End-Time Patriotism & The Image of the Beast: Build Back Biblical.....Project 2025 & Jan 6th Planners both want that


Mar 18, 2017
‘We have come a long way, but we still have far to go — towards the eventual formation of the Empire of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and ultimately the world government required by natural law.’ ~Adrian Vermeule
Edit to add ^^

Ever since i read this article months ago, i've been meaning to start a thread on the topic but i've been super lazy to do it. Reading the recent Politico article below has finally given me the push to start the thread as i have material that i often stumble upon, necessary to update the thread.

I don't necessarily agree with everything that Mr. Wolfe wrote but i thought it was smart of him to highlight this idea of "End times nationalism". Most agree that there is an NWO religion that will soon be rolled out, logically that cannot happen outside of a theocratic infrastructure...which would have to be in place first before forcing everyone to worship the beast, it's image and taking it's mark.

The Image of the Beast

There’s an even more dangerous scenario when it comes to patriotism. As I described at great length in my book ‘Maybe Everyone is Wrong’ we know that the Beasts described in Daniel represent kingdoms on earth, and that the fourth one is very special. It is prophesied to last until the Messiah reigns on earth. That fourth Beast is undeniably Rome. This is what we find in Revelation; the Roman Beast empire is what Satan gives his throne and authority to, which makes war with the saints and overcomes them. The second Beast mentioned in Revelation is not different, but causes the world to worship the first Beast again, even though it is extinct. It is a new incarnation of Roman power—the Catholic Church—and likewise is the “image of the Beast” warned about as Rome’s final manifestation before the cataclysms of judgment come upon the earth. The “image of the Beast” is the Italian Renaissance, a humanist revival of ancient Greco-Roman empire, based on democratic republic government.

America is a neo-classical, Greco-Roman civilization, modeled after Rome. That’s why its State buildings, courts, and important buildings are always modeled after ancient Greek and Roman architecture, with marble columns and statues. Freemasonry was known as the preserver of ancient secrets, and the founding fathers admired the Greek philosophers, as well as the Roman empire. They designed America be the image of the Beast, though they didn’t realize they were fulfilling prophecy.

Every former monarchy which was reformed (or violently overthrown) by Masonic conspiracy turned into Humanist Enlightenment Democratic Republics in keeping with the Italian Renaissance, and thus shares this same prophetic identity. Europe and America continue to “liberate” countries this way, forcing fake democracy on unwilling countries in order to spread the power of the Beast. This is how Satan conquers in the name of Liberty, and enslaves in the name of Freedom. Democratic Republics are vulnerable to debt, bureaucracy, inefficiency, and therefore cannot govern themselves effectively against foreign manipulation, intelligence agencies, and corruption. America is in the hands of Satan, and it wars against true Christians through its systemic discrimination, propaganda, and, yes, patriotism.

Is patriotism sin and idolatry?

I have avoided using the terms “sin” and “idolatry” in this article, despite believing that America is part of the image of the Beast system. I do not believe that patriotism in general constitutes idolatry, nor is a sin. But Christians adhere to a higher standard than merely avoiding sins. We need to ask if it is simply unwise, counterproductive, or another thing Christians should outgrow and depart from. I absolutely believe that patriotism is unwise for the believer. It is another master; a conflicting priority.

What does “worshiping the Beast” really mean? Traditional interpretations insist that the “Beast” is a single man, and that worshiping him will be an explicitly religious activity. How awfully convenient for the Roman system! I believe worshiping the Beast is not about religious affiliation, but service and identity—patriotism to a fault. Glorifying, serving, and obeying anything is like worshiping it. In fact, worshiping God himself is not a magical process; it is the simple acknowledgment of His importance, a deep reverence for His Word, and a personal devotion to serve Him. By this metric, people do worship their nations; whether by that we mean their race, or their State.
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Mar 18, 2017
Last year, Pew Research published it's poll results, the article title i thought was misleading.
Start at the 16min mark



