“Is it cuz I is black?” Will “Transracial” become the new Transgender?

Mar 17, 2017
No it didn't lol. That's just complete bullshit that you made up
Oh so there’s no Mayan word like that huh?

I don't really care where I fit
Here’s the thing, if you want to have a convo over a difference in perception we can do that. Answer how the world had limited to no technology then all of a sudden they go to America, and there’s a technological boom. How does that make any sense? What led to that boom in intelligence, creativity and/or ingenuity that didn’t exist for the 6000 to millions of years before the 1800s?

See you answering that is a real conversation. If you don’t want to have that and instead want to exchange negative energy back and forth good because then it’s good that you don’t care where you fit because you actually fit into the mold of a cursed entity. Someone no salvation will ever reach. Don’t you know the Creator hates the prideful? But keep going with the negative energy and it will just be returned back to you at a higher rate.
May 18, 2018
Oh so there’s no Mayan word like that huh?
Nope. Came from Italy. Here's the original letter
Amerigo Vespucci, Mundus Novus, Letter to Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de' Medici (1502/1503)[38]

Here’s the thing, if you want to have a convo over a difference in perception we can do that. Answer how the world had limited to no technology then all of a sudden they go to America, and there’s a technological boom. How does that make any sense? What led to that boom in intelligence, creativity and/or ingenuity that didn’t exist for the 6000 to millions of years before the 1800s?
There wasn't a technological boom from zero in one year or century. There was a slow development in technology in euope starting with metallurgy and agriculture thousands of years ago, principles of geometry and mathematics in the Greek age, Roman architecture and ducts, the Renaissance, enlightenment, printing press, industrialization, the steam engine, turbine until what you call "the sudden boom in technology" by which you mean the development of the internal combustion engine. Developed and patented by French engineers in napoleon time, they didn't find them in America


Jun 17, 2017
Here’s the thing, if you want to have a convo over a difference in perception we can do that. Answer how the world had limited to no technology then all of a sudden they go to America, and there’s a technological boom. How does that make any sense? What led to that boom in intelligence, creativity and/or ingenuity that didn’t exist for the 6000 to millions of years before the 1800s?
this you are right about, koncrete. i checked out those videos on tartaria (this is really a separate discussion that belongs on its own thread) and i think those buildings were here prior to the 19th century.
however, tartaria was not subsaharan african or moorish and certainly not indian/native american. of course, as any good truther, i am willing to listen to any evidence you have.

Rufus McKenzie

Feb 16, 2022
No it didn't lol. That's just complete bullshit that you made up

I don't really care where I fit into the make believe fantasies of a guy who think all Mormon churches were built by black people 1000 years ago.
When blacks in sub Sahara Africa that you descended from never even invented the wheel, the concept of numbers, or 2 story buildings lmao. I guess that was because day wuz oppreshuned.
The back and forth between you two is awesome it witness. It’s like a debate team competition between opposing insane asylums and it’s brilliant.

That said you drastically downplay the technological advancements that happened in Africa. You’re one of those guys who thinks every advancement in civilization started with the Greeks lol.

Careful there buddy, your Aryan brotherhood is showing!
May 18, 2018
The back and forth between you two is awesome it witness. It’s like a debate team competition between opposing insane asylums and it’s brilliant.

That said you drastically downplay the technological advancements that happened in Africa. You’re one of those guys who thinks every advancement in civilization started with the Greeks lol.

Careful there buddy, your Aryan brotherhood is showing!
Colonel Valerio you’re the last to tell anyone about insane asylums. You’re the crazy person on the subway around here

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
The back and forth between you two is awesome it witness. It’s like a debate team competition between opposing insane asylums and it’s brilliant.

That said you drastically downplay the technological advancements that happened in Africa. You’re one of those guys who thinks every advancement in civilization started with the Greeks lol.

Careful there buddy, your Aryan brotherhood is showing!
@Rufus McKenzie (Colonel “suspect”!)

