Putin officially threatens Nuclear War

Oct 31, 2021
Yes they have. What your reality? Noooo...you just stay in shillsville with old vancitysparrow, I'm good where I am.
Yes. I concur too. Vaccines are preposterously being shoved down entire humanity's throats (including Russia), with no gaurantee of them working (I am talking of nCovSARS inoculation especially here). So there, it definitely smells of ulterior/nefarious appalling, some sort of mega plan, if you will.
Feb 22, 2020
I wouldn't bother. You can't even pass yourself as a real person on a forum so talking shite on camera may well be beyond your capabilites.
But don't you claim crisis actors are bad at their job, which is why the great sleuths like yourself can call out their bullshit ?

I actually think YOU are a crisis actor trying to get people to believe your nonsense.

Like Covid not being real.
May 18, 2018
I've thought of this myself as it seems he loves the mainstream narrative in many topics. But isn't the iq lacking to actually get a check for it?

Idk. If i had to guess I'd say he does this pro bono.
V*n was hired to always be wrong, hence serve as a disinformation agent. That is the only explanation for the fact that's he's been provably wrong on every topic consistently for years and when he's proven wrong he just moves on. And to do it very aggressively so there's no chance of discussion. Put him on ignore, best decision I ever made.


Mar 23, 2021
It is rather convenient Russia "declared war" right when Canada started removing their citizens access to money for supporting the freedom convoy.

We all know the WEF are working to bring in digital currency and digital id. Social credit for all across the globe is their goal. Enslavement of mankind.

When Trudeau started freezing accounts many others were making bank runs taking their money out. WEF must of slapped Trudeaus hand because he did a 180. Even after saying he intended to keep the it for months he immediately dropped the emergencies act. Remember when the police said they were gonna spend months hunting people down and locking thier finances? They have already started unfreezing accounts as well.

The WEF needs the banks to bring in their new systems of control. If the banks lose the trust, and as others have said, you can't put toothpaste back in the tube. Then the WEF's task becomes that much more difficult.

With the entire world watching this unfold Russia suddenly declares war?

While pretty much everyone at this point knows Trudeau is a tool of the WEF, its worth to point out that Putin is as well. Shwab himself brags about it in a 2017 interview.

Is this thing with Russia a psy-op? Idk, I've seen a video clearly using dummies. I can link it here.

Is it a distraction? 100%.
You also have troops on the russian side thinking it was just a training exercise making tik tok dance videos and then when getting shot at the russian troops are suprised someone forgot to tell them lol yeah...
Feb 22, 2020
I've already agreed Russian/Israeli meddling is a subject but it isn't the priority some people (liberal whackjobs) have made of it. We both admit Israel has their hands in every government's pockets.

In the same context Russia/Putin's deep ties to Israel, Chabad, etc. are well documented. They could end the genocide of Palestinians in one night if they wanted. I think we each place different weight to these subjects but to mock others on issues you're clueless about only shows your ignorance.
You admit it.

Yet you use it as a smear to

"Own the libs"

Cuz you've been programmed for culture war BS.

Dude you fell for Jimmy Dore and Tulsi Gabbard while I called them out years ago.

Now you are falling for more Tucker Carlson bullshit and allying yourself with people who think Covid is fake and crisis actors are making fake movies to decieve us. Oh and a bunch of Nazis as well, but you only believe Nazis are real when Russia calls them out LOL.


Jul 28, 2021
You’re out of your mind if you think it’s not a real disease. Tell me exactly how you get millions of people in on such a conspiracy from doctors and nurses to hospital janitorial staff all the way down to morticians?
Most covid deaths happened in hospital .Tell us the hospitals protocol of how they treat people with covid . Simple question .
Can the doctors ignore the protocol ? They wont be doctors for long if they do . If i had a mild flu and was forced to go through that protocol i dont think i would survive it .
So,tell us,how covid patients were treated in the hospitals .


Jan 22, 2018
I actually think YOU are a crisis actor trying to get people to believe your nonsense.

Like Covid not being real
As I said you're just making yourself look a twat.

I haven't seen you anywhere near Frank's covid thread with your "it's a real disease bollocks"

This forum ain't that big you know.

Your consistent politicisation of every topic only proves one thing.

They got you. With their little pantomime.


Jun 28, 2020
You’re out of your mind if you think it’s not a real disease. Tell me exactly how you get millions of people in on such a conspiracy from doctors and nurses to hospital janitorial staff all the way down to morticians?
For what its worth from the beginning they told us con-vid had a 99.7% survival rate. People just forgot amongst the constant 24/7 fear pron.

I dont' think it was fake but it was massively exaggerated. MASSIVELY. Even today they still push the vax when its well known those in the hospital who have the con-vid are mostly vaxxed.

Why are they Still pushing it when it protects no one? Agenda for some (social credit system) and for the rest its all about $.

Goes without saying Billions were invested by Bill Gates and Co. So yes, 10's of 1000's were bought off.

Bout a year ago I remember driving down the highway and billboards from the local hospital were advertising masks. With "its too soon" to remove them. This is in Texas mind you where the con-vid only exists on tv. The worst of it the past year was voluntary masking.

Pretty much everyone today knows the masks do nothing and for sure medical professionals have always known this as well. I mean they actually use them day to day and for a hospital to say "its too soon"? Intentionally wanting to extend the plan-demic?

As the old adage goes, follow the money.
Oct 31, 2021
Is this thing with Russia a psy-op? Idk, I've seen a video clearly using dummies. I can link it here.

