

Jun 28, 2020
the gods they worship are aspects and facets of the ONE god. its like luke skywalker in his hoth uniform, his tattooine robe, and also having luke skywalker in his x-wing fighter outfit. they all look different and you can have a favorite, but its the same luke.
they do have idols; thats true.
Its simple Poly, either you worship God or you don't. While some sources say Hindus have 330 million gods. I hope the 33 doesn't go over your head.

If you think this is an act of service to the God of Abraham then i don't know what to say.
Oct 31, 2021
Invoke Satan how exactly? So because some one does not conform to the Liberal Lefts views they are Satan worshippers....Newsflash buddy! I do not believe in your Satan.

satan dwells in the minds of us Human Beings
satan reigns human beings (and thus, collectively, reigns Gaia) via invoking lust, anger, attachment, greed and ego in individual human beings

whereas TheCreator dwells in the Hearts of us alive human beings
He/It/TheSource/TheCreator is Thee Silent Observer

^as close as I can get one to comprehend (using reason)!

N.B.:- And religions will always remain at "my God is better than your God". There's no way looking around it.

Edit:- [grammar]
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Mar 19, 2018

"Leo's shattered body and the horror story from Sweden that reveals spinal fractures, stunted growth and porous bones are linked to life-changing trans treatments... so when WILL Britain wake up to the danger of giving puberty blockers to children?

‘Leo was little when she wanted to become a he,’ says Natalie. ‘I thought if this was his wish, I should agree with it. Everyone said Leo was brave to come out [as transgender] and I should be proud of him. Thinking she was doing the best for him, Natalie took Leo to one of the best hospitals in Europe where, at 11, doctors tried to make his wish come true.

A groundbreaking investigation by the state-run television channel has revealed he is one of 13 transgender children of the 440 treated by the country’s famous Karolinska University Hospital who are known to have suffered catastrophic injuries as a result. Their ailments include liver damage, unexplained weight gains of up to two stone, mental health problems, and — in Leo’s case — skeletal damage and a failure to grow as tall as he should.

He has spinal fractures and a condition called osteopenia, which weakens the bones, making them more liable to break. It is a disease that you often see in people aged 60 or 70 and is almost impossible to reverse.

Perhaps it is his mother who is now suffering the most from what has happened. She feels responsible for what Leo has gone through and finds it impossible to forgive herself: ‘I am the one who should have protected my child, but I did not do that in any way.’

Finland has announced puberty blockers should not be the treatment of first resort for children who want to change gender. Instead, they should be offered psychotherapy. In France, the National Academy of Medicine has told doctors that the high number of young transgender children is often fuelled by the influence of social media and advised that great caution should be exercised when treating them. The academy stressed that hormone treatments carry health risks, have permanent effects, and that it is not possible to distinguish a genuine transgender desire in an adolescent from a ‘passing phase’ that occurs during the process of growing up."
[reposted from another thread since it's applicable here]

Is transgenderism more important than children's physical and mental health? For the TG activists, it's apparently the hill to die on at the expense of the children they claim to be 'saving'. In other words, sacrifice the children in order to achieve their twisted opinion of the 'greater good'. There is NOTHING good about it.
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
why so many of y'all are so transphobic, homophobic and racist?
Is there really such a thing as being "transphobic" or "homophobic"?

If people correctly understood that they are spiritual-energy Beings that are TEMPORARILY incarnated inside humans to learn how to be good, would any of these made-up issues exist?

Why would anyone commit the capital crime of homosexuality? Or commit the capital crime of having their human bodies physically mutilated, neutered or turned into some abomination? Or commit the capital crime of judging themselves to be superior to others on the basis of the skin color of the human body they're incarnated inside of TEMPORARILY?

And what criteria are you personally using to determine/judge others? A worldly (temporary human) standard or a real, eternal spiritual standard?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
blah blah blah.
That's why I hate religion and religious people.
There's nothing wrong with loathing organized religions, because they are all destructive of truth and good.

However, your hypocritical hatred of people is what keeps you from actually seeing, much less exposing the truth.


Sep 3, 2018
That’s the lowest of the low; that boy’s “MOTHER” (enabler); a “woman” victim-blaming a young girl for the pathetic and disgusting fact that her piece of sh*t (I’m LGBT myself; and am 100% NOT “transphobic,” or racist.) “son” can identify as “whatever he pleases” til the bitter end; but shall ALWAYS be (due to his abhorrent behavior) simply the lowest imitation of a “human being” there is.


Mar 11, 2020
there is no God and religion is the worst disease ever and caused more deaths than atheism for sure
For sure, you say?
I don't know, man, Joseph Stalin, Slobodan Milošević, Mao Zedong, Marquis de Sade, Sam Harris, Michel Onfray, Vladimir Lenin, Hideki Tojo, Ellias Calles, Benito Mussolini and so on would like to have a word with you.

How about the mass r*pe during the occupation of Germany by the Soviet army?
Don't get me started on the subjects such as Atheism and violence, Atheism and alcoholism, the list is endless.


May 10, 2022
Bull shit. Its proven that its a mental illness. Gender dysphoria has been considered a mental illness.

Guess science is as fluid as the gender blurring now.
In itself it isn't. The anxiety people have because they are physically and mentally distressed because of how they were born biologically leads to mental health diagnosis. Many people who have transitioned or got to a point where they are no longer struggling may not be diagnosed with a mental illness based on their dysphoria. The anxiety etc is mild if not gone so nothing to treat. Mental illness usually comes from the distressing symptoms. I saw a therapist years ago who told me he used to counsel a man who heard voices. He had a diagnosis because of his underlining condition but when he learned how to accept his voices, he went to work, did his thing, and no longer considered "disabled." Whether he continued to talk to a therapist or not, who knows. But if there is no distress there's literally nothing therapist can do unless you can't take care of yourself or about to hurt yourself or someone else.


