Now its too late and that's basically due to how feminism has portrayed the past along with stigmatizing certain ideas as "outdated" and "oppressive". If you even suggest that a woman might benefit society, her family, and even find more fulfillment by living for her husband and children as a keeper of the home then you are met with the same kind of backlash that is being witnessed here. In fact I have never even said that I believe this is how the world must work and that this should somehow be enforced upon everyone. I merely just suggested that it would be a step in the right direction to undo the damage already done to the condition of the family and the country's psychological well being. The family is the foundational building block that is essential to any healthy society. The elite know this which is why they have basically done anything and everything to undermine it. If women prioritized, sought after, and valued being a good mother and good wife like they did their job, the promise of a career, and being free to acquire material possessions then our families would take the first step to become strong again. If women spent the time they did chasing their career on honing their skills as a wife and mother then children could grow up to be stronger and healthier individuals. I mean once you really begin to look at it from the perspective that women who seek after, value, and prioritize being a good wife and mother over self and career are needed to rescue society then it really makes all these feminist points of protest seem selfish. I mean right now what is more important? The state and health of our families or wasting away in a career as another drone in the workforce that makes money only to blow it all on vain and empty material possessions?
I would like to even pose that question. If women were told that society could be rescued, but it would require making homeschooling their children, the state of their homes, and their husbands their top priority and any idea of a career had to be put aside do you think most women would be on board? Yet this is exactly what is needed to turn the tide in my honest opinion. Men would need to do their part as well and be good fathers and good husbands, but the difference is that most men don't even really object or fight the idea of being the tradtional provider, leader, and protector in the family anyways. They may not be the best at it and many of them are probably even be awful, but most men don't flat out object to it like allot of women will now object to these gender based notions.