I wondered if you had come across the new y-chromosome ancestry project. It’s revealing some surprising information that offers a challenge to the traditional racial model.

Mar 17, 2017
Nope. Came from Italy. Here's the original letter
Amerigo Vespucci, Mundus Novus, Letter to Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de' Medici (1502/1503)[38]
Lol Mayans had a mountain range called “Amerrique” tho?

There wasn't a technological boom from zero in one year or century. There was a slow development in technology in euope starting with metallurgy and agriculture thousands of years ago, principles of geometry and mathematics in the Greek age, Roman architecture and ducts, the Renaissance, enlightenment, printing press, industrialization, the steam engine, turbine until what you call "the sudden boom in technology" by which you mean the development of the internal combustion engine. Developed and patented by French engineers in napoleon time, they didn't find them in America
Yea in the 1800s all this technology all of a sudden started coming out. After thousands to millions of years with no technology and no electricity then all of a sudden in the 1800s there’s a boom? There nothing gradual about that when all of history is considered

this you are right about, koncrete. i checked out those videos on tartaria (this is really a separate discussion that belongs on its own thread) and i think those buildings were here prior to the 19th century.
however, tartaria was not subsaharan african or moorish and certainly not indian/native american. of course, as any good truther, i am willing to listen to any evidence you have.
Not only is this thread not about the Scythians err I mean “tartarians” but it’s not about these structures or technology. This only came up because someone wants to follow me around giving negative energy not knowing it gets returned to him at a higher rate even if that’s not right away.

But we can go there if you wantbut we’d have to start with who YOU say built these things because I NEVER said Moors or anyone else built them. Ive never said anyone specifically built them. Ive only said the modern European didn’t which you finally came around to. So who did? And please be more specific than “tartarians” and put it in modern terms(if that’s where you’re going with it)
May 18, 2018
Lol Mayans had a mountain range called “Amerrique” tho?
A globe from 1507 says "America, named after its founder" (Amerigo). As well as lots of other letters from the time talking about it being named after amerigo. All in the articles I already cited that you don't read to maintain your allegiance to making up ideas without doing research.

Even if there's the amerisque mountains in Nicaragua, that doesn't bolster your case that people in the America's thought of themselves as "the American race" and Americans today are transracialists. That's still a geographic designation not a racial one.
Yea in the 1800s all this technology all of a sudden started coming out. After thousands to millions of years with no technology and no electricity then all of a sudden in the 1800s there’s a boom? There nothing gradual about that when all of history is considered
There's wasn't "no technology for thousands of years" before 1800 dude. I don't know what else to tell you. I already cited a list of lots of forms of technology, and could give a lot more


Sep 8, 2018

In a more 21st Century description its about the merging of humans and machines.
Thanks. I hear you.
The core of trans humanism is actually the idea of there being no distinction between sexes. The technology is just a tool.
Mar 17, 2017
A globe from 1507 says "America, named after its founder" (Amerigo). As well as lots of other letters from the time talking about it being named after amerigo. All in the articles I already cited that you don't read to maintain your allegiance to making up ideas without doing research.

Even if there's the amerisque mountains in Nicaragua, that doesn't bolster your case that people in the America's thought of themselves as "the American race" and Americans today are transracialists. That's still a geographic designation not a racial one.
No I said that the Mayans had a mountain range named “Amerique”. I never said they named themselves after it. What I said was that the term “America” existed in America before Amerigo. As far as “transracialism” I said they took the title that was for someone else for themselves.Taking the title of American is no different than taking the title of Indians. None of these titles they give people (black Indian, Asian, white American)are real indicators of identity. It’s just what the people( who came into power on the 1800s)used to identify different people

There's wasn't "no technology for thousands of years" before 1800 dude. I don't know what else to tell you. I already cited a list of lots of forms of technology, and could give a lot more
when was electricity found?
May 18, 2018
No I said that the Mayans had a mountain range named “Amerique”. I never said they named themselves after it. What I said was that the term “America” existed in America before Amerigo. As far as “transracialism” I said they took the title that was for someone else for themselves.Taking the title of American is no different than taking the title of Indians. None of these titles they give people (black Indian, Asian, white American)are real indicators of identity. It’s just what the people( who came into power on the 1800s)used to identify different people

when was electricity found?
America was and is a geographic title. If I move to the Appalachian mountains and my children call themselves Appalachians, that's not transracialism. It's not too hard to figure out
when was electricity found?
Were you trying to type this into google?

