Canadians Unite


May 15, 2017
I am just amazed in awe and humbled right now
to see that beautiful site in Ottawa
It is bringing me outta a dark space right now
with so much suffering and divisions between so many
this right here right now is
so much love ,unity between so many
I always tell my children
we are a Heinz 57
for our family lineage that we are many
That is my Canada many different but all CANADIAN

the sound of the live videos is just deafening turned out
I could just imagine connecting on such a lvl
in person it would be an amazing moment
to be in

so called government
in this moment as it's reaction
will reverberate through the world
Y'all better be on the right side of history
Oct 20, 2021
I am just amazed in awe and humbled right now
to see that beautiful site in Ottawa
It is bringing me outta a dark space right now
with so much suffering and divisions between so many
this right here right now is
so much love ,unity between so many
I always tell my children
we are a Heinz 57
for our family lineage that we are many
That is my Canada many different but all CANADIAN

the sound of the live videos is just deafening turned out
I could just imagine connecting on such a lvl
in person it would be an amazing moment
to be in

so called government
in this moment as it's reaction
will reverberate through the world
Y'all better be on the right side of history
And Canadian native Neil Young is living it up in sunny northern California at his ranch compound writing his new album promoting how little children are so lucky to have an opportunity to be part of the poisonous experimental gene therapy vaccines. With fellow Canadian singer Joni Mitchell adding back up vocals.


Jun 28, 2020
As well, there's a Simpson's video floating around that it also predicted the truck convoy. I've learned the video is actually two shows edited together to make it look like one episode.
While this is news to me, it doesn't surprise me. The powers that be love to put out this kind of content to discredit people. After all, anyone whose anti-gooberment is automatically crazy.

Did ya see the so called expansion packs?
I think I saw them somewhere
but haven't dug enough yet of
course we are being heavily distracted
kept looking over here while TPTB do w/e over there
We are talking mostly past events which is why I have
been trying to focus my efforts to the other main deck cards
that haven't so far as anyone can tell happened yet
I would rather try waking people up to the events that are starting
to transpire today than the ones no one could stop
we are not outta the game yet the FC2022
Shows we are not a minority that if/when
we actually look past all that bs tptb throw at us
to keep us angry and fighting with each other
exactly that old divide n conquer BS
we are not to conquest
the trucker card I believe is the main deck I will need to look
right now I am focused on sharing our FC2022 message
we are one we are united
most of all we are free
we will not bow down to this tyranny
No, i haven't heard of them to be honest. This deck is kinda old. It's been a good 10 years since it was popular in our community. Back during Boston bombing at least with the jogger card.
Not sure if its been referenced after that.

I remember the "enough" card attempted to paint Trumps death but the guy never died so..

Whats important to remember is these people don't have knowledge of the unseen. Best they can do is script events like 9/11 and try to pull all the strings to make them happen, but nothing happens without Gods permission.

The Almighty is the only one who knows whats going to happen tomorrow. Satanists can speak with djinn who eavesdrop on angels trying to predict future events, but for every truth a devil brings, it adds 99 lies to it. Look at Nostradamus.

No woman knows for sure whats in her womb. I do not know how much money i will make tomorrow. No one knows what land they will die in. (31:34 Quran). There is only One who knows what the future brings.

Let these people make all the cards they want. Their "control" is practically none existent.


May 15, 2017
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Mar 19, 2018
"Justin Trudeau and his family flee Canadian capital Ottawa as up to 50,000 'Freedom Convoy' anti-vaccine mandate truckers arrive at his office - days after he dismissed them as a 'small fringe minority'


Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019


Dec 1, 2019
I've never seen this card in particular before.. So i gotta ask, does it even exist ?
I lack of it in my hands but Cisco Wheeler and Springmeir described this card game as satanists hivites related. Predictive programming.
And these event didn't tell us about bases, where real masters are located. Trudeaux and the rest are just celebrities to show signals.
What is it with the Simpsons anyway?
Predictive programming. "it just satiric movies, you know."
Aug 12, 2020
Looks like the Canadian truckers have started a trend. As the saying goes, "be the change you want to see in the world" :):

Take a gander at this. He's making every excuse not to be on Parliament Hill. Even though he's on camera getting his saline shot "vaccine". I actually think he's scared. The cat's out of the bag because people know he's part of the Davos/WEF cult, his name calling hasn't worked and now there's nowhere for him to go:

Covid is the perfect dog ate my homework excuse. Another side effect of the fraud with untold ramifications and none of them good. I never did understand how Certificate of Vaccination ID became a name for whatever this is. Does anyone know?