Putin officially threatens Nuclear War


Jan 22, 2018
I switched the TV on this morning and couldn't quite believe what I was watching.

The BBC had some "reporter" donned in full anti blast combat gear, stood in front of a green screen, telling everybody how bad things are there....but behind him is a picture of a normal city going about its business. Here's a still.

It very much reminded me of that infamous clip of them CNN reporters faking a gas attack in the first gulf War.

(Only example now available)

The question has to be....is Putin on the square?



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Mar 11, 2020
It's creepy that the world is watching the war so coldly. Will the 3WW be a war that everyone will watch on twitter until death comes to their own house?
Yeah, of course it is. This is coming from a Bosnian guy who witnessed the war in Bosnia back in '92. No one did a bloody thing, everyone were against it when Serbia attacked us. Every single country were against the war, were against the Serbs, eeryone were concerned, but no one did anything. It felt like Hell on earth, don't even get me started on the r*pe part.

Never depend on anyone, that is my advice to everyone.
Oct 31, 2021
I switched the TV on this morning and couldn't quite believe what I was watching.

The BBC had some "reporter" donned in full anti blast combat gear, stood in front of a green screen, telling everybody how bad things are there....but behind him is a picture of a normal city going about its business. Here's a still.

It very much reminded me of that infamous clip of them CNN reporters faking a gas attack in the first gulf War.

(Only example now available)

The question has to be....is Putin on the square?




Satanists and their minions get to play both sides really.

..and we commoners/peasants, in the middle, are the ones that bite the dust.
Jul 3, 2020
Yet another thread bombarded by Vancity acting like he is right and everyone else is wrong:rolleyes: smh
he’s using the opportunity to give the worn out, knackered old narrative that Hitler gassed 6 million Jews, (even though there was only 3 million of them in Europe at the time), a much needed boost. Most people with a working brain now know that this was an out and out lie, and that Hitler was midwife for the counterfeit satanic state of Israel.
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Aug 19, 2019
I've had both types of Covid-19. The first one I caught in Jan/Feb of 2021 that escalated and took a good month to get over. With this, I felt difficulty breathing (felt like a weight on my upper chest every time I inhaled, and fatigue), loss of taste (which was really weird). I ended up going to the walk-in medical center after about a month of this, knowing it was an unusual case of the flu (which I thought it was) the doctor gave me a Z pac, and after that, I started feeling a bit better. This was the week before "spring break" which is the last week in March. Over that week, everything shut down. The world literally changed in one week.

Recently I caught the Omicron Variant.
I have been vaccinated and boosted. Not sure if it would have made a difference, I'd like to think it might have. The only lingering side effects of this is fatigue (brain fog), and a cough that is kinda chesty not dry.

I went for a run this week and was able to keep up and keep pace. Not totally sure it was due to COVID but because I've been lazy and got out of shape. I did not feel dizzy or lightheaded.

However, after experiencing the virus, it is deadly IF you have a preexisting condition or are physically vulnerable. That is, elderly, overweight (grossly overweight), immune-compromised, pre-existing breathing conditions that are not being treated. This includes people who are on systemic medication to treat one thing, but the medication actually lowers your immune system. (An example of this is Anti-TNF drugs such as etanercept, infliximab, adalimumab, certolizumab, and golimumab.) Immune suppression

Much of the time, if you have immune suppression, you do not know you have it. However, you may be prone to getting infections more frequently. Also when you do get infections, they may be more severe and you may be more likely to develop severe complications. You may also get unusual or uncommon infections. For example, in general, healthy adults do not usually get thrush in the mouth, unless there is a good reason for it, such as using a steroid inhaler. For people with AIDS, however, thrush is common and may be very widespread or severe.

The numbers and data being reported by media over COVID are not true. Yes, people are dying, that is true. But COVID isn't what has killed them, rather what has killed them are the side effects from industrial pollution exposure, pharmaceuticals, lifestyle choices (obesity), and other systemic diseases (diabetes, cancers of the lung, asthma).

We can't live in a bubble.

Regarding what is going on in Ukraine. Zelensky is the anti-christ. Enjoy.