Rufus McKenzie

Feb 16, 2022
@Rufus McKenzie (Colonel “suspect”!)

I wondered if you had come across the new y-chromosome ancestry project. It’s revealing some surprising information that offers a challenge to the traditional racial model.

can you give me an article I don’t do videos as that’s how you become a brainwashed tool like mr black sun, I mean ss lighting bolts, err whatever his name is!


Apr 25, 2017
Lol what a ClusterF lightseeker and KM turned this thread into, seems nothing changes at VC.

The idea that the term American at one point was a title given to the peoples in the location which we call America today inclusive of their skin color and now is an ubiquitous term for any human that exists in said area is not related to Transracial ideology. That is simply the evolution of a term that expanded to represent all colors/ethnicities of the peoples who happen to reside in said location.

It takes mighty leaps of illogical to purposefully not grasp the difference between that and actual Transracial ideas/people. A person who migrates to Africa, and then ends up having descendants that are born and raised there, they are Africans and has exactly nothing to do with Ethnic make up, skin color or any other Genetic defining trait. The same basic logical principle is applied to the misrepresented thought that the term American that once was a term to define darker people who were the mass majority of the populace but now is applied to anyone regardless of Ethnic make up, skin color or Genetic defining trait is Transracial.

If that is still too confusing for some, let's make it more simple, the idea of Transracial is specifically concerning the appropriation of Genetic defining traits from a person who doesn't inherently possess them. It has nothing to do with the terms used to describe the location of where people reside or descend from.

I a White person do not possess the Ethnic genetic make up of those who are referred to as Black. Ethnic genetic make up such as an abundance of melanin, coarse dark hair, certain bone structure, higher likelihood of disease such as Sickle Cell ect. For me to try and then state or change my appearance (while not actually changing my DNA) to appear as tho I have these Ethnic genetics, which I do not possess and then tell everyone not only am I Black, but regardless of the reality of that fact, you must all now identify and change your objective perception of who I am to align with that which I state, would be the actual ideology of Transracial.

The idea that I a White person is Black, and then expect all of Society to bow down and treat me as such, which would in this Culture include being eligible for any Social Benefits and acceptance to any Traditionally Black Only areas or institutions, is absolute insanity. This is what the idea of Transracial is about and it is clearly being presented to show the absolute insanity of Transgenderism, which is to have a person who is Genetically either man or woman to be able to force all of Society to treat them as the opposite Gender they are Genetically, inclusive of all of the Societal Benefits and access those of the opposite Gender have access to, which of course is absolute insanity.

If someone can not separate the evolution and change of a term used to represent the peoples who live in a Geographic Area from a person who Genetically is one race claiming they are actually another by changing their appearance and then trying to dictate that all of Society must bow down to their objectively incorrect belief, then the person who is doing so, is doing it on purpose, they are willfully ignorant of the basic argument and are derailing what is actually being stated.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
can you give me an article I don’t do videos as that’s how you become a brainwashed tool like mr black sun, I mean ss lighting bolts, err whatever his name is!
I quite agree about videos - especially when evaluating a position, an article gives the crucial component of time to pause and think. Persuasion often relies on pressure…


Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Lol what a ClusterF lightseeker and KM turned this thread into, seems nothing changes at VC.

The idea that the term American at one point was a title given to the peoples in the location which we call America today inclusive of their skin color and now is an ubiquitous term for any human that exists in said area is not related to Transracial ideology. That is simply the evolution of a term that expanded to represent all colors/ethnicities of the peoples who happen to reside in said location.