Dec 13, 2017
we know that the Beasts described in Daniel represent kingdoms on earth, and that the fourth one is very special. It is prophesied to last until the Messiah reigns on earth. That fourth Beast is undeniably Rome. This is what we find in Revelation; the Roman Beast empire is what Satan gives his throne and authority to, which makes war with the saints and overcomes them.
Rev 2 12And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; 13I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is

The Pergamon Museum (German: Pergamonmuseum; pronounced [ˈpɛʁ.ɡa.mɔn.muˌzeː.ʊm] (listen)) is a listed building on the Museum Island in the historic centre of Berlin. It was built from 1910 to 1930 by order of German Emperor Wilhelm II according to plans by Alfred Messel and Ludwig Hoffmann in Stripped Classicism style.[1] As part of the Museum Island complex, the Pergamon Museum was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1999 because of its architecture and testimony to the evolution of museums as architectural and social phenomena.[2]

Currently, the Pergamon Museum is home to the Antikensammlung including the famous Pergamon Altar, the Vorderasiatisches Museum and the Museum für Islamische Kunst. Parts of the building are closed for renovation until 2025.[3]

Remember this is Revelation.

In Rev 13 it is said satan gave his throne to the beast.

For over a century now his throne has been in Germany.

What u make of it ?


Aug 18, 2022
That fourth Beast is undeniably Rome.
Hi @Karlysymon

Interesting topic for sure. What I am about to propose is just something to keep in mind in the future.

I am of the opinion that the Fourth Beast may not be an Earthly Kingdom. In other words, it could be a revival of something that existed long ago in the days of Noah...

Luke 17:26
"And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man."

Back then, we had the Sons of God and Daughters of Men tinkering with the Genome of the Human Race creating Hybrids. I believe the Iron Kingdom could be this 'merging' of Man and Sons of God.

The Book of Daniel tells us plainly that Genetic Engineering will be happening...

Daniel 2:43
"And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."

Who is 'they'? That is the big question. Aliens? Interdimensional Beings?

Again, this is just something to consider as even I have trouble accepting it. It is just so terrifying to think about... lol.


Aug 18, 2022
Every former monarchy which was reformed (or violently overthrown) by Masonic conspiracy turned into Humanist Enlightenment
I have spent a considerable amount of time researching Freemasonry.

They are all about 'making good men better'. Their ultimate goal is Transhumanism.


Aug 18, 2022
I have avoided using the terms “sin” and “idolatry” in this article, despite believing that America is part of the image of the Beast system.
Just a word of caution...

The United States is currently being set-up by the Powers That Be to play the part of the Scapegoat. In other words, the plan is to demonize the USA and claim it is Mystery Babylon. After this, they can destroy her and claim 'Babylon is fallen, is fallen'. Once this occurs, they will roll out their False Messiah and Mark of the Beast.

Whether this plan will succeed is up to God. Either way, I would not join in with that agenda as I believe the entire world is Mystery Babylon. When folks begin to point their fingers at others and say, 'They are the bad guys', a dangerous precedent is then set. You can see it in many of the Members here. They point their hypocritical fingers at the Vatican for example, while never pointing it in the mirror where it belongs. They are full of arrogance and pride.

The so called 'Bad Guys' are the entire Human Race unfortunately.

Anyhow, here is an example you folks have seen before making the United States Azazel the Scapegoat...



Aug 18, 2022
BTW... I find it ironic that almost every country on the planet is allowed to be Patriotic and reject 'Diversity', except America and anywhere else that has too many White People in it. Obvious agenda is obvious.


Aug 18, 2022
Rev 2 12And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; 13I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is
Just an FYI...

Pergamos is where the Temple of Asclepeion was...

Asclepeion - Wikipedia

Just my opinion...

I am fairly certain that the Temple of Asclepeion is what is being referred to in Revelation. It is where they worshipped Nehushtan, the Serpent on a Pole...