Aug 19, 2019
That's exactly why I think he's the guy.
He is fulfilling prophecy and mark my words after this, he will be elevated by the West as a "hero", a "man of the people", a "savior".
This is all part of a bigger plan.
Ladies and Gentlemen, are we living in the last days?
I'm not sure, but I think we are witnessing the pieces being set into place.
Things are about to get much much worse.
Even as small victories are being won against abortion on demand and light is being shown on the oppression of women and children, the enemy is gearing up to lash back harder and more violently than we have seen.
They say that the hardest battles are just before the end of the war.
If the Bible is true.
If Jesus is who He says he is. If God is real... then shit's about to get a lot crazier.
I'm sorry but I'm also feeling like I've been a skeptic. I still feel skeptical about the whole Revelation stuff... however.. things seem so surreal right now. I'm starting to doubt my skepticism.
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Jun 28, 2020
A president fighting on the front lines? Do you believe this?

Edit : I see, showing the same picture from 2 events. Still its unbeleiveable propaganda anyway. Only a moron would believe a president would be on the front lines today.
Feb 22, 2020
I've had both types of Covid-19. The first one I caught in Jan/Feb of 2021 that escalated and took a good month to get over. With this, I felt difficulty breathing (felt like a weight on my upper chest every time I inhaled, and fatigue), loss of taste (which was really weird). I ended up going to the walk-in medical center after about a month of this, knowing it was an unusual case of the flu (which I thought it was) the doctor gave me a Z pac, and after that, I started feeling a bit better. This was the week before "spring break" which is the last week in March. Over that week, everything shut down. The world literally changed in one week.

Recently I caught the Omicron Variant.
I have been vaccinated and boosted. Not sure if it would have made a difference, I'd like to think it might have. The only lingering side effects of this is fatigue (brain fog), and a cough that is kinda chesty not dry.

I went for a run this week and was able to keep up and keep pace. Not totally sure it was due to COVID but because I've been lazy and got out of shape. I did not feel dizzy or lightheaded.

However, after experiencing the virus, it is deadly IF you have a preexisting condition or are physically vulnerable. That is, elderly, overweight (grossly overweight), immune-compromised, pre-existing breathing conditions that are not being treated. This includes people who are on systemic medication to treat one thing, but the medication actually lowers your immune system. (An example of this is Anti-TNF drugs such as etanercept, infliximab, adalimumab, certolizumab, and golimumab.) Immune suppression

Much of the time, if you have immune suppression, you do not know you have it. However, you may be prone to getting infections more frequently. Also when you do get infections, they may be more severe and you may be more likely to develop severe complications. You may also get unusual or uncommon infections. For example, in general, healthy adults do not usually get thrush in the mouth, unless there is a good reason for it, such as using a steroid inhaler. For people with AIDS, however, thrush is common and may be very widespread or severe.

The numbers and data being reported by media over COVID are not true. Yes, people are dying, that is true. But COVID isn't what has killed them, rather what has killed them are the side effects from industrial pollution exposure, pharmaceuticals, lifestyle choices (obesity), and other systemic diseases (diabetes, cancers of the lung, asthma).

We can't live in a bubble.

Regarding what is going on in Ukraine. Zelensky is the anti-christ. Enjoy.
were you vaccinated when you caught the first more serious Covid ?


Aug 19, 2019
A president fighting on the front lines? Do you believe this?

Edit : I see, showing the same picture from 2 events. Still its unbeleiveable propaganda anyway. Only a moron would believe a president would be on the front lines today.
Unless that moron believes the Bible. Then things start to make a little more sense, but please, go on. Because honestly, I. Do. Not. Want. Tribulation.
Tribulation = bad times
This guy needs to use services like Ground News. I get it. I get the frustration he feels about the biased news and how it does affect people's perspectives. However, let's look at what we have seen from Putin.

1. He is Ex KGB - once KGB always KGB, it's like, you know, lifetime membership
2. He keeps his real plan to himself until he knows the pieces are in place
3. Russia has nuclear warheads
4. Russia and China are "friends" with "Benefits"
5. China is "friends" with N. Korea
6. N. Korea has been developing nuclear military applications
7. He expects NATO and the world to retaliate to justify him pressing the big red button, if they don't retaliate, he invades Ukraine, kills the "president" and installs a new government that serves Russia, proceeds to take Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. EU really mad now, threatens real war. Russia is like "bring it".


