LGBT+ movement starting to backfire (part 2)


Mar 15, 2017
I was just about to post about it, Richard "Rachel" Levine, the "woman" of the year, pushing for more children to be castrated via puberty blockers

I know this is a horrible theory [probably the result of having listened to James Lindsay's analysis of queer ideology]:

But does anybody else wonder if these transwomen are trying to get as many kids confused as possible because they know normal biological women don't want to have a thing to do with them... more trans kids, more potential partners in the future?


Mar 15, 2017
A cyber security and data analyst funding research into Twitter’s alleged child sexual abuse material (CSAM) problem said Saturday that the platform has nearly doubled its daily suspension rate on accounts that share exploitative content containing child pornography.

Jun 26, 2022
But does anybody else wonder if these transwomen are trying to get as many kids confused as possible because they know normal biological women don't want to have a thing to do with them... more trans kids, more potential partners in the future?
I think it's a reasonable assumption that that is a mid or low-level (meaning those that are actively involved in the subversion while only thinking about themselves) motive.

But i think the overriding motive from their higher ups - which the mid and lower level "footsoldiers" may not even be aware of - is sterilization in order to reduce population, with a big eugenics component (supposedly some types of individuals are more susceptible to the trans brainwashing/indoctrination that others).


Mar 15, 2017
Wow I read some of this stuff and this thread is about as scary as it gets. This is straight up evil stuff. And that Levine freak should be doing time in prison along with all the other people encouraging people to mutilate themselves.
When I started the original thread a few years back I had noticed the amount of despair I saw surrounding how LGBT brainwashing had taken over the world on this forum.
I had seen the blog post Straight men must date "trans women" to combat hate - Pulpit and Pen.
The meme says that “98% of straight men are unwilling to date trans women because of hatred.” [emphasis added].
*Translation* no, you can't make me, not interested.

That made me decide to start another thread to give hope to everyone else refusing to deny reality. What was being hidden by the mainstream media had to come to light though, and a lot of it is disgusting.
As more people know the truth, the more people are turning on the LGBT+ movement itself.

P.S> And it is evil, people who have evil beliefs often have a perverse sexuality along with it. The two go together as part of rituals too.
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Mar 15, 2017
I think it's a reasonable assumption that that is a mid or low-level (meaning those that are actively involved in the subversion while only thinking about themselves) motive.

But i think the overriding motive from their higher ups - which the mid and lower level "footsoldiers" may not even be aware of - is sterilization in order to reduce population, with a big eugenics component (supposedly some types of individuals are more susceptible to the trans brainwashing/indoctrination that others).
Big companies, government officials and people in power all working together to encourage as many people to be LGBT+ for several generations now. It all makes sense sadly.

In my previous comment I am referring to the autogynephiles, not gender-confused kids. The autogynephiles trying to use gender-confused kids as their Trojan horse to smuggle in acceptance for their fetishes. They pretend that trans means ONLY kids feeling like they are born in the wrong body i.e. childhood onset gender dysphoria, not getting turned on pretending you are in the other sex's body i.e. autogynephiliac gender dysphoria


Sep 21, 2021
P.S> And it is evil, people who have evil beliefs often have a perverse sexuality along with it. The two go together as part of rituals too.
The "founder" of LGBTQ+ movement, is satan, himself... the "instigator" of all forms of sexual perversion... The devil (a.k.a baphomet) is the "personification of homosexuality..." and all other sexually immoral behaviors...


Mar 15, 2017
It looks like reality is starting to hit some transwomen. The article is worth reading.

....Any time women made it known that, as one half of a sexually dimorphic species, we can spot the phenotypical traits of men before we clock literally anything else about them, we were shouted down, expelled, fired or attacked. But the threats did nothing to change our innate sexual attraction.....
The end result is a lot of lonely, unhappy “transbians.” Promised by all of our major institutions that only raging bigots would see through their fancy dress, they gather on internet fora and post through the stages of grief. Incredibly, the first of those stages is often surprise.
Peppered among the sexy selfies in divorced-dad apartments, in Facebook groups like “Transgender Lesbians” and “How to girl” and the subreddits r/MtF, r/AskTransgender, and r/MTFSelfieTrain, they run the gauntlet from hope to shock to despair to rage....



