BTS discussion thread


Aug 10, 2021
I agree about jkayy showing no emotion when he sings or dances
He does a good job at it but it's nothis passion wheras j!mn is a born dancer and it shows

I think jkayy shows his emotions through his body mortification with all those hideous tattoos and piercings

I really feel bad for t×t what has hitbig done to those boys? Wearing skirts and being all gaunt looking for such young men
I honestly dunno bout txt but they seem really different, nd wtf yeonjun has became he was much more healthier nd very good looking i really dnt like his face shape now, nd it obvious that he has done fillers all over, he had injections in his lips for sure, but god damn he was really good looking why did they change his face shape . Tf is wrong with this people .



Apr 6, 2018
Enfin, j'ai finit la première partie:
Finally, I finished the first part:

Dans la second partie, je vais mettre la référence des dieux par rapport au cycle. Où de le symbole, qu'ils utilisent pour la pédophilie, est une représentation de la montée de l'âme, la forme (interne), ce ce que les Egyptiens utilisait pour monter les pyramides.
In the second part, I will put the reference of the gods in relation to the cycle. Where of the symbol, which they use for p***philia, is a representation of the rise of the soul, the (internal) shape, what the Egyptians used to climb the pyramids.

Pour ceux qui peuvent pas accéder à mon blog:

L'Homme va utilisé ce qui l'entoure pour illustrer ce qu'il observe. Voyant que, l'horizon sépare le ciel de la terre. Et que le soleil sortant de terre à l'aurore, domine au zénith, puis s'évanouie au coucher.. Représentes les trois des quatre parties importantes, présentent dans cette devinette: "Qu'est-ce qui marche à quatre pattes le matin, à deux pattes à midi et à trois pattes le soir?" Réponse: "L'Homme" A minuit, l'âme est au paradis pendant que le corps est resté sur terre.
Dans sa forme la plus complexe, le cycle est double, et prend la forme d'un huit: les parents conçoivent leur fils au dernier quart de leur premier cercle. La mère passe ensuite sa période de grossesse sur le premier quart du premier cercle du fils. Allant de sa naissance jusqu'à l'adolescence, le fils passera le second quart sous la protection et l'éducation de sa mère. Au troisième quart: devenue adolescent, il prendra petit à petit son indépendance, tout en restant sous la tutelle de sa mère. Au quatrième quart: il rencontra sa petite amie. Ils finiront par couchés ensembles, comme leurs parents. Jusqu'à qu'à son tour elle tombe enceinte, commence alors le premier cycle de l'enfant et le dernier cycle des parents. Au troisième quart: le temps pèse sur le corps. Au second et troisième: les parents peuvent prendre le rôle de grand-parents, arrière grand-parents, arrière arrière grand-parents... Atteignant à la fin du troisième et début du quatrième quart: l'Homme meurt et l'âme part au paradis. Pendant que le corps se dégrade, l'âme prend tout de suite où plus tard un nouveau corps, et ainsi recommencer le cycle.
La forme du Yin comme du Yang est c'elle du nombre d'or: L'un démarre au début de l'équinoxe du printemps, et finit à la fin du solstice d'été. L'autre démarre au début de l'équinoxe d'automne et finit à la fin du solstice d'hiver. Le cycle la position des étoiles est divisible en deux par le Yin et Yang voir en quatre par les quatre saisons. Alors que le Yin est lié à la féminité, à la matière. Le Yang est lié à la masculinité, et donc à l'énergie. Même si en décrivant le corps physique, le Yin remplacerait le Yang: La femme a un physique léger. Mais porte l'ovule, et a le mental le plus solide. Inversement l'homme est physiquement fort, il porte les spermatozoïdes (la vie, la lumière, qui agis sur la matière, l'ovule), mais est mentalement faible.
La division en quatre accompagne les quatre éléments du corps: La graine (le spermatozoïde) est enterrée dans le premier élément: la terre (sable ou poussière). Arroser d'eau au précédent quart, elle est humidifiée lui permet de s'enfoncer, en créant au passage une réserve d'eau sous terre. L'arbre va nourrir de la terre comme la germe de l'oeuf se nourrit du jaune puis du blanc. Le feu est l'élément du second quart. Pour représenter le soleil, celui-ci sort de terre, comme le bébé sort de sa mère, comme l'oiseau sort de sa coquille. Il va ensuite s'élevé en réchauffant de plus en plus l'atmosphère. Le troisième quart est celui du vent. Le soleil perd de son intensité, jusqu'à complètement disparaitre sous l'horizon. Le quatrième quart est pour le quart de la mère est représenté par l'eau. La second partie du quart est celui de la mort. La pomme est tombée se dégrade. Laissant seul les graines qui vont avec l'aide de l'eau dans la terre. Elle recommence ainsi le cycle.
La main gauche du corps absorbe alors que la main droite rejette l'énergie en passant ou pas par la glande pinéale (la maison de l'esprit). Sous la forme d'une arche voir la pointe du triangle passe par les trois positions du soleil qui accompagnent les trois périodes de l'évolution de l'Homme. Ainsi que la position des; deux yeux physiques. En plus de la glande pinéale nommée le troisième oeil. est positionné à la pointe. Le nez est lié au quart du soleil à l'élément du vent, à celui du souffle qui donne vie. A l'inverse, il éteint le feu. Et la bouche est liée à la mort en accélérant la dégradation.
Les quatre quarts sont globalement représenter par une ou plusieurs couleurs: La couleur jaune qui représente le soleil. est englobée par la terre, de couleur marron. La couleur rouge fait référence au soleil brulant, qui associer avec le second quarts donnent la couleur orange, la couleur de l'Homme. Le troisième quart porte la couleur blanche celle du soleil au zénith, ou la couleur. verte, celle de l'ouroboros. Le cycle finit par le quart de la mère, avec l'eau qui suivit par la seconde partie qui se trouve soit en. dessous, soit entre dernier et premier quart, il porte la couleur noir, la couleur de la mort, qui est la première couleur.