Russian soldiers turn on Putin and kill him
President of Ukraine seen as "hero" and "savior"
President of Ukraine gets elected into EU as President
moves through the political circles

Russia still recovering from Sanctions gets more and more in debt to China. The dragon from the East takes out US and allies of the US.
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May 15, 2017
Hmm anyone seen this?
I seen this pointed it out
to a few round me
I think we are seeing a lot of old
they show the same images
over n over
most bombed out mislled striked buildings
they are showing
do not have smoke or anything
which is strange as I doubt with all
that is going on they have the means
to put out everything
so not even smoke is there
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Aug 19, 2019
were you vaccinated when you caught the first more serious Covid ?
No, I wasn't. They didn't even have a vaccine at that time. No one knew what it was. I think I picked it up in December when I flew to Texas to attend my Uncle's funeral. I had a layover in Charlotte NC and Atlanta. Two very busy airline hubs. At the time, COVID was still thought to be located in the northwestern part of the United States. But as we know people travel, and disease travels. So it was already all over the US back in December. It was first reported in November in the North-Western states of Washington and Oregon as elderly people were dying en-mass in nursing homes.


Jun 28, 2020
Unless that moron believes the Bible. Then things start to make a little more sense, but please, go on. Because honestly, I. Do. Not. Want. Tribulation.
Tribulation = bad times
The Bible describes Russia attacking the Ukraine? Please elaborate.


Aug 19, 2019
The Bible describes Russia attacking the Ukraine? Please elaborate.
The Bible lists several things to watch for — earthquakes, false Christs, wars, and rumors of wars are the most well-known. The gospel of Luke mentions signs in outer space, the nations of the earth facing problems with no solutions, and abnormally hostile weather (Luke 21:25).
Paul writes a list in 2 Timothy 3:1-7 that speaks of the attitudes and actions of people in the last days. Paul’s list describes people today so well that one must wonder if the end is much closer than we realize.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

There are prophetic events yet to happen inside the Temple; therefore, the Temple must be rebuilt. At the midpoint of the Tribulation Period, the Antichrist will walk into the Holy of Holies, located inside the Temple, and proclaim himself as god. When Jesus returns at the end of the Tribulation Period, He will walk into the Temple and start His one-thousand-year reign on earth. Neither of these events can occur without the Temple being there.

Next up, keep an eye on the saber-rattling surrounding Ukraine. There is a prophecy in Ezekiel 38-39 describing an invasion of Israel. The nations involved in this invasion are (Biblical names in parenthesis) – Russia (Magog), Iran (Persia), several former Soviet states (Meshech/Tubal), Ukraine (Gomer), Turkey (Togarmah), Ethiopia, and Libya.

Notice Ukraine is on the list. For Ukraine to go to war alongside Russia, either Russia must take over Ukraine or the two become allies.

When you compare Ezekiel 38:20,23; 39:7 with Revelation 6:15-17, it appears that the two passages may describe the same event. If that is the case, this invasion occurs during the Tribulation Period.

The rapture is shortly before the Tribulation and the return of Christ at the end of the seven-year Tribulation. Therefore, anything in the news indicating that events of the Tribulation are starting to take shape are huge signs.

Christians dispute the timing of the rapture. Most believe in a pre-tribulation rapture (that is my opinion). While some believe the rapture will occur sometime during the Tribulation period.

So I had this dream last night about that... in light of the weather, the ongoing effects of pollution escalating the natural change in the earth's climate, the way humanity turns a blind eye to the systemic abuses against nature and humanity in exchange for the instant gratification that comes from social media. How we have become more and more selfish and self-centered. Even as world religions try to turn people toward each other, we deliberately isolate ourselves with technology....

I wonder. That's all.

The interpretations of the bible in the past were wrong. Because maybe the people had no idea the height humanity would reach before its fall?


Jun 28, 2020
The Bible lists several things to watch for — earthquakes, false Christs, wars, and rumors of wars are the most well-known. The gospel of Luke mentions signs in outer space, the nations of the earth facing problems with no solutions, and abnormally hostile weather (Luke 21:25).
Paul writes a list in 2 Timothy 3:1-7 that speaks of the attitudes and actions of people in the last days. Paul’s list describes people today so well that one must wonder if the end is much closer than we realize.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

There are prophetic events yet to happen inside the Temple; therefore, the Temple must be rebuilt. At the midpoint of the Tribulation Period, the Antichrist will walk into the Holy of Holies, located inside the Temple, and proclaim himself as god. When Jesus returns at the end of the Tribulation Period, He will walk into the Temple and start His one-thousand-year reign on earth. Neither of these events can occur without the Temple being there.

