

Jul 28, 2021
Some quotes came into my mind while reading this topic .
*"Feed the wolf as much as you want,bear's d*ck will always be bigger"- source unknown
*"Sticking feathers up your ass does not make you a chicken" - "Fight club"
*"The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name" Confucius

To simple it down for simpletons - no matter how much some people will try to normalize and force on people make-beliefs,delusions and mental illnesses - there will always be people who will see through that bullshit and call it what it is.Labeling those people "thisphobic" and "thatphobic" is getting kinda old,get creative and come up with some new negative labels what to stick on normal people.

I dont have no issues with people who are lead to the wrong path but i do think that those who lead people down that path while knowing its the wrong path should get publicly flogged.


Jun 28, 2020
why so many of y'all are so transphobic, homophobic and racist?
Honestly, they are all of the devil.

It is the devil who tells you to change Gods creation (gender surgery)
It is the devil who calls you to what God has forbidden. The Bible and Quran both agree homosexuality is an abomination.
Even Racism, it is the devil who convinces you that you are better then your neighbor.

Woe to those who call good evil and to those who call evil good.


Jun 28, 2020
there is no God and religion is the worst disease ever and caused more deaths than atheism for sure
It is pointless to argue atheism these days, if you can't see the literally millions of signs for a Creator then there is no hope for you. Ironically you call yourself "truth exposer", but probably think grandpa was an ape.

it's not a mental illness, it has been proven by science.
How can you argue science when the entire globe has seen how corrupt it is these past 2 years?
Mar 15, 2019
Choosing an approach of sympathy or dislike, love or hate, prejudice or compassion, exclusion or inclusion, is different from describing an objective fact. We are not schizophrenia-phobic when we call schizophrenia a disease. We don't promote hatred and violence against schizophrenics. We are not trying to make life difficult for them. When they unite and call themselves the "split individual" and say that it's a healthy existence, we don't have to accept it. When they believe the voices they hear are real, we don't have to accept it. When they try to deceive other cases in this way, we don't have to accept it. After defining objective facts without belief in solipsism and pure tolerance, after leaving the children in a safe place, we can discuss the issue of rights.
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Dec 28, 2021
why so many of y'all are so transphobic, homophobic and racist?
I know acknowledging this is frowned upon in todays society, but words have meaning. We find and attribute meaning to things by the words used to describe and identify them. The word PHOBIC means having an extreme or irrational fear or aversion to something.
Most people against homosexuality and the trans movement are not phobic about it. Their views aren’t based on irrational fear or aversion but rather based on logic and common sense and in some cases their views are based on the Bible. God created two genders, male and female. God created humans and He created the method of allowing humans to create new humans, sexual intercourse. God made humans and He absolutely can and did ordain how we come together sexually to procreate. Male and female so perfectly go together for this purpose. What a gift for sex to also be a pleasure. A gift to be enjoyed by a man and woman joined together in marriage, which is so important and highly regarded by God that he compares the relationship between Christ and the Church to marriage.
Homosexuality and transgenderism go against logic and they go against the Bible. Racism is also against the Bible, by the way. God hates partiality.


Dec 28, 2021
Just because you have a transgendered friend it doesn´t make transgenderism a good thing.
So true. I have heard many people abandon their faith because they met a gay or trans person who were just so nice and lovely, how could they be bad people. It must be God who is bad bc these sinners are so nice. But everyone I know is a sinner and some of them are also capable of being or maybe just appearing to be lovely. I am a sinner and my head is sometimes full of terrible thoughts, but I’m still able to be lovely and nice on the outside. Doesn’t make me any less of a sinner and it definitely doesn’t make God any less holy and righteous. We don’t worship the creature we worship the Creator.


May 2, 2019
I never post on these forums because of this. It also makes it difficult for me to read the forums sometimes.
I do not feel comfortable reading most of the comments.
Most of the people here are really transphobic, homophobic and basically disrespectful.


Jun 17, 2017
why so many of y'all are so transphobic, homophobic and racist?
like we have discussed before on this forum, if you take a poll here, no one hates transgendered, transracial, transspecie, trans-age or any other of these neo-liberal identities that have magically become so commonplace in the past few years. no one cares! go for it. do and believe what you like. i love free expression and free speech.

we DO care when this agenda is forced on our families or our children. whether this phenomena is solely a NWO social agenda or it is associated with xenoextrogens from plastics and other chemicals that are accumulating in humanity, twisting young peoples hormones and thus their sexuality, its absolutely not normal or natural. kids have enough to deal with today with all of this garbage technology bombarding them; they dont need sexual identity brainwashing (or sex ed) at 7 years old.

at the end of the day, "identifying as" = "pretending to be".


Jun 28, 2020
I never post on these forums because of this. It also makes it difficult for me to read the forums sometimes.
I do not feel comfortable reading most of the comments.
Most of the people here are really transphobic, homophobic and basically disrespectful.
I long for the 80's when gay literally meant happy. Today you kids don't even know what sex you are.

What a destroyed generation.
Literally, birth rates are abysmal, literally destroyed.


May 21, 2021
I am not racist nor homophobic but I suppose I'd be referred to as homophobic just for disagreeing with the lgbtq community? I still don't know why "phobia" is in that word, I'm not scared of anyone in that community, I just disregard it. Some meanings of words really aren't necessary to change.

I would not bluntly insult someone for being part of that community, I would just tell them I can't see eye to eye with them because I try to satisfy God more so than humans. There are people out there willing to torment people of that group, but I'm not one of 'em. To me it's like, "Oh you're gay, or bi, or whatever? Okay, I'm just going to move on." Because really, there's nothing I can do about it.


Jul 28, 2018
I long for the 80's when gay literally meant happy. Today you kids don't even know what sex you are.

What a destroyed generation.
View attachment 73911
Literally, birth rates are abysmal, literally destroyed.
That was the 1970s, not 80s. By the early 80s, elementary kids knew "gay" meant homosexual.

Seeking Jesus

Apr 30, 2022
I don't consider myself any of those things. I try to love my neighbour regardless of who they are, or what sins they have committed.

However, sodomy is one of the four sins that cry out to heaven. Also, consider that Pride is the deadliest of the seven sins. That certain Biblical sins are now celebrated in public events called Pride, is a sign of the End Times.

Isaiah 3:9
The look on their faces testifies against them;
they parade their sin like Sodom;
they do not hide it.
Woe to them!
They have brought disaster upon themselves.

I also believe that the powers that be are trying to turn neighbour against neighbour (Isaiah 3:5).

We should love the sinner and hate the sin. I will never shun my fellow man, especially one who has been tricked by the Luciferian agenda into sinning and being proud of it.