BTS discussion thread


Jan 1, 2022
Do you mind sharing your dreams ? I would just like to understand them
This might be a bit long but I’ll copy and paste all the ones I’ve had from my notes app.

1. I was in a train station in Seoul (around the time period of this dream I had lots of dreams about Korea as I had visited in 2019) and was walking up some stairs and I saw Yoongi and Hobi holding hands. I asked Hobi if I could hold Yoongi’s hand, and he kinda gave me a look and let go and let me hold it. I remember Yoongi’s hand feeling really soft.
2. I was in a van with young BTS (around ahl timeline, due to jks red hairI was sharing a bowl of tteokbokki with JK and I was talking to Yoongi about TikTok it was so weird.
3. In my very first dream about them, I was at one of their photo shoots or interviews. I remember seeing all the members lined up, and they each kept trying to talk to me. Jk especially came up to me and was talking a lot. He was speaking korean but I understood everything he said.
4. I had another where I was getting married, and was wearing a very pretty dress. In the crowd I saw Yoongi and Namjoon sitting there. And I remember Yoongi smiling and clapping while Joon was nodding his head to some music I can’t recall. They were both in the audience but they weren’t facing me at all. Namjoon had his hair slicked back with glasses and was wearing a suit. Once I woke up from it I had to find the picture of how he looked

5.I had this dream where I was in this room in a house and I was about to throw some newspapers out when these military dudes walked in, and one guy told me he wanted to read it so I said okay and left it. As I’m leaving the room there was like turnstiles to go outside. As I’m leaving I see jk and he goes through the turnstile to go back into the room. I forgot what I said to him but he told me to come so I slid under the turnstile back into the room. And when I came inside he held my hand and suddenly a crowd appeared? And we were trying to get through the crowd (I rmm yelling at him about something ) but he kept pulling me through the crowd. Then suddenly (a girl from my college appeared) and said she’ll take us to her house, and she grabbed jks other hand (he still held mine) and she pulled us through the rest of the crowd

6. Also I had a dream where bts had an interview answering questions and somehow jk picked my question and I saw my name pop up on screen and he was like how he would beat me in a soccer match or some shit.

7.I was in a classroom right, and all the desks were built in a square around the room. And there goes jin standing in the middle talking. So at one point he brushes his hair back and then I yell out DAMN JIN OKAYYYY and he looks at me and laughs. I got embarrassed from the eye contact so I hid behind the person sitting next to me. And everyone starting laughing. And afterwards I was tryna look for my friend to tell her what happened.

8. In my dream I saw hobi and jk and jin.
I was in a house and my family came over I had went somewhere with jin and we were playing around. I had told one of my friends in the dream that I had it on camera as proof. It was so weird, it was like my moms new house even tho the beginning took place at home. And somehow jk was there, I found his ass in the kitchen. I had a bowl of this food it was like mashed up but it tasted and so I threw it down the sink that’s how I ended up seeing jk eating something there. I also saw hobi later on and was telling him about jin. Also somehow in parts of the kitchen and living room I saw family friends? Even tho idk who these ppl were

I’ve had more than this but these are the ones that I remembered/wrote down once I woke up from it.

there’s another dream I recall my friend telling me she had. (This is copy and pasted from our messages)
I had a dream that we met bts and then we found out they were wanted prisoners that kidnapped girls have their way with them then kill them in the worst way. We tried to escape when he found out but it was too late and since we found out their secret they were gonna kill us. They put us in an elevator that was gonna be filled to the top with sand so I kept pressing the buttons on the elevator to get out but it didn't.


Jan 1, 2022
This nightmare gave me creeps and I was so so bad all the day, I was sweating as hell when I woken up. Brrr, just to think about this again..
It was the Halloween period time. All the October month, I was stress, and I wasn't feeling well in my skin, and when I sleep at night, I didn't have any nightmares or dreams about something particularly. But I felt bad tensions and weird things each time I was walking outside to go somewhere. It depends the places, but it was so weird. I had the same things at Christmas. The same weird sensation, but I can't express what it was about, so I let it drop, but anyway, the 31 October, my nightmare was so messed up. I know the brain is inclined to make you dream about what it took as informations during our day, but come on, it was horrendous and abnormal.