The Serpent on a Pole was a picture of RNA and Human Genetics.

Long story short, the DNA of Satan helped create Life on Earth, including us. This is what the Bible teaches over and over, though Christians are generally too full of themselves to see, much less accept, what God wishes for them to understand.

The Seat of Satan is literally in our Genetics.

Oh and...

The phrase 'Sharp Sword with Two Edges' is Bible Code for DNA. It is similar to the Caduceus. I have studied Bible Biology long enough to be able to read the Code easily now.
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Jun 26, 2022
I've been seeing so many articles in this vein lately. These polls aren't being carried out just for fun. There is a reason they are gauging the American public.

View attachment 81404
Is the poll meant to be purposely misleading? If 51% of both millenials and gen z republicans support the idea, and 10% of millenial and 7% of gen z democrats support it, how are they getting only 25% of total millenials but 34% of gen z?

Whenever i hear the idea of the US being a Christian nation it makes me skeptical. Where does "Christianity" fit in with all the freemasonry and deism of the founders?

As Mr Wolfe said in his footnotes to his article
While the Declaration of Independence against Great Britain references “Nature’s God” and the “Creator” as the source of human rights and liberty, this was never a reference to the Christian God. Freemasons very deliberately deified concepts (and gave them an uppercase spelling) such as Liberty, Justice, Wisdom, and so on, and their “Creator” was an agnostic and abstract one. But the Declaration of Independence has nothing to do with the legal system. For that we must look at the Constitution and the Bill of Rights: neither mentions God or the Creator at all. These are the legal documents that serve as the theoretical foundation of the American system. They are not Christian.
And so, if the people are led to "Christian nationalism" i can almost guarantee it wont have much to do with actual Christianity.

Mr. Wolfe has another very interesting article regarding the subversion of Bible-believing Christianity by different internet subcultures, all a product of a military operation. Worth a read in my opinion.

While it may seen unrelated, or at best a tangent, this article does much to explain what is already taking place in different corners of the internet. There is a growing community of disenchanted and disenfranchised-feeling young men that are adopting these ideas, and being pulled into their own version of "Christianity" and "Christian nationalism". These people reject Biblical Christianity while claiming to be defending it. They idolize Trump and easily fall in line behind their own (probably informant) leaders.

In this article:

  • How the military shapes culture wars
  • Why they need young conservativism to be controlled
  • Why they hate Christian family communities
  • How homosexuality and paganism are used as wedges
The US military officially (though quietly) authorized use of IIA against Americans in 2007, in the same month that the iPhone was first released to the public. It was a few months after Google purchased YouTube. So, thanks to Google and Apple, millions of ordinary people would have a free, high-quality video service in their pockets, which forever changed the way we discover information.
The military has official and unofficial social media networks, podcasts, meme-studios, film crews, and moles at every level of tech and industry. Once you understand the full power of IIA, you realize that they also shape events in a much more direct way, with targeted campaigns against specific people, groups, and controversies.
During the Weimar Republic of 1930’s, Germany’s culture was marked by an explosion of cultural degeneracy facilitated in the name of science, tolerance, and liberalism. The Protestant Christian ethics of Prussia were gone, swept away by a flood of atheistic psycho-sexual theories which dared the populace to either put up with endless subversion, or do something about it. Transvestites, transsexuals (including sex-change operations), drag queens, and underage gay prostitution were celebrated as symbols of anything-goes democracy. Germany’s heritage was uprooted by this farcical reinvention of government, and Jews were blamed for it. Christianity was declared incapable of protecting the national good. We know what happened next.2
Although it ostensibly promotes minorities and tolerance, woke culture is actually designed to generate anger, division, and intolerance. It hides behind the vulnerable people it is exploiting, and hoping for a backlash. It turns liberalism into a joke, and this is what fascists want. The Nazis who were smuggled into America after WWII took over the counterculture in the 1960s and have not stopped turning the Christians and liberals against each other ever since. Their plan is working, though not as quickly as they would have assumed.