Jan 8, 2022
[/QUOTE]As for mixed race marriage, I'm not opposed to it. I think I would prefer my children to look like me and my ancestors. However, I find black and Asian women attractive and, if they shared my values, and I fell in love their racial heritage wouldn't matter. We are ultimately children of God.
My uncle feels like you do as well. The women I’m in love with is half Filipino and half white, she’s beautiful and I want to have children with her. Mixed race babies are so cute in my opinion
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Jun 23, 2021
Oh my goodness, did I pick the wrong forum. I hope this isn't true, no?
I notice some people these days are real quick to call anyone these terms when opinions differ from their own...basically a manipulative tactic. Also, many don't seem to know what these phobic terms even mean. There's a lot of different views on this forum and not just the standard politically correct stuff you see on other sites, I personally like that..But to each their own.


Mar 15, 2017
why so many of y'all are so transphobic, homophobic and racist?
COUNTER QUESTION: How come no one speaks out against heterophobia?

Right there is the real problem that has been on going in the 21st century and no one in the entertainment OR fashion industry wants to address it! The anti masculinity agenda that is attacking all men [especially white AND black men alike] is THE real issue. But due to political correctness, "wokeness", & Cancel Culture, heterosexual people are too afraid to speak out without the high risk of being removed from social media AND the World Wide Web in general.

SPOILER ALERT: Some of these Transgender Fundamentalists are the blame for this! But that is another thread for another day.
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Mar 23, 2021
In itself it isn't. The anxiety people have because they are physically and mentally distressed because of how they were born biologically leads to mental health diagnosis. Many people who have transitioned or got to a point where they are no longer struggling may not be diagnosed with a mental illness based on their dysphoria. The anxiety etc is mild if not gone so nothing to treat. Mental illness usually comes from the distressing symptoms. I saw a therapist years ago who told me he used to counsel a man who heard voices. He had a diagnosis because of his underlining condition but when he learned how to accept his voices, he went to work, did his thing, and no longer considered "disabled." Whether he continued to talk to a therapist or not, who knows. But if there is no distress there's literally nothing therapist can do unless you can't take care of yourself or about to hurt yourself or someone else.
Just because a dr doesn't say your crazy doesn't mean your not. QUOTE: "(Many people who have transitioned or got to a point where they are no longer struggling may not be diagnosed with a mental illness based on their dysphoria)" & then "(unless you can't take care of yourself or about to hurt yourself or someone else.)" LOL they are hurting them selves with self mutilation. Who thinks that cutting on themselves is sane behavoiur? How about the suicide rate for those that after mutilating themselves realize it didn't change their inner issue?
Feb 22, 2020
There is no borderline about it. The conspiracy movement is just a smokescreen for white supremacy.
People laugh at this but it isn't really far from the truth, if away from it at all.

My deep dive into the origins of the "conspiracy movement" pretty much confirmed this as a fact.

The conspiracy movement emerged from the freemasonic split between what was known as British Freemasonry and International Freemasonry. This dialectic plays out today with the fraudulent "globalist vs nationalist" narrative, again a conflict between opposing freemasonry camps.

The British Freemasonry supported rule by Kings as opposed to the "democratic" reforms of the internationalst and more egalitarian masons.

Of course rule by kings requires more of a hierarchical structure which is where RACISM comes into play, whereas the Egalitarians sought to weaken such ideology.

33 degree Freemason Henry Ford was a big pusher of the "Jewish conspiracy" theories of course Hitler as well, it's all based in Aryan white supremacy down to the North/South split in America based on SLAVERY and civil war conflicts.

The John Birch Society and its offshoots runs virtually the entire conspiracy movement and they were based on focusing white anger and racism and you see it all play out today with the Council for National Policy and Donald Trump, the contiinued culture war against "liberals" immigrants, crime etc. Of course the mainstreaming of conspiracies and white supremacy via Tucker Carlson on America's most popular news show. All a part of the racist agenda of the original Freemasons.
Feb 22, 2020
COUNTER QUESTION: How come no one speaks out against heterophobia?

Right there is the really problem that has been on going in the 21st century and no one in the entertainment OR fashion industry wants to address it! The anti masculinity agenda that is attacking all men [especially white AND black men alike] is THE real issue. But due to political correctness, "wokeness", & Cancel Culture, heterosexual people are too afraid to speak out without the high risk of being removed from social media AND the World Wide Web in general.

This is really a silly conclusion.

MEN run the world.

In fact WHITE HETEROSEXUAL MEN run the world.

Just because there are SOME social engineers pushing radical feminism and Trans genderism doesn't mean there is "a war on white men"

But that's the CULTURE WAR garbage they need you distracted by. It's all just a means to cause chaos and division, and responding the way you do you are just playing into THEIR game.


Jan 22, 2018
Just because there are SOME social engineers pushing radical feminism and Trans genderism doesn't mean there is "a war on white men"
There is a war on all men...and all women...and all children.

Who the fuck is protecting people from the psycopaths right now?

You may be a jaffa right now without knowing it (seedless)

Just look at the effect SOME social engineers can do right now?

Why are global sperm counts falling faster than your credibility?

Riddle me that!