Next up, keep an eye on the saber-rattling surrounding Ukraine. There is a prophecy in Ezekiel 38-39 describing an invasion of Israel. The nations involved in this invasion are (Biblical names in parenthesis) – Russia (Magog), Iran (Persia), several former Soviet states (Meshech/Tubal), Ukraine (Gomer), Turkey (Togarmah), Ethiopia, and Libya.

Notice Ukraine is on the list. For Ukraine to go to war alongside Russia, either Russia must take over Ukraine or the two become allies.

When you compare Ezekiel 38:20,23; 39:7 with Revelation 6:15-17, it appears that the two passages may describe the same event. If that is the case, this invasion occurs during the Tribulation Period.

The rapture is shortly before the Tribulation and the return of Christ at the end of the seven-year Tribulation. Therefore, anything in the news indicating that events of the Tribulation are starting to take shape are huge signs.

Christians dispute the timing of the rapture. Most believe in a pre-tribulation rapture (that is my opinion). While some believe the rapture will occur sometime during the Tribulation period.

So I had this dream last night about that... in light of the weather, the ongoing effects of pollution escalating the natural change in the earth's climate, the way humanity turns a blind eye to the systemic abuses against nature and humanity in exchange for the instant gratification that comes from social media. How we have become more and more selfish and self-centered. Even as world religions try to turn people toward each other, we deliberately isolate ourselves with technology....

I wonder. That's all.

The interpretations of the bible in the past were wrong. Because maybe the people had no idea the height humanity would reach before its fall?
You have completely edited your above post and now I'm not sure which one to reply to. This Jewish president is literally installed by the US. He's not KGB. Hes a puppet. Why i know he's not getting on the front lines.

I disregard most biblical prophecy due to mankind editing its pages. Proof of this is ample. Also alot of what you have posted above is way off the mark. From Russia being Magog to belief in a rapture. Nope, death is coming for me and you.

I'll leave you to your beliefs. Its not worth debating for me to be honest.

Feb 22, 2020
Let us not forget how this recent conflict started.

in late 2013 Ukraine rejected a loan deal from the EU and instead took a $15 billion dollar loan with Putin who also offered them cheaper gas rates.

The EU wanted to force austerity on Ukraine as a requirement for the loan, so obviously they rejected and went with Russia who demanded no such action.


shortly after the Russian friendly gov rejected the EU, protests erupted by US assets who wanted to force Ukraine into debt. Lets look at another reason why Ukraine rejected the EU and IMF deal.


According to Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov "the extremely harsh conditions" of an IMF loan (presented by the IMF on 20 November 2013), which included big budget cuts and a 40% increase in gas bills, had been the last argument in favor of the Ukrainian government's decision to suspend preparations for signing the Association Agreement.[28][2

So basically the so called "freedom protests" were to force Ukraine into debt to the EU and IMF where they would have forced austerity and forced increase gas prices of 40%, while the deal with Russia had no austerity and a CUT to gas prices.

Its no surprise that if you look at the groups who supported the Protest and those who opposed it. The radical far right, including many Nazi groups did support the protest, while most left wing economic groups although not necessarily fans of the government opposed the phony protest being organized by the US and CIA.


Supporters of the Protests to indebt Ukraine and force austerity

Fatherland - Centre Left to Centre Right
Svoboda- right wing populism, ultranationalism
UDAR - Klitchos party - centre/right
Congress of Ukraine nationalists - Far right, right wing populism
Democratic Alliance - centre/right
Justice Party- centre/left
Right Sector- far right wing nationalist
Femen - radical femenists known for topless protests

Opposition to the Protests

Party of Regions - Centre
Communist Party - Left wing Communism
Russian Bloc - Pan Slavism
Progressive Socialist Party - left wing socialism
Peasant Party - left wing agrarianism
Labour Ukraine - centre/left
Strong Ukraine - centre
Peoples Party - centre/left

So even by Wikipedia sources the CIA backed protest and coup de tat was carried out literally by Nazis, with a bunch of dumb ass femenists who were too stupid to see they were allying with Nazis.

Its no surprise as Nazis are always useful idiots to defend Capitalism and Big Business.

So the idea that the 2014 removal of Yanukovich was some "grass roots" movement is laughable. It was carried out by US backed Nazis, who themselves were useful idiots as it doesn't appear they were rewarded to much for their endeavors. They dont seem to have much influence in the new US puppet state of Ukraine.