
Jul 28, 2021
Yes, the "why you wanna own it?" lady was at this year's Bilderberg. Although one has to wonder what her voting history is like in the Danish parliament. Surely, her constitutents mustn't be a priority, i hazard?

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I have met dozens of scandinavians and they are 99% idiots,the "politicly correct" people.
Political correctness came to be in freemason Mao's China and it meant that whatever the government says,you will agree with it .If government says one day that all rabbits are holy and the next week they say they are evil then politicly correct thing to do would be to nod along and agree with the government.Disagreeing or questioning why the holy rabbit is now evil is not politicly correct.
Scandinavians largely live like teletubbies ,totally disillusioned what reality is.Freemasonry has been ruling there strong for a long time and have managed to brainwash them succesfully.
During WW2 some Estonians managed to escape from Stalins horrors across the sea to Sweden.Common response from swedish people was "but why didnt you call the police?" after they heard what the red army was doing in Estonia(torture,mass executions and deportations to gulag in cattle trains).
Ukrainians should also just call the police to russians and the war will be over...
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Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Would-Be British PM Rishi Sunak’s Family Runs A China-Linked, World Economic Forum Partner Company Pushing Digital ID and Social Credit Scores.

Sunak's wife is a foreign citizen with a shareholding in the WEF-linked company.



Sep 21, 2021
I have met dozens of scandinavians and they are 99% idiots,the "politicly correct" people.
Political correctness came to be in freemason Mao's China and it meant that whatever the government says,you will agree with it .If government says one day that all rabbits are holy and the next week they say they are evil then politicly correct thing to do would be nod along and agree with the government.Disagreeing or questioning why the holy rabbit is now evil is not politicly correct.
Scandinavians largely live like teletubbies ,totally disillusioned what reality is.Freemasonry has been ruling there strong for a long time and have managed to brainwashed them succesfully.
During WW2 some Estonians managed to escape from Stalins horrors across the sea to Sweden.Common response from swedish people was "but why didnt you call the police?" after they heard what the red army was doing in Estonia(torture,mass executions and deportations to gulag in cattle trains).
Ukrainians should also just call the police to russians and the war will be over...
It's quite interesting that Scandinavian and/or Commonwealth countries are often in the Top Ten list of the so-called "happiest countries..." Haha! (Is it a joke or some kind of sarcasm?) :)


Jul 28, 2021
It's quite interesting that Scandinavian and/or Commonwealth countries are often in the Top Ten list of the so-called "happiest countries..." Haha! (Is it a joke or some kind of sarcasm?) :)
Ignorance is a bliss .A junkie with shit in his pants and high on heroin might feel happy and tell everybody around him how happy he is but that happiness is largely self-deception,artificial and temporary and is just a form of self-destruction..
Scandinavian countries havent seen any war or famine or hardship for centuries and that has allowed the freemasons to shape them into "teletubbies".Sun is always shining and no problems exist.If youu point out that they are marching towards collective suicide they will give you a speech about political correctness and stick some negative labels on you for pointing out the obvious.
They are being taxxed out of existence while being replaced by immigrants.Finding an apartment is nearly impossible because "helping refugees" is priority nr 1 and all realestate goes to them.Same if you want to go to a doctor or dentist - immigrants get to go first and for free,locals got to get into waiting list and pay.Or if they are rich they can go to some private clinic.
They trust their media,politicians and "science".And as long as media tells them that they are happy they will nod along and believe it.


Sep 21, 2021
Ignorance is a bliss .A junkie with shit in his pants and high on heroin might feel happy and tell everybody around him how happy he is but that happiness is largely self-deception,artificial and temporary and is just a form of self-destruction..
Scandinavian countries havent seen any war or famine or hardship for centuries and that has allowed the freemasons to shape them into "teletubbies".Sun is always shining and no problems exist.If youu point out that they are marching towards collective suicide they will give you a speech about political correctness and stick some negative labels on you for pointing out the obvious.
They are being taxxed out of existence while being replaced by immigrants.Finding an apartment is nearly impossible because "helping refugees" is priority nr 1 and all realestate goes to them.Same if you want to go to a doctor or dentist - immigrants get to go first and for free,locals got to get into waiting list and pay.Or if they are rich they can go to some private clinic.
They trust their media,politicians and "science".And as long as media tells them that they are happy they will nod along and believe it.
Wow, very interesting, indeed!