I was kidnapped when I went to shopping. Don't know why, don't remember who take me, it's a dream so you know that there will be part with absolut nonsense. I wake up with my hands and foot tied up, and I was sitting against a cold wall, underwear. ( promise that's not a fanfiction xD) with Jimin and another man in front of me. Behind and around them,there were multiple doors, and I could heard atrocious screaming of begging and cries, with disgusting songs around. I start to cry too, and I didn't dare to say anything and why I was here . I need to precise that I knew it was some nightmares but, it was incredible real. I don't know how to explain, but if I woke up sweating, it was because my brain decided it should be the more realistic possible.

The dude was speaking in his supposed language ( at least I suppose my conscious did it I don't know how) and I wasn't understand something. I was mortified because of their mischievious smile. Jimin start to hit me, and guess what? I could sense the beating without really sensing the violence. The other guy started to speak in english to explain my current situation, I was the gift for Jimin please. Fucking gift.

Armys if you are reading this in silence, I can tell you it's very not something to fantazise. The dude was beating and slapping me because I didn't understand and answer him about his Korean, and even if it was a nightmare, I can tell you that I wasn't exited at all. I wasn't calling him oppa. I was just begging for him to stop hurting me. He grabbed my hair, and slam my face several time on the floor, where, there was dry blood of ancient victims, to bring me with him in another room, his team mate didn't follow him.

I didn't see others members weirdly, there was just the screaming goat who was absolutely horrible. A real fucker ! He was so naughty.

I am doing a great effort to remember this shit because when you have the sounds and the images in your head and still playing around, it's really not the same than describing it like I am doing right now.

The man kept me captive to be a sex slave, and if I didn't want to die with some tortures like the others, I should be nice to him and bring him some girls around my age, for having news friends he said. And I did it. I don't remember the faces of the people, but I was outside the night to take some lost young girls who just wanted to have some fun at some clubs.

And Jimin was surveying me not too far away, to see if I followed his instructions.

After that, I don't remember what happens, my nightmare switch just like that, to see the crying goat starting eating a heart. A human heart. In front of me. My nightmare finished like : he shows me the other bloody piece of the organ ( holy shit it was so disgusting. It was so graphic, there was blood everywhere on his hands, and his smile was covered with blood too, I am not going to describe the face, it was so so disgusting) asking me if I wanted to taste it.

And then I woke up. I open my eyes in bigs. I was looking around me with blinking eyes and my bed was wet because of the stress. I remembered touching my arms and my face to see if it was really just a dream.
I even said to myself outloud :" holy fucking shit. What was that?"
I was replaying the worst part in my head all the day. It's really rare when I do nightmares.
It’s interesting that mochi boy often seems to be the main perpetrator in these dreams…..


Jan 1, 2022
So what happened with the 7million apartment he has in itaewon? He gave the 3 mill one to his brother right? I don't think he lives with his bro and his SIL, he's probably just there for the hols and those pics and fans are adding 2+2 and getting 36. Maybe Bam has lived with his bro and his dogs when not at the training centre cos of jk's schedule. The boy is known for scouting around for hoes in itaewon constantly lol, saesangs don't know a lot of credible stuff.
I’m kind of salty that when I visited Seoul I never got to actually see them on their home soil haha . I only went to itaewon twice and didn’t like it…seems to be a very seedy area and filled with foreigners! Literally felt like I was in America. I preferred the atmosphere of hongdae more. When I got to Korea they were in Japan at the time I recall…but close to the last 2 weeks of my trip they came back.


Sep 21, 2021
She could be betees' or any young person's great great grandma....She was famous, lovely, funny, and healthy...But of course, she too, would die...and she did...

Betty White dies at 99...her longevity in hollyweird was pretty amazing...did she do anything in exchange for that? Perhaps...but we don't know...



Dec 1, 2021
She could be betees' or any young person's great great grandma....She was famous, lovely, funny, and healthy...But of course, she too, would die...and she did...

Betty White dies at 99...her longevity in hollyweird was pretty amazing...did she do anything in exchange for that? Perhaps...but we don't know...

There was a question earlier - is there payback and I think there is. At some point , the fame lessens, the body waekens and as death creeps ever closer, full realisation of the bargain they have made comes to hit these artists smack bang in the face.



