Putin officially threatens Nuclear War

Feb 22, 2020
I would climb down from your perch as you have stated in other threads that Covid is a real disease, without any.proof whatsoever, other than knowing people "who died from it". This really does obliterate your credibility .

You can carry on chatting political bollocks if you want but it proves only one thing.

You ain't as bright as you think you are.
A clown who believes diseases aren't real and everything is fake with "crisis actors"

A real clown.
Feb 22, 2020
Imho, Schwab is also a part of the (elite version of) NWO. Its well documented. Untenable.

Schwab, the author of -
Covid-19: The Great Reset https://g.co/kgs/xJHorC
Of course he's a part of it. Where did I day he wasn't.

He isn't directing world events though like Tucker Carlson would have you believe.

There are tens of thousands of players hundreds of think tanks and organizations, many occult groups as well.
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Jun 28, 2020
Klaus Schwaab.

There's your distraction.

This is so much bigger than Tucker Carlson conspiracies.
Tucker Carlson? That's the guy that laughed at people for not believing in the official story to 9/11. Right?

"A hijackers passport was found blocks from the world trade center if you can believe that"

As I've told you before Van, i don't watch the news, that includes Fox.

I've also asked you before not to quote me. I don't care what you think Van, please stop caring what i think. We can eternally agree to disagree and I'm perfectly happy with that.

Good day sir.
Feb 22, 2020
You’re out of your mind if you think it’s not a real disease. Tell me exactly how you get millions of people in on such a conspiracy from doctors and nurses to hospital janitorial staff all the way down to morticians?
He just follows his feelings. Facts are irrelevant. That's how it goes with most of these guys.


Jan 22, 2018
Tell me exactly how you get millions of people in on such a conspiracy from doctors and nurses to hospital janitorial staff all the way down to morticians
You don't need to get millions of people in on it, just a few, in the right positions. Have you ever heard of the phrase plausible deniability? Most people in on the conspiracy are not even aware of it.

Let me spell this out quite clearly and concisely for you.

All the people that died from covid died from different causes, not covid, because covid doesn't actually exist. If you can show some proof it does exist I'd be happy to hear it.

I'll wait.
Oct 31, 2021
I would climb down from your perch as you have stated in other threads that Covid is a real disease, without any.proof whatsoever, other than knowing people "who died from it". This really does obliterate your credibility .

You can carry on chatting political bollocks if you want but it proves only one thing.

You ain't as bright as you think you are.
Imho, n-Cov-SARS 2019 was/is real. First hand experience.

I have written quite a lot on my experience of this so-called 'pathogen' in this thread here -
Feb 22, 2020
Tucker Carlson? That's the guy that laughed at people for not believing in the official story ?
Yes the guy scripting your arguments and beliefs.

Doesn't matter if you get it directly from him or if it's passed down through the hundreds of shills underneath him.

Rufus McKenzie

Feb 16, 2022
You don't need to get millions of people in on it, just a few, in the right positions. Have you ever heard of the phrase plausible deniability? Most people in on the conspiracy are not even aware of it.

Let me spell this out quite clearly and concisely for you.

All the people that died from covid died from different causes, not covid, because covid doesn't actually exist. If you can show some proof it does exist I'd be happy to hear it.

I'll wait.
You probably think hundreds of thousands or millions have died from the vaccine too huh? Get a grip and come back to reality.


Jan 22, 2018
A clown who believes diseases aren't real and everything is fake with "crisis actors"

A real clown.
And this comes from somebody who's definition of a crisis actor is exactly the same as crisis casts definition.

You wouldn't know a crisis actor if one came up and kicked you up the ass.

Dunno who you're shilling for but it's making you look a bit of a twat. Have you thought of getting yourself a better job?
Feb 22, 2020
Imho, n-Cov-SARS 2019 was/is real. First hand experience.

I have written quite a lot on my experience of this so-called 'pathogen' in this thread here -
Don't even respond to a delusional clown like that.

Real world experience doesn't beat his hours of watching YouTube videos from random idiots.
Oct 31, 2021
Of course he's a part of it. Where did I day he wasn't.

He isn't directing world events though like Tucker Carlson would have you believe.
Should you're looking for the kingpin, I believe look no further than those who have been almost the whole planet's kingpin in the past history - the saxe-coburg-gothas!
"What Empire does the Sun never sets again...?"
"Common + Wealth = CommonWealth"

As I had put earlier, we are the gullible commoners, the peasants!
Feb 22, 2020
And this comes from somebody who's definition of a crisis actor is exactly the same as crisis casts definition.

You wouldn't know a crisis actor if one came up and kicked you up the ass.

Dunno who you're shilling for but it's making you look a bit of a twat. Have you thought of getting yourself a better job?
I'm looking to get hired as a crisis actor so I can haunt you in your dreams.


Jan 10, 2019
Dude everyone knows the deal with Russia/Trump other than clowns who fell for Jimmy Dore and Tulsi Gabbard.

Whats Tucker gonna tell you to believe next ?
I've already agreed Russian/Israeli meddling is a subject but it isn't the priority some people (liberal whackjobs) have made of it. We both admit Israel has their hands in every government's pockets.

In the same context Russia/Putin's deep ties to Israel, Chabad, etc. are well documented. They could end the genocide of Palestinians in one night if they wanted. I think we each place different weight to these subjects but to mock others on issues you're clueless about only shows your ignorance.


Jan 22, 2018
I'm looking to get hired as a crisis actor so I can haunt you in your dreams.
I wouldn't bother. You can't even pass yourself as a real person on a forum so talking shite on camera may well be beyond your capabilites.


Jun 28, 2020
Yes the guy scripting your arguments and beliefs.

Doesn't matter if you get it directly from him or if it's passed down through the hundreds of shills underneath him.
I won't ask a third time. Apparently you only hear yourself speak so I'll join the majority and add you to my ignore.


Jun 28, 2020
Dunno who you're shilling for but it's making you look a bit of a twat. Have you thought of getting yourself a better job?
I've thought of this myself as it seems he loves the mainstream narrative in many topics. But isn't the iq lacking to actually get a check for it?

Idk. If i had to guess I'd say he does this pro bono.