Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jun 2, 2021
They will have a comeback next year and Key himself has proclaimed this. If their comeback is successful, it will be only because of emotional marketing. Not because of their talent.
I have strange feelings about this I think his breakdown was pre-planned and his members also knew about it. The way they have been creating hype since January about a Sh!nee comeback 2023. Also, did you not find it strange how UMJ just randomly decided to stream Sh!nee's Japanese concerts from Jan 7 to Jan 13 and then on 14 they broke the news about his mental health. It's like they were building up for it so they could hit fans with maximum emotional impact. Of course I am not saying he faked it he probably was actually feeling stressed out because of the's more like they knew he was struggling and they decided to use it to get richer like they always do with J0nghyun. I also think they deliberately played the VCR with jj0ng on B1stro because they wanted to create an emotional moment. Looking back at it now his pre-enlistment era was full of emotional marketing like K3y making a whole fuss about it on ILA, everyone in 5M sending him goodbye messages, the incident at B1stro it all feels suspicious. Again I am not blaming him or invalidating his struggles I just don't trust SM anymore. That company released Poet|Artist less than a month after Jj0ng's death and even made the members perform all pre-scheduled concerts for 2018. Then Sh1nee promoted continuously for 4 back to back releases the same year. SM used Jj0ng's death to earn as much money as they could during 2018 and I am sure LSM would be willing to do it again with Sh1nee.
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Mar 1, 2021
even if people in music groups were friends i think the pressure of fame would really strain that friendship.. this is not just a kpop thing, people used to think 1d were great friends back in the day... now look at them dissing each other in interviews
Louis said the Larry ship destroyed his friendship with Harry. Fame has destroyed a lot of friendships.


Feb 7, 2022
Is end written on that shutter. God knows what is meaning of it
I think one of the versions for their albums or concept photos was called "end". But yeah very weird. I also mentioned a while back how I noticed in their music video they had a sign that said "child lp bar" and the same thing was also written in blackpinks music video for shut down. Very creepy


Jun 26, 2022
Mar 1, 2021
They got guts. They are filing a case on ceo for sexual physical assault. They have evidence. Now what sk govt will do we will see. Wow they revealed what goes in industry
They're doing the right thing. Those kids will be blackballed but it's worth it if they get a settlement and the court finds justice.
Mar 1, 2021
I agree with you on this one. It is hard to explain what depression is like to someone who has not personally experienced it. Moreover, mental health issues are not taken seriously in Korea. I also think J0nghyun himself had lost the will to live by 2017. The VCR @btach posted earlier shows him being defeated in a boxing match. The opponent he was fighting was his depression. He showed that he no longer had the strength to fight his depression. His song lonely talks about how he no longer finds joy in things he once loved to do. Being an idol, it was part of his job to show himself happy and smiling all the time in front of the fans but in reality, he was suffering. Let's not forget that all the conversations about Korean celebrities and mental health started AFTER his death which means before his death it was probably much more difficult to get access to proper help in SK.

K3y and M1nho also wear some of Jj0ng's accessories. I think he was close to the members like you are close to your long-time co-workers. He called only T@emin to 4 things show and he gave his suicide note to 9Nine not his members which implies that he was closer to her than his members. Fans are dumb they believe everything their idols show them in front of cameras. Jj0ngkey, M1nkey, Jj0ngTae, 2min these are all fake ships to make fans believe that they are all innocent virgins who have no interest in women or dating. T@ekook and Jikook used to be so popular but now look at them. The Maknae line in BTS barely interacts these days. M1nho seems closer to Changm1n than any of his members, K3y is closer to T@eyeon and T@emin is closest to Kwonho.

About essem idols appearing less close yes it could be because of intense competition but I also think it could be because most essem idols come from relatively well-off backgrounds. There is at least 1 rich idol in each essem group and not many of them have pre-debut stories about living in poverty. Poorer groups tend to have stronger bonds imo because often the group members have only each other to rely on for support. BTS were closer before they blew up after they became millionaires the bond weakened.
Money shows who truly friends. During debut, Jj0ng was kind to Taem1n, giving warm smiles or encouragement. He was always sweet to him, compared to the others. Minh0 would baby him but didn't have the same bond, none of them did. I think he didn't give the letter to Taem1n because he wouldn't have kept it until Jj0ng died. He didn't want to burden Taem1n, or make him feel responsible. Taem1n would've done something to get help, but it wouldn't have been enough.

Jj0ng clearly gave up. When he cried on his last day at Blu3 L1ght, how close was that to the day he died? Many traumas added up to create the push that sent him spiraling. Losing show could have been the last straw. Kpop groups are a workspaces. There's friends, enemies, bullies and bullied, but it's usually not where you find support. Rich idols unless they're taught humility and kindness, have no use for the others unless they have connections or are popular. Observe how idols treat people outside their jobs. If the person can't give them anything, how do they act. A few idols or actors have reputations that are awful towards staff.