Mar 15, 2017

It is amazing this needs to be said, but the 2020s is a crazy era:

The Ontario College of Teachers has completed a review of the situation involving a male teacher wearing enormous prosthetic breasts to class. They concluded that professional conduct provisions do not need to be strengthened because it is already within the power of the board to find a solution.

A timeline of events on the group’s website documents the protests, bomb threats, and threats of gun violence that staff and students have been subjected to, and describes the frustration parents have felt at having their concerns ignored by the school board.

According to lawyer Howard Levitt in a recent article in the Financial Post, the parents have a strong case. Levitt believes the suggestion that the HDSB is legally unable to ask Lemieux not to wear the fetish gear in the classroom “is so stupid and contrary to law that we wonder what motivated it.”



Mar 15, 2017
The backlash against this man must have been huge for a video trying to get pity:

No woman unbrainwashed by the Woke ideology has been impressed by a man advertising women's hygiene products.
No woman is going to approach a man, asking if he has a spare tampon EVER.
The guilt trip at the end, claiming it transphobia that caused us to protest is beyond pathetic.
It took balls to be so bold.


Jul 24, 2022
As some wiseacre once said, "Keep on pretending long enough, and reality will turn around and bite you in your arse." Or something to that effect.

Case in point: my long lost nephew, who decided a few years ago that he was "trans" (at the ripe old age of 50 or so) has finally been bitten by reality.

The reality being, ain't nobody going to play "pretend Barbie" with his stupid ass anymore.

He is now jobless with no car and no prospects. Sucks to be you, Kiddo!

Too bad, after having a successful career as a long-haul trucker and tow truck driver and an airport concierge. Threw it all away to wear fake teats and wear makeup and be an even MORE highly annoying dumbass. Looked like the ugliest female Klingon in the Star Trek universe but pretended to be ... well, I don't know WHAT he was pretending, but if it was the ugliest female Klingon in the Star Trek universe, he sure took the cake!

What a moron.


Mar 15, 2017
As some wiseacre once said, "Keep on pretending long enough, and reality will turn around and bite you in your arse." Or something to that effect.

Case in point: my long lost nephew, who decided a few years ago that he was "trans" (at the ripe old age of 50 or so) has finally been bitten by reality.

The reality being, ain't nobody going to play "pretend Barbie" with his stupid ass anymore.

He is now jobless with no car and no prospects. Sucks to be you, Kiddo!

Too bad, after having a successful career as a long-haul trucker and tow truck driver and an airport concierge. Threw it all away to wear fake teats and wear makeup and be an even MORE highly annoying dumbass. Looked like the ugliest female Klingon in the Star Trek universe but pretended to be ... well, I don't know WHAT he was pretending, but if it was the ugliest female Klingon in the Star Trek universe, he sure took the cake!

What a moron.
It sounds like your nephew's life is wrecked from living in an imaginary world 24/7 and expecting the world to change for real. So many more lives are going down the gurgler the same way. Frankly the vast majority of people only want sane people around them. Life is already stressful enough.
e.g. There is no way my husband where would hire someone trans. There are enough problems juggling people's shifts and maternity leave without having to juggle pronouns as well.

Maybe "in the olden days" sticking people like your nephew in a psychiatric hospital was way too harsh, but why did society have to go the other extreme and tell NORMAL people we had to deny reality or else we were transphobic, lose our jobs, lose family members who were woke etc...?!!!

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
It sounds like your nephew's life is wrecked from living in an imaginary world 24/7 and expecting the world to change for real. So many more lives are going down the gurgler the same way. Frankly the vast majority of people only want sane people around them. Life is already stressful enough.
e.g. There is no way my husband where would hire someone trans. There are enough problems juggling people's shifts and maternity leave without having to juggle pronouns as well.

Maybe "in the olden days" sticking people like your nephew in a psychiatric hospital was way too harsh, but why did society have to go the other extreme and tell NORMAL people we had to deny reality or else we were transphobic, lose our jobs, lose family members who were woke etc...?!!!
I think a lot of people are genuinely unhappy and the trans “gender euphoria” is marketed hard from a young age as a liberating, brave and original thing for a person to pursue.



Sep 21, 2021
I think a lot of people are genuinely unhappy and the trans “gender euphoria” is marketed hard from a young age as a liberating, brave and original thing for a person to pursue.