What's your opinion on this video? Some commented here that the lady refugee from Syria was "playing victim?" What do you think?



Jul 28, 2021
Wow, very interesting, indeed!

What's your opinion on this video? Some commented here that the lady refugee from Syria was "playing victim?" What do you think?

Mass immigration to EU is part of the Kalergi/NWO plan.
Seems like usual propaganda piece to trigger emotions - sad images of destroyed buildings,crying women etc.She ran away from war in Syria but left her kid and husband behind ? What kind of mother does that? It was safe for the kid to stay in Damascus but not for her or what was the reason behind that?
Because when whole family runs away collectively they risk losing their home/stuff in homecountry ? Better send only one family member first and after they get established then they can bring all the relatives across the border,and they all will get welfare money.Usually they send young males,i guess in this case they sent the mother who is now devastated because she failed in her objective.
If there was no welfare money and free living they would not run away to the other side of the planet to "feel safe".Perfectly safe in large parts of Syria and its neighbouring countries but nobody pays you to exist in those places.

One of the first things that these Syrian "refugees" did after they managed to get themselves established into Germany or elsewhere - they bought plane tickets back to homecountry to visit friends and relatives.Somehow that tells me they are not afraid of their safety but rather they want an easy existence.Same problem in England -Nigerians and other africans are gettind british welfare money while they themselves live most of the time in Nigeria.
I also know some people who are milking hard the welfare money with different schemes.One guy i know recently pretended to be insane,got diagnosed with schizofrenia and now he is getting 500 euros a month to sit on his ass and drink beer all day long.Taxpayers living 4000 km away get to finance his alcoholism.

From my perspective welfare money is cancer.For elderly,invalids and kids- yes but for anyone else i dont see why the f*ck should other people pay for your existence. If u are stupid and lazy then society should not pay for your existence - thats your problem,you have to work on yourself.No one can force knowledge into your head or teach you skills if you dont want to learn.
In soviet union they had a slogan " Who does not work, does not eat" and i think it should be brought back..


Sep 21, 2021
Mass immigration to EU is part of the Kalergi/NWO plan.
Seems like usual propaganda piece to trigger emotions - sad images of destroyed buildings,crying women etc.She ran away from war in Syria but left her kid and husband behind ? What kind of mother does that? It was safe for the kid to stay in Damascus but not for her or what was the reason behind that?
Because when whole family runs away collectively they risk losing their home/stuff in homecountry ? Better send only one family member first and after they get established then they can bring all the relatives across the border,and they all will get welfare money.Usually they send young males,i guess in this case they sent the mother who is now devastated because she failed in her objective.
If there was no welfare money and free living they would not run away to the other side of the planet to "feel safe".Perfectly safe in large parts of Syria and its neighbouring countries but nobody pays you to exist in those places.

One of the first things that these Syrian "refugees" did after they managed to get themselves established into Germany or elsewhere - they bought plane tickets back to homecountry to visit friends and relatives.Somehow that tells me they are not afraid of their safety but rather they want an easy existence.Same problem in England -Nigerians and other africans are gettind british welfare money while they themselves live most of the time in Nigeria.
I also know some people who are milking hard the welfare money with different schemes.One guy i know recently pretended to be insane,got diagnosed with schizofrenia and now he is getting 500 euros a month to sit on his ass and drink beer all day long.Taxpayers living 4000 km away get to finance his alcoholism.

