BTS discussion thread

Mar 1, 2021
Occult two finger salute and then devil horns smh
This is from the dance vid they just released. I think it's supposed to be a dance challenge where armys are supposed to copy the moves and post it online.
They're fishing for ideas from the fandom. They use a lot of hand signs. I would recommend praying before watching their videos. The choreography for Bh has a lot of symbols. They hide it less with the newer groups.


Aug 10, 2021
Occult two finger salute and then devil horns smh
This is from the dance vid they just released. I think it's supposed to be a dance challenge where armys are supposed to copy the moves and post it online.
And also the tongue has a meaning too, ill search bout it .
And now every girl/boy of their fandom will do the same not knowing what theyre into .


Jun 2, 2021
It's probably not btees, but this happened when they debuted. Here's an interesting comment someone made.
View attachment 62110

That's how groups get successful. No one gets anything free in kpop.
there was a scandal a few years ago that some popular male trainees from produce 101 got used by the show's staff and pd's this stuff is rampant in kpop but no one seems to take it seriously I have a feeling jimin and jk might have been passed around by big hit higher ups during their rookie years too


Jun 23, 2021
But when u say that BTS and the fandom is a cult, every one will start by "how dare you say that we just love our boys" like, miiiss since when they became "yours" to start with,
Definitely a cult! And the whole "our boys" thing always creeped me out. Like they're not a piece of property to own..they're not yours. Plus, b*s are men not boys.


Aug 10, 2021
Definitely a cult! And the whole "our boys" thing always creeped me out. Like they're not a piece of property to own..they're not yours. Plus, b*s are men not boys.
The "our boys" shit makes people look like psychos tbh say one bad word bout them nd 14 years old girls will come throwing threats at any one.
lets not forget "my husband" omg, too much cringe .


Apr 6, 2018
Sur l'astre du Taureau:
On the star of Taurus: French site:
Aldebaran le Taureau Rouge (

Pour Shiva: Voir le chapitre sur "SHEN LE MOUTON":
For Shiva: See the chapter on "SHEN THE SHEEP": French site

En le collant au cycle, les deux représentations sont liés à Seth et au vent, ils sont tous deux liés aux références à la chute du soleil, qu'on peut lié à la chute de Lucifer (même si c'est la mère), à l'Antichrist, au Dajal. D'ailleurs, l'astre du Taureau à une étoile lus brillante que les autres, qui représente l'oeil droit du taureau.
By sticking it to the cycle, the two representations are linked to Seth and to the wind, they are both linked to references to the fall of the sun, which can be linked to the fall of Lucifer (even if it is the mother), to the Antichrist, to the Dajal. Moreover, the star of Taurus has a star more brilliant than the others, which represents the right eye of the bull.
Mar 1, 2021
there was a scandal a few years ago that some popular male trainees from produce 101 got used by the show's staff and pd's this stuff is rampant in kpop but no one seems to take it seriously I have a feeling jimin and jk might have been passed around by big hit higher ups during their rookie years too
Trainees are very vulnerable. It probably happens a lot to the youngest. I think they were probably abused the most. People didn't think boys would be hurt too, but it happens to both.
Mar 1, 2021
The "our boys" shit makes people look like psychos tbh say one bad word bout them nd 14 years old girls will come throwing threats at any one.
lets not forget "my husband" omg, too much cringe .
Have you seen the Pdnim is my man posts? The former CEO has people put here in love with him.


Apr 6, 2018
I can't stop laughing :D View attachment 62150
They are doing all the signs and symbols. Armys are praising them for this.people say that we are making theories here but why there is repitition of same signs and symbols.people need to wake up. These hand signs and tongue have become a trend now.o_O:rolleyes::confused:
Like yeah, it's normal for the public now
En parlant des cornes t'en que j'y pense, il a un signe V en haut et le pousse vers le bas, que je pensais être le symbole Y, représente l'astre, à c'elle du Taureau, comme ces signes du V. Et sa main droite, je me demande si elle représente le E 3 dans la religion Nordique représente Thor comparable au Christ et E est comparable à l'antichrist, je l'ai confirmé par une tapisserie Franc-Maçonne, les personnages de la Bible, on la main dessiner ainsi. Le 3 et E sont aussi dont ils sont tatoués, et dessiner par le petit garçon dans "Believer" d'Imagine Dragons. Les deux formes, le bas du triangle. Celui où je pensais qu'il représentait un M.
Speaking of the horns, come to think of it, it has a V sign at the top and pushes it down, which I thought was the Y symbol, represents the star, to that of Taurus, like these signs of V. And his right hand, I wonder if it represents the E 3 in the Nordic religion represents Thor comparable to Christ and E is comparable to the antichrist, I confirmed it by a Freemason tapestry, the characters of the Bible, we draw it by hand. The 3 and E are also tattooed on, and draw by the little boy in Imagine Dragons' "Believer". The two shapes, the bottom of the triangle. The one where I thought he represented a M.
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