It takes mighty leaps of illogical to purposefully not grasp the difference between that and actual Transracial ideas/people. A person who migrates to Africa, and then ends up having descendants that are born and raised there, they are Africans and has exactly nothing to do with Ethnic make up, skin color or any other Genetic defining trait. The same basic logical principle is applied to the misrepresented thought that the term American that once was a term to define darker people who were the mass majority of the populace but now is applied to anyone regardless of Ethnic make up, skin color or Genetic defining trait is Transracial.

If that is still too confusing for some, let's make it more simple, the idea of Transracial is specifically concerning the appropriation of Genetic defining traits from a person who doesn't inherently possess them. It has nothing to do with the terms used to describe the location of where people reside or descend from.

I a White person do not possess the Ethnic genetic make up of those who are referred to as Black. Ethnic genetic make up such as an abundance of melanin, coarse dark hair, certain bone structure, higher likelihood of disease such as Sickle Cell ect. For me to try and then state or change my appearance (while not actually changing my DNA) to appear as tho I have these Ethnic genetics, which I do not possess and then tell everyone not only am I Black, but regardless of the reality of that fact, you must all now identify and change your objective perception of who I am to align with that which I state, would be the actual ideology of Transracial.

The idea that I a White person is Black, and then expect all of Society to bow down and treat me as such, which would in this Culture include being eligible for any Social Benefits and acceptance to any Traditionally Black Only areas or institutions, is absolute insanity. This is what the idea of Transracial is about and it is clearly being presented to show the absolute insanity of Transgenderism, which is to have a person who is Genetically either man or woman to be able to force all of Society to treat them as the opposite Gender they are Genetically, inclusive of all of the Societal Benefits and access those of the opposite Gender have access to, which of course is absolute insanity.

If someone can not separate the evolution and change of a term used to represent the peoples who live in a Geographic Area from a person who Genetically is one race claiming they are actually another by changing their appearance and then trying to dictate that all of Society must bow down to their objectively incorrect belief, then the person who is doing so, is doing it on purpose, they are willfully ignorant of the basic argument and are derailing what is actually being stated.
Great to hear from you again @Daciple - as usual, you have hit the nail in the head. The logical absurdity of the promotion of gender appropriation and simultaneous taboo on ethnic appropriation is what had been intriguing me.
Mar 17, 2017
America was and is a geographic title. If I move to the Appalachian mountains and my children call themselves Appalachians, that's not transracialism. It's not too hard to figure out
Indian is a geographic title too but that didn’t stop whites from paying $5 to the Dawes role so they could be labeled as Indians did it?

And that’s why the current power structure took away real titles that people used to go by and replaced them with made up things like “black or white” or newly appointed things like Asian and European. So people would be harder to identify. Therefore a white South African can come to America and be labeled as white while a Nigerian would come to America and be labeled as “African American” despite both being “African” according to the current labels out there.

Changing your title based on what land you’re in is exactly what people who are trying to hide who they really are do. That’s why they removed tribal affiliations and started referencing people by made up titles like black white asian European etc... so they could hide who people really are. But after this kingdom falls, and it is on the verge of doing so, it’s back to reality. No more made up titles like black and white. Who you are and where you stand IN REALITY will really come out then

Were you trying to type this into google?
Just pointing out the false narrative of history we’re told where millions of years go by then in the last two centuries all of a sudden there is an advancement boom. No electricity for thousands of years then boom in the 1800s it’s found. For millions of years people couldn’t verbally communicate to someone who wasn’t within earshot. 1800s come and boom there’s a phone. A little over 100 years after that cell phones. Sometime after that hand held phones that also work as cameras. For millions of years no one could watch what was going on somewhere that wasn’t within eyesight. After the 1800s, boom now they can. 80 years later and there are big screens that show as clear picture as eyesight does. And they incorporate that aspect into phones. Went from wagons to planes in the span of 100 years while the millions of years before all that was there were simply wagons. There’s nothing gradual about that