For those who cannot access my blog:

Man has a life cycle in the form of a riddle: "What walks on all fours in the morning on two legs at noon and on three legs in the evening?" Answer: "The Man". At midnight the soul being in paradise while the body remained on earth.
In the double cycle (eight cycle): parents conceive their son in the last quarter of their first circle. The mother then spends her pregnancy period on the first quarter of the son's first circle. From birth to adolescence, the son will spend the second quarter under the protection and education of his mother .; In the third quarter, having become a teenager, he will gradually gain his independence while remaining under the tutelage of his mother. In the fourth quarter he met his girlfriend. They will end up lying together like their parents. Until she in turn becomes pregnant, the first cycle of the child and the last cycle of the parents begin. In the third quarter time weighs on the body. In the second and third, parents can take on the role of grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents ... Reaching at the end of the third and beginning of the fourth quarter, the Man dies and the soul goes to the paradise. As the body degrades, the soul immediately or later takes on a new body and thus begins the cycle again.
The form of Yin as of Yang is that of the golden ratio: One starts at the beginning of the spring equinox, and ends at the end of the summer solstice. The other starts at the start of the fall equinox and ends at the end of the winter solstice. The cycle the position of the stars is divisible in two by the Yin and Yang, see in four by the four seasons. The Yin is linked to femininity, to matter. And the Yang which is linked to masculinity, and therefore to energy. Even if by describing the physical body, the Yin would replace the Yang: The woman has a light physique But carries the ovum, and has the most solid mind. Conversely, the man is physically strong, he carries the sperm, but is mentally weak.
The division into four accompanies the four elements of the body: The seed (the sperm) is buried in the first element: the earth (sand or dust). Sprinkle with water in the previous quarter, it is humidified allowing it to sink, creating in the process a reserve of water underground. The tree will nourish the earth as the germ of the egg feeds on the yolk and then on the white. Fire is the element of the second quarter. To represent the sun, it comes out of the earth, like the baby comes out of its mother, like the bird comes out of its shell. It will then rise, warming the atmosphere more and more. The third quarter is that of the wind. The sun loses its intensity, until it completely disappears below the horizon. The fourth quarter is for the mother's quarter is represented by water. The second part of the quarter is that of death. The fallen apple is deteriorating. Leaving alone the seeds that go with the help of water in the earth. She thus begins the cycle again.
The left hand of the body absorbs while the right hand rejects the energy either passing through the pineal gland (the house of the spirit). In the form of an arch, see the point of the triangle passes through the three positions of the sun which accompany the three periods of the evolution of Man. As well as the position of; two physical eyes. In addition to the pineal gland named the third eye. is positioned at the tip. The nose is linked to a quarter of the sun to the element of wind, to that of the breath that gives life. Conversely, he extinguishes the fire. And the mouth is linked to death by accelerating degradation.
The four quarters are globally represented by one or more colors: The yellow color which represents the sun. is encompassed by the earth, brown in color. The color red refers to the scorching sun, which associated with the second quarter gives the color orange, the color of Man. The third quarter bears the color white that of the sun at the zenith, or the color. green, that of ouroboros. The cycle ends with the quarter of the mother, with the water which follows by the second part which is either in. below, that is to say between the last and the first quarter, it wears the color black, the color of death, which is the first color.
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Mar 1, 2021
Their study with bts thing they have on their you tube channel

