Memes Thread 2


Mar 13, 2017
I like how you selectively edited my quote. As I said, only a few of the memes in the OP had anything to do with Jews.

EDIT: Actually, a total of one meme in the OP had anything to do with Jews. You came in here and made it all about Jews.
Lighten. Up.


Mar 16, 2017
C'mon..he's not a jew... :'( (Not that I have anything against jews but considering what he teaches, it means he's on their side)


Jun 28, 2020
you should erase this thread and move your stuff over to meccas thread.
just copy and paste your stuff there.
keep everything organized.
I see some things never change. I think if you visited my house you would likely have an anxiety attack

Excellent point, Thunderian. Way to expose Alex Jones. Straight savage.

Me and you would have gotten along pretty well i think.


Jun 17, 2017
I see some things never change. I think if you visited my house you would likely have an anxiety attack
you see? that other meme thread is buried somewhere in obscurity with the rest of the memes somewhere on this forum. we are left with two pages of memes.
as far as your house-- if you know exactly where your stuff is located, thats all that matters.

you would have gotten along with etagloc/colgate, but he had a very strong authoritarian streak to him. im not sure that is your cup of tea.


Jun 28, 2020
you would have gotten along with etagloc/colgate, but he had a very strong authoritarian streak to him. im not sure that is your cup of tea.
If i can't search his posts then he got banned. Perhaps you know why?


Jun 28, 2020
i cannot remember, honestly... i think all of his posts are still available. i think he voluntarily left.

threads of his general mindset:
Another user told me why he got banned.

Whats odd about the mindset in those threads? He shared a link from a popular Muslim channel and I agree, we should forbid the evil and encourage the good. He also said porn should be illegal. Seeing it has no benefit i agree with him. I mean Israel streamed free porn into Palestinian homes. If that doesn't tell you everything you need to know about porn idk what to tell you.

Maybe I'm missing something here?
Last edited:


Jun 17, 2017
Another user told me why he got banned.
this person could be right; i dont know for certain. but his posts are still up, so if he was banned, they wouldve been deleted. theres been a few troublemakers on here who we knew were banned and all of their posts have been erased.

Whats odd about the mindset in those threads? ...
Maybe I'm missing something here?
i agree with his premise that its bad and applaud his idea of purity. i disagree with forcing it on anyone and not giving people the ability to decide for themselves. my argument is on the thread there; ill happily discuss/debate it with you there if you can bring a different perspective to it.


Jun 28, 2020
this person could be right; i dont know for certain. but his posts are still up, so if he was banned, they wouldve been deleted. theres been a few troublemakers on here who we knew were banned and all of their posts have been erased.

i agree with his premise that its bad and applaud his idea of purity. i disagree with forcing it on anyone and not giving people the ability to decide for themselves. my argument is on the thread there; ill happily discuss/debate it with you there if you can bring a different perspective to it.
I went to search his posts a week ago or whenever i made the original post. His profile does not exist. Click on his name, he's gone.

Seeing he posted a Muslim video and supported his stance with Quran i think its pretty obvious he was talking to Muslims. Sure, the entire world should forbid the bad and enjoin the good but does a non Muslim even know what evil is? Look at a Hindu bowing to statues, is this evil to him? While shirk is the greatest sin in Islam and the first commandment in Christianity, "no gods but Me"... Pretty much everything I've read from colgate i agree with.

What i find interesting is how Christians like thundo, atheists like manama and even what i assume is a Muslim like mecca actually agree with those debating against him. As I've said before the devil only has one enemy so its interesting to see who takes what side.

Far as those deciding for themselves.. If a man got caught stealing the punishment is to cut off his hand. The punishment is severe so it becomes a strong deterrent for others. How many are gonna agree with that today? Especially the thieves?

At some point for the betterment of society Gods law needs to be enforced as He knows best, but how many "non believers" are gonna agree with this? In an age where billions deny God altogether? Enjoining the good and forbidding the evil is shariah, while sharia literally means Gods law, such as the 10 commandments, as in thou shall not steal.

I believe you are a Christian so we both believe Jesus will return to rule. What kind of laws do you think he will enforce? I can guarantee churches will not allow homosexual unions for starters.

Far as moving this convo, this is a two year old thread with some 30 posts with maybe 2 or 3 actually being about memes. I don't see the point. Granted, most of this post belongs in the other thread but seeing half of the users here can't be bothered with "derailing", why should i? I've had several threads completely go off course even after repeatedly asking not to. Such as my signs and testosterone threads.


Jul 27, 2017
I went to search his posts a week ago or whenever i made the original post. His profile does not exist. Click on his name, he's gone.

Seeing he posted a Muslim video and supported his stance with Quran i think its pretty obvious he was talking to Muslims. Sure, the entire world should forbid the bad and enjoin the good but does a non Muslim even know what evil is? Look at a Hindu bowing to statues, is this evil to him? While shirk is the greatest sin in Islam and the first commandment in Christianity, "no gods but Me"... Pretty much everything I've read from colgate i agree with.

What i find interesting is how Christians like thundo, atheists like manama and even what i assume is a Muslim like mecca actually agree with those debating against him. As I've said before the devil only has one enemy so its interesting to see who takes what side.

Far as those deciding for themselves.. If a man got caught stealing the punishment is to cut off his hand. The punishment is severe so it becomes a strong deterrent for others. How many are gonna agree with that today? Especially the thieves?

At some point for the betterment of society Gods law needs to be enforced as He knows best, but how many "non believers" are gonna agree with this? In an age where billions deny God altogether? Enjoining the good and forbidding the evil is shariah, while sharia literally means Gods law, such as the 10 commandments, as in thou shall not steal.