From my perspective welfare money is cancer.For elderly,invalids and kids- yes but for anyone else i dont see why the f*ck should other people pay for your existence. If u are stupid and lazy then society should not pay for your existence - thats your problem,you have to work on yourself.No one can force knowledge into your head or teach you skills if you dont want to learn.
In soviet union they had a slogan " Who does not work, does not eat" and i think it should be brought back..
Wow, thank you so much for sharing these insights... really appreciate it a lot. :)


Sep 21, 2021


Sep 21, 2021
The Gutenberg Conspiracy...

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Sep 21, 2021
Would-Be British PM Rishi Sunak’s Family Runs A China-Linked, World Economic Forum Partner Company Pushing Digital ID and Social Credit Scores.

Sunak's wife is a foreign citizen with a shareholding in the WEF-linked company.



Sep 21, 2021
Whoo zreally are thezse Davos elitzse? Wef...wef! (Sesz thzee little whyt cat...).

Mar 30, 2017
Empowering discussion between Dave Cullen (computingforever) and Irish economist Melissa Ciummei on lockdowns, CBDC's, the climate agenda, and more:

I should listen to Dave Cullen more often because he always seems to have a logical and level-headed approach to what’s transpiring. I also think @DesertRose has posted some videos of Melissa Ciummei in this thread. She seems to be relaying facts about the economic “crisis” that lies ahead. Not surprisingly, Melissa being a financial investor, she seems to echoing much of what Leslie Manookian has said, which is decentralization is the answer and focus on local businesses because when the fiat system collapses, they’ll be the ones that’ll be needing our support and vice versa. She calls the fiat system "sweat equity", which I think is also something worth remembering because these banks, investors and shareholders have done absolutely NOTHING to earn any of it. In essence, their "worth" is grossly inflated by a system that simply prints money, which in turn inflates prices of goods and enslaves the general population who actually work in it.

Melissa made a lot of good points regarding capitalism and that it’s on the way out and that we need to really start focusing on what life means again. I agree. As Lurker said here, planned obsolescence is necessary because it keeps people constantly purchasing new items, whereas, years ago, as Melissa said, items used to last for years. Not to mention, they’re doing what they can to have everyone on a cellphone. Such rubbish IMHO. As she said, “They’re moving us into a prison and your phone is your prison warden”, which is similar to Catherine Austin Fitts' comment, "Do not help them build your prison". For example, this article that Frank posted here with the public servants harassing an 86 year old man in a wheelchair at an airport because he didn’t have an app cellphone - good grief. It’s as though ideology has usurped logic and laws.

It’s also interesting to note Melissa says mathematically, the credit can’t survive past 2028, which would explain WEF making this statement:

Someone in comments sections of the video stated that the WEF is just the financial arm of the UN. They’re not wrong as the UN was created by the Rothschild’s/Rockefeller’s and would explain why certain countries have veto power and others don’t, especially since Israel is FOREVER breaking international laws in Palestine and towards Palestinians and they’re consistently being swept under the rug. After all, Israel is a creation of the Rothschild’s, not to mention they own the fiat currency/banking system and have given Vanguard (or is it Blacrock?) lots of it to purchase a lot of businesses and real estate in the US.

All that said, Melissa does say that it only takes 5% of the population to rebel and when they rebel, a revolution can actually happen. I think this is important to keep in mind because as she says:

“Good people are passively good, while bad people are actively bad. If good people are actively good, there is no force that can stop it.”
I think these are good words to live by because as she said, there’s no going back to they way things were and this may actually be a good thing, provided enough people rise up and want to see real change in the world.


Jan 10, 2019
I should listen to Dave Cullen more often because he always seems to have a logical and level-headed approach to what’s transpiring. I also think @DesertRose has posted some videos of Melissa Ciummei in this thread. She seems to be relaying facts about the economic “crisis” that lies ahead. Not surprisingly, Melissa being a financial investor, she seems to echoing much of what Leslie Manookian has said, which is decentralization is the answer and focus on local businesses because when the fiat system collapses, they’ll be the ones that’ll be needing our support and vice versa. She calls the fiat system "sweat equity", which I think is also something worth remembering because these banks, investors and shareholders have done absolutely NOTHING to earn any of it. In essence, their "worth" is grossly inflated by a system that simply prints money, which in turn inflates prices of goods and enslaves the general population who actually work in it.

