Former Witch Speaks On Halloween


May 11, 2020
A blank post which i see here sometimes. I still say you need help. By your own admission you're a sick person.

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Its not often to see so many evils in one person, but you run a trifecta. Feminist, homosexual and self procliamed magician. Are you gonna identify as a goat in your next post? I mean theres all kinds of evils, it doesn't just have to be "gender fluidity".

As i said above, no wonder you hate religion. You've enslaved yourself to the devils and you only hear what they tell you. You only see what they show you.

I would suggest you put your head on the floor and ask the Almighty for help, but actual "god fearing individuals" here refuse such an action. Isn't that right @Lyfe? ...Kinda reminds me of that scene in Braveheart, where the guy says.. "in order for an Irishman to met his equal he must speak to God".

Like it or not everyone is a slave to something in this life, sadly you've chosen satan.
You can spend the remainder of your life prostrate before God and still die in your sin and get cast into hell. All it took was one sin for Adam and Eve to live out the remainder of their existence separated from God. They would have lived forever had they not sinned, but they grew old and perished. You think you are right with God, but he wont pardon your sins. Its too late and you already have a criminal record that cannot be blotted out(apart from Christ). What will you do when God opens his books and starts to convict you of all the lies you have told, of all the times you looked upon a woman with lust, of all the times you dishonored your father and mother, of all the times you coveted after your neighbors possesions, of all the times you failed to love God with all your heart mind soul and strength? Of all the times you acted in anger and hatred? You will be found guilty with no exception, because the law has found you guilty. You are in your sins. You best turn to Christ while there is still breath in your lungs and you can be made clean and be made right with God. He will love and accept you as a son and abundantly pardon. He will jot your name down in his book of life. He will come in and dwell within you by the holy ghost. Repent and honor the son that you may live.


Jun 28, 2020
You can spend the remainder of your life prostrate before God and still die in your sin and get cast into hell. All it took was one sin for Adam and Eve to live out the remainder of their existence separated from God. They would have lived forever had they not sinned, but they grew old and perished. You think you are right with God, but he wont pardon your sins. Its too late and you already have a criminal record that cannot be blotted out(apart from Christ). What will you do when God opens his books and starts to convict you of all the lies you have told, of all the times you looked upon a woman with lust, of all the times you dishonored your father and mother, of all the times you coveted after your neighbors possesions, of all the times you failed to love God with all your heart mind soul and strength? Of all the times you acted in anger and hatred? You will be found guilty with no exception, because the law has found you guilty. You are in your sins. You best turn to Christ while there is still breath in your lungs and you can be made clean and be made right with God. He will love and accept you as a son and abundantly pardon. He will jot your name down in his book of life. He will come in and dwell within you by the holy ghost. Repent and honor the son that you may live.
Why the book Lyfe? You refuse to physically acknowledge God is greater then you. What other reason could there be Lyfe then spin / misdirection? This is the way Jesus prayed in your own book. (Matthew 26:39)

This is the way Christians before you prayed.

But you're too good for it.

This is why you don't have guidance, this is why you worship a man. This is why the devil is your guide. Good luck on judgement day.


May 11, 2020
Why the book Lyfe? You refuse to physically acknowledge God is greater then you. What other reason could there be Lyfe then spin / misdirection? This is the way Jesus prayed in your own book. (Matthew 26:39)

This is the way Christians before you prayed.

But you're too good for it.

This is why you don't have guidance, this is why you worship a man. This is why the devil is your guide. Good luck on judgement day.
Do you know why Islam is so impoverished and in darkness? Because it is ruled over by a false god and malevolent territorial spirit. This cruel spirit is holding Islam in darkness, poverty, ruin, and famine. It holds Islam in darkness. They slaughter all the Christians and drive out the true light and presence of the spirit of God. If Islam didnt drive out all the Christians that want to bring true healing it wouldnt be such a place of spiritual darkness. There would be Gods light to heal and set free, but sadly much of the middle east is ruled by the cruel and oppressive spirit behind Islam. People go hungry, women are oppressed, the land is ruled by jihad, because of the false and cruel god they have given themselves over to.

I pray that you would come to Christ who is the true light and be filled with the holy ghost before its too late.


Jun 28, 2020
Do you know why Islam is so impoverished and in darkness? Because it is ruled over by a false god and malevolent territorial spirit. This cruel spirit is holding Islam in darkness, poverty, ruin, and famine. It holds Islam in darkness. They slaughter all the Christians and drive out the true light and presence of the spirit of God. If Islam didnt drive out all the Christians that want to bring true healing it wouldnt be such a place of spiritual darkness. There would be Gods light to heal and set free, but sadly much of the middle east is ruled by the cruel and oppressive spirit behind Islam. People go hungry, women are oppressed, the land is ruled by jihad, because of the false and cruel god they have given themselves over to.