Wokeness creates the existential crisis meant to coincide with other Weimar Republic conditions, such as hyperinflation, depression, and growing foreign threats. They want the world to think America has been defeated from within, by its own institutions, and that the Communists have won. They want Russia, China, and the enemies of America to rattle their sabers. They have installed the oldest and most senile politician in history to lead this collapse, and, at some point—only after things become truly dire for the US empire—the Pentagon, FEMA, and the National Security Council will authorize extreme measures, perhaps under the banner of some new political party. America’s occult fascist shadow government is forcing the nation to undergo a phoenix effect, but first it needs the fire. It will be truly terrifying when it happens, and Christians will once again be purged in the process.
When the Army wants to cripple an entire category of people and strip them of their influence, they have to go bigger than normal IIA tactics. The same meme war machine that boosted Trump to the White House is used to lay siege to Enemy #1, which is true Christianity and its tendency to form into conscientious, self-sustaining communities. Why? Because every time a crisis happens in America, Christians are the ones who jump to the forefront of culture, reminding everyone to return to God, pray, and fight back against every kind of corruption. The planners at the Pentagon are sick and tired of this pattern, and need to disintegrate it before they execute the Big One.
The Bush family—themselves born and raised from German Nazi spies—helped to discredit Christianity in the eyes of the military by pretending to be southern baptists and mingling their pseudo-faith with the godless wars of American empire, the drug trade, and more. It came to a head when they flew a Tomahawk remote-guided missile into the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001. This sent shockwaves through the echelons of the military, proving how far “Christians” were willing to go in order to undermine the Constitution and set up a police state.

Trump is clearly not Christian (although he pays bare-minimum lipservice when he has to) and successfully shifted what it means to be a conservative away from the Christian tradition to a more inclusive spectrum of disenfranchised minorities who want to be part of the American Dream without falling prey to Radical Leftists. The result is a “new conservative” movement that invites homosexuals into the tent and brings them to the forefront, in order to be the outspoken—and preferably even flamboyant—tokens of goodwill. This is why Peter Thiel, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Dave Rubin are all so excited about Trump. He represents the end of Christian pandering within the Republican Party.
How the redpill psyop undermines Christianity

This all sounds fine, but it’s tapping into a larger trend: the rejection of women, the egotism of physique, the callback to ancient Greco-Roman idealism, and the omission of Christianity. Blatant misogyny and homoerotic undertones are everywhere in the redpill community, since “feminism” is such a huge problem, and all women are suspected of being feminists. Being gay and hating women is considered more redpilled than being a loving husband.

Women are not only half of society, but they drive the behavior patterns of men more than anything else. Whatever women want, men try to become it. The opposite is also true, which is why women are programmed to be unsuitable for Christian evangelical men. Social engineers want to destroy Christian families from both sides.