They are pretending to study like high school students and they say it's for the high school kids in korea taking some really big exam for college entrance or something like that

It's cool to motivate kids to study but when you are almost 30 an dressing up like a high school student...
That's so creepy. If someone did that irl, they would look funny.
Mar 1, 2021
I agree about jkayy showing no emotion when he sings or dances
He does a good job at it but it's nothis passion wheras j!mn is a born dancer and it shows

I think jkayy shows his emotions through his body mortification with all those hideous tattoos and piercings

I really feel bad for t×t what has hitbig done to those boys? Wearing skirts and being all gaunt looking for such young men
They had the gall to put all of them in skirts, dresses and crop tops at different times. Even Sb, who is over 6ft wore a crop top. He looked embarrassed. Some of their fans joke about Bg having a xesual relationship with a manager. They joke about it but say it could be true.
I honestly dunno bout txt but they seem really different, nd wtf yeonjun has became he was much more healthier nd very good looking i really dnt like his face shape now, nd it obvious that he has done fillers all over, he had injections in his lips for sure, but god damn he was really good looking why did they change his face shape . Tf is wrong with this people .
His original face was cute. They're botching him and he didn't need surgery. Why do men get fillers? I know one reason and it's not good.


Sep 9, 2020
Kpop seems to believe that singing and dancing can be taught unlike in other industry’s where you either have it or you don’t so it always looks like some cheap imitation of something else of course there are some talented people but very far in between JK was the only who auditioned as a singer but how many people “sing” in the group eeeek :/ They work hard no doubt but they have really bad choreographers IMO jimin was born to DANCE and that’s it….. he would have had a great career as he is trained not sure why he chose this life…
yes he was a trained ballet dancer or something like Exo Kai


Sep 9, 2020
I honestly dunno bout txt but they seem really different, nd wtf yeonjun has became he was much more healthier nd very good looking i really dnt like his face shape now, nd it obvious that he has done fillers all over, he had injections in his lips for sure, but god damn he was really good looking why did they change his face shape . Tf is wrong with this people .
about the face shape it could be because he lost some weights , but i'm not sure


Dec 9, 2020
Yes, I'm not a dancer but I noticed all that you mentioned. Jm is the best dancer in the group, period. I don't think it's even up for debate. His moves are natural and graceful. He's a very bad singer though.

Jk is second best dancer, because as you said he lacks emotion. He seems to give his all but he doesn't feel it. His singing is like that too. He overall is the best performer but this isn't saying much since b*s is such a mess and have many untalented members.
Yep. I can't stand JM's behavior but he is the best dancer in the group. He's on a completely other level than his bandmates. If only he put the passion and love he has for dance, into himself/his body and into his singing.

I was never a fan of JH's dancing... They say that he can memorize choreography faster than most and that's nice. But he never fully masters anything. It's like he learns things halfway. JM on the other hand, he may take longer to learn choreography, but when he masters a dance, as this video shows, HE MASTERS IT. It's honestly hard to believe that JM is a kpop star when you watch him dance.

JH does that popping and locking type of dance which isn't really off rhythm, it's just more about body control and looking like you have zero joints and can fold yourself into a pretzel. Which really doesn't bother me, heck, I used to do contortionism when I was a kid (I'm hypermobile aka double jointed). However, JH was way better at this several years ago than he is now. His technique has gotten sloppy. I think because he's the designated dance leader, he's not checking himself and not listening to feedback. He probably thinks he's better than he actually is. Even experts need someone to guide them.

Also, I absolutely hated that dance that JK did. It was fine for a while but then it became way too sexual too quickly and I was like, there are teenagers and kids who are going to watch that. As someone in my 30's who lost my innocence a long time ago, it made me uncomfortable. And like, I'm Atheist and rarely get bothered by anything saucy. When something can make a grown adult uncomfortable with how sexualized it is, that's when you know we have a problem.