I pray that you would come to Christ who is the true light and be filled with the holy ghost before its too late.
Just zero desire in another 5 page back and forth where nothing is accomplished. You refuse to bow before God, you will not pray as Jesus did because your devil and your ego will not let you.

Nothing is more hateful to the devil then prostration to the Almighty.

These are facts. Good day sir.


Oct 24, 2021
Do you know why Islam is so impoverished and in darkness? Because it is ruled over by a false god and malevolent territorial spirit. This cruel spirit is holding Islam in darkness, poverty, ruin, and famine. It holds Islam in darkness. They slaughter all the Christians and drive out the true light and presence of the spirit of God. If Islam didnt drive out all the Christians that want to bring true healing it wouldnt be such a place of spiritual darkness. There would be Gods light to heal and set free, but sadly much of the middle east is ruled by the cruel and oppressive spirit behind Islam. People go hungry, women are oppressed, the land is ruled by jihad, because of the false and cruel god they have given themselves over to.

I pray that you would come to Christ who is the true light and be filled with the holy ghost before its too late.
I mentioned the same thing before. God blesses nations that keep his Word and commandments. That's why the US is going down hill fast. Islam has given the world absolutely nothing but war, famine, and pestilence. Every society that allows Islam in its borders quickly falls to ruin. There's reasons why Muslims still live on dirt floors and the rest of society has indoor plumbing.

If that's how Islam's "god" rewards their nation, then what kind of "god" is that? Obviously he has no power to uplift his nations. It proves the "god" of Islam is an imaginary figure, or a devil. Its obviously an accursed religion as Paul states, that's why it truly lives in squalor.


Jan 12, 2018

Allot of evil and human sacrifice behind the scenes.
Halloween is just one of the four cross quarter festivals that fall between a solstice and an equinox. The church took these festivals and hijacked them hence All Souls Day on November 1st. Like there is no human sacrifice going on in Christian societies and the Bible being used to justify it. That's what the burning of witches and heretics was all about.


Jan 12, 2018
No, they
Christmas and Easter are indeed occult in nature. Its all part of Satans agenda to blaspheme God.
No, they aren't. They are pagan in origin. Many religions have festivals to mark the Winter Solstice. The Scandinavians had Yule and the Romans had Saturnalia. There is nothing original in Christianity or the two other Abrahamic religions.


Oct 24, 2021
Halloween is just one of the four cross quarter festivals that fall between a solstice and an equinox. The church took these festivals and hijacked them hence All Souls Day on November 1st. Like there is no human sacrifice going on in Christian societies and the Bible being used to justify it. That's what the burning of witches and heretics was all about.
I won't defend catholics, but please learn the difference between Catholics and chrisians.

The burning of witches weren't sacrifices, but capital punishment. And most were guilty too. You can still read their accounts today.


Oct 24, 2021
No, they

No, they aren't. They are pagan in origin. Many religions have festivals to mark the Winter Solstice. The Scandinavians had Yule and the Romans had Saturnalia. There is nothing original in Christianity or the two other Abrahamic religions.
Easter isn't occult or pagan. Its a proven fact. There's a whole thread here on it.


Jan 12, 2018
I won't defend catholics, but please learn the difference between Catholics and chrisians.

The burning of witches weren't sacrifices, but capital punishment. And most were guilty too. You can still read their accounts today.
Most of those accused of being witches had nothing to do with witchcraft. Even if they were they didn't deserve to be killed.


Jan 29, 2018
Do you realize that the only proof of the existence of this goddess is from St. Bede's "The Reckoning of Time" (8th c.)? This fact is stated in the first paragraph of the Wikipedia article. Everything else we know about this deity outside of his account is just conjectural mythologizing. So by taking its existence for granted you give credence to the reliability of the Christian historiography while you claim that the Bible is unreliable because it doesn't agree with the Koran.

Of course (as usual) you didn't say anything about the topic specifically but used it as a pretense to peddle your antichristian grift. Muslim snake oil salesmen are down bad; this reeks of desperation.
Harsh, but you make valid points.


May 11, 2020
Just zero desire in another 5 page back and forth where nothing is accomplished. You refuse to bow before God, you will not pray as Jesus did because your devil and your ego will not let you.

Nothing is more hateful to the devil then prostration to the Almighty.

These are facts. Good day sir.
You are a prisoner and subject to a territorial spirit that has no empathy, compassion, or regard to the people who pray to it.


May 11, 2020
Most of those accused of being witches had nothing to do with witchcraft. Even if they were they didn't deserve to be killed.
Do you believe under no circumstance a witch should be killed?