Is it a distraction? 100%.
Well if you ask me personally, I don't reckon it was/is a psy-op.

What I know for sure is that the elites couldn't care less should we the commoners, the peasants, die of some pathogen, or a vaccine or war. They just desire the lesser the population (including enlisted men and women) the better (to manage).


Jan 22, 2018
You also have troops on the russian side thinking it was just a training exercise making tik tok dance videos and then when getting shot at the russian troops are suprised someone forgot to tell them lol yeah...
A bit like a drill "going live"

Now where have we heard that before?



Jan 22, 2018
But don't you claim crisis actors are bad at their job
....who me?


...ya dick.

Visually unscramble version here



Jan 10, 2019
You admit it.

Yet you use it as a smear to

"Own the libs"

Cuz you've been programmed for culture war BS.

Dude you fell for Jimmy Dore and Tulsi Gabbard while I called them out years ago.

Now you are falling for more Tucker Carlson bullshit and allying yourself with people who think Covid is fake and crisis actors are making fake movies to decieve us. Oh and a bunch of Nazis as well, but you only believe Nazis are real when Russia calls them out LOL.
No, global right-wing fascizm! (as his whore prime minister Freeland declares they'll now be accessing the bank accounts of all dissidents) LOL

You're a guy who literally posted a clip of Hillary Clinton discussing Russiagate it's hysterical. We can't forget your severely emotional ties to the corporate BTLM (black trans lives matter).

Your childlike, outdated political theories are rotting your brain. Covid destroyed the left, they're drowning looking for topics to stand on but world events are swallowing them alive. It's too confusing to orient themselves. I'm just waiting for the comedian/actor Jason Unrue to finally allow you to talk about the fascist Gates/WEF digital ID programs. Then the know-it-all can lecture us yet again on something he's 2 years behind. Too funny.


Jan 29, 2018
Imho, n-Cov-SARS 2019 was/is real. First hand experience.

I have written quite a lot on my experience of this so-called 'pathogen' in this thread here -
I just had whatever they are calling the "Omicron variant" It wasnt pleasant but was far from the sickest I have ever been. I didint need no jab to beat it and my natural immunity is now that much more prepared to deal with these variants. Its real, but its somewhere between a cold and a flu... they could have taken most any cold/flu varient and applied the same gameplan as they did with covid and sheeple would have still screamed "Save me Uncle Sam and Billy G!"


Jan 22, 2018
that much more prepared to deal with these variants. Its real, but its somewhere between a cold and a flu...
But the flu has not existed, statistically, since convid arrived. If you would have had it 3 years ago how would you have described it then? Just as a matter of interest.

You know how these people work Tempest...all they need is an idea...and a name for it. All is mind. We still have teenagers walking down the street in masks here....After "restrictions" were lifted.
Oct 31, 2021
But the flu has not existed, statistically, since convid arrived. If you would have had it 3 years ago how would you have described it then? Just as a matter of interest.

You know how these people work Tempest...all they need is an idea...and a name for it. All is mind. We still have teenagers walking down the street in masks here....After "restrictions" were lifted.
Definitely Sire. Concur to some extent on the paranoia, masks, obey et. al.

Albeit, imho,

Should we consider the pre- nCovSARS2019 era, the flu or common cold never came with symptoms viz. zilch smell and taste syndrome.

Should we consider the nCovSARS2019 to be a flu or common cold then this one does comes with symptoms viz. zilch taste and smell.

This is the only distinction that I believe there is and hence n-Cov-SARS2019, a deliberate motive to create chaos/disorder on planet coupled with mild depopulation of us, useless eaters.

Gates unequivocally has stated recently to the press- MORE TO COME!


Jan 29, 2018
But the flu has not existed, statistically, since convid arrived. If you would have had it 3 years ago how would you have described it then? Just as a matter of interest.

You know how these people work Tempest...all they need is an idea...and a name for it. All is mind. We still have teenagers walking down the street in masks here....After "restrictions" were lifted.
"But the flu has not existed, statistically, since convid arrived." Agreed. The abrupt fashion with which established definitions are re-imagined to suit these agenda's, coupled with the public's roll-over aceptance of this, is staggering. 3 years ago? I would have said it was a tough cold or mild-medium bout with the flu.

Rufus McKenzie

Feb 16, 2022
But the flu has not existed, statistically, since convid arrived. If you would have had it 3 years ago how would you have described it then? Just as a matter of interest.

You know how these people work Tempest...all they need is an idea...and a name for it. All is mind. We still have teenagers walking down the street in masks here....After "restrictions" were lifted.
Except that’s a lie. It’s still around. But worldwide pandemic measures have drastically decreased it.
In the USA one of the worst flu seasons in recent memory was 65k plus deaths, so where did all those extra 800k deaths come from Dr. Bitchute?
May 18, 2018
did all those extra 800k deaths come from
A small pocket of states, namely New York, which didn't translate to neighboring states with different hospital policies, not at all characteristic of an airborne virus. all cause mortality was at a low in 2020, regardless of flu and pneumonia deaths decreasing between 99-100% worldwide
Oct 31, 2021

Gates unequivocally has stated recently to the press- MORE TO COME!
The audacity to say such a thing directly in the face is staggering. I mean the level of mocking is astounding!

The elites know very well that the entire game on the planet is already rigged and the peasants/commoners will not be able to do nothing of it. It is extremely preposterous and heartbreaking of a predicament (should ones really able to feel the scale of it).