When you watch someone like JM, he's sensuous but he's not sexualized. He's not there to be an object because the ART is obvious. With JK it's all about being a piece of meat. JK has had this issue for a while, where he borderline prostitutes himself on stage. And every time his fans enjoy it, that enables him to do it more. I think he lost his humanity a long time ago.
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Aug 10, 2021
Yep. I can't stand JM's behavior but he is the best dancer in the group. He's on a completely other level than his bandmates. If only he put the passion and love he has for dance, into himself/his body and into his singing.

I was never a fan of JH's dancing... They say that he can memorize choreography faster than most and that's nice. But he never fully masters anything. It's like he learns things halfway. JM on the other hand, he may take longer to learn choreography, but when he masters a dance, as this video shows, HE MASTERS IT. It's honestly hard to believe that JM is a kpop star when you watch him dance.

JH does that popping and locking type of dance which isn't really off rhythm, it's just more about body control and looking like you have zero joints and can fold yourself into a pretzel. Which really doesn't bother me, heck, I used to do contortionism when I was a kid (I'm hypermobile aka double jointed). However, JH was way better at this several years ago than he is now. His technique has gotten sloppy. I think because he's the designated dance leader, he's not checking himself and not listening to feedback. He probably thinks he's better than he actually is. Even experts need someone to guide them.

Also, I absolutely hated that dance that JK did. It was fine for a while but then it became way too sexual too quickly and I was like, there are teenagers and kids who are going to watch that. As someone in my 30's who lost my innocence a long time ago, it made me uncomfortable. And like, I'm Atheist and rarely get bothered by anything saucy. When something can make a grown adult uncomfortable with how sexualized it is, that's when you know we have a problem.

When you watch someone like JM, he's sensuous but he's not sexualized. He's not there to be an object because the ART is obvious. With JK it's all about being a piece of meat. JK has had this issue for a while, where he borderline prostitutes himself on stage. And every time his fans enjoy it, that enables him to do it more. I think he lost his humanity a long time ago.
I completly agree, Jk had became a sexualisation tool nowadays, even in his vlives where he wore a see through pyjama, i was life wut in the hell was that, theres basically kids, nd teenagers that gonna start having fantasies that cannot be reached nd some of them tried suicide even cuz they knew their "idol"wont marry them like wtf dude, we dnt walk around half naked on a vlive that 3m people are watching nd some.of em with there parents too.
Nd say the next day i do what i want . Nooo Mr your not living in the world alone to fo what u want , it only shows how much u have no manners . Nd how much ur trying so hard to make urself a whore, more like a object than a human, how can someone respect u if u dnt respect urself .


Aug 4, 2021
And once bang nd bts became rich they stopped talking bout real issues nd instead they start making garbbage , nd chaging to women instead of men .

Their sheep used to brag about their songs being deep and how they didnt make silly meaningless songs

And now their sheep are saying that they dont always have to make deep meaningful songs and that it's just one fun summer song in english...which turned into two...which turned into 3 and they are all absolute sh*t

How can b+s and their sheep claim that they are maturing and so is their sound when their music is actually regressing and more fit to sing at a 5 year old's birthday party than grown men going on 30

Coloring books and making bracelets and stickers and wearing toy tiaras that little girls play princess with

Is the fame and money worth your manhood and morals?


Jun 23, 2021
I completly agree, Jk had became a sexualisation tool nowadays, even in his vlives where he wore a see through pyjama, i was life wut in the hell was that, theres basically kids, nd teenagers that gonna start having fantasies that cannot be reached nd some of them tried suicide even cuz they knew their "idol"wont marry them like wtf dude, we dnt walk around half naked on a vlive that 3m people are watching nd some.of em with there parents too.
Nd say the next day i do what i want . Nooo Mr your not living in the world alone to fo what u want , it only shows how much u have no manners . Nd how much ur trying so hard to make urself a whore, more like a object than a human, how can someone respect u if u dnt respect urself .
It's funny you mentioned this because this clip was on my timeline yesterday. These mishaps only happen with jk.
Like are all his shirts cropped? I brought up before this would never happen to say yn. Also, if it did the footage would never be released to the public. Jk is highly sexualized and people say it's been in the past couple of yrs...I say it's been since he was a kid.