Traditional Christian husbands and single evangelical men are called “Christcucks” in the redpill community. The psyop curses them watch their wives leave them for more aggressive, amoral men who have no shame or religious scruples. The wife of a meek Christian is always unsatisfied, you see. That’s why she secretly wants you to become a neo-Nazi, or join Islam, which is also depicted as being manly and proud. Trad Catholics and based Orthodox men are celebrated as pure and glorious in comparison to the Bible-believing evangelical, who are depicted as flaccid, prissy, and effeminate because they do not support violent uprisings, bloody crusades, torturous Inquistions rooted in ancient terrors. They insist on embarrassing strategies like writing, discussing, and logic.
In Huxley’s Brave New World, all notions of family are forbidden and ridiculed, while casual sex and hedonism are routine. In Orwell’s 1984, meaningless sex is likewise promoted by the conspiracy, while genuine loyalty to each other (ie. a rival loyalty to Big Brother) is unacceptable. The homoeroticism of 4chan’s “Reject Modernity” campaign tries to drive a wedge between “true” rebels who hope for a collapse of society, followed by New Age pagan glory, and the timid Christian family man, trying to please his wife and protect his little plot of land, keeping peaceful traditions alive. Rural farms owned by evangelical Christian families have proven to be the most resilient obstacles to the globalist agenda, which is why, today, family is despised and owning land is a sin.
The redpill community has a particular obsession with the masculinity of Greco-Roman empire and bodybuilding. “Men Going Their Own Way” (MGTOW) was one attempt to rebrand lonely narcissism as a positive alternative to the Christian family ideal. Working out together, sweating and showering together, and complaining about women constantly together is the cool way to make friends in the redpill community, and this is how the psyop tries to open the door to hedonism and gay nihilism.
In the redpill world, women are always framed as shrieking feminist banshees, entitled whores, and traitorous energy vampires. The ultra-male uses them and discards them without the slightest affection, feeding their ego and showing their status to the other males, whose approval they are much more concerned about. “Bros before hos” and other such slogans were likewise developed to break the natural bond between lovers. Traditionally, a man finds himself a woman, loses contact with his old friends, and drifts into his own family. The redpilled man is supposed to remain a rolling stone, unattached, obsessed with trends, and never far from a stupid false flag event to get him incriminated.

Despite what the memes say, most Greek and Roman men were not strong, nor admirable. Today’s resurgence of Greco-Roman fascination is simply a continuation of Western tradition, which was born out of the Renaissance.3 Christianity stood in defiance of both Greek and Roman cultures, condemning their depravity, hubris, and lusts, even going as far as to say that God curses them with “dishonorable passions” for their rejection of godliness:

For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. Likewise, the men abandoned natural relations with women and burned with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. (Romans 1:26-27)
This was not a random insult. Greek (and subsequently, Roman) societies were notoriously saturated with homosexuality and pederasty, which was so commonplace that kidnapping and raping adolescent boys was referred to as “Greek love” for centuries in different cultures. Pottery, engravings, and poetry celebrated homosexual pederasty as the height of Greek culture. Plato in his writings cautions his fellow intellectuals not to get constantly carried away with boys, and only to kiss them as a father would. And yet, for a rich Greek man to kidnap a boy to a remote location, seduce him, and give him gifts to “win him” was the highlights of their culture. The selected male prostitutes who played along were instantly guaranteed a bright future in the military or some other position of power. The New Testament authors, who were Jews, found the Greek traditions not only disgusting, but worthy of God’s judgment and hellfire, and frequently warned them to stop falling back into their former lusts.4

Marriage with a woman was considered nothing more than a duty to the State, since reproduction was a matter of obligation. Pleasure was found in other men, and boys in particular. The ancient gymnasium, and their famous focus on nude wrestling, was all about avoiding or conducting man-on-man r*pe. It was at the heart of their culture, and every society who has hearkened back to them for inspiration falls into the same trap.
Today, the same pattern is being promoted again. American politics is saturated with blackmailed pedophiles and their favorite boy toys, who become promoted to positions of power if they play along. Greek love hasn’t gone anywhere. They want to finally get rid of Christianity and return to that “tradition” and “masculinity” with every tool at their disposal.


Mar 18, 2017
Long read but for those who prefer video, there's a link to the webinar within the transcript.

And there are really these two visions of that. One hand, a clearly defined idea of national identity based on inherited group identity markers, such as ethnicity, culture, history, and authority. And then on the other hand, a much more globalist idea of universalism, diversity, et cetera, that embraced group identities primarily for minorities, but favors much more individualist identities for the majority population. And what right-wing populists do in many ways, is that they try to capitalize on a crisis of identity, and also sense of social isolation in parts of the majority population through their own vision of right-wing or white identity politics that, in some ways, mirrors or perverts the idea of identity politics on the left by claiming to defend the group rights of the ethnic majority with claims of also cultural hegemony.

