Canadians Unite

Feb 22, 2020
FWIW, you're not going to get anywhere with this debate. Vancity doesn't seem to understand what's really at stake here. All you're going to get is the same answer over and over again with ZERO common ground to learn something new. It's reminiscent of a learner I had years ago who used to disrupt my class when I asked him for his homework, which he never seemed to complete. Not interesting in understanding a new perspective in the least. That said, my learner left the school and went back to washing dishes so clearly, some people are comfortable where they are and don't want to learn more than that.

Sometimes, it's just that easy.
Yes like I should just not question a "protest" being lead and organized by political fascists.

I shouldn't ask any questions, I should just follow them willingly and not have ANY suspicions.

I should ignore the fact that right wing Canadian and American politicians and big media are all cheering this on.

I should believe that racist seperatists will bring UNITY to Canada.

Notice I have even stated that if this does help to bring down the mandates, that would be A GOOD THING.

But I aint going to just ignore all the other stuff you want to pretend doesn't exist.

Lmfao . Do you seriously believe the nonsense you type ?
May 18, 2018
Yes like I should just not question a "protest" being lead and organized by political fascists.

I shouldn't ask any questions, I should just follow them willingly and not have ANY suspicions.

I should ignore the fact that right wing Canadian and American politicians and big media are all cheering this on.

I should believe that racist seperatists will bring UNITY to Canada.

Notice I have even stated that if this does help to bring down the mandates, that would be A GOOD THING.

But I aint going to just ignore all the other stuff you want to pretend doesn't exist.

Lmfao . Do you seriously believe the nonsense you type ?
Feel free to question it. We looked at your evidence and it was bad
Mar 30, 2017
Yes like I should just not question a "protest" being lead and organized by political fascists.

I shouldn't ask any questions, I should just follow them willingly and not have ANY suspicions.

I should ignore the fact that right wing Canadian and American politicians and big media are all cheering this on.

I should believe that racist seperatists will bring UNITY to Canada.

Notice I have even stated that if this does help to bring down the mandates, that would be A GOOD THING.

But I aint going to just ignore all the other stuff you want to pretend doesn't exist.

Lmfao . Do you seriously believe the nonsense you type ?
Should you call out Albert Bourla, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci or Klaus Schwab in the same fashion, I might think you understand what's going on.

Until then, you're just typing a lot of crap.
Feb 22, 2020
Should you call out Albert Bourla, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci or Klaus Schwab in the same fashion, I might think you understand what's going on.

Until then, you're just typing a lot of crap.
But I do not support Vaccine mandates

Nor do I support international Capitalism, so why do I have to "call them out" Why do I need to add to the constant circle jerk, and the very loud echo chamber ? Wouldn't my time be better served pointing out things NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT.

You and your friends here time and time again support fascists and their agendas.

When called out you deny there is anything to see, and resort to ad hominems against those calling you out.

you just appear like a partisan "team player" unable to see beyond what's at face value.
Mar 30, 2017
But I do not support Vaccine mandates

Nor do I support international Capitalism, so why do I have to "call them out" Why do I need to add to the constant circle jerk, and the very loud echo chamber ? Wouldn't my time be better served pointing out things NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT.

You and your friends here time and time again support fascists and their agendas.

When called out you deny there is anything to see, and resort to ad hominems against those calling you out.

you just appear like a partisan "team player" unable to see beyond what's at face value.
I'm too old to partake in whatever it is you're trying to discuss, as your retorts remind me of high school. Either that, or you have a learning disability.

I'm going to put you on ignore, bye.
Mar 30, 2017


Jan 22, 2018
Hey @vancityeagle check this out.

It appears that Justin Liedeau himself has been reading your posts and has decided to use your very own form logic to defend himself. He didn't go straight in with the fascists thing like you do but did throw in terms like "swastikas" and "hateful rhetoric" to try and give you that nazi-esque undertone.

You probably won't be able to sit through the entire video because as each moment passes by it reveals what an absolute bellend you are by bringing contrived msn bullshit talking points into a thread focusing on something positive, which is something we all need right now.

The people you appear to be trying to educate on this thread all seem to have a greater understanding of what's really going on so you're making yourself look a bit of a tit....again.

Here is Hugo to add a bit of common sense to a very unbalanced narrative.

Wasn't it Goebbels himself who said if you want to defeat the opposition you have to lead it? From the way you go around insulting people's intelligence here it appears this is your own MO anyway.

It doesn't look good old chap.
Feb 22, 2020
Hey @vancityeagle check this out.

It appears that Justin Liedeau himself has been reading your posts and has decided to use your very own form logic to defend himself. He didn't go straight in with the fascists thing like you do but did throw in terms like "swastikas" and "hateful rhetoric" to try and give you that nazi-esque undertone.

You probably won't be able to sit through the entire video because as each moment passes by it reveals what an absolute bellend you are by bringing contrived msn bullshit talking points into a thread focusing on something positive, which is something we all need right now.

The people you appear to be trying to educate on this thread all seem to have a greater understanding of what's really going on so you're making yourself look a bit of a tit....again.

Here is Hugo to add a bit of common sense to a very unbalanced narrative.

Wasn't it Goebbels himself who said if you want to defeat the opposition you have to lead it? From the way you go around insulting people's intelligence here it appears this is your own MO anyway.

It doesn't look good old chap.
so you are denying the straight facts that one of the main guys Pat King is pretty much a Neo Nazi ? Talking about Islamic infiltration and white genocide ?

Just a yes or no answer

you are denying that the woman organizing the funding and speaking on behalf of the "truckers'" belongs to a right wing separatist political party who has also pushed anti-islamic and anti-immigrant rhetoric ? Her name is Tamara Lich.