I believe you are a Christian so we both believe Jesus will return to rule. What kind of laws do you think he will enforce? I can guarantee churches will not allow homosexual unions for starters.

Far as moving this convo, this is a two year old thread with some 30 posts with maybe 2 or 3 actually being about memes. I don't see the point. Granted, most of this post belongs in the other thread but seeing half of the users here can't be bothered with "derailing", why should i? I've had several threads completely go off course even after repeatedly asking not to. Such as my signs and testosterone threads.
Morals are backwards these days. One does not have to be religious to distinguish right from wrong.

It’s been weird on these forums the past year. Seeing people drop off or constantly push an agenda. Sometimes I really do wonder if this website gets attacked by shills for data collection


Jun 28, 2020
Morals are backwards these days. One does not have to be religious to distinguish right from wrong.

It’s been weird on these forums the past year. Seeing people drop off or constantly push an agenda. Sometimes I really do wonder if this website gets attacked by shills for data collection
I agree morals are backwards but i think one needs guidance (religion) to distinguish right and wrong.

Just look how many satanists such as Oprah arguing p***philia is ok.
Oprah said:
"When done right, the child doesn't even know he's been molested"
While the top results in a search engine defend it.
Screenshot 2021-07-11 at 19-39-13 Startpage Search results.png

I can cover many examples here, we live in an age where evil is good and good is evil.

When so many people believe "as above, so below" and try to invert everything the moral compass can be corrupted.

This is why i tend to advise people to work on their relationship with their Creator.

Ask God to show you the truth with sincerity, and he will.


Jun 28, 2020
Morals are backwards these days. One does not have to be religious to distinguish right from wrong.

It’s been weird on these forums the past year. Seeing people drop off or constantly push an agenda. Sometimes I really do wonder if this website gets attacked by shills for data collection
I missed the agenda part. I don't think there are any here tbh. These boards are just too small to warrant gooberment interference.

To me VC is like a youtube channel with 2000 subs while many comment under the video calling one another shills. Is 2000 alot? Sure, but its no where near the 8, 10 million sub channels. Think about it, If every single VC user went rouge against the establishment, is there still any threat to them?

What we have is alot of bias people with strong opinions who don't like to admit when they are wrong. We both know I've been wrong before but even i don't like to admit it.

I can't explain the thread with 5 million views other then its mostly from a country with +1billion people. If anyone thinks I'm a shill, lifes to short to argue that.


Jul 27, 2017
I missed the agenda part. I don't think there are any here tbh. These boards are just too small to warrant gooberment interference.

To me VC is like a youtube channel with 2000 subs while many comment under the video calling one another shills. Is 2000 alot? Sure, but its no where near the 8, 10 million sub channels. Think about it, If every single VC user went rouge against the establishment, is there still any threat to them?

What we have is alot of bias people with strong opinions who don't like to admit when they are wrong. We both know I've been wrong before but even i don't like to admit it.

I can't explain the thread with 5 million views other then its mostly from a country with +1billion people. If anyone thinks I'm a shill, lifes to short to argue that.
I don’t think any part of the internet is too small for goob spooks. They create accounts for monitor reasons all the time. Now I’ll say VC forums are not so disrespectful as other conspiracy forums. But there are subjects that certain posters frequent and bait in the same responses. I self admitting take the bait too.

I just find it weird some people would feel the need to create multiple accounts.


Jun 28, 2020
I don’t think any part of the internet is too small for goob spooks. They create accounts for monitor reasons all the time. Now I’ll say VC forums are not so disrespectful as other conspiracy forums. But there are subjects that certain posters frequent and bait in the same responses. I self admitting take the bait too.
Other then religion, what subjects are those?

I've seen flat earth rise a few times but it was repeatedly smashed. I'm pretty sure Tidal is one of the 2 or 3 people on the planet who believe in 9/11. What psy-op is being frequented here? Feminism maybe, but we got alot of feminists, least 5 from what I've seen.

I just find it weird some people would feel the need to create multiple accounts.
Ya, there are more of these then people realize. Some have agenda, others want a name change. I remember when Devine changed her name and someone mentioning the mandella effect. I thought about remaking my old account if the name is still available, idk if it is as i haven't checked.

Don't forget those who are mentally disturbed such as Cassidy. I've never seen so many completely different personalities from one computer.


Jul 27, 2017
What we have is alot of bias people with strong opinions who don't like to admit when they are wrong. We both know I've been wrong before but even i don't like to admit it
This is more than likely what I miscontrue as agendas. Just because I go in open minded.

As for Chass. I’ve been around during her meltdowns/spam. But I’ve always got along with.
I always felt she just needed someone to talk to


Jul 27, 2017
Nothing against feminism.
I’m for women’s rights. I do think there are extremist here who try to pit posters against each other.

debates happen,disagreements happen. I feel for the most part posters here can agree to disagree.

But there are some extremist. Not just feminism. It’s in a lot of the subjects here. But again. It’s more than likely strong opinion.

This is the only conspiracy forum where I’ve felt comfy making an account. I think the conspiracy theorist in me always feels big brother is watching as always


Jun 28, 2020
I remember talking to accounts of Cassidy for weeks on end until someone exposed her eventually. This user takes on completely different people with completely different stories. There is no other way to describe it (as we don't even know if its a woman) other then some serious mental issues are present.

I'm not against woman's rights. But feminism is more about a satanic agenda disrupting what the Almighty has sent down compared to making woman feel superior, or even equal. As I've mentioned before most feminists are godless while pious woman are actually anti-feminism. Here's an article written by a woman.