They had him posing with a lollipop a lot and he's underage in these photos.
jungkook lollipop.jpg
This photo is very disturbing..both him and jm.
It has gone up a notch lately and it does make one uncomfortable. His my time performance for example was too much
...yes the stuff he does these days is vulgar and wh*rish. It's funny how b*s market themselves as kid/family friendly group now when they're anything but. Jk doesn't even look like an idol anymore.
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Jun 23, 2021

Their sheep used to brag about their songs being deep and how they didnt make silly meaningless songs

And now their sheep are saying that they dont always have to make deep meaningful songs and that it's just one fun summer song in english...which turned into two...which turned into 3 and they are all absolute sh*t

How can b+s and their sheep claim that they are maturing and so is their sound when their music is actually regressing and more fit to sing at a 5 year old's birthday party than grown men going on 30

Coloring books and making bracelets and stickers and wearing toy tiaras that little girls play princess with

Is the fame and money worth your manhood and morals?
Almost 30 and dressed like toddlers. This is so creepy!IMG_20210906_104541.jpgIMG_20210906_104829.jpg


Aug 10, 2021

Their sheep used to brag about their songs being deep and how they didnt make silly meaningless songs

And now their sheep are saying that they dont always have to make deep meaningful songs and that it's just one fun summer song in english...which turned into two...which turned into 3 and they are all absolute sh*t

How can b+s and their sheep claim that they are maturing and so is their sound when their music is actually regressing and more fit to sing at a 5 year old's birthday party than grown men going on 30

Coloring books and making bracelets and stickers and wearing toy tiaras that little girls play princess with

Is the fame and money worth your manhood and morals?
I keep wondering too, is it worth really such a sacrifice nd lets not forget that their manhood nd morals arent the only thing they giving up on, humanity too .
Just the though of what disgusting shit they did/do nd will do in the future makes me sick to the bones, nd knowing that not only them but almost all famous nd successful celebrities are on the same page as well got me so fkn angry.


Aug 10, 2021
It's funny you mentioned this because this clip was on my timeline yesterday. These mishaps only happen with jk.
Like are all his shirts cropped? I brought up before this would never happen to say yn. Also, if it did the footage would never be released to the public. Jk is highly sexualized and people say it's been in the past couple of yrs...I say it's been since he was a kid.

They had him posing with a lollipop a lot and he's underage in these photos.
View attachment 61952
View attachment 61953
This photo is very disturbing..both him and jm.
View attachment 61954
It has gone up a notch lately and it does make one uncomfortable. His my time performance for example was too much
View attachment 61951
...yes the stuff he does these days is vulgar and wh*rish. It's funny how b*s market themselves as kid/family friendly group now when they're anything but. Jk doesn't even look like an idol anymore.
Yeap ur right, nd also if his parents (even if im not sure bout if they r his parent or he was born to be this ) but if they r his parents, why did they put him at such a very young age, alone by.himself nd away from them in an industry that is full of stranges, strangers that some of them are p***phile, psychopath, racist,have anger issues...etc, why put ur own child in a olace where u cnt check up on him what kind of parent they r nd not only him alot of idols are the same.
Nd when they some.some of their disgusting photoshoot werent they disturb by it, when they saw the amount of fanservice the kid do with the other members the amount of skinship, werent ghey worried how could they ?


Feb 4, 2021
It's funny you mentioned this because this clip was on my timeline yesterday. These mishaps only happen with jk.
Like are all his shirts cropped? I brought up before this would never happen to say yn. Also, if it did the footage would never be released to the public. Jk is highly sexualized and people say it's been in the past couple of yrs...I say it's been since he was a kid.

They had him posing with a lollipop a lot and he's underage in these photos.
View attachment 61952
View attachment 61953
This photo is very disturbing..both him and jm.
View attachment 61954
It has gone up a notch lately and it does make one uncomfortable. His my time performance for example was too much
View attachment 61951
...yes the stuff he does these days is vulgar and wh*rish. It's funny how b*s market themselves as kid/family friendly group now when they're anything but. Jk doesn't even look like an idol anymore.
....this is actually kinda sad :(
Doing all these se#ual pics as a minor, it probably messes with your head a lot and how you see yourself.
He (and almost all other members and idols in general) probs struggle a lot with self image related issues


Feb 4, 2021
I dont like this...
some new release that is literally called ping pong.

I have also found various other instances of "ping pong" being mentioned, but cant find it now , might add it in the future.
But yeah the vid screams mind co#trol imagery of course, the usual symbols..