Forget Trudeau, forget MSM

I'm talking about easily verifiable facts. Are you going to stare at reality and pretend not to see it ? Or do you see it and you dont care ? Serious question.
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Feb 22, 2020
Its hilarious.

this thread just shows how deluded and unable to use critical thinking "conspiracy theorists" have become

I'm simply highlighting the facts about who exactly is organizing this event, I'm even agreeing with the protest and hoping it ends the mandates, simply pointing out facts and having suspicions about the organizers and their real intentions (Something I thought conspiracy theorists were supposed to do)

Simply for doing this you get attacked and ridiculed.

You guys behave like a brainwashed cult no different than Qanon or Trumpers displaying an inability to look at things from a different perspective and showing a serious inability to take in facts and analyze a situation.

I wonder if you want to wake people up to these things, if putting a NeoNazi at the head of your movement is the way to go about it LOL.

The funny thing is that for all your cries of "mainstream media" You guys are literally unable to look beyond the highly coordinated scripts prepared for your consumption comming from the likes of Tucker Carlson, Fox News, Alex Jones, and all the other right wing shills in the alt media multi level marketing pyramid scheme.

and you all can claim you dont follow these guys but you are espousing their exact narrative on these issues. You are denying that the organizers of the "freedom convoy" have the shady links they do, because that couldn't possibly be true could it ? Not if the MSM says it, it must be a lie, because the OTHER MSM empire told us so.

You are all just as close minded as those you make fun of who take in MSM. Just a different cult, just as brainwashed.


Jan 21, 2021
Its hilarious.

this thread just shows how deluded and unable to use critical thinking "conspiracy theorists" have become

I'm simply highlighting the facts about who exactly is organizing this event, I'm even agreeing with the protest and hoping it ends the mandates, simply pointing out facts and having suspicions about the organizers and their real intentions (Something I thought conspiracy theorists were supposed to do)

Simply for doing this you get attacked and ridiculed.

You guys behave like a brainwashed cult no different than Qanon or Trumpers displaying an inability to look at things from a different perspective and showing a serious inability to take in facts and analyze a situation.

I wonder if you want to wake people up to these things, if putting a NeoNazi at the head of your movement is the way to go about it LOL.

The funny thing is that for all your cries of "mainstream media" You guys are literally unable to look beyond the highly coordinated scripts prepared for your consumption comming from the likes of Tucker Carlson, Fox News, Alex Jones, and all the other right wing shills in the alt media multi level marketing pyramid scheme.

and you all can claim you dont follow these guys but you are espousing their exact narrative on these issues. You are denying that the organizers of the "freedom convoy" have the shady links they do, because that couldn't possibly be true could it ? Not if the MSM says it, it must be a lie, because the OTHER MSM empire told us so.

You are all just as close minded as those you make fun of who take in MSM. Just a different cult, just as brainwashed.
Just the fact that there were protests across the globe over the past 2 years, but only the Black Lives Matter and this were given media exposure was pretty telling. It is too late to stop it anyway, the vaxxed are now cyborg. That being said, don’t kill the hope.
Feb 22, 2020
Just the fact that there were protests across the globe over the past 2 years, but only the Black Lives Matter and this were given media exposure was pretty telling. It is too late to stop it anyway, the vaxxed are now cyborg. That being said, don’t kill the hope.
the elites use a dialectic to advance their agendas.

the dialectic uses 2 opposing forces to constantly go at each other

Virtually every protest movement can be co-opted by one set of elites to form one half of the dialectic and oppose the other set of elites (even when the protest issues are often legitimate issues)

this has been going on throughout history, and nothing changes today.

There are freemasons on either side of virtually EVERY conflict. Its how the show works.

In fact I'm glad you brought up BLM because it is very similar to this.

You have legit issues being co-opted by elite agendas, and you also had elites on the opposing ends of either protest demonizing them. That's the dialectic.
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May 18, 2018
Just the fact that there were protests across the globe over the past 2 years, but only the Black Lives Matter and this were given media exposure was pretty telling. It is too late to stop it anyway, the vaxxed are now cyborg. That being said, don’t kill the hope.

Those were fiery but mostly peaceful. Also it wasnt fascism because the corporate sphere supported it.
Also it had the stamp of the CIA color revolutions to signal that it is approved and orchestrated by the regime

This is neither for corporate interests or sanctioned by any intelligence agency so is therefore what we call a literally transphobic, anti Semitic, homophobic, racist hate protest. We should stand strong with Justin Trudeau vancityeagle facebook and Blackrock vanguard. Protesting against them is illegal and we have mk ultra NLP trigger words for you if you support it
Feb 22, 2020
Also it wasnt fascism because the corporate sphere supported it.
but the corporate sphere is supporting this. The conservative party of Canada (much bigger corporate whores than the Liberals) are supporting this, as are the Fox News crowd in the US
Also it had the stamp of the CIA color revolutions to signal that it is approved and orchestrated by the regime
and tell me why the American flag is being flown at this protest ? Trump flags too . The official stamp of fascism.

This is neither for corporate interests or sanctioned by any intelligence agency so is therefore what we call a literally transphobic, anti Semitic, homophobic, racist hate protest. We should stand strong with Justin Trudeau vancityeagle facebook and Blackrock vanguard. Protesting against them is illegal and we have mk ultra NLP trigger words for you if you support it
no matter how hard you try to create silly strawmen it doesn't prove your point.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson and the whole Trump movement is backing this. That is some HEAVY military intelligence, and corporate interests behind this, but you just listen to propaganda so you dont know shit about what really goes on past your white supremacist rhetoric and talking points.

By the way have you heard about the Koch Network funded Great Barrington Declaration
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