It's another BIG LIE by satan being propagated by his minions...The basic evil agenda "to steal, kill, and destroy..." have never changed... The Only true, "liberating, brave and original thing for a person to pursue" is God Almighty's salvation through Jesus Christ, Who is "The Way, The Truth, and The Life..." He is the Only "Truth that sets people free..."


Mar 15, 2017
MA content. It was released to expose the disgusting teacher.
CHICAGO – Dec. 7, 2022] Project Veritas released a new video today exposing a high-ranking private school official, Joseph Bruno, who admitted that he teaches underage children about sex with items such as “butt-plugs” and “dildos.”


Mar 15, 2017
I think a lot of people are genuinely unhappy and the trans “gender euphoria” is marketed hard from a young age as a liberating, brave and original thing for a person to pursue.

It's another BIG LIE by satan being propagated by his minions...The basic evil agenda "to steal, kill, and destroy..." have never changed... The Only true, "liberating, brave and original thing for a person to pursue" is God Almighty's salvation through Jesus Christ, Who is "The Way, The Truth, and The Life..." He is the Only "Truth that sets people free..."
I 100 % agree with both of you. They are not contradictory statements.

If young people were brought up secure in their identity in all aspects of life- mind body and spirit - the pro-LGBT+ and now trans-propaganda would never have been so successful.

Part of growing up is accepting what God has given to us - I know too well why some resent being given the body they have. Reality will hit every trans-person one day... and for some it will be too late to do a u-turn to normality.

It is as if young people are encouraged to reject the body God gave them, and therefore seek what that they believe they should be, not what they are.
Oct 2, 2017
I was just about to post about it, Richard "Rachel" Levine, the "woman" of the year, pushing for more children to be castrated via puberty blockers

Isnt he also the guy that let thousands of old people die of covid in nursing homes after removing his own mother from the home she was at?


Mar 15, 2017
For context I found a good, relatively short article which critically examines a novelist's impact on society through his writings about his transition to a transwoman.
I looked for it after having read his daughter's story about what impact it had on her and his family. It is tragic. I hope the Times leave the article accessible.
Jan Morris was a trans pioneer — and a cruel parent

Everyone is told we should support the transwoman. What about the family?
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Jun 26, 2022
If young people were brought up secure in their identity in all aspects of life- mind body and spirit - the pro-LGBT+ and now trans-propaganda would never have been so successful.

Part of growing up is accepting what God has given to us - I know too well why some resent being given the body they have. Reality will hit every trans-person one day... and for some it will be too late to do a u-turn to normality.

It is as if young people are encouraged to reject the body God gave them, and therefore seek what that they believe they should be, not what they are.
I agree with what you're saying, but at the same time i feel the need to point out that perhaps it may not be their BODY that these people are rejecting (although i cannot deny that it is the body that gets affected the most with these chemical castrations and mutilating surgeries).

To elaborate, i thank God every day that I was not born 15-20 years later, because i don't know what all this ideology - and the forced acceptance and affrimation of it - would have done to me.

I never had a problem with having a female body, but the expectations placed on females, the gender roles - be pretty, popular, flirtatious, outgoing, be into fashion, what forms of media should be enjoyed, what hobbies are acceptable - let's just say that i never fit in. The majority of my friends were boys and i never learned how to play the "girl politics" or i dont know what to call it, but the unspoken rules of female friendship that i never understood. As a grown woman i still don't understand them!

My mother constantly berated me and called me "masculine" since i was a toddler because of the way i would play, and once i grew older, my lack of interest in fashion. My dad all but gave up on me as a girl and focused all his father-daughter attention on my same age female cousin. He was a good father, not abusive, but treated me more as a father would treat a son.

Anyway, i never rejected my God-given female sex, but part of it is that growing up the idea of a child CHOOSING to change sex was unthinkable, not promoted and encouraged. It's a lot more difficult to be a misfit tomboy in a culture where from almost every source the message is "you're really a boy!" and becoming one will fix all your problems.

I really feel for these girls and young women who are being tricked that there is only one way to be a female and if you dont fit into the generalizations it must mean you're in the wrong body.

And i notice that the alt media will bring up the issue of "body disphoria" being a cause of these girls confusion (saying things like "all teenagers are uncomfortable at some point in their changing/undergoing puberty bodies), but usually ignore the social aspects and difficulties that may exist as well. Some of us have no issue with our body, we just struggle to navigate the expectations placed on us because of our gender.