And in the context of this shift, in some ways, from a faith-driven religious culture war that is much more about morality, to a much more race-driven identity politics, we see that right-wing populists employ Christian iconography, Christian symbols primarily as a cultural identity marker. It’s an identity mark of the “us.” They use Christian symbols, they use Christian language, for instance, but it’s interesting that they often remain distanced from Christian values, beliefs, and institutions.

That’s particularly true in Europe, but in some ways also in the U.S. So what we are seeing here is in some ways not necessarily a return of religiosity in populist politics, but in some ways a culturalization of the concept of religion itself. Religion primarily as a way of identifying the pure national community against the secular elite on the one hand, and the Islamic “other” on the other hand. What this is is then really, in some ways, a disassociation of belief and belonging of religion as a faith from religion as a cultural identifier.

Is the poll meant to be purposely misleading? If 51% of both millenials and gen z republicans support the idea, and 10% of millenial and 7% of gen z democrats support it, how are they getting only 25% of total millenials but 34% of gen z?

Whenever i hear the idea of the US being a Christian nation it makes me skeptical. Where does "Christianity" fit in with all the freemasonry and deism of the founders?

And so, if the people are led to "Christian nationalism" i can almost guarantee it wont have much to do with actual Christianity.
I agree. The NWO religion and it's political variation will just be decked in Christian garb inorder to gain traction, so yes, it will all have nothing to do with true Christianity.

Same with the Pew results and i think the misleading is intentional. TPTB realize that people have yearning to have America bounce back as the great country it once was, to reclaim it's prime, but the cyclical nature of history guarantees that that can never happen. So many people say: if America returns to God as a nation, then it can be great again. Nevertheless, those sentiments can still be tugged upon and exploited (for those in denial anyway).
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Mar 26, 2021
I actually think when Americans are honest about who we are, we are most poised to honor biblical principles.

I don’t think this because we are a special place and people by any birthright; in fact, I think it’s the opposite.

As we are reminded by Jesus, following his way is not a competition of lineages, it is a choice to accept him as lord and savior, humble ourselves and follow.

Of every nation on Earth, The USA is the least likely to be in the position to put on airs about tribal heritage or class and civilizational legacy.

We are a blend of races, tribes, ethnicities and classes but we are not in an official system of “elite” deference. We do not recognize any class as having a divine right to rule.

Our civilization isn’t old enough to carry the burden of ancient history and “demigod” like figures.

The folklore we do have — for better or worse — glamorizes, romanticizes “regular” people. Our most fantastical lore is about a giant lumberjack, a powerful railway layer and a preacher who spread apple seeds across the country.

Our current problems are the result of humble origin people— the poor of the world, the “second son” aristocrats, cultural “out” groups— playacting at being the product of other peoples and other civilizations. They’re wearing the costume of “ancient regime” “Socialist Intellectual” and/or aristocratic elitism that’s not authentic.

People from around the World laugh at our kooky seeming ethnic “identities”, as the guy or gal who claims to have family from another place, maybe had one ancestor from said place, 200 years ago. Plus, ancestors from 12 other places.

We don’t have castles here older than post “robber baron” era and our “castles” never housed active royals with domestic authority based on royal lineage (at least, outwardly) nor are they the size of city blocks, like in Versailles or London.

We don’t have monuments on the scale of those in Asia, The Middle East, South America.

With how big our cultural voice is around the World, we’re actually the most likely to be able to lay down idolatry and follow Jesus because the weight of our history is mostly on how we maintain our Republic, today.


