You wouldn't want to spread covid in the grocery store.
0:36. footage of a man staring off at the ceiling before he spins and collapses.
this isnt the first video of a vax victim having this type of body spasm before dying... some simply collapse but others experience this.
this is strange that so many do seem to
be Seeing something before they spiral out
I watched a twitter clip with the compilation that is in your video and i didn't know what to make of the whole thing but i did hazard it was the vaxx and it's contents. No, i don't believe it's demons because it's obvious they are responding to something within their vicinity. I don't think it's 5G either. Now that i've watched both clips, it is very likely this is what's going on...
wasn't sure if this was the right thread or crazy stuff I wish I Knew what they were saying but from the looks of it seems the xav interacts with the phone
Cell-free gene expression is a vital research tool to study biological systems in defined minimal environments and has applications in biotechnology. Developing methods to control DNA templates for cell-free expression will be important for precise regulation of complex biological pathways and...
^^something in your body that responds to an external source of light. I don't think the black lights being installed are merely to identify who is vaxxed and who isn't. It is very possible they are installed to do exactly what is happening to the people in the it doesn't bode well for protests. Droves of people could spasm and die en masse....and what would the media say? Some new zombie disease....get vaxxed.
It's interesting that some of the people in the clips look at a camera in the ceiling. A building would have these black light emitting devices in the ceiling...i guess.
On another note, don't you guys think that watching all these clips of people dropping dead is actually desensitizing us just like gratuitous murder in films and tv shows desensitized people and created apathy??