Melissa made a lot of good points regarding capitalism and that it’s on the way out and that we need to really start focusing on what life means again. I agree. As Lurker said here, planned obsolescence is necessary because it keeps people constantly purchasing new items, whereas, years ago, as Melissa said, items used to last for years. Not to mention, they’re doing what they can to have everyone on a cellphone. Such rubbish IMHO. As she said, “They’re moving us into a prison and your phone is your prison warden”, which is similar to Catherine Austin Fitts' comment, "Do not help them build your prison". For example, this article that Frank posted here with the public servants harassing an 86 year old man in a wheelchair at an airport because he didn’t have an app cellphone - good grief. It’s as though ideology has usurped logic and laws.

It’s also interesting to note Melissa says mathematically, the credit can’t survive past 2028, which would explain WEF making this statement:

Someone in comments sections of the video stated that the WEF is just the financial arm of the UN. They’re not wrong as the UN was created by the Rothschild’s/Rockefeller’s and would explain why certain countries have veto power and others don’t, especially since Israel is FOREVER breaking international laws in Palestine and towards Palestinians and they’re consistently being swept under the rug. After all, Israel is a creation of the Rothschild’s, not to mention they own the fiat currency/banking system and have given Vanguard (or is it Blacrock?) lots of it to purchase a lot of businesses and real estate in the US.

All that said, Melissa does say that it only takes 5% of the population to rebel and when they rebel, a revolution can actually happen. I think this is important to keep in mind because as she says:

“Good people are passively good, while bad people are actively bad. If good people are actively good, there is no force that can stop it.”
I think these are good words to live by because as she said, there’s no going back to they way things were and this may actually be a good thing, provided enough people rise up and want to see real change in the world.
Wow good summary and interpretation of these challenging subjects. I'm pretty sure @Frank Badfinger first introduced me to Cullen. He is a professed, faithful Christian and I think that's why his sense toward world events mirrors many of the views here at the forum.

Melissa is a pip! Her strong ideals, knowledge, and confidence is comforting. We have to keep a belief that righteousness will overcome the darkness of the wannabee overlords. I think as you've communicated, she says the controllers will not achieve their goals; there's always variables that can't be predicted which will upend their schemes.

I agree with her analysis that the fraudulent pandemic had economic objectives- to keep the system afloat until they're ready to crash it. 2 years after it's more apparent that covid was only one chapter of the larger Agenda 21, world domination playbook.

Good point identifying Rockefeller and Rothschild because as the same rotten branch they are completely united, feeding like vampires on their usury based economic system. It proves to me again that Zionism and Protestant Freemasonry and one and the same force. I think the World Bank/IMF is technically the financial arm of the UN but we all agree the WEF has superseded the Bilderberg, CFR, or Trilateral Commission's influence. Patrick Wood mentions that the years Brzezinski, Rockefeller, Kissinger, etc. established the TC is the same years the UN adopted what were then revolutionary economic/environmental policies. When you start digging into history you realize the WEF control matrix has a very Zionist flavor, beyond just technology and finance. They expect us to celebrate being monitored in a shiny new smart city while they rob and genocide the native inhabitants of Palestine. Their double-standards and brutality are appalling. I just read an article this morning how yet another IDF cyber-terrorist was given the reigns to design government computer security systems including the WEF's.

On a positive note, to echo you and Melissa, we are the majority and can shape the world to our design. Financial capitalism (vs. even industrial capitalism) or the "old normal" has serious flaws that allowed something like lockdowns to happen. Decentralization is a beautiful concept. As the oligarchy construct their digital prisons we can still choose to opt-out, supporting our local community. The pandemic shook people awake and now we truly have an opportunity to improve our way of life.