May 11, 2020
You can acctually see a rise in the intermingling of Christianity and conservatism. We as the body of Christ cant lose sight of our purpose here though. People are investing so much time in trying to restore the country to a constitutional republic that they fail to do any ministry. America like any other empire will fall and come to its end. The only that that will remain forever is the kingdom of God and his holy elect. We need to consider our ways and prioritize according to Gods word. We need to prioritize proclaiming salvation, healing, and deliverance in Jesus name. We need to call souls to Christ and repentance, because what good is it if we save America yet the people still remain dead in their trespasses and sins and perish forever. There is no political solution to a spiritual problem. Natural man is in bondage to the power of sin and Satan. The only way America can truly be healed is by the power of the holy spirit. We proclaim the gospel and people come to Christ and God gives them a new heart and puts his spirit within them. If this can happen collectively there will be enough of the presence and foothold of God that real change can begin to occur.


Dec 13, 2017
Just an FYI...

Pergamos is where the Temple of Asclepeion was...

Asclepeion - Wikipedia

Just my opinion...

I am fairly certain that the Temple of Asclepeion is what is being referred to in Revelation. It is where they worshipped Nehushtan, the Serpent on a Pole...

The Serpent on a Pole was a picture of RNA and Human Genetics.

Long story short, the DNA of Satan helped create Life on Earth, including us. This is what the Bible teaches over and over, though Christians are generally too full of themselves to see, much less accept, what God wishes for them to understand.

The Seat of Satan is literally in our Genetics.

Oh and...

The phrase 'Sharp Sword with Two Edges' is Bible Code for DNA. It is similar to the Caduceus. I have studied Bible Biology long enough to be able to read the Code easily now.
Zeus was king of the gods in ancient greek religion and so the most likely candidate for satan in Jesus time.

Revelation 2 12“And to the ]angel of the curch in Pergamos write, ‘These things says He who has the sharp two-edged sword: 13“I know your works, and where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is. And you hold fast to My name, and did not deny My faith even in the days in which Antipas was My faithful martyr, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.

It is prophesied that satan will give his throne to the beast with seven heads and ten horns.

Revelation 13 1Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. 2Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion.
The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.

I find it interesting that the Pergamon Altar was reconstructed in Berlin at the time of the German empire... before the short lived Third reich (hint hint Rev 17:10)... and the annihilation of six million jews.
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Mar 18, 2017

"The middle classes could become a revolutionary class, taking the role envisaged for the proletariat by Marx," says the report. The thesis is based on a growing gap between the middle classes and the super-rich on one hand and an urban under-class threatening social order: "The world's middle classes might unite, using access to knowledge, resources and skills to shape transnational processes in their own class interest". Marxism could also be revived, it says, because of global inequality. An increased trend towards moral relativism and pragmatic values will encourage people to seek the "sanctuary provided by more rigid belief systems, including religious orthodoxy and doctrinaire political ideologies, such as popularism and Marxism".


Mar 18, 2017
It is my belief that these narratives (even if not based in reality nor reflective of what's actually on the ground) are disseminated in MSM to serve as reference points later on when the time comes for TPTB to roll out their agenda. Last year, the civil war narrative was as prevalent in MSM as was the narrative that Christians want America to become a Christian nation...complete with questionable polls! TPTB are planning something and we are going to have to wait and see how it all unfolds.
MSM pushed this real hard last year that i started logging as many articles as i could find. Many of them reference Jan 6th as proof of the trend but we also know that it was fed operation.


Even as Israel's hard right government came to power, the DailyBeast ran with this:


Mar 18, 2017
"In trying to understand these authoritarian energies, the rise of Christian Nationalism, and the crisis we face, my research has informed me that these narratives have followed very discernible and predictable cycles. Beginning with the merging of Christianity and state power in Rome, the tenets of the faith have been co-opted into aiding in the preservation and expansion of power. The religion’s persecution complex fuels larger concepts of apocalypticism that create life or death struggles where literally everything hangs in the balance and compromise and mercy are tantamount to suicide.

A philosophy of “righteous persecution,” forwarded by Saint Augustine, creates justification for oppression, telling true believers that inflicting suffering on sinners is justified if it is for their own spiritual benefit or the benefit of the faith. This has legitimized unthinkable horrors, including enslavement, genocide, colonization, and tyrannical systems that haunt our past and our present."

