I without a doubt believe all vaccines are poisonous.
I was 20 when my first child was born. I would never think of not vaccinating my children. Thought is was a good thing.
Fast forward 19 years when my last child was born when I was 39. Started researching because 2 friend's of mine children had severe side effects from a vaccine.
And autism was becoming a common thing.
I would say vaccine research is what woke me up to the evils of our health system, and government.
I know a few parents with autistic children that know without a doubt their children were different after their shots.
In my small neighborhood my son's friend's have celiac disease, type 1 childhood diabetes, severe allergies, severe asthma, ADHD.
It's quite disturbing the difference in my older girls friends all being healthy compared to my 17 year old son's friend's.
Back in the 80's children would have around 26 immunizations by the age of 18. Now it's over 80.
From my research my son never had a vaccine till age 3. We still felt pushed so much so he ended up getting some and I regret them all now with the more research I have been doing.
My son never had the MMR, flu, chickenpox, Meningitis, Rotavirus, or many others.
I just feel heartbroken how many children who have been injured through the years and it seems like most parents only wake up when their own child is injured.
I am eternally grateful that other parents shared their stories with me to help me understand how poisonous they are.