Sep 3, 2018
Invite demons? And you get your facts from where, darling? Sounds like your confusing Wicca with Satanism (calls on specific demons for certain purposes during their black masses, *I* do not). All magic is absolutely NOT “evil; “you sound like the typical mindless, blind follower of organized, oppressive religions (such as Catholicism, “Christianity,” (which is FULL of pathetic hypocrites who hate without any good reason “certain groups” of people) who used to demonize witches, and burn us at the stake. You used US as scapegoats to shift the attention to an ostracized, misunderstood, minority such as
Proof of what? What I said about human sacrifice on samhain or jack o lanterns being used as part of a game that occultists would engage in with spirits?
Your opinion is inaccurate. You mentioned “Witches” in your comment. I’ve been around the Wiccan community personally, and the Wiccans (Witches) who practice white magic (some Witches AND solitary practitioners (like myself who currently is not interested in spells.. just prayers & writing to help my POSITIVITY based spirituality) practice ZERO “magic” at all, just so you are clear on that..), are absolutely against animal & human sacrifice. We love and adore all animals (our personal cats are called “familiars,” just to educate you). I’m an animal activist, vegetarian, AND love to volunteer to walk dogs and take care of cats at various animal rescues/shelters. I do not believe in killing another human being (self defense is another story)…Satanists are free to speak for themselves!


May 11, 2020
Invite demons? And you get your facts from where, darling? Sounds like your confusing Wicca with Satanism (calls on specific demons for certain purposes during their black masses, *I* do not). All magic is absolutely NOT “evil; “you sound like the typical mindless, blind follower of organized, oppressive religions (such as Catholicism, “Christianity,” (which is FULL of pathetic hypocrites who hate without any good reason “certain groups” of people) who used to demonize witches, and burn us at the stake. You used US as scapegoats to shift the attention to an ostracized, misunderstood, minority such as

Your opinion is inaccurate. You mentioned “Witches” in your comment. I’ve been around the Wiccan community personally, and the Wiccans (Witches) who practice white magic (some Witches AND solitary practitioners (like myself who currently is not interested in spells.. just prayers & writing to help my POSITIVITY based spirituality) practice ZERO “magic” at all, just so you are clear on that..), are absolutely against animal & human sacrifice. We love and adore all animals (our personal cats are called “familiars,” just to educate you). I’m an animal activist, vegetarian, AND love to volunteer to walk dogs and take care of cats at various animal rescues/shelters. I do not believe in killing another human being (self defense is another story)…Satanists are free to speak for themselves!
I wasnt wrong and what I said wasnt inaccurate. Allot of people were murdered and sacrificed on halloween. You may not engage in that, but it doesnt mean it didnt happen.

All magic(white or black) and witchcraft comes from the same source. I remember listening to a podcast by a guy who dedicated his life to deliverance ministry. He recounted a time where he dealt with someone who claimed to have a "friendly" ancestral bear spirit. He commanded the spirit to reveal its true nature in Jesus name and sure enough it was just a demon pretending to be a benevolent spirit. They all are.

You need to turn to Christ. Only he can love you. These counterfeits are imposters and deceivers.


Oct 24, 2021
Invite demons? And you get your facts from where, darling? Sounds like your confusing Wicca with Satanism (calls on specific demons for certain purposes during their black masses, *I* do not). All magic is absolutely NOT “evil; “you sound like the typical mindless, blind follower of organized, oppressive religions (such as Catholicism, “Christianity,” (which is FULL of pathetic hypocrites who hate without any good reason “certain groups” of people) who used to demonize witches, and burn us at the stake. You used US as scapegoats to shift the attention to an ostracized, misunderstood, minority such as

Your opinion is inaccurate. You mentioned “Witches” in your comment. I’ve been around the Wiccan community personally, and the Wiccans (Witches) who practice white magic (some Witches AND solitary practitioners (like myself who currently is not interested in spells.. just prayers & writing to help my POSITIVITY based spirituality) practice ZERO “magic” at all, just so you are clear on that..), are absolutely against animal & human sacrifice. We love and adore all animals (our personal cats are called “familiars,” just to educate you). I’m an animal activist, vegetarian, AND love to volunteer to walk dogs and take care of cats at various animal rescues/shelters. I do not believe in killing another human being (self defense is another story)…Satanists are free to speak for themselves!
Wicca was brought to the US by Gerald Gardner, and Gardner had Aleister Crowley write the Wiccan rituals. Yes there is human sacrifice in Wicca. I'm talking about real Wiccans, not a bunch of tree hugging butch dikes out in the forest playing dressup.