And the real kicker about all this? It says, you know for you “believes the Bible” that when the Creator was dealing with people He had them in the Stone Age. As soon as He leaves and turns His face away, now the world is advanced. When He leaves our lives become made easier with all these advancements in tech that weren’t here when the CREATOR OF EVERYTHING was dealing with His people on earth.. Funny how that works huh?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
... No electricity for thousands of years then boom in the 1800s it’s found. For millions of years people couldn’t verbally communicate to someone who wasn’t within earshot. 1800s come and boom there’s a phone. A little over 100 years after that cell phones. Sometime after that hand held phones that also work as cameras. For millions of years no one could watch what was going on somewhere that wasn’t within eyesight. After the 1800s, boom now they can. 80 years later and there are big screens that show as clear picture as eyesight does. And they incorporate that aspect into phones. Went from wagons to planes in the span of 100 years while the millions of years before all that was there were simply wagons. There’s nothing gradual about that

And the real kicker about all this? It says, you know for you “believes the Bible” that when the Creator was dealing with people He had them in the Stone Age. As soon as He leaves and turns His face away, now the world is advanced. When He leaves our lives become made easier with all these advancements in tech that weren’t here when the CREATOR OF EVERYTHING was dealing with His people on earth.. Funny how that works huh?
I know you sometimes quote the OT but I take it you accept the evolutionary paradigm?

As for a sudden increase in knowledge, have you ever come across this OT passage?

Daniel 12:4
King James Version

4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
May 18, 2018
Just pointing out the false narrative of history we’re told where millions of years go by then in the last two centuries all of a sudden there is an advancement boom. No electricity for thousands of years then boom in the 1800s it’s found. For millions of years people couldn’t verbally communicate to someone who wasn’t within earshot. 1800s come and boom there’s a phone. A little over 100 years after that cell phones. Sometime after that hand held phones that also work as cameras. For millions of years no one could watch what was going on somewhere that wasn’t within eyesight. After the 1800s, boom now they can. 80 years later and there are big screens that show as clear picture as eyesight does. And they incorporate that aspect into phones. Went from wagons to planes in the span of 100 years while the millions of years before all that was there were simply wagons. There’s nothing gradual about that
Yeah there was no way to harness electricity for a long time but yes It was a gradual development. People had to learn metallurgy before they could built towers. they had to learn the science of magnetism, ie Lorentz force laws. Math had to develop ie maxwells equations. All of which were developed gradually. So whatever silly explanation you have in your fairy tale isnt true because no it wasn’t sudden, it was built on thousands of years of development
Indian is a geographic title too but that didn’t stop whites from paying $5 to the Dawes role so they could be labeled as Indians did it?

And that’s why the current power structure took away real titles that people used to go by and replaced them with made up things like “black or white” or newly appointed things like Asian and European. So people would be harder to identify. Therefore a white South African can come to America and be labeled as white while a Nigerian would come to America and be labeled as “African American” despite both being “African” according to the current labels out there.

Changing your title based on what land you’re in is exactly what people who are trying to hide who they really are do. That’s why they removed tribal affiliations and started referencing people by made up titles like black white asian European etc... so they could hide who people really are. But after this kingdom falls, and it is on the verge of doing so, it’s back to reality. No more made up titles like black and white. Who you are and where you stand IN REALITY will really come out then
Ok so you changed the topic and are basically just ranting, I guess that means I was right about your transracial argument of America being bullshit so moving on
And the real kicker about all this? It says, you know for you “believes the Bible” that when the Creator was dealing with people He had them in the Stone Age. As soon as He leaves and turns His face away, now the world is advanced. When He leaves our lives become made easier with all these advancements in tech that weren’t here when the CREATOR OF EVERYTHING was dealing with His people on earth.. Funny how that works huh?