on at least two models:"VOCO" (the world educational and personnel organization, similar to the WTO): the formation of a transnational union, within which equal opportunities are provided for the movement of talents and the provision of educational services, as well as guarantees of compliance with uniform transnational standards. Educational "Kyoto Protocol" (similar to the Kyoto Protocol for regulating greenhouse gas emissions): the creation of certain rules for compensating investments in talent training between countries. The beginning of such discussions will inevitably be painful — this can be seen from the current situation with the discussion of a new financial architecture within the framework of supranational structures such as the G20, or the solution of large-scale environmental problems such as the great plastic stain.

It is quite possible that such a process will be much easier to unfold through a dialogue of interested participants in the new education, rather than representatives of national governments

Then, almost without comment, we give a self–explanatory passage dedicated to the propaganda of data collection on all aspects of a person's personal life, up to his sexual relations (!). And that most of this toolkit will be managed by "human-holders" - owners of "investment portfolios" consisting of living people.

"... professional education and career are only a certain aspect of a person's manifestation of his abilities, only one of the possibilities of self—actualization. In this sense, a personal profile of competencies can be created, completed and applied throughout life and in all its spheres — study, play, hobbies, volunteering, networking, sexual relations. (Moreover, the reindividualization of education will become sustainable precisely when all these areas — from games to sex — will be naturally and "seamlessly" integrated into the process of building a personal competence profile.)

At the center of the model of direct investment in education is the idea of "preventive result management". By analogy with preventive medicine, which is now becoming the main area of development in industrialized countries (based on the idea that it is easier not to lead to illness due to a proper lifestyle than to fight pathology brought to an acute phase*) — "preventive education" creates an idea of desirable and undesirable development routes. some of these routes have already been deduced empirically (for example, the career path of successful research in physics or neurophysiology is clear), but most of them have yet to be calculated — and in this sense, the main emphasis of big data models in education should be placed not so much on exploring the possibilities of online pedagogy (evidence based pedagogy, about which we wrote in the previous chapter), how much on the study of optimal "routes through life", including in terms of social and financial success.

If the market for direct investment in talents develops, we expect by the early 2020s the appearance of the first "human investors" - owners of investment portfolios assembled from talents with a total value (in terms of expected income) of more than a billion dollars — about the same as the first billion—dollar fortunes in the credit, bond, derivatives markets took place at the time and direct venture investments. The appearance of "people-holders" finally legitimizes the market of direct investment in talents from the point of view of mass investors

By and large, it is to these very people – the representatives of transnational business, who today are already closely connected with the political elites governing the countries and have a huge influence on socio-economic processes, that Luksha and Peskov offer their services, speaking in this report as such, sorry, "foresight prostitutes". "If you want to make money on enslaving the people, we will tell you how, and even promote all these fashion trends, you will only support us!" – this is their motto, read between the lines.

"The threats of the neural network have been described in numerous science fiction novels, played out in films and computer games since the 1970s. - The most obvious of them is the acquisition by one participant of the neural network ("neurohacker") of complete control over the nervous system and the body of another - a genuine "identity theft". It is also possible to imagine the threat of such "neurohackers" introducing false memories, mental dysfunctions, programmed nightmares or even a death order.

... Almost inevitably, with the advent of the neural network, society will be stratified into those who will be ready to enter the new communication environment and receive its benefits and its possible "side effects" — and those who will resist it.

... although the scenario of the appearance of "forests of consciousness", at first glance, may look threatening (in the literature, such phenomena, by analogy with social insects, are sometimes called "swarm intelligence" or "anthill consciousness"), there is nothing terrible about them. It is not difficult to understand that the emergence of "forests of consciousness" is possible only for individuals who achieve maximum personal self—realization — since only such individuals will not have contradictory motivation that creates a possible "opacity" (conditionally - to do something else besides things to which they feel a vocation). In other words, the "forest of consciousnesses" is a natural transition from individual consciousnesses to collective consciousness without loss of individual diversity — and the culmination of personal self—realization

The culmination of personal self–realization as a "service" ant in an anthill or a worker bee in a swarm - sounds, I'm sorry, more than controversial. But it seems that the risk of complete identity theft, which the speakers themselves described in colors, does not stop them at all.

At the conclusion of the review of the Lukshi report/Here is a general slide illustrating the transhumanists' view of the "cognitive revolution". According to the forecast of foresight specialists, which is being intensively approached by their own efforts, we have only 10-15 years left before cyborg people, the genetic market of children, the fusion of humanity with chips and implants and full immersion in "augmented reality". Only our people, apparently, are some kind of narrow–minded and do not understand their happiness - they predicted the mass use of neural interfaces since 2017, but something has not yet grown together.

Finally, the authors of the report do not hide their life credo from us. True, it is somehow vaguely framed, but the general message is caught.

"The main source of renewal is the uprising of a person, this is a pronounced disagreement of the individual with the status quo. The necessity of revolution is connected with the impossibility of maintaining the existing order of things. A split is brewing inside the apparent calm, because only through resistance comes renewal. Our common task is to maintain this tension, to keep the dividing process in its unity, not to lull ourselves with pseudo-consensuses, to conduct a dialogue between irreconcilable positions — because only in this way we will be able to overcome the systemic crises of civilization and make the transition to a new quality. The future of education cannot be predicted, but it can be created — all together. Foresight is a way of drawing the future into the present, assembling it here and now."

This is already a philosophical thesis – and the most important one. We know perfectly well who was the first revolutionary from the creation of the world, to whom it constantly seemed impossible to "maintain the existing order of things", who is capable solely of destroying and destroying everything human under the guise of "renewal and progress" (the "gift" of the fruit of knowledge). Moreover, if you ask specifically these zealots of bringing a person out of the human frame – "what kind of new quality do you want to make the transition to?" - they are unlikely to answer you something specific. Thinking about this topic is no longer part of their tasks.

Already at the end of 2015, after a series of international forums-foresight brainwashing with good funding from "respected partners", the Re-engineering futures project with Peskov and Luksha at the head played its role and actually ceased to exist, and its curators continued destructive activities for the "digital transformation" of Russia in other guises. The same fate befell the project whose name is the report we are analyzing – "The future of Education: the global agenda": when we try to go to its website, we see that the domain captured by various bookmakers.

But this is not very reassuring: almost the entire agenda expressed by these globalists' mouthpieces continues to be implemented. Today we are clearly witnessing the germination of the "seeds of evil" described by us, and not only in Russian education, but in all domestic politics. And not only Russian. Of course, this agenda is 99% unrelated to the personal conclusions of Messrs. Luksha, Peskov, as well as to the ideas of employees of other nano-technological neuro-laboratories that they supervise. This agenda was born outside of Russia and has long been voiced internationally by structures with a much higher status than ASI, Skolkovo, HSE, Sberbank and others (i.e. their pocket backup singers who have undergone appropriate reformatting). But this is the topic of our next material."