Compare that with this

"But what is the “image to the beast”? and how is it to be formed? The image is made by the two-horned beast, and is an image to the first beast. It is also called an image of the beast. Then to learn what the image is like, and how it is to be formed, we must study the characteristics of the beast itself,—the papacy. When the early church became corrupted by departing from the simplicity of the gospel, and accepting heathen rites and customs, she lost the Spirit and power of God; and in order to control the consciences of the people she sought the support of the secular power. The result was the papacy, a church that controlled the power of the State, and employed it to further her own ends, especially for the punishment of “heresy.” In order for the United States to form an image of the beast, the religious power must so control the civil government that the authority of the State will also be employed by the church to accomplish her own ends..

The “image to the beast” represents that form of apostate Protestantism which will be developed when the Protestant churches shall seek the aid of the civil power for the enforcement of their dogmas"


Mar 18, 2017
Theonomy as a theological program believes that civil law should follow the example of Israel’s civil and judicial laws under the Mosaic covenant. The refrain “By This Standard”—commonly echoed in Theonomic circles—is meant to demonstrate the necessity of looking to God’s Word alone as our highest authority for structuring all aspects of social life. Again, there’s much to appreciate in the criticism that jettisoning scriptural authority will cause society to degenerate into moral anarchy. When man rejects God’s Word, man will put himself in God’s place.

American culture seems irreparably broken and perverse. We are a nation in moral rebellion against God’s creation and Word. No wonder Theonomy is tempting and attractive right now—it provides an easy adhesive to fix America’s problems.

It would be right for a Theonomist to read this essay and ask, “But what if the nation, on the whole, experiences another awakening that produces a predominantly Christian nation? What then?”


Mar 18, 2017
Whoever planned Jan 6 and had agents draped in & clutching Christian regalia obviously had a motive for doing so.

A quick Google search of the phrase “Christian nationalism” will take you to dozens of articles discussing former President Donald Trump, the Jan. 6 riot, MAGA populism and concerns about the far right. But it will turn up almost nothing about traditional Protestant political philosophy.

The public understanding of Christian nationalism may include popular modern Baptist ministers and institutions, but it leaves out the early Protestant traditions of Christianity: Lutheran, Anglican and Reformed/Presbyterian. That’s a loss. To properly understand or critique Christian nationalism, one must revisit the 16th and 17th centuries, the time of the Protestant Reformation. Christian nationalism in its current American form is unique, mixed up with misguided notions of exceptionalism and what C.S. Lewis called “demoniac patriotism,” but the idea of a Christianized nation is not a new one, and should be seen as arising out of Protestant opposition to the Roman Catholic Church.

Learning that there were various blasphemy laws and Sabbath laws in the early American republic may be surprising to many contemporary Americans. Even Thomas Jefferson, the popular articulator of a “wall of separation” between church and state, drafted bills for Virginia’s state statutes that determined when the government can properly punish Sabbath breakers. In fact, it is true that most modern Americans have very little understanding as to what David Sehat in his 2011 book, The Myth of American Religious Freedom, refers to as the “Christian moral establishment” of early America.
Sehat explains, “The end of institutional establishment was hardly the end of entanglements between religion and governments. Evangelicals, too, believed that unrestrained individualism was dangerous. So, while states dropped government funding of churches, they still allowed for significant connections between church and state. They shifted from an institutional establishment to a moral establishment, one that placed significant limits on religious freedom.”

In the centuries between 1517 when Luther announced his theses, until the tide of secularization in my lifetime, it would have been unthinkable for Western nations not to align their identity with a religious sect.

Criticism of currently unfolding political persons and dramas are valid, but sometimes naive. This school of thought didn’t get started in a megachurch in 2016 or a conservative rally in 1972. To truly understand it, we must take into account the historic Protestant traditions, creeds and confessions that originally shaped it. Anything less than that will inevitably be insufficient.