Thread dedicated to the Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven.


Dec 10, 2018
To call Mary the "Mother of God" is implying that God was created. No. He IS the Creator. Mary was created. She was favored by The Most High God to carry out the most important task of bringing the Savior into the world, and she followed Him, but she had other children and was appointed to die like you and me. She cannot hear veneration. "The dead knoweth nothing". Nor does Jesus Christ the Savior instruct his followers to do so. As for Christmas it is hard to overlook that the world created a godlike figure in santa claus (he knows when your sleeping/awake, good/bad, plus travels the world in a night). I dont believe its wrong to join with family to praise The Most High God, but believers should do that all the time.
1. To call the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God doesn’t imply she created God at all! You have a mother, did she create you? No God did but she bore you just like Our Lady did with Christ. She held God in her womb. She is the Mother of God.

2. She didn’t have other children, she was and is a Virgin.

3. she didn’t die she was assumed into heaven

4. she can absolutely hear us, she prays for us and has even appeared to us

5. Further more the rest of the Saint can hear us! I personally pray to Saint Michael the archangel and other Saints because they are in heaven, fully alive and fully aware of our prayers. Christ defeated death and so anyone who saved and physically dies is alive in heaven right now!

6. I agree that although Santa Claus is based on a Catholic saint ( the way most folk celebrates Christmas takes away from the true meaning, which is the birth of Christ!


Jun 19, 2021
1. To call the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God doesn’t imply she created God at all! You have a mother, did she create you? No God did but she bore you just like Our Lady did with Christ. She held God in her womb. She is the Mother of God.

2. She didn’t have other children, she was and is a Virgin.

3. she didn’t die she was assumed into heaven

4. she can absolutely hear us, she prays for us and has even appeared to us

5. Further more the rest of the Saint can hear us! I personally pray to Saint Michael the archangel and other Saints because they are in heaven, fully alive and fully aware of our prayers. Christ defeated death and so anyone who saved and physically dies is alive in heaven right now!

6. I agree that although Santa Claus is based on a Catholic saint ( the way most folk celebrates Christmas takes away from the true meaning, which is the birth of Christ!
She did not remain a virgin.Matthew 1:24 Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: 25And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS. To "know" someone in that context means intercourse/sex. He did not "know" Mary in the marriage until after Mary gave birth to the Savior as God instructed. The bottom line is that believers are to follow Christ and Christ alone. Mary veneration is unbiblical and was not taught by Jesus. The "queen of heaven" concept which is why I commented on this thread was openly spoken against in the Book of Jeremiah. Whats plain is plain


Dec 28, 2021
Once again, Mary was 14, but regardless, the reason they married girls at nearly 13 was because of them getting periods. With their reasoning being they can be mothers and thus women.

plus Mary was and is a Virgin, she stayed that way even up to her assumption into heaven.

I don’t see the same thing with marrying a 6 year old.
Mary did not remain a virgin, the Bible clearly mentions Jesus had brothers.


Dec 10, 2018
Mary did not remain a virgin, the Bible clearly mentions Jesus had brothers.
The Holy Virgin Mary absolutely did remain a Virgin!

this is the reason why people need Catholic theology, because they read the Bible without context!

the Jews called their cousins and close relatives brothers and sisters, also Christ calls his disciples brothers.



Dec 10, 2018
She did not remain a virgin.Matthew 1:24 Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: 25And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS. To "know" someone in that context means intercourse/sex. He did not "know" Mary in the marriage until after Mary gave birth to the Savior as God instructed. The bottom line is that believers are to follow Christ and Christ alone. Mary veneration is unbiblical and was not taught by Jesus. The "queen of heaven" concept which is why I commented on this thread was openly spoken against in the Book of Jeremiah. Whats plain is plain
Or maybe you misinterpret?


Dec 28, 2021
The Holy Virgin Mary absolutely did remain a Virgin!

this is the reason why people need Catholic theology, because they read the Bible without context!

the Jews called their cousins and close relatives brothers and sisters, also Christ calls his disciples brothers.

Respectfully, catholic theology is heresy.


