It isn't about respect it's about basic human decency. If your children mistakenly believed something wrong, would you want people to treat them like you treat basically everybody?
i keep on repeating this point...
if someone quotes ezekiel 38 and argues that it is referring to current israel....then my response will be to point out the whole 'land without borders, peaceful unsuspecting etc'
and if they choose to ignore me entirely and then come back again and again to push the same propaganda whilst also claiming muslims are the real gog and magog....ultimately whilst pushing for war against muslim countries..
my response isnt going to be nice.
i legitimately do not argue with israel supporters if their support is based on some secular values. it's when they mix it with religion and start quoting texts like ezekiel 38 that i get pissed off. how evil does a person need to be to start deliberately using scripture out of context just to pass off political propaganda under the guise of religion?
i'm not bigoted when it comes to interpretation. even in islam, it is said that to not have at least 10 different interpretation of quranic verses, means you're ignorant. Ie, the whole point is to be open minded and try and understand the same scripture from multiple perspectives and angles. even if the original opinion was the correct one, it's still good to try and seek more viewpoints.
It's cool you mentioned Antiochus epiphanes and the book of maccabees...however there were 2 persecuting figures in daniel's prophecies.
antiochus was the first one..and titus was the second (daniel 7, the little horn).
the '10 kings' originally connects to the 10 emperors who ruled over the jewish temple.
the book of Revelation mentions 10 kings aswell, but i don't mix that with ancient roman history. That's a future context we don't really understand yet. i dont believe all prophecy has dual fulfillment. i go off what is if the book has a mystery babylon as a latter days copy of ancient babylon,then it's no reason why the beast's 10 kings are a copy of the old version. Rome was the 'legs of iron' and end times Rome id the 'feet of iron and clay' there's certianly a connection between ancient rome and the end times one.
ill give you another example of Revelation 6's accuracy.
the white horse conquering, was the birth of end times Rome. The colonial nations were former roman colonies eg britain, france, belgium, holland, spain and portugal were all under Rome.
The consequence of colonialism was the world wars and post-colonial nationalism, facism etc. This was the second horse representing death.
The third one talks of scales...and 'oil and wine' specifically 'DO NOT HARM THE OIL AND WINE'.
oil and wine are symbols of the jewish people. one represents Hannukah and the other represents Purim.
Chanukah is oil, Purim is wine.
'do not harm the oil and wine' means 'we're protecting israel'. This began after ww2 when america took over. The 'scales' also represents capitalism vs communism.
the point here is that we are already living in the end time and the 'whore' has been around 'riding the beast' (financially controlling the empires) for centuries now. For example the rothschilds owned the East india trading companies.
i don't say 'israel is the whore', i say the network who owns israel is. i mean, Jesus accused jerusalem of a lot, yet he obv wasnt talking about every single jew was he? only the ones in charge, the elite.
The war between muslims and israel/jews is foretold in hadith....but my 'glee' at it, isnt the war itself but what themes in links to.
the hadith/prophet spoke of the 'trees and stones' and i found that fascinating after reading zech 5, habakkuk 2, jeremiah 2& 3 and again noticing the same 'whore/adulteress' theme in them.
the antichrist, as per zechariah 11, is 'worthless'...he is just a facilitator...basically the microcosmic version of the whore of babylon.
he is one rabbi who wants it all for himself....he's like 'im so greedy im not even sharing power with the other rabbis, i want it all' and that reflects in the whole King theme in the old testament. His role is to sell all his people for his personal power.
The big one is that the occult elite, prior to ww1, designed and conceived an evil thoughtform, prob did all types of evil rituals to create it. it was made by people in the reptilian state of mind (greedy, lustful, seeking total power and rule) to facilitate them. it serves them and reflects that reptilian energy.
however to make this thoughtform more powerful than the others...they had to do a ritual, an absolute mass sacrifice, a bloodbath....and that's why the 20th century was a bloodbath, it was a mass sacrifice.
it was topped up by the sexual revolution and they've further facilitated it's grip over us all..through the use of media, entertainment, pawn etc...and all the negative energy they push through the news.
'the world was led astray by the winer of her adulteries'.
our obsession with money and status...all of it part of that reptilian territorial energy.
This thoughtform is a global one now and is tapping into all of us, tempting us...rewarding or harming us...and that is why the elite created multicultralism. the gloalist agenda is all part of posessing the one thoughtform to rule all others..under their control.
it serves the occult elite. gives them the reptilian territorial power, the power, lust, greed, hate etc sand all it wants in retuern is to be feeds off our negative energy.
'they' allowed all religions into one system, so their thoughtform can rule all the others.
the antichrist's job as facilitator is to make as much people follow the thoughtform ie 'worship the image'.
the thing to be worried about is the world going deeper and deeper into a reptilian state of mind...and 'she' is enabling that and it in turn rewards them.
right now, the whore of babylon, through all the jewish owned facilitating and pushing the image and it's satanic reptilian energy. and in return it's rewarding them.