Sep 21, 2021
There was a question earlier - is there payback and I think there is. At some point , the fame lessens, the body waekens and as death creeps ever closer, full realisation of the bargain they have made comes to hit these artists smack bang in the face.

True. There's always a payback...a consequence...

If a realization and repentance happen and salvation in Christ is sincerely asked for...then there's hope and redemption...


Oct 3, 2021

Replace the second guy with BTS members, when they were at their beggining. This guy just described their daily in a nutshell since the start. Rip to all this children and teens around the world going through these predators with their power and connections.

( there is english subtitles for the others, bless this man and his channel)
Mar 1, 2021
It happened to me rarely. But then it happened in my real life, I was like what the actual fuck? How is it even possible? You know what ? When it arrived and I asked some of my ex friends about this, they all say the same things. That it was a sense of déjà vu. Juste a sense because of something who snaps in the brain. Okay, I know it exists too. But the scary part is that it was really happening the exacts things I was dreaming. When it happened I looked like magicarp ! Mouth open like a fish xD
Why do you think it happens?


Oct 3, 2021
Why do you think it happens?
So much possibilities, it just could be because I am overthinking about one or several subjects in the same time, and I dream about them without any explanations. Or maybe it's our intuition who wants to give some hints about some events, and it happens when we are vulnerable and unconscious. I really don't know why it happens, or why we can have the déjà vu sense.
I believe about the good and bad energies too.

When I was 19 I was dreaming that I will leaving my ex place to another. In fact, I was returning in my first house ( I traveled a lot). I was seeing myself siting on the bed in my first house, but that was all, the moment was already switching. And it was really significant for me, until my 21 where we moved on with my mother and sister. And I was so shocked when she announced me we were leaving to live there again at that time. Because even if the house had some modifications by the ancient owners, my room actually was exactly the same in my dreams. Same paint colors, same planks... it was some years ago now, but I was wondering if I was crazy at that time. And I am sure it wasn't just an impression of déjà vu. I really dreamed this little part some seconds.

I never thought it will happen firstly, so when I learned we would move on again, it was already surprising. But to see the same decors in my room two years ago was impressionable.


Aug 4, 2021
I think the maknaes fight, and Rm and Sg fight. Doubt anyone fights Jh. He seems very serious, and no joke.
Rmm did say that once yn started a fight with him over a room once and when everyone kept saying that jm and vee fight alot that's when jm spilled tea that jk and jn play fights turn into real fighting

Jm and vee also said they used to argue and fight alot when they were younger


Oct 20, 2018
Ahahaha not the hairplugs!
View attachment 68469

Yeah jk is very secretive and private, which is why I knew that place he showed when he was with his dog wasn't his. Armpits always jumping the gun and making up stories, praising them for the least little thing.
Yeah they praise them for even the simplest things. Just imagine if there was similar scandal as with s*ungri. I can already see the Amy comments "yeah he forced himself on the girl but he didn't kill her and that's admirable" or just the typical sh.t "that girl was so lucky, I wish I was in her place"
The Amy are just...


Oct 20, 2018


Oct 20, 2018
This! I recently posted here having weird dreams about bts. It's real like just when I watch some of their videos I keep getting weird dreams even if I pray before going to sleep. Idk what kind of witchcraft is that. At first I never believed that people can see bts dreams but now that I myself have seen it. It's real.

After watching their videos I felt like an emotional rush in my body. Like something compelled me to watch that.
I can recommend you some positive symbols which are used for protection (though even a pentagram could help you) to wear but since you are Christian I guess it would go against your beliefs.
In that case herbs are also very good help. I recommend lavender tea (I myself mix it with mint and its even better). Try drinking lavender mint tea before sleep and it should help you against these things.
Then there is this stereotypical salt, which is actually very helpful and it's very strong protection. What I do whenever I dont feel well or when I feel like there is too much negative energy around me I fill the tub, put salt in the water and just lie in it - I always feel so much better afterwards and even my sleep is good. It cleanses from all negative and bad energies and it's like your shield for short period of time. So you can try this as well.

I dont want to offend your religion, just trying to come up with something that would help you.