Jun 19, 2021
Or maybe you misinterpret?
No. I didn't even address the 5th point where you said you pray to Saint Michael the archangel. The Bible clearly says Jesus Christ is the mediator. Follow Gods law not mens traditions and customs
Last edited:


Dec 28, 2021
Or maybe you misinterpret?
Scholarly consensus is that the Protoevangelium of James was written in the mid-second century; thus, is could not have been written by Jesus’ half-brother (or step-brother, as this work would maintain). Since it is pseudepigraphal (written by someone claiming to be someone else) the Protoevangelium of James was rejected by the church. Origen speaks of it in the third century as of dubious origin. The work has been condemned by church councils and church officials through the years, and even by the Catholic Church, which teaches the perpetual virginity of Mary.

While it is natural to be curious about the details of Jesus’ (and Mary’s) upbringing, God has told us all we need to know in the New Testament. While some imaginative speculation may be acceptable, it is unacceptable to represent that speculation as truth, and this appears to be what the author of the Protoevangelium of James has done.


Dec 10, 2018
No. I didn't even address the 5th point where you said you pray to Saint Michael the archangel. The Bible clearly says Jesus Christ is the mediator. Follow Gods law not mens traditions and customs
Since the Catholic faith comes directly from Christ, I do! Tell me, what denomination are you?

Christ is Absolutely the mediator between men and God, but who is the mediator between men and Christ? The Holy Virgin Mary!


Dec 10, 2018
Scholarly consensus is that the Protoevangelium of James was written in the mid-second century; thus, is could not have been written by Jesus’ half-brother (or step-brother, as this work would maintain). Since it is pseudepigraphal (written by someone claiming to be someone else) the Protoevangelium of James was rejected by the church. Origen speaks of it in the third century as of dubious origin. The work has been condemned by church councils and church officials through the years, and even by the Catholic Church, which teaches the perpetual virginity of Mary.

While it is natural to be curious about the details of Jesus’ (and Mary’s) upbringing, God has told us all we need to know in the New Testament. While some imaginative speculation may be acceptable, it is unacceptable to represent that speculation as truth, and this appears to be what the author of the Protoevangelium of James has done.
But you are forgetting one very important thing, the Holy Bible isn’t where it ends!

public and private revelation has happened and continues to happen to this day, from Catholic Saints speaking to Christ to Marian apparitions and the blessed Virgin Mary appearing with messages (for example Fatima

even in the Bible itself it states not everything is in the Bible: John 21:25 “There are many more things that Jesus did. If all of them were written down, I suppose that not even the world itself would have space for the books that would be written.”

then to understand the Bible you need to have the context in which it was written, which the Catholic Church provides.



Dec 10, 2018
Wednesday Rosary
Hail Mary Full of Grace the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus, Holy Mary mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death Amen


Jun 19, 2021
Since the Catholic faith comes directly from Christ, I do! Tell me, what denomination are you?

Christ is Absolutely the mediator between men and God, but who is the mediator between men and Christ? The Holy Virgin Mary!
Don't let denominations which are man made decieve you. The Bible is very clear that Jesus Chirst is the doorway to the Most High. Mary worship/veneration/intercession and saint worship is unbibical and a lie.


Dec 28, 2021
But you are forgetting one very important thing, the Holy Bible isn’t where it ends!

public and private revelation has happened and continues to happen to this day, from Catholic Saints speaking to Christ to Marian apparitions and the blessed Virgin Mary appearing with messages (for example Fatima

even in the Bible itself it states not everything is in the Bible: John 21:25 “There are many more things that Jesus did. If all of them were written down, I suppose that not even the world itself would have space for the books that would be written.”

then to understand the Bible you need to have the context in which it was written, which the Catholic Church provides.

I stand on the sufficiency of scripture. Catholicism preaches a different gospel. Woe to those who add or take away from the word of God. Paul’s letters to the early churches are full of warnings to reject anyone preaching something other than Christ alone, faith alone, grace alone. These warnings are still applicable today.


Dec 28, 2021
Since the Catholic faith comes directly from Christ, I do! Tell me, what denomination are you?

Christ is Absolutely the mediator between men and God, but who is the mediator between men and Christ? The Holy Virgin Mary!
Please share with us all the scripture that says that